• Title/Summary/Keyword: Manual measurements

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A Case Study of the Automatical Blasting Vibration Measuring System Using the Solar Power Supply (태양전지 전원 공급장치를 이용한 발파진동 자동화 계측시스템 운영 사례연구)

  • Yoo, Ji-Wan;Lee, Tai-Ro;Kim, Jung-Ryul;Kim, Young-Suck
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2008
  • Measuring methods of the blasting vibration were generally divided the. manual method and the automatical method. When using the automatical method, field data of the vibration meter can be transferred to a operation computer by using remote equipments. In this study new automatical system using solar power supply is to be introduced. New automatical system is well suited for the field which is difficult to access and is needed frequent measurements of the blasting vibration. And it can make easy to accumulate the data and control the blasting vibration for safe blasting.

Study on the Physical Properties and Flame Retardancy of Tencel FR/Cotton Complex Knit Fabrics (Tencel FR/Cotton 복합원단의 물리적 특성 및 난연성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ah;Kim, Hyun-Chel
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.36 no.7
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    • pp.703-713
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed the physical properties and flame retardancy of Tencel FR/Cotton complex knit fabrics in order to satisfy two aspects of eco-friendliness and functionality. The flame retardant (FR) treatment of complex knit fabrics was applied by a pad-dry-cure method for additional functionality. Tensile strength, extension, bursting strength, LOI, and flame retardancy were measured by the KS (Korean Standard) K manual. The hand value knit fabrics were measured by KES-FB system. Subsequently, tensile strength and extension of wale and tensile strength of course increased in tandem with the Tencel FR yarn content. Tencel FR/Cotton complex knit fabrics were suitable for summer-weight and for baby clothes through the KES-FB system measurements. The bursting strength of Tencel FR/Cotton complex knit fabrics decreased as the contents of the Tencel FR increased; in addition, LOI increased as the contents of Tencel FR increased. This was due to the Tencel FR flame resistance function; however, the tensile strength decreased. The optimum fiber content of Tencel FR/cotton content was 1:1. The optimum conditions of flame retardant treatment were a treatment temperature $130^{\circ}C$ and the concentration of finishing agent and assistance binder (AR4260) was 35% and 1%, respectively.

A Method to Estimate Peripheral Systolic Blood Pressure using Pulse Transit Time during Bicycle Ergometer Exercise of Healthy Korean Subjects in their Twenties

  • Lee Jeong-Chan;Eo Yun-Hye;Park Kyung-Mo;Park Seung-Hun
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 2006
  • A simple algorithm that can be used to estimate a healthy person's blood pressure using pulse transit time is proposed in this paper. Fifty healthy students participated in the experiment that was conducted in line with the study. The subjects were asked to exercise on several exercise levels using a bicycle ergometer. Their blood pressures during the succeeding rest period were measured. A simple method was proposed to illustrate the relationship between blood pressure and pulse transit time. The systolic blood pressures as well as the heights and weights of the subjects were regarded as the proper parameters, and a second-order regression curve was produced to estimate the subjects' blood pressures. The mean error of estimation was less than 10 mmHg, which was the mean error of manual measurement. Although our estimation model is so simple, it can be used to estimate continuous blood pressure measurement for bicycle ergometer exercise. The electrocardiograms, photoplethysmograms, and blood pressures, however, could not be measured simultaneously As such, their estimation may be slightly different from the results taken from simultaneous measurements.

Implementation of portable multifunction digital compass (휴대용 다기능 디지털 컴퍼스 구현)

  • An, Gwang-Hui;Kim, Hong-Seok
    • The Journal of Engineering Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2005
  • Conventional geological survey utilizes the manual compass for mass amount of measurements of the geologic structure. Portable multifunction digital compass system was required by more detailed geological survey, due to increasing construction for rock slopes and runnels. In this paper, the system was implemented by using Intel PXA 255 embedded board as a system controller, and was composed of tilting sensor, digital azimuth sensor, and Global Positioning System (GPS) module. After the measured location, strike, and the angle of dip with our implemented system were transmitted to Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or notebook, these data could be used for geologic structure analysis. It is expected that the availability of cheap and improved digital compass will reduce the coast and time of geological survey extensively.

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The Effect and Countermeasures of The Vertical Track Settlement Caused by Expand and Contract Behavior of the High-Speed Railway Bridge Girder (고속철도 교량상판의 온도신축작용이 궤도처짐에 미치는 영향과 대책에 관한 연구)

  • 강기동
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.283-289
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    • 2004
  • According to continuos welded rails on a bridge, temperature changes bring about the expansion of the bridge deck adding axil forces on the track. Moreover, the ballast on the bridge deck expansion joint is moved due to the bridge deck. If bridge decks are longer, the influence is greater, loosening ballast, causing track irregularities, and deteriorating passengers' comfort. Considering structure of bridge itself and tolerance of track irregularities caused by the loosened ballast on bridges, the maximum length of a deck should be less than 80m, which is the same as the standard of the French railway. In this study, an interaction between the expansion related to the bridge length and irregularity in longitudinal level referring to measurements and maintenance works performed in the high-speed railways was analyzed. This research shows that installation of sliding plate or vertical ballast stopper is not a good option since it is difficult to install. On the other hand, installation of movable fastener or gluing is easy but its influence is insignificant. To conclude, switch tie tamping or manual tamping is more effective than others.

