• 제목/요약/키워드: Managerial Quality

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Managing Relationship Quality between Exporters and Importers: The Moderating Effect of Duration (조직간 관계의 질 형성과 거래지속 기간의 조절효과에 관한 연구: 수출업체와 수입업체를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Dong Jin;Lee, Hyoung Tark;Park, Jin Yong
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2005
  • This paper reports on a study testing a model of relationship quality in the context of new versus mature export-import relationships. The model posits that perceived similarity, relationship performance, and opportunism predict relationship quality, moderated by relationship duration. The model also posits relationship quality affects commitment. A survey of importers with regard to their relationships with foreign exporters was conducted to test the model. It has been found that perceived similarity has a significant effect on relationship quality at the early stage of the relationship, but not at the later stage of the relationship. It also has been found that relationship performance and opportunism have significant influence on relationship quality. Regardless of relationship duration, the study results provided good support for our model. Theoretical and managerial implications of the study results are discussed.

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Sequential Causal Analyses of Exchange Party's Characteristic, Exchange Relation Perception, Relationship Quality and Behavioral Intention : Customer's Perspective (교환당사자의 특성, 교환관계 지각, 관계품질 및 행동의도의 순차적 인과관계 : 미용서비스 이용고객의 관점에서)

  • An, Bong-Geun;Ju, Ki-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.15-32
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    • 2011
  • The research for exchange relationship in customer's perspective is meaningful especially in service, considering distinctive characteristics of service operations such as customer participation in the process whereas most of the recent related researches have been focused on employee's interaction with organization, leader, team and customer. In this study for beauty art service, the exchange party's characteristic is defined with beauty salon's reputation, staff's professionalism and customer's self-esteem. Also the exchange relation perception is classified into symbolism and interaction, Then the directional relations on customer's perspective are empirically investigated in the sequential order of the exchange party's characteristics, the exchange relation perception, the relationship quality and behavioral intention. In addition, the study examined the meditation effect via relationship quality between the exchange relation perception and the behavioral intention. Followings are confirmed from the statistical test with structural equation modelling:Symbolism is significantly caused by all of professionalism, reputation and self-esteem in the descending order of effect size whereas interaction is significantly influenced by only professionalism. The exchange relation perception has significant effect on the relationship quality, in turn which significantly affects behavioral intention. The exchange relation perception shows the significant indirect effect meditated by relationship quality and the insignificant direct effect on behavioral intention. This paper concludes with contribution of this study, managerial implication of the research findings and further research issues.

Effects of Contents Quality on User's Satisfaction and Continuous Usage Intention in UCC Services (UCC 서비스의 콘텐츠 품질이 사용자 만족과 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Chul-Ho;Jung, Duk-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.294-303
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    • 2009
  • The primary purpose of this study is to examine the effects of contents quality characteristics on user's satisfaction and continuous usage intention in UCC services. Based on relevant literature reviews, this study posits five contents quality characteristics, that is, accuracy, completeness, variety, playfulness, and timeliness as key determinants of user's satisfaction and continuous usage intention. And then we structured a research model and hypotheses about relationship between these variables. A total 315 usable survey responses of UCC service users have been employed in the analysis. The major findings from the data analyses are as follows. Firstly, four contents quality characteristics of completeness, variety, playfulness, and timeliness had a positive influence upon user's satisfaction. Secondly, four contents quality characteristics of accuracy, completeness, playfulness, and timeliness had a positive influence upon continuous usage intention. Lastly, user's satisfaction had very significantly related to continuous usage intention in UCC services. From this study, we expect to suggest practical and managerial implications to UCC service providers.

The Relationships between Control Systems, Reactions, and Performances of Customer-Contact Service Employees (서비스 판매요원의 통제, 반응 그리고 성과의 관계)

  • 김효순
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.69-88
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    • 1999
  • Only service organizations providing service quality above customers' anticipations have survived and developed in hyper competitive environment. These organizations are more dependent on their customer-contact service employees than those providing tangible products, because of the characteristics of service, intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity, and perishability. But few researches focused on the efficient managements or controls of service organizations in this context. Therefore, author aimed at understanding of the determinants of service organizations' control system(i.e., characteristics of service), service employees' reaction on control types(i.e., service employees' role stress), and their performance(perceived service quality by customers). First the concepts of service quality and control systems are described. Specially, author explained the differences between service quality and service satisfaction or service attitude, and the control system types and their fundamental ideologies. Second, some propositions are provided according to integrated framework developed in this paper: (1)control types according to the characteristics of service, (2)influences of control systems on employees' reactions and (3)perceives service quality by the customers, and (4)relationships between the reactions and the service quality. This paper concludes with a summary, a discussion of theoretical and managerial implications, and several suggestions for future directions.

