• Title/Summary/Keyword: Manufacturing speed

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The Manufacturing Characteristics of Magnesium Chloride Emulsion by Different Rotational Speed of Homomixer as Soybean Curd Coagulant (두부응고제로서 Homomixer 회전속도를 달리한 염화마그네슘유화물의 제조특성)

  • Hong, Seung-Seok;Park, Won-Jong;Joung, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1252-1257
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    • 2013
  • This study was used homomixer as one of the manufacturing method to establish optimal manufacturing condition with magnesium chloride emulsion as coagulant. The more rotational speed of homomixer was fast, the more particle size of magnesium chloride emulsion was minute. The particle size was distributed between 1 and $5{\mu}m$. The more minute particle size of emulsion had an effect on increasing viscosity of emulsion and delay of oil phase separation during storage period, so the quality of magnesium chloride emulsion had correlation with dispersed phase particle size. After all the experiments, when manufacturing magnesium chloride emulsion, it used more than 10,000 rpm of rotational speed of homomixer, it showed the best result as coagulant according to the state of texture and the water separation ratio of soybean curd.

Performance Evaluation of Endmill in High Speed Machining (고속가공용 엔드밀의 성능평가)

  • 이정무;김건주;정윤교
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.324-328
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    • 2002
  • Recently, in machining industry much progress has been made by taking advantage of high speed machining. On the other hand as disadvantage high speed machining involves shortening the life of cutting tool. In this research we want to evaluate the performance of appropriate endmill for high speed machining in accordance with surface roughness of land width and clearance angle of flat-endmill

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Design of Remote Management System for Smart Factory

  • Hwang, Heejoung
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2020
  • As a decrease in labor became a serious issue in the manufacturing industry, smart factory technology, which combines IT and the manufacturing business, began to attract attention as a solution. In this study, we have designed and implemented a real-time remote management system for smart factories, which is connected to an IoT sensor and gateway, for plastic manufacturing plants. By implementing the REST API in which an IoT sensor and smart gateway can communicate, the system enabled the data measured from the IoT sensor and equipment status data to the real-time monitoring system through the gateway. Also, a web-based management dashboard enabled remote monitoring and control of the equipment and raw material processing status. A comparative analysis experiment was conducted on the suggested system for the difference in processing speed based on equipment and measurement data number change. The experiment confirmed that saving equipment measurement data using cache mechanisim offered faster processing speed. Through the result our works can provide the basic framework to factory which need implement remote management system.

Characteristics of Inclined Plane Constructed by High speed Ball End Milling according to the Variation of Cutting Direction(I) (공구경로 변화에 따른 고속 볼 엔드밀 가공에서 경사면의 특성(I))

  • 강명창
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 1999
  • The study of the high speed machining of inclined plane using ball end mill is performed. The use of ball end mill is rapidly growing in die and mold manufacturing. The cutting characteristics, such as cuttin g force, surface roughness and surface profile, are varied according to the variation of cutting directions. Free surface is cut using ball end mill, the surface profile is greatly varied depending upon the cutting direction. So this study will deal with the characteristics of cutting such as cutting efficiency according to the inclined plane of the workpiece, the cutting force according to tool path, surface profile and the roughness of surface. The optimal cutting direction to be applied the cutting for 3-D sculptured surfaces can be show through the results of this study.

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Performance Enhancement of Tension Controller for the Yarn Manufacturing Process (실 제조공정을 위한 장력제어기의 성능 개선)

  • Kwak, Young-Shin;Lim, Hoon;Lee, Jang-Myung
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.57 no.11
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    • pp.2054-2060
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    • 2008
  • This paper aims at the performance enhancement of tension controller for the yarn manufacturing process. The tension controller is required to keep the tension constant while the yarn is manufactured by a draw and twist machine, which is essential and critical for good quality production of yarn, steel, paper, etc. This paper proposes a linear model of tension control plant to develop a precise tension control system, which is derived by the close observation of the conventional mathematical model of motor driving and tension control systems. It is shown by experiments that the proposed control system precisely maintains the tension constant within the error bound of 0.05% while the conventional PI controller has about 0.2% error. The control performance of the system has been compared to that of conventional PI control not only for constant speed control but also for transient speed control experiments.

