• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map texture

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Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Quality Preservation of Rice Cake (Ddukgukdduk) (떡국 떡의 품질유지에 미치는 변형기체포장(MAP) 효과)

  • Jung, Soo Yeon;An, Duck Soon
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2022
  • Packages of different atmospheres (air (control), 100% CO2, vacuum, and vacuum + O2 absorber) were prepared for 0.4 kg rice cake (ddukgukdduk) using gas-barrier plastic film and stored at 10℃ for 11 days. The stored products were evaluated in their packages atmosphere, total aerobic bacteria, yeast and molds, texture and sensory quality during storage period. In the air package, the O2 concentration decreased from initial 21% to 16% on storage 4 days and the CO2 concentration increased to 23% on storage of 11 days, which resulted from the growth of microorganisms. CO2 concentration decreased from initial 98% to 36% on storage 11 days in the 100% CO2 package. It is reasoned that CO2 was dissolved into the product reducing the volume of the package. Vacuum and vacuum +O2 absorber package maintained shrunk vacuum condition until 11 days of storage. Total aerobic bacteria count increased significantly in the control package (6.41 log (cfu/g) after 11 days) compared to the 100% CO2 package (4.96 log (cfu/g) after 11 days). Yeast and molds were 6.66 in control package, 3.43 in 100% CO2 package, 4.66 in vacuum package, and 3.78 in vacuum + O2 absorber package after 11 days. There was no significant difference between control and the other treatments for the texture of the stored products. Sensory quality was the worst in control package on the storage of 8 days. All treatment groups except control improved the quality preservation, but vacuum and vacuum + O2 absorber packages suffered from cracking of the product. Thus 100% CO2 flushing is suggested as a desired packaging condition.

Forest Vertical Structure Classification in Gongju City, Korea from Optic and RADAR Satellite Images Using Artificial Neural Network (광학 및 레이더 위성영상으로부터 인공신경망을 이용한 공주시 산림의 층위구조 분류)

  • Lee, Yong-Suk;Baek, Won-Kyung;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.447-455
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    • 2019
  • Since the forest type map in Korea has been mostly constructed every five years, the forest information from the map lacks up-to-date information. Forest research has been carried out by aerial photogrammetry and field surveys, and hence it took a lot of times and money. The vertical structure of forests is an important factor in evaluating forest diversity and environment. The vertical structure is essential information, but the observation of the vertical structure is not easy because the vertical structure indicates the internal structure of forests. In this study, the index map and texture map produced from KOMPSAT-3/3A/5 satellite images and the canopy information generated by the difference between DSM (Digital Surface Model) and DTM (Digital Terrain Model) were classified using the artificial neural network. The vertical structure of forests of single and multi-layer forests was classified to identify 81.59% of the final classification result.

The 1:5,000 Forest Soil Map: Current Status and Future Directions (1:5,000 산림입지토양도의 제작과 활용 및 향후 발전 방향)

  • Kwon, Minyoung;Kim, Gaeun;Jeong, Jinhyun;Choi, Changeun;Park, Gwansoo;Kim, Choonsig;Son, Yowhan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.4
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    • pp.479-495
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    • 2021
  • To improve on the efficient management of forest resources, it is necessary to create a forest soil map, which represents a comprehensive database of forest lands. Although a 1:25,000 scale forest site map has been used in Korea, the need for a large-scale forest soil map with high precision and information on forest lands that is specialized for individual purposes has been identified. Moreover, to keep pace with the advancement in forest management and transition to a digital society, it is essential to develop a method for constructing new forest soil maps that can diversify its use. Therefore, this paper presented a developmental process and used a 1:5,000 scale forest soil map to propose future directions. National maps showing the soil type, depth, and texture were produced based on the survey and analysis of forest soils, followed by the Forest Land Soil Map (1:5,000) Production Standard Manual. Alternatively, forest soil map data were the basis on which various other maps that can be used to prevent and predict forest disasters and evaluate environmental capacities were developed. Accordingly, ways to provide appropriate information to achieve the national forest plan, secure forestry big data, and accomplish sustainable forest management that corresponds to the national development plan are proposed based on results from the current study.

