• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Size

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Changes of Compost Quality by the Formation of Struvite Crystal During the Composting of Swine Manure (돈분뇨 부숙과정에서 Struvite 결정체 형성에 따른 퇴비특성 변화)

  • Lee, Jin-Eui;Ra, Chang-Six
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 2009
  • The effect of Mg supplement on the composting of swine manure and the formation of $MgNH_4PO_46H_2O$ (MAP) crystal during composting were examined. Mg source was added at a rate of 1.2 molar ratios to soluble phosphate ($PO_4$) level in swine manure. The temperature profiles and final compost qualities revealed that the Mg source addition didn't retard the decomposition of organic matters. As the added Mg reacted with $NH_4$ and $PO_4$ in manure, creating MAP crystal, the $NH_4$ level was reduced, and this was resulted in low nitrogen lose during the composting. The phosphate level was also decreased with the addition of Mg source, and hence the ratio of orthophosphate to total phosphate (OP/TP) in the final compost was lowered. Therefore, it was assured that supplement of Mg source into the composting materials could enhance the quality of compost by preserving nourishment and converting it into a slowly releasing fertilizer. X-Ray diffraction examination of the final compost showed that a distinct MAP crystal was formed during the composting, and the crystal mainly existed with the compost particle size less than 2.8 mm and over 2/3 of nourishment of the final compost was found in those particles.

A New Remeshing Technique of Tetrahedral Elements by Redistribution of Nodes in Subdomains and its Application to the Finite Element Analysis (영역별 절점 재분포를 통한 사면체 격자 재구성 방법 및 유한요소해석에의 적용)

  • Hong J.T.;Lee S.R.;Yang D.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.607-610
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    • 2005
  • A remeshing algorithm using tetrahedral elements has been developed, which is adapted to the mesh density map constructed by a posteriori error estimation. In the finite element analyses of metal forging processes, numerical error increases as deformation proceeds due to severe distortion of elements. In order to reduce the numerical error, the desired mesh sizes in each region of the workpiece are calculated by a posteriori error estimation and the density map is constructed. Piecewise density functions are then constructed with the radial basis function in order to interpolate the discrete data of the density map. The sample mesh is constructed based on the point insertion technique which is adapted to the density function and the mesh size is controlled by moving and deleting nodes to obtain optimal distribution according to the mesh density function and the quality optimization function as well. After finishing the redistribution process of nodes, a tetrahedral mesh is constructed with the redistributed nodes, which is adapted to the density map and resulting in good mesh quality. A goodness and adaptability of the constructed mesh is verified with a testing measure. The proposed remeshing technique is applied to the finite element analyses of forging processes.

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Automatic 3D Symbol Mapping Techniques for Construction of 3D Digital Map

  • Park, Seung-Yong;Lee, Jae-Bin;Yu, Ki-Yun;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.106-109
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    • 2006
  • Over the years, many researches have been performed to create 3D digital maps. Nevertheless, it is still time-consuming and involves a high cost because a large part of 3D digital mapping is conducted manually. To compensate this limitation, we propose methodologies to represent 3D objects as 3D symbols and locate these symbols into a base map automatically. First of all, we constructed the 3D symbol library to represent 3D objects as 3D symbols. In the 3D symbol library, the attribute and geometry information are stored, which defines factors related to the types of symbols and related to the shapes respectively. These factors were used to match 3D objects and 3D symbols. For automatic mapping of 3D symbols into a base map, we used predefined parameters such as the size, the height, the rotation angle and the center of gravity of 3D objects which are extracted from Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data and 2D digital maps. Finally, the 3D map in urban area was constructed and the mapping results were tested using aerial photos as reference data. Through this research, we can identify that the developed the algorithms can be used as effective techniques for 3D digital cartographic techniques

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Distributed MIMO Systems Based on Quantize-Map-and-Forward (QMF) Relaying (양자화 전송 중계 기반 분산 다중 안테나 통신 시스템)

  • Hong, Bi;Choi, Wan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39A no.7
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    • pp.404-412
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    • 2014
  • Exploiting multiple antennas at mobile devices is difficult due to limited size and power. In this paper, a distributed MIMO protocol achieving the capacity of conventinal MIMO systems is proposed and analyzed. For exploiting distributed MIMO features, Quantize-Map-and-Forward (QMF) scheme shows improved performance than Amplify-and-Forward (AF) scheme. Also, the protocol based on multiple access channel (MAC) is proposed to improve the multiplexing gain. We showed that sufficient condition of the number of slave nodes to achieve the gain of a MAC based protocol. Because the base station can support multiple clusters operating in distributed MIMO, the total cellular capacity can be extremely enhanced in proportional to the number of clusters.

A Reconstructive Study on the Urban Structure of the Original Masan Early in the 20th Century (20세기 초 원마산(原馬山) 도시공간의 복원적 연구 -1912년을 기준으로-)

  • Heo, Jeong-Do;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.9 no.1 s.22
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    • pp.27-46
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    • 2000
  • This study aims at examining the background and development process of Masan city after Koryo Dynasty, making a reconstructive map of Original Masan using the first registration maps made in 1912 and analyzing the urban structure of the Original Masan area. The origin of Masan city went back to Koryo dynasty. Around 1040 Koryo government placed an official shipping facility in Masan to transport the taxed grain to the capital city. After that Masan became an important port covering the southern part of KyungSang-Do. And the urbanization of the Original Masan began to bud after a shipping facility was again established by the Chosun Dynasty in 1760 and strengthened in the 19th century after the social standing system was broken and many peasants moved to cities as daily workers. In 1899 Masan was forced to be opened to foreign powers and they placed an international settlement distanced from the area(Original Masan). After this many Japanese advanced to the international settlement and further to the area. The advancement of Japanese brought a critical change in the urban structure of the area. Land was owned by Japanese and many modern sysytems were introduced such as modern buildings, new roads, railroad and modern factories. According to the reconstructive map of the area, 80.5% of land lots are less than $200m^2$ showing the size of each land lot is comparatively small. And Japanese occupied 31.5% of the land in the area. Their land was located on the stratigic points near the port and the center of commerce. The ratio of the road area to the whole land was around 14%, not so low for urban areas in that time. The reconstructive map reveals the exact coastline of the year 1912 erased now due to filling the sea and extending the land, Present Masan city has been developed having the Original Masan as its nucleus. The area has been always the center of urban activities for Masan city. Making an exact reconstructive map for the area and analyzing the urban structure of the area in 1912 is a very important work to understand Masan city wholy.