Determination of Aqueous Ammonia with Indophenol Method : Comparision and Evaluation for the Reaction-Rate, Equilibrium and Flow-Injection Analysis Methods (인도페놀법을 이용한 수용액 중 암모니아 정량에 관한 연구 : 평형법, 반응속도법, 흐름주입분석법의 비교와 평가)

  • 정형근;김범식
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 1995
  • The reaction rate, equilibrium, and flow injection analysis methods were fundamentally evaluated for the determination of aqueous ammonia. The selected indophenol blue method was based on the formation of indophenol blue in which ammonium ion reacted with hypochlorite and phenol in alkaline solution. In the optimized reaction condition, the reaction followed 1st order reaction kinetics and the final product was stable. The absorbance measurements before and after the equilibrium were utilized for the reaction rate and equilibrium methods. The reaction rate methods, based on the relative analytical signals for the possibility of eliminating interferents, were shown to have good linear calibration curves but the detection limit and the calibration sensitivity were poorer than those in the equilibrium method. The detection limits were 32-49 pub and 24 pub for the reaction rate and equilibrium methods, respectively In the flow injection analysis, the absorbance was measured before the equilibrium reached and thus resulted in 30% reduction of calibration sensitivity. However, the detection limit was 11 ppb, indicating that the peak-to-peak noise for the blank was remarkably improved. Compared to the manual methods, the optimized experimental condition in a closed reaction system reduced the blank absorbance and the inclusion of ammonia from the atmosphere was prevented. In addition, highly reproducible mixing of sample and reagents and analytical data extracted from continuous recording showed excellent reproducibility.

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A Remote Measurement Technique for Rock Discontinuity (암반 불연속면의 원격 영상측량 기법)

  • 황상기
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2001
  • A simple automated measuring method for planar or linear features on the rock excavation surface is presented. Attitude of the planar and linear feature is calculated from 3D coordinates of points on the structures. Spatial coordinates are calculated from overlapped stereo images. Factors used in the calculation are (1) local coordinates of the left and right images, (2) the focal length of cameras, and (3) the distance between two cameras. A simple image capturing device and an image treatment routine coded by Visual Basic and GIS components are constructed for the remote measurements, The methodology shows less than 1 cm error when a point is measured from 179 cm in distance. The methodology is tested at the excavation site in PaiChai University. Remotely measured result matches well with the manual measurement within the reasonable error range.

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Automatic Cross-calibration of Multispectral Imagery with Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Using Spectral Mixture Analysis

  • Yeji, Kim;Jaewan, Choi;Anjin, Chang;Yongil, Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.211-218
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    • 2015
  • The analysis of remote sensing data depends on sensor specifications that provide accurate and consistent measurements. However, it is not easy to establish confidence and consistency in data that are analyzed by different sensors using various radiometric scales. For this reason, the cross-calibration method is used to calibrate remote sensing data with reference image data. In this study, we used an airborne hyperspectral image in order to calibrate a multispectral image. We presented an automatic cross-calibration method to calibrate a multispectral image using hyperspectral data and spectral mixture analysis. The spectral characteristics of the multispectral image were adjusted by linear regression analysis. Optimal endmember sets between two images were estimated by spectral mixture analysis for the linear regression analysis, and bands of hyperspectral image were aggregated based on the spectral response function of the two images. The results were evaluated by comparing the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), and average percentage differences. The results of this study showed that the proposed method corrected the spectral information in the multispectral data by using hyperspectral data, and its performance was similar to the manual cross-calibration. The proposed method demonstrated the possibility of automatic cross-calibration based on spectral mixture analysis.

Speeding up the KLT Tracker for Real-time Image Georeferencing using GPS/INS Data

  • Tanathong, Supannee;Lee, Im-Pyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.629-644
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    • 2010
  • A real-time image georeferencing system requires all inputs to be determined in real-time. The intrinsic camera parameters can be identified in advance from a camera calibration process while other control information can be derived instantaneously from real-time GPS/INS data. The bottleneck process is tie point acquisition since manual operations will be definitely obstacles for real-time system while the existing extraction methods are not fast enough. In this paper, we present a fast-and-automated image matching technique based on the KLT tracker to obtain a set of tie-points in real-time. The proposed work accelerates the KLT tracker by supplying the initial guessed tie-points computed using the GPS/INS data. Originally, the KLT only works effectively when the displacement between tie-points is small. To drive an automated solution, this paper suggests an appropriate number of depth levels for multi-resolution tracking under large displacement using the knowledge of uncertainties the GPS/INS data measurements. The experimental results show that our suggested depth levels is promising and the proposed work can obtain tie-points faster than the ordinary KLT by 13% with no less accuracy. This promising result suggests that our proposed algorithm can be effectively integrated into the real-time image georeferencing for further developing a real-time surveillance application.

Effect of temperature on the development of Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

  • Kim, Seonghyun;Park, Haechul;Park, Ingyun;Han, Taeman;Kim, Hong Geuan
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.106-110
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    • 2017
  • The developmental responses of insects to temperature are important considerations in gaining a better understanding of their ecology and life histories. Temperature dependent models permit examination of the effect of temperature on the geographical distributions, population dynamics, and management of insects. The measurements of insect developmental and survival responses to temperature pose practical challenges that depend. The developmental characteristics of A. diaperinus were investigated at four temperature regimes (20, 25, 30 and $35^{\circ}C$), a relative humidity of 60%, and a light:dark photoperiod of 16:8h. The developmental time from larva to adult was 129.0, 49.8, 40.5 and 31.9 days at temperatures of 20, 25, 30 and $35^{\circ}C$, respectively. Pupal rate was 80.0%, 100%, 83.3% and 91.7% at temperatures of 20, 25, 30 and 35 respectively. There is an increasing need for a standardized manual for rearing this. Pupa had significantly lower weights at $35^{\circ}C$ than at the other temperatures. Female pupae (20mg) were significantly heavier than male (17mg).