• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Update

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Development of Management System for Feature Change Information using Bid Information (입찰정보를 이용한 지형지물변화정보 관리시스템 개발)

  • Heo, Min;Lee, Yong-Wook;Bae, Kyoung-Ho;Ryu, Keun-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2009
  • As the generation and application of spatial information is gradually expanded not only in traditional surveying fields but also a CNS and an ITS recently. The Accuracy and the newest of data grow to be an important element. But digital map is updated with system based tile. So, it is hard to get the newest of data and to be satisfied with user requirements. In this study, management system is developed to manage feature change efficiently using bid informations from NaraJangter which service the bid informations. A construction works with change possibility of feature from bid informations are classified and are made DB. And the DB is used as the feature change forecast informations. Also, It is converted from bid information of text form to positioning informations connected to spatial information data. If this system is made successfully, this system contributes to reduce the cost for the update of digital map and to take the newest date of spatial informations.

Updating Obstacle Information Using Object Detection in Street-View Images (스트리트뷰 영상의 객체탐지를 활용한 보행 장애물 정보 갱신)

  • Park, Seula;Song, Ahram
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.599-607
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    • 2021
  • Street-view images, which are omnidirectional scenes centered on a specific location on the road, can provide various obstacle information for the pedestrians. Pedestrian network data for the navigation services should reflect the up-to-date obstacle information to ensure the mobility of pedestrians, including people with disabilities. In this study, the object detection model was trained for the bollard as a major obstacle in Seoul using street-view images and a deep learning algorithm. Also, a process for updating information about the presence and number of bollards as obstacle properties for the crosswalk node through spatial matching between the detected bollards and the pedestrian nodes was proposed. The missing crosswalk information can also be updated concurrently by the proposed process. The proposed approach is appropriate for crowdsourcing data as the model trained using the street-view images can be applied to photos taken with a smartphone while walking. Through additional training with various obstacles captured in the street-view images, it is expected to enable efficient information update about obstacles on the road.

Design of a Feature-based Spatial Data Management System for Digital Map (수치지도를 위한 피처 기반 공간자료 관리 시스템 설계)

  • Chi, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Seung-Kwan;Ryu, Keun-Ho;Kim, Myung-Jun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.7 no.3 s.15
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2005
  • Various spatial data are utilized, through geographic information system, for the process to make a decision related to space. Generally, spatial data is large in quantity and it costs high and takes quite a long time for producing and maintaining it. An existing spatial data management system, tile-based one, for digital map manages spatial data being separated by a uniform data unit called tile. These systems can be implemented easily but have many problems such as they can directly store and manage feature included in tile. Therefore, in this paper, we suggest a feature-based spatial data management system for digital map. The proposed system is able to store and manage spatial data in the unit of feature directly. Hence this system is able to immediately update any change in the data and to supply users with the updated data without any delay. The proposed system can not only support a function of data input, management, supplying and update but also support unity origin coordinate conversion, UFID creation, feature unifying, feature dividing and metadata input which is not supported by the existing tile-based system. The proposed system can easily manage spatial data and can increase efficiency in processing and application.

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Development of Drawing Processing Tool Program and Establishment Strategy of 3D Underground Structures based on Standardized Drawings (표준도 기반의 3차원 지하구조물 구축 방안 및 도면가공 툴 프로그램 개발)

  • LEE, Min-Kyu;HAN, Sang-Hoon;KIM, Sung-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2021
  • In order to respond and prevent underground safety accidents, the Korean government has been preparing a submitting completion drawing web system project for converting the current manual-based 3D Underground Geospatial Map construction and its update system to an automation-based 3D underground information construction. However, research on standard drawings required for the automatic update of 3D underground structures is insufficient, so detailed research is needed. In this research paper, a standard map-based 3D underground structure construction plan was presented for the six types of underground structures constituting the 3D Underground Geospatial Map, enabling rapid and accurate drawing data creation and systematically 3D underground structure drawing data could be managed. In addition, we developed a 3D construction drawing tool that can be used in underground information practice so that ordinary CAD program users can easily produce processing drawings. The results derived from this paper are expected to be major reference materials for the establishment of standard frameworks and practical application guidelines for the construction of 3D underground structures in the future.

A Study on GPS-Van Application for Editing and Updating Digital Map of Road System (도로기반 수치지도의 수정 및 갱신을 위한 GPS-Van 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Joo, Young-Eun;Lee, Hyung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2005
  • It is difficult to edit large-scale digital maps because of problems of cost and process and it is carried out by aerial photogrammetry in renewal periods. Five years of update period cannot provide exact data required in the fast-moving age. This study is to analyze applicability and impact for editing digital map of road system using the GPS-Van. Results are compared with accuracy of the data acquisition with GPS-Van positioning. INS data are affected by the barrier to receive GPS data. But high accuracy were achieved by thorough plans according to work order. By using GPS Van and fieldwork at the same time for editing and renewal of digital map, it is expected that this method can be used to reduce costs in the economic and temporal aspects, and provide rapid and accurate digital map of road system.