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(Turbo Decoder Design with Sliding Window Log Map for 3G W-CDMA) (3세대 이동통신에 적합한 슬라이딩 윈도우 로그 맵 터보 디코더 설계)

  • Park, Tae-Gen;Kim, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.42 no.9 s.339
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2005
  • The Turbo decoders based on Log-MAP decoding algorithm inherently requires large amount of memory and intensive complexity of hardware due to iterative decoding, despite of excellent decoding efficiency. To decrease the large amount of memory and reduce hardware complexity, the result of previous research. And this paper design the Turbo decoder applicable to the 3G W-CDMA systems. Through the result of previous research, we decided 5-bits for the received data 6-bits for a priori information, and 7-bits for the quantization state metrics. The error correction term for $MAX^{*}$ operation which is the main function of Log-MAP decoding algorithm is implemented with very small hardware overhead. The proposed Turbo decoder is synthesized in $0.35\mu$m Hynix CMOS technology. The synthesized result for the Turbo decoder shows that it supports a maximum 9Mbps data rate, and a BER of $10^{-6}$ is achieved(Eb/No=1.0dB, 5 iterations, and the interleaver size $\geq$ 2000).

Adaptive Skin Segmentation based on Region Histogram of Color Quantization Map (칼라 양자화 맵의 영역 히스토그램에 기반한 조명 적응적 피부색 영역 분할)

  • Cho, Seong-Sik;Bae, Jung-Tae;Lee, Seong-Whan
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a skin segmentation method based on region histograms of the color quantization map. First, we make a quantization map of the image using the JSEG algorithm and detect the skin pixel. For the skin region detection, the similar neighboring regions are set by its similarity of the size and location between the previous frame and the present frame from the each region of the color quantization map. Then we compare the similarity of histogram between the color distributions of each quantized region and the skin color model using the histogram distance. We select the skin region by the threshold value calculated automatically. The skin model is updated by the skin color information from the selected result. The proposed algorithm was compared with previous algorithms on the ECHO database and the continuous images captured under time varying illumination for adaptation test. Our approach shows better performance than previous approaches on skin color segmentation and adaptation to varying illumination.

Implementation of the adaptive Local Sigma Filter by the luminance for reducing the Noises created by the Image Sensor (이미지 센서에 의해 발생하는 노이즈 제거를 위한 영상의 조도에 따른 적응적 로컬 시그마 필터의 구현)

  • Kim, Byung-Hyun;Kwak, Boo-Dong;Han, Hag-Yong;Kang, Bong-Soon;Lee, Gi-Dong
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we proposed the adaptive local sigma filter reducing noises generated by an image sensor. The small noises generated by the image sensor are amplified by increased an analog gain and an exposure time of the image sensor together with information. And the goal of this work was the system design that is reduce the these amplified noises. Edge data are extracted by Flatness Index Map algorithm. We made the threshold adaptively changeable by the luminance average in this algorithm that extracts the edge data not in high luminance, but just low luminance. The Local Sigma Filter performed only about the edge pixel that were extracted by Flatness Index Map algorithm. To verify the performance of the designed filter, we made the Window test program. The hardware was designed with HDL language. We verified the hardware performance of Local Sigma Filter system using FPGA Demonstration board and HD image sensor, $1280{\times}720$ image size and 30 frames per second.

Constructing Land-use Database Based on the Cadastral Map and Registered Building Data (지적도와 건축물대장 연계를 통한 토지이용 DB구축에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Tae-Kyung;Kim, Young-Hoon;Choi, Jung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2004
  • As the city grows in population and size, land-use plan increasingly becomes a crucial element in developing a city-wide plan. In the process of developing the land use plan, identifying the present conditions and predicting the future conditions are the most important steps. That is, to understand the phenomena of land-use activities as well as to manage uses of the land efficiently require the comprehensive land use information system. This study intends to construct the land use database utilizing the Cadastral Map and Registered Building Data and to examine and suggest the application areas of the database. The database was constructed with those of Busan Metropolitan City. Using the established data, it shows how to use the database to identify the present conditions in Busan.

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Neural Relighting using Specular Highlight Map (반사 하이라이트 맵을 이용한 뉴럴 재조명)

  • Lee, Yeonkyeong;Go, Hyunsung;Lee, Jinwoo;Kim, Junho
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a novel neural relighting that infers a relighted rendering image based on the user-guided specular highlight map. The proposed network utilizes a pre-trained neural renderer as a backbone network learned from the rendered image of a 3D scene with various lighting conditions. We jointly optimize a 3D light position and its associated relighted image by back-propagation, so that the difference between the base image and the relighted image is similar to the user-guided specular highlight map. The proposed method has the advantage of being able to explicitly infer the 3D lighting position, while providing the artists' preferred 2D screen-space interface. The performance of the proposed network was measured under the conditions that can establish ground truths, and the average error rate of light position estimations is 0.11, with the normalized 3D scene size.