• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Database

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Development of Electronic Mapping System for N-fertilizer Dosage Using Real-time Soil Organic Matter Sensor (실시간 토양 유기물 센서와 DGPS를 이용한 질소 시비량 지도 작성 시스템 개발)

  • 조성인;최상현;김유용
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2002
  • It is crucial to know spatial soil variability for precision farming. However, it is time-consuming, and difficult to measure spatial soil properties. Therefore, there are needs fur sensing technology to estimate spatial soil variability, and for electronic mapping technology to store, manipulate and process the sampled data. This research was conducted to develop a real-time soil organic matter sensor and an electronic mapping system. A soil organic matter sensor was developed with a spectrophotometer in the 900∼1,700 nm range. It was designed in a penetrator type to measure reflectance of soil at 15cm depth. The signal was calibrated with organic matter content (OMC) of the soil which was sampled in the field. The OMC was measured by the Walkeley-Black method. The soil OMCs were ranged from 0.07 to 7.96%. Statistical partial least square and principle component regression analyses were used as calibration methods. Coefficient of determination, standard error prediction and bias were 0.85 0.72 and -0.13, respectively. The electronic mapping system was consisted of the soil OMC sensor, a DGPS, a database and a makeshift vehicle. An algorithm was developed to acquire data on sampling position and its OMC and to store the data in the database. Fifty samples in fields were taken to make an N-fertilizer dosage map. Mean absolute error of these data was 0.59. The Kring method was used to interpolate data between sampling nodes. The interpolated data was used to make a soil OMC map. Also an N-fertilizer dosage map was drawn using the soil OMC map. The N-fertilizer dosage was determined by the fertilizing equation recommended by National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology in Korea. Use of the N-fertilizer dosage map would increase precision fertilization up to 91% compared with conventional fertilization. Therefore, the developed electronic mapping system was feasible to not only precision determination of N-fertilizer dosage, but also reduction of environmental pollution.

The Quality Assurance and Accuracy Improvement of National Basemap Digital Mapping Database (국가기본도 수치지도제작 데이터베이스의 품질유지 및 정확도 향상)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.6 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 1998
  • The digital map data of national basemap which will be basic data of the information age is accomplished to produce and are ready to distribute to public. Generally, the quality of digital map is affected to data history, position accuracy, attribute accuracy, logical consistency and completeness. The quality of digital map Is assured to use basic data for the field of various appication. The purpose of this study is to develop automated qualify control program of digital map through analysis type of errors in digital mapping, to determine method of high quality digital mapping. As a results of this study, The automated quality control program of digital map is developed to assure logical consistency and completeness of digital map which is used to principal data in the field of GIS and is determined the process of high quality digital mapping. Also, the results of this study is contributed to quality assrence and accuracy improvement of national basemap digital mapping database.

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Feature-Based Image Retrieval using SOM-Based R*-Tree

  • Shin, Min-Hwa;Kwon, Chang-Hee;Bae, Sang-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2003
  • Feature-based similarity retrieval has become an important research issue in multimedia database systems. The features of multimedia data are useful for discriminating between multimedia objects (e 'g', documents, images, video, music score, etc.). For example, images are represented by their color histograms, texture vectors, and shape descriptors, and are usually high-dimensional data. The performance of conventional multidimensional data structures(e'g', R- Tree family, K-D-B tree, grid file, TV-tree) tends to deteriorate as the number of dimensions of feature vectors increases. The R*-tree is the most successful variant of the R-tree. In this paper, we propose a SOM-based R*-tree as a new indexing method for high-dimensional feature vectors.The SOM-based R*-tree combines SOM and R*-tree to achieve search performance more scalable to high dimensionalities. Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) provide mapping from high-dimensional feature vectors onto a two dimensional space. The mapping preserves the topology of the feature vectors. The map is called a topological of the feature map, and preserves the mutual relationship (similarity) in the feature spaces of input data, clustering mutually similar feature vectors in neighboring nodes. Each node of the topological feature map holds a codebook vector. A best-matching-image-list. (BMIL) holds similar images that are closest to each codebook vector. In a topological feature map, there are empty nodes in which no image is classified. When we build an R*-tree, we use codebook vectors of topological feature map which eliminates the empty nodes that cause unnecessary disk access and degrade retrieval performance. We experimentally compare the retrieval time cost of a SOM-based R*-tree with that of an SOM and an R*-tree using color feature vectors extracted from 40, 000 images. The result show that the SOM-based R*-tree outperforms both the SOM and R*-tree due to the reduction of the number of nodes required to build R*-tree and retrieval time cost.