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A Study on a GIS based Updating Methodology of Landcover Maps for the Enhancement of Utilization in the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL에서의 토지피복지도 활용 제고를 위한 GIS기반 현행화 방법 연구)

  • Kwak, Geun Ho;Kim, Kye Hyun;Lee, Chol Young;Oh, Seong Kwang
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.340-350
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    • 2014
  • Recently, TMDL has been implemented to estimate the amount of pollutant loads and to establish proper mitigation strategy to decrease the pollutant loads by the Ministry of Environment. To estimate the amount of pollutant loads with reasonable accuracy, securing landcover map with periodically updating is essential. However, in reality, due to the technical and financial difficulties, the landcover map has not been updated annually. Hence, this study mainly aims to suggest an effective GIS-based updating method in order to promote utilization of landcover map in the estimation of pollutant loads. Bupyeong-gu at the City of Incheon with the total area of $31.98km^2$ was chosen for this study and spatial data including digital topographic maps, ortho aerial photo, and satellite images were collected and utilized. A total of 7,235 feature entities were newly produced through the updating process of five steps and it was revealed that the classification of landcover with the total area of $3.34km^2$ was to be changed. The validity and feasibility of the suggested method were proved with the accuracy of 97.9% from the field verification. Further study needs to be made for devising more automated method to update landcover map to facilitate TMDL for individual local governments.

An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Massive GPS Trajectory Data (대용량 GPS 궤적 데이터를 위한 효율적인 클러스터링)

  • Kim, Taeyong;Park, Bokuk;Park, Jinkwan;Cho, Hwan-Gue
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2016
  • Digital road map generation is primarily based on artificial satellite photographing or in-site manual survey work. Therefore, these map generation procedures require a lot of time and a large budget to create and update road maps. Consequently, people have tried to develop automated map generation systems using GPS trajectory data sets obtained by public vehicles. A fundamental problem in this road generation procedure involves the extraction of representative trajectory such as main roads. Extracting a representative trajectory requires the base data set of piecewise line segments(GPS-trajectories), which have close starting and ending points. So, geometrically similar trajectories are selected for clustering before extracting one representative trajectory from among them. This paper proposes a new divide- and-conquer approach by partitioning the whole map region into regular grid sub-spaces. We then try to find similar trajectories by sweeping. Also, we applied the $Fr{\acute{e}}chet$ distance measure to compute the similarity between a pair of trajectories. We conducted experiments using a set of real GPS data with more than 500 vehicle trajectories obtained from Gangnam-gu, Seoul. The experiment shows that our grid partitioning approach is fast and stable and can be used in real applications for vehicle trajectory clustering.

Construction Method of ECVAM using Land Cover Map and KOMPSAT-3A Image (토지피복지도와 KOMPSAT-3A위성영상을 활용한 환경성평가지도의 구축)

  • Kwon, Hee Sung;Song, Ah Ram;Jung, Se Jung;Lee, Won Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.367-380
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the periodic and simplified update and production way of the ECVAM (Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map) was presented through the classification of environmental values using KOMPSAT-3A satellite imagery and land cover map. ECVAM is a map that evaluates the environmental value of the country in five stages based on 62 legal evaluation items and 8 environmental and ecological evaluation items, and is provided on two scales: 1:25000 and 1:5000. However, the 1:5000 scale environmental assessment map is being produced and serviced with a slow renewal cycle of one year due to various constraints such as the absence of reference materials and different production years. Therefore, in this study, one of the deep learning techniques, KOMPSAT-3A satellite image, SI (Spectral Indices), and land cover map were used to conduct this study to confirm the possibility of establishing an environmental assessment map. As a result, the accuracy was calculated to be 87.25% and 85.88%, respectively. Through the results of the study, it was possible to confirm the possibility of constructing an environmental assessment map using satellite imagery, optical index, and land cover classification.

Utilization of Coordinate-Based Image for Efficient Management of Road Facilities (효율적인 도로시설물 관리를 위한 좌표기반 영상의 활용)

  • Lee, Je-Jung;Kim, Min-Gyu;Park, Jun-Kyu;Yun, Hee-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2011
  • Update of road facilities database such as road sign, traffic lights, and street lights is interesting business in a local government. Recently, existing road facilities database, aerial photo and topographic map are referred for the installation and complement of road facilities. But it is difficult to comprehend road facilities' condition and additional expenses may appear in field survey. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and update road facility DB and many studies has been carried out to efficiently collect road related spatial data. In this study, the establishment of various complicated road facility DB was conducted by images that had been obtained by digital camera with a built-in bluetooth and DGPS. Results showed that road facility DB was constructed effectively and suggested the possibility of road facility management using images based on coordinate through accuracy analyses using total-station surveying. And using digital camera and DGPS is expected to effective real-time update and management of road facility DB.

Study on Applying 3D Display Device for Effective Update of Spatial Information Based on Stereovision (입체시 기반 공간정보의 효율적 갱신을 위한 3차원 디스플레이 장비 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sun-Ok;Kim, Dong-Wook;Kim, Deok-In;Wie, Gwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.601-611
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    • 2011
  • The paper deals with the selection of 3D display devices in accordance with the user's conveniences and accuracy of spatial information by applying 3D display devices to Spatial Information Update System (SIUS) which generate edit and update digital thematic maps. After applying different manufacturer's 3D display devices to SIUS, aerial images acquired from the stereo images were displayed through the devices and spatial information was extracted from the displayed 3D images. Assessment of 3D display devices were based on quantitative and qualitative analysis on accuracy of spatial information and user's conveniences. Planar's PL2020 and Redrover's Tru3Di 3D monitor has expressed outstanding display environment in 3D related tasks for the generation of spatial information compared to other 3D display devices. System improvement is expected regarding accuracy of spatial information, work efficiency and user's conveniences.