Processing Characteristics of Grinding & Polishing for Si Cathode Development (Si Cathode 개발을 위한 연삭 및 폴리싱 가공특성)

  • Chae, Seung-Su;Lee, Choong-Seok;Kim, Taeck-Su;Lee, Sang-Min;Huh, Chan;Lee, Jong-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2010
  • This paper reports some experimental result in grinding and polishing of silicon cathodes used in semiconductor manufacturing process. Cup shape diamond core wheels were used in experiments and the radial and tangential grinding forces were measured with surface roughness. In polishing experiments, flat type and donut type wool polishing tools were tested. The experimental results indicate that the grinding forces are proportional to the material removal rates and the surface roughness are inversely proportional to the spindle speed. The surface roughness of polished Si decreases with polishing time and higher spindle speed.

Wire-tension Control System using Photo-interrupter Sensor and Micro-electrode Fabrication (광단속센서를 이용한 와이어장력 제어장치 및 마이크로전극 제조)

  • Kang, Myung Chang;Lee, Chang Hoon;Kim, Nam-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2013
  • Micro electrical discharge machining (EDM) as a non-contact machining process is very effective for micromachining with a thin electrode because of its low machining reaction force. The micro-electrode machining device has the advantage of maintaining high precision through the whole processes and uses a feeding wire in the thin electrode tool manufacturing process. This study describes the design and evaluation of a micro-electrode machining device using optical photo-interrupter. The electrode was fabricated by reverse electrical discharge machining. The performance of designed system was evaluated to measure tension force according to feed speed of wire. This system for micro electrode fabrication proves the feasibility in the micro-EDM process of the micro holes and parts for industrial applications.

A Study on Welding of Dissimilar Materials for Van-Ramp Design and Production (승합차의 램프 디자인과 제작을 위한 이종재료의 접합)

  • Lee, Jung-Hyun;Kim, In-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.434-439
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    • 2011
  • There are about 2.4million disabled in Korea, 2009. Also, Korean society entered into an aging society. Therefore disable and elderly are getting more involved in our society. This study proposes simple ramp design for wheel chair users and welding method and condition for manufacturing. In the middle of ramp, screw jack and motor are installed so that ramp can be moved left and right side. To make the ramp moves easily, ramp was fixed by installing LM guide on both sides. Ramp production for using Nd:YAG laser certain dissimilar welding in stainless steel sheet and cold reduced carbon steel. The output was fixed by 3kW, the speed was increased to 2~7m/min, Argon was used as shielding gas and the flow rate was changed to 10~30L/min. The proper welding condition is the output 3kW and welding speed 2~5m/min.

A Study on the Characteristics of a Wafer-Polishing Process at Various Machining and Oscillation Speed (웨이퍼 폴리싱 공정의 회전속도와 진폭속도에 따른 가공특성 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Sang;Lee, Sang-Gyun;Kim, Sung-Hyun;Won, Jong-Koo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2012
  • The polishing of silicon wafers has an important role in semiconductor manufacturing. Generally, getting a flat surface such as a mirror is the purpose of the process. The wafer surface roughness is affected by many variables such as the characteristics of the carrier head unit, operation, speed, the pad and slurry temperature. Optimum process conditions for experimental temperature, pH value, down-force, slurry ratio are investigated, time is used as a fixed factor. This study carried out a series of experiments at varying platen, chuck rpm and oscillation cpm taking particular note of the difference between the rpm and the affect it has on the surface roughness. In this experiment determine the optimum conditions for polishing silicone wafers.

Wear Loss Presumption of Motorcycle Disk Brake Using Design of Experiment (실험계획법에 의한 이륜자동차 브레이크 디스크의 마멸량 예측)

  • Park, Gyu-Jung;Park, Heung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2007
  • The effect of manufacturing parameters on friction characteristics of motorcycle break system was studied using a disk-on-pad type friction tester. Such parameters conditions have an effect on the frictional factor such as number of ventilated disk hole, applied load, sliding speed, and sliding distance. However, it is difficult to know the mutual relation of these factors. In this study, the friction characteristics using design of experiment containing 4 elements were investigated for an optimal condition for the best motorcycle break system employing regression analysis method. From this study, the result was shown that the applied load in frictional factors was the most important, next to sliding speed, number of ventilated disk hole.

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