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Construction of Indoor and Outdoor Spatial Information Integration Service System based on Vector Model

  • Kim, Jun Hyun;Kwon, Kee Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 2018
  • In order to overcome the problem that outdoor and indoor spatial information service are separately utilized, an integration service system of spatial information that is linked from outdoor to indoor has been implemented. As a result of the study, "0001.xml" corresponding to the file index key value, which is the service connection information in the building information of the destination, was extracted from the prototype verification of the system, the search word of 'Kim AB' was transmitted to the indoor map server and converted from the outdoor map service to the indoor map service through confirmation of the navigation service connected information, using service linkage information and search words of the indoor map service was confirmed that the route was displayed from the entrance of the building to the destination in the building through the linkage search DB (Database) table and the search query. Therefore, through this study was examined the possibility of linking indoor and outdoor DB through vector spatial information integration service system. The indoor map and the map engine were implemented based on the same vector map format as the outdoor map engine, it was confirmed that the connectivity of the map engine can be applied.

A Study of the Development of Wetland Database for the Nakdong River Estuary using GIS and RS (GIS와 원격탐사를 이용한 낙동강 하구 습지 데이터베이스 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, Gi-Chul;Yoon, Hae-Soon;Kim, Seung-Hwan;Nam, Chun-Hee;Ok, Jin-A
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to find out the way to build a comprehensive wetland ecosystem database using the technique of remote sensing and geographic information system. A Landsat TM image taken in May 17, 1997 was used for the primary source for the image analysis. Field surveys were conducted March to September of 1998 to help image analysis and examine the results. An actual wetland vegetation map was created based on the field survey. A Landsat TM image was analyzed by unsupervised and supervised classification methods and finally categorized into such 5 classes as Phragmites australis community, mixed community, sand beach, Scirpus trigueter community and non-vegetation intertidal area. Wetland basemap was developed for the overall accuracy assesment in wetland mapping. Vegetation index map of wetland vegetation was developed using NDVI(normalized difference vegetation index). The map of wetland productivity was developed based on the productivity of Phragmites australis and the relationship to the proximity of adjacent water bodies. The map of potential vegetation succession map was also developed based on the experience and knowledge of the field biologists. Considering these results, it is possible to use the remote sensing and GIS techniques for producing wetland ecosystem database. This study indicated that these techniques are very effective for the development of the national wetland inventory in Korea.

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A Design of Feature-based Data Model Using Digital Map 2.0 (수치지도 2.0을 이용한 객체기반 데이터 모델 설계)

  • Lim, Kwang-Hyeon;Jin, Cheng Hao;Kim, Hyeong-Soo;Li, Xun;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2012
  • In With increase of a demand on the spatial data, the need of spatial data model which can effectively store and manege spatial objects becomes more important in many GIS applications. There are many researches on the spatial data model. Several data models were proposed for some special functions, however, there are still many problems in the management and applications. Digital Map is one of spatial data model which is being used in Korea. The existing Digital Map is based on the Tiles. This approach needs more cost in its construction and management. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a feature-based seamless data model with Digital map 2.0 which is based on Tiles. This model can be easily constructed and managed in the large databases so that it is able to apply to any systems. The proposed model uses the relationships between features to correct updated data and the Unique Feature IDentifier(UFID) also makes system to search and manage the feature data more easily and efficiently.

Development of a Prototype for GIS-based Flood Risk Map Management System (GIS를 이용한 홍수위험지도 관리시스템 프로토타입 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kye-Hyun;Yoon, Chun-Joo;Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.35 no.4 s.129
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    • pp.359-366
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    • 2002
  • The damages from the natural disasters, especially from the floods, have been increasing. Therefore, it is imperative to establish a BMP to diminish the damages from the floods and to enhance the welfare of the nation. Developed countries have been generating and utilizing flood risk maps to raise the alertness of the residents, and thereby achieving efficient flood management. The major objectives of this research were to develop a prototype management system for flood risk map to forecast the boundaries oi the inundation and to plot them through the integration of geographic and hydrologic database. For more efficient system development, the user requirement analysis was made. The GIS database design was done based on the results from the research work of river information standardization. A GIS database for the study area was built by using topographic information to support the hydrologic modeling. The developed prototype include several modules; river information edition module, map plotting module, and hydrologic modeling support module. Each module enabled the user to edit graphic and attribute data, to analyze and to represent the modeling results visually. Subjects such as utilization of the system and suggestions for future development were discussed.

