• 제목/요약/키워드: Map construction

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Wifi Fingerprint Calibration Using Semi-Supervised Self Organizing Map (반지도식 자기조직화지도를 이용한 wifi fingerprint 보정 방법)

  • Thai, Quang Tung;Chung, Ki-Sook;Keum, Changsup
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.536-544
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    • 2017
  • Wireless RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) fingerprinting is one of the most popular methods for indoor positioning as it provides reasonable accuracy while being able to exploit existing wireless infrastructure. However, the process of radio map construction (aka fingerprint calibration) is laborious and time consuming as precise physical coordinates and wireless signals have to be measured at multiple locations of target environment. This paper proposes a method to build the map from a combination of RSSIs without location information collected in a crowdsourcing fashion, and a handful of labeled RSSIs using a semi-supervised self organizing map learning algorithm. Experiment on simulated data shows promising results as the method is able to recover the full map effectively with only 1% RSSI samples from the fingerprint database.

Construction of Molecular Genetic Linkage Map Using RAPD Markes in Cowpea

  • Chung, Jong-Il;Shim, Jung-Hyun;Go, Mi-Suk
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.341-343
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    • 2001
  • Molecular markers have become fundamental tools for crop genome study. The objective of this study was to construct a genetic linkage map for cowpea with PCR-based molecular markers. Five hundred and twenty random RAPD primers were screened for parental polymorphism. Ninety RAPD markers from sixty primers was segregated in 75 F2 mapping population derived from the cross of local cultivars GSC01 and GSC02. 70 RAPD markers were found to be genetically linked and formed 11 linkage groups. Linkage map spanned 474.1 cM across all 11 linkage groups. There are six linkage groups of 40 cM or more, and five smaller linkage groups range from 4.9 to 24.8 cM. The average linkage distance between pairs of markers among all linkage groups was 6.87 cM. The number of markers per linkage group ranged from 2 to 32. The longest group 1 spans 190.6 cM, while the length of shortest group 11 is 4.9 cM. This map is further needed to be saturated with the various markers such as RFLP, AFLP, SSR and more various populations and primers. In addition, morphological markers and biochemical markers should be united to construct a comprehensive linkage map.

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An Improved Map Construction for Mobile Robot Using Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm (퍼지 논리와 진화알고리즘을 이용한 자율이동로봇의 향상된 지도 작성)

  • Jin Kwang-Sik;Ahn Ho-Gyun;Yoon Tae-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.330-336
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    • 2005
  • Existing Bayesian update method using ultrasonic sensors only for mobile robot map building has a problem of the quality of map being degraded in the wall with irregularity, which is caused by the wide beam distribution. For improving this problem, an infrared sensors aided map building method is presented in this paper. Information of obstacle at each region in ultrasonic sensor beam is acquired using the infrared sensors and the information is used to get the confidence of ultrasonic sensor information via fuzzy inference system and genetic algorithm. Combining the resulting confidence with the result of Bayesian update method, an improve map is constructed. The proposed method showed good results in the simulations and experiments.

Development of the Local Map Construction Algorithm Using an Ultrasonic Array Sensor System (초음파 배열센서 시스템을 이용한 국부지도작성 알고리즘의 개발)

  • 이상룡;박상혁;이종규
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.2902-2912
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    • 1994
  • The ultrasonic array sensor system, consisting of one transmitter and fourreceivers instead of the traditional combination of a transmitter and a receiver is proposed in order to identify the location of objects. From the theoretical analysis and the experimental results, it is found that this new array sensor system could derive the information on the position of objects accurately, while the traditional sensor system could provide only the informatioin on the distance to objects. This sensor system is used to develop a sonar-based local mapping algorithm. The local map is used to find the existence of possible gates, through which the mobile robots can pass, and to select the suitable one in order for the robots to reach the goal safely in the presence of obstacles. The performance of the proposed local map algorithm is demonstrated experimentally in a small working area with several obstacles. It is found that the quality of the resulting local map is sufficient for the avoidance of collisions between the robots and obstacles and for the selection of the suitable gate leading to the goal. It is also shown that the global map of the working area could be obtained by integrating several local maps constructed from different locations and that it matches the actual layout of the working area well.

TotalStation and System2000 Implementation for Digital Cartographic Map (토탈스테이션과 시스템2000을 이용한 수치지형도 제작)

  • Yang, Ok-Jin;Jung, Young-Dong;Kang, Sang-Gu
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.9 no.2 s.18
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2001
  • The development of electronic technology brings the advent of GPS and electronic total station which measures, stores and records automatically angles, distances and 3d coordinates Electronic totalstation is the surveying equipment and system2000 is the supporting program that enables totals tation to get 3d terrain information, construction of the database and automatic drafting of the cartographic map. In this study, we aims at studying the system which can produce automatically the digital cartographic map by using total station and system2000. For this study, cartographic maps of a region are produced by total station and system2000, and then builded digital cartographic map on the autocad2000 environment and also we analysed two digital cartographic maps. As a results of this study, it is found that digital cartographic map by total station and system2000 are much more accurate and efficient than cartographic map by electronic plan table surveying.