Clinical Study for tongue change on Weak Children (허약(虛弱)을 주소(住所)로 내원한 환아(患兒)의 설진(舌診)에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Yu Sun-Ae;Lee Seung-Yeun
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2001
  • A clinical observation by the tongue change as a diagnostic method was made on 36 week children visited to Dongeui Oriental Medical Hospital from August. 2001 to December 2001 and the observed results were summarized as follows. 1. Their symptoms have been observed with sequences of Resparatory diseases, Digestive, Neuromotor, Psycho-neurological, Urogenital diseases 2. Distribution of sex : male 22 cases, female 14 cases 3. Distribution of age : 0-6 years 24 cases, 7-18 years 12 cases 4. The texture of tongue was resulted in tongue color in pink-28 cases, red-8 case, and shape in thin-18 cases, swelling-6 cases, a fissured patten-5 cases, a prickly patten-4 cases, and a map patten-3 cases, and fur of the tongue in thin-26 cases, moisten-8 cases, deep-2 cases, and coating color of the tongue in thin and whitish-15 cases, thin and yellowish-9 cases, lack-8 cases, deep and whitish-4 cases. 5. The texture of tongue in connection with weak children was come out mostly normal state and the rest red color, a fissured patten, a prickly patten, deep coating, thin and yellowish etc appeared to cause of slight damage due to exogenous pathogenic fators and due to internal injury.

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Improved Perfusion Contrast and Reliability in MR Perfusion Images Using A Novel Arterial Spin Labeling

  • Jahng, Geon-Ho;Xioaping Zhu;Gerald Matson;Weiner, Michael-W;Norbert Schuff
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.341-344
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    • 2002
  • Neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimer's disease, are often accompanied by reduced brain perfusion (cerebral blood flow). Using the intrinsic magnetic properties of water, arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging (ASLMRI) can map brain perfusion without injection of radioactive tracers or contrast agents. However, accuracy in measuring perfusion with ASL-MRI can be limited because of contributions to the signal from stationary spins and because of signal modulations due to transient magnetic field effects. The goal was to optimize ASL-MRI for perfusion measurements in the aging human brain, including brains with Alzheimer's disease. A new ASL-MRI sequence was designed and evaluated on phantom and humans. Image texture analysis was performed to test quantitatively improvements. Compared to other ASL-MRI methods, the newly designed sequence provided improved signal to noise ratio improved signal uniformity across slices, and thus, increased measurement reliability. This new ASL-MRI sequence should therefore provide improved measurements of regional changes of brain perfusion in normal aging and neurodegenerative disorders.

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A Study on Improving the Reality of the Vehicle Simulator Based on the Virtual Reality (가상현실 기반의 차량 시뮬레이터의 현실감 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Young-Il;Kwon Seong-Jin;Jang Suk;Kim Kyu-Hee;Cho Ki-Yong;Suh Myung-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.28 no.8 s.227
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    • pp.1116-1124
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    • 2004
  • In these days, a vehicle simulator has been developed with a VR(Virtual Reality) system. A VR system must provide a vehicle simulator with natural interaction, sufficient immersion and realistic images. In addition, a VR system must present a driver with the realistic driving situation. To achieve these, it is important to obtain a fast and uniform rendering performance regardless of the complexity of virtual worlds. In this paper, the factors to improve the reality for the VR based vehicle simulator have been investigated. For the purpose, the modeling and the rendering methods which offer an improved performance for complex VR applications as the 3D road model have been implemented and verified. Then, we experiment on the influence of graphic and sound factors to the driver, and analyze each result for improving the reality such as the driver's viewport, the form of texture, the lateral distance of the side object, and the sound effect. These factors are evaluated on the driving system which is constructed for qualitative analysis. The research results could be used for improving the reality of the VR based vehicle simulator.