GIS Database and Google Map of the Population at Risk of Cholangiocarcinoma in Mueang Yang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province of Thailand

  • Kaewpitoon, Soraya J;Rujirakul, Ratana;Joosiri, Apinya;Jantakate, Sirinun;Sangkudloa, Amnat;Kaewthani, Sarochinee;Chimplee, Kanokporn;Khemplila, Kritsakorn;Kaewpitoon, Natthawut
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1293-1297
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    • 2016
  • Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a serious problem in Thailand, particularly in the northeastern and northern regions. Database of population at risk are need required for monitoring, surveillance, home health care, and home visit. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a geographic information system (GIS) database and Google map of the population at risk of CCA in Mueang Yang district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, northeastern Thailand during June to October 2015. Populations at risk were screened using the Korat CCA verbal screening test (KCVST). Software included Microsoft Excel, ArcGIS, and Google Maps. The secondary data included the point of villages, sub-district boundaries, district boundaries, point of hospital in Mueang Yang district, used for created the spatial databese. The populations at risk for CCA and opisthorchiasis were used to create an arttribute database. Data were tranfered to WGS84 UTM ZONE 48. After the conversion, all of the data were imported into Google Earth using online web pages www.earthpoint.us. Some 222 from a 4,800 population at risk for CCA constituted a high risk group. Geo-visual display available at following www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=zPxtcHv_iDLo.kvPpxl5mAs90&hl=th. Geo-visual display 5 layers including: layer 1, village location and number of the population at risk for CCA; layer 2, sub-district health promotion hospital in Mueang Yang district and number of opisthorchiasis; layer 3, sub-district district and the number of population at risk for CCA; layer 4, district hospital and the number of population at risk for CCA and number of opisthorchiasis; and layer 5, district and the number of population at risk for CCA and number of opisthorchiasis. This GIS database and Google map production process is suitable for further monitoring, surveillance, and home health care for CCA sufferers.

Development of Railroad Rockfall and Landslide Information System using GIS (GIS를 이용한 철도 연변 낙석, 산사태 정보시스템 개발)

  • 이사로;송원경;박종휘
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to develop rail rockfall and landslide information system to manage spatial database using GIS. For this, a spatial database containing information such as railroad, map, topographic analysis, meteorological data, and rockfall has been constructed for 2.5 km or 5 km buffer zone from the Kyungchun, Youngdong, Jungang, Taebak and Jungsun Rairoad where risk of landslide occurrence potential is high. For management of the spatial database, railroad rockfall and landslide information system has been developed. The information system consists of view, table, chart, layout and project environment. The functions provided in the system are data conversion, editing, labeling, zoom in and out, map making, graphic editing, text DB management, charting, on-line help as well as input, retrieve and output of spatial database. The system was developed using ArcView script language Avenue, and consisted of pull-down menus and icons for easy use. The spatial database and the information system can be used to rockfall and landslide management and analysis near the railroad as basic data and tool.

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Vision-based Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping using fisheye Lens (어안렌즈를 이용한 비전 기반의 이동 로봇 위치 추정 및 매핑)

  • Lee Jong-Shill;Min Hong-Ki;Hong Seung-Hong
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.256-262
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    • 2004
  • A key component of an autonomous mobile robot is to localize itself and build a map of the environment simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a vision-based localization and mapping algorithm of mobile robot using fisheye lens. To acquire high-level features with scale invariance, a camera with fisheye lens facing toward to ceiling is attached to the robot. These features are used in mP building and localization. As a preprocessing, input image from fisheye lens is calibrated to remove radial distortion and then labeling and convex hull techniques are used to segment ceiling and wall region for the calibrated image. At the initial map building process, features we calculated for each segmented region and stored in map database. Features are continuously calculated for sequential input images and matched to the map. n some features are not matched, those features are added to the map. This map matching and updating process is continued until map building process is finished, Localization is used in map building process and searching the location of the robot on the map. The calculated features at the position of the robot are matched to the existing map to estimate the real position of the robot, and map building database is updated at the same time. By the proposed method, the elapsed time for map building is within 2 minutes for 50㎡ region, the positioning accuracy is ±13cm and the error about the positioning angle of the robot is ±3 degree for localization.

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