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Sonar Map Construction for Autonomous Mobile Robots Using Data Association Filter (데이터 연관 필터를 이용한 자율이동로봇의 초음파지도 작성)

  • Lee Yu-Chul;Lim Jong-Hwan;Cho Dong-Woo
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.54 no.9
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    • pp.539-546
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes a method of building the probability grid map for an autonomous mobile robot using the ultrasonic DAF(data association filter). The DAF, which evaluates the association of each data with the rest and removes the data affected by the specular reflection effect, can improve the reliability of the data for the Probability grid map. This method is based on the evaluation of possibility that the acquired data are all from the same object. Namely, the data from specular reflection have very few possibilities of detecting the same object, so that they are excluded from the data cluster during the process of the DAF. Therefore, the uncertain data corrupted by the specular reflection and/or multi-path effect, are not used to update the probability map, and hence building a good quality of a grid map is possible even in a specular environment. In order to verify the effectiveness of the DAF, it was applied to the Bayesian model and the orientation probability model which are the typical ones of a grid map. We demonstrate the experimental results using a real mobile robot in the real world.

Markov Model-based Static Obstacle Map Estimation for Perception of Automated Driving (자율주행 인지를 위한 마코브 모델 기반의 정지 장애물 추정 연구)

  • Yoon, Jeongsik;Yi, Kyongsu
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents a new method for construction of a static obstacle map. A static obstacle is important since it is utilized to path planning and decision. Several established approaches generate static obstacle map by grid method and counting algorithm. However, these approaches are occasionally ineffective since the density of LiDAR layer is low. Our approach solved this problem by applying probability theory. First, we converted all LiDAR point to Gaussian distribution to considers an uncertainty of LiDAR point. This Gaussian distribution represents likelihood of obstacle. Second, we modeled dynamic transition of a static obstacle map by adopting the Hidden Markov Model. Due to the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle in relation to the conditions of the next stage only, a more accurate map of the obstacles can be obtained using the Hidden Markov Model. Experimental data obtained from test driving demonstrates that our approach is suitable for mapping static obstacles. In addition, this result shows that our algorithm has an advantage in estimating not only static obstacles but also dynamic characteristics of moving target such as driving vehicles.

Farm-map Application Strategy for Agri-Environmental Resources Management (농업환경자원관리를 위한 팜맵 활용전략에 관한 연구)

  • Wee, Seong-Seung;Lee, Won-Suk;Jung, Nam-Su
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a farm map utilization strategy for sustainable agricultural environmental resource management was derived. In addition, it is intended to present an efficient method of providing farm map-related services. As a result of the demand survey, the additional information required for the farm map includes 29% of information on crops grown on farmland, 21% of management-related information such as the owner or business entity, 17% of topographical information including slope, 15% of agricultural water information, 17% of land status information, and the addition of functions. 2% was investigated. As a result of intensive interview survey, it was found that it can be used for information on crops cultivated by agricultural businesses, actual cultivated area by township, arable land consolidation division boundary, and management of agricultural promotion zones. The farm map can be used as basic data to efficiently manage agricultural environmental resources. Since the status of support for individual farms or lots, such as soil improvement agent support and organic fertilizer support, may belong to personal information, it can be processed and provided in units required by administration or policies, such as administrative boundaries, subwatersheds, and watersheds. It can serve as a basis for executing the direct payment currently supported only by individual farms, even in a community unit that manages environmental direct payments.

Consideration of Surveying the Site for Lighthouse in Harbor Plan (항만계획에 있어서 등대부지측량의 고찰)

  • 장용구;이중우;강인준;이호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 1999
  • Harbor design and construction plan in Korea becomes the most hot issue both in the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office and in the related port industries. Production of the plane and cross section maps together with the profile map for harbor project is done firstly and is important in all procedure because it is the most basic datum in counting the constructional expense for determination of the area and capacity. As the expense assigned on surveying part among the total expenses of harbor planning and construction in Korea is very small, it is difficult to make exact maps. Moveover, because the method used to make such maps is mostly traditional surveying such as plane table surveying , offset surveying, stadia surveying and level surveying, etc, it is difficult to get precise three dimensional maps. Therefore, for making more precise map in the harbor project, we have to use the newest surveying equipment. This study discusses the method of old surveying and recent surveying used for the three dimensional map of the site for lighthouse which gives navigational aids for the in-and out-bound ships. The authors are proposing a method for more precise three dimensional positioning in this study.

A Study on the Improvement of 1/1,000 Digital Map Construction System (1/1,000 수치지도 구축체계 개선방안 연구)

  • Park, Chan Hyeok;Song, Yeong Sun;Kim, Won Dae;Lee, Sang Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2016
  • The maps produced by the NGII(geographical information institute) are composed of 1/1,000, 1/2,500, 1/5,000 large scale maps, 1/25,000, 1/50,000 and smaller scale maps. 1/1,000 digital map, as the most large-scale digital map made by the NGII, has been constructed with the beginning of NGIS(national geographic information System) Project in 1995. However, 1/1000 digital maps have been not produced by the fundamental survey on the basis of systematic planning at the national level, but a lot of parts have been constructed by the public survey for the purpose of the fiscal year of the local governments. Also, these maps have been not regularly updated because of big budget. In this study, we investigated problems related to the construction status, system, and area, and suggested plans that can improve these problems. As the improvement plan, we proposed a nationwide three regionalization for short-term modification and long-term regular update, reset of core downtown boundaries based on topographical features, diversification of budget execution method and an improved execution system.