Automatic Clustering on Trained Self-organizing Feature Maps via Graph Cuts (그래프 컷을 이용한 학습된 자기 조직화 맵의 자동 군집화)

  • Park, An-Jin;Jung, Kee-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.572-587
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    • 2008
  • The Self-organizing Feature Map(SOFM) that is one of unsupervised neural networks is a very powerful tool for data clustering and visualization in high-dimensional data sets. Although the SOFM has been applied in many engineering problems, it needs to cluster similar weights into one class on the trained SOFM as a post-processing, which is manually performed in many cases. The traditional clustering algorithms, such as t-means, on the trained SOFM however do not yield satisfactory results, especially when clusters have arbitrary shapes. This paper proposes automatic clustering on trained SOFM, which can deal with arbitrary cluster shapes and be globally optimized by graph cuts. When using the graph cuts, the graph must have two additional vertices, called terminals, and weights between the terminals and vertices of the graph are generally set based on data manually obtained by users. The Proposed method automatically sets the weights based on mode-seeking on a distance matrix. Experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method in texture segmentation. In the experimental results, the proposed method improved precision rates compared with previous traditional clustering algorithm, as the method can deal with arbitrary cluster shapes based on the graph-theoretic clustering.

Color Image Segmentation and Textile Texture Mapping of 2D Virtual Wearing System (2D 가상 착의 시스템의 컬러 영상 분할 및 직물 텍스쳐 매핑)

  • Lee, Eun-Hwan;Kwak, No-Yoon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 2008
  • This paper is related to color image segmentation and textile texture mapping for the 2D virtual wearing system. The proposed system is characterized as virtually wearing a new textile pattern selected by user to the clothing shape section, based on its intensity difference map, segmented from a 2D clothes model image using color image segmentation technique. Regardless of color or intensity of model clothes, the proposed system is possible to virtually change the textile pattern or color with holding the illumination and shading properties of the selected clothing shape section, and also to quickly and easily simulate, compare, and select multiple textile pattern combinations for individual styles or entire outfits. The proposed system can provide higher practicality and easy-to-use interface, as it makes real-time processing possible in various digital environment, and creates comparatively natural and realistic virtual wearing styles, and also makes semi-automatic processing possible to reduce the manual works to a minimum. According to the proposed system, it can motivate the creative activity of the designers with simulation results on the effect of textile pattern design on the appearance of clothes without manufacturing physical clothes and, as it can help the purchasers for decision-making with them, promote B2B or B2C e-commerce.

3D Face Modeling based on 3D Morphable Shape Model (3D 변형가능 형상 모델 기반 3D 얼굴 모델링)

  • Jang, Yong-Suk;Kim, Boo-Gyoun;Cho, Seong-Won;Chung, Sun-Tae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.212-227
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    • 2008
  • Since 3D face can be rotated freely in 3D space and illumination effects can be modeled properly, 3D face modeling Is more precise and realistic in face pose, illumination, and expression than 2D face modeling. Thus, 3D modeling is necessitated much in face recognition, game, avatar, and etc. In this paper, we propose a 3D face modeling method based on 3D morphable shape modeling. The proposed 3D modeling method first constructs a 3D morphable shape model out of 3D face scan data obtained using a 3D scanner Next, the proposed method extracts and matches feature points of the face from 2D image sequence containing a face to be modeled, and then estimates 3D vertex coordinates of the feature points using a factorization based SfM technique. Then, the proposed method obtains a 3D shape model of the face to be modeled by fitting the 3D vertices to the constructed 3D morphable shape model. Also, the proposed method makes a cylindrical texture map using 2D face image sequence. Finally, the proposed method builds a 3D face model by rendering the 3D face shape model with the cylindrical texture map. Through building processes of 3D face model by the proposed method, it is shown that the proposed method is relatively easy, fast and precise than the previous 3D face model methods.

Near-lossless Coding of Multiview Texture and Depth Information for Graphics Applications (그래픽스 응용을 위한 다시점 텍스처 및 깊이 정보의 근접 무손실 부호화)

  • Yoon, Seung-Uk;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2009
  • This Paper introduces representation and coding schemes of multiview texture and depth data for complex three-dimensional scenes. We represent input color and depth images using compressed texture and depth map pairs. The proposed X-codec encodes them further to increase compression ratio in a near-lossless way. Our system resolves two problems. First, rendering time and output visual quality depend on input image resolutions rather than scene complexity since a depth image-based rendering techniques is used. Second, the random access problem of conventional image-based rendering could be effectively solved using our image block-based compression schemes. From experimental results, the proposed approach is useful to graphics applications because it provides multiview rendering, selective decoding, and scene manipulation functionalities.