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Relationship Between Egg Shell Quality and Shell Breakage and Factors that Affect Shell Breakage (란각질과 란각파열과의 관계 및 란각파열에 영향하는 제요인)

  • 이유방
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1980
  • About 6 to 8% of the eggs annually produced are broken or cracked between the hen and the consumer's carton. The majority of this breakage is due to interrelationships between egg shell quality and the many biological, environmental and managerial factors which have been individually identified as affecting breakage. Some of the factors associated with shell damage discussed in this review include age of hens, temperature ana humidity of the laying house, design of the cage systems and of the cage floors, type of material used to manufacture the cages frequency of daily egg collection in the laying house and, Probably most important, the frequency and quality of handling equipment maintenance. Age and genetic constitution of the hens, environmental temperature, and design and quality of equipment maintenance are the major factors that influence shell breakage. There is a curvilinear relationship between shell quality and shell breakage which explains why small changes in shell quality may be associated with large changes in the incidence of breakage. Published data indicate the incidence of breakage may range from as low as 1 to 2% to 35% or more for other egg producers.

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Contingent Analysis of the Relationship between Evaluation type and MIS Performance (MIS 평가 유형과 MIS 성과 간의 상황적 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Moon-Sang
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.225-240
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    • 2004
  • The most critical problem of MIS evaluation is the lack of the systematic framework to cover various factors and viewpoints. To solve this problem, this study takes the multi-level and contingent approach to performance evaluation, composed of three levels: evaluating the contribution of MIS to an organization [strategy level]; evaluating the activities of MIS department or MIS function as an organizational sub-function through the overall MIS lifecycle [function level]; and evaluating the quality or productivity of the application systems as MIS outputs [system level]. Ideal MIS evaluation should include all three levels of the hierarchy with balanced importance. However, MIS evaluationcanbedividedintothreetypes,suchasstrategy-oriented, function-oriented and system-oriented evaluation, depending on the focus and emphasis of evaluation. The usage pattern of each evaluation type is analyzed according to contingent variables of MIS evaluation such as MIS maturity, information intensity and firm size, and top management's intent. It is also found that the firms of higher MIS maturity and top management's intent use the strategy-oriented evaluation type, and the firms with strategy-oriented evaluation type show a higher MIS performance. Further, MIS maturity and top management's intent show contingent effects between evaluation type and MIS performance. Some managerial implications can be drawn based on the results of the study. First, strategy-oriented evaluation of MIS is more important as many firms more often use information technology as a strategic weapon. Second, MIS performance varies with evaluation type. Therefore, the design of MIS evaluation framework should be done carefully in the strategic and managerial contexts. Third, firms are recommend to use a different evaluation type according to organizational characteristics such as MIS maturity and information intensity.

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The Correlation Between Revisiting of Beauty Shop and Quality of Beauty Service (미용실 재방문과 미용 서비스 품질과의 상관관계)

  • Ji, Jeong-Hun;Choi, Keun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion and Beauty
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    • v.3 no.3 s.3
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2005
  • This never-ending changes and everlasting challenges under the industrial circumstances induce us to compete against survival or selection. We accordingly need to take steps in order to survive excessive competitions by the various differentiated strategies in Beauty and Cosmetology markets. The purpose of this study aims for making the best use of this actual proof which enables the effective customer management and managerial things of beauty shop through theoretical contemplation in all aspects of managerial beauty shop and the reason why the customers give the second visit(revisit) or choosing the shop again(coming again) by demographic characteristics. The method of this study was surveying 200 re-visited customers at the same beauty shop in GwangJu Metropolitan city for a whole year by questionnaire regarding the correlation between revisiting of the same beauty shop and demographic characteristics. After surveying, we coded these questionnaires finding out its distribution(range) by SPSS statistical package with Frequency Analysis in response to demographic characteristics and also performed ANOVA and Regression. In brief, there is big difference between men and women which explains the second visiting(revisit) originates in technical fact; hair protection. Most women have paid great attention to their hair protection while men mostly have ignored. However, men attached themselves to the hairdressers' appearances and the distance from their house to the beauty shop which did not mean a lot to women. Beside s, there were many differentiation in accordance with marital status, age, education and their business. With this study, we easily generalize the fact that customers revisit a beauty shop not because of beauty shop facilities but because of human interests.?Beautician's service has certain specialties which show the interaction between customer and beautician in the field. Now we can come to this conclusion that we need to endeavor to develop the service spirit and employees' welfare. Their attitudes towards job satisfaction go well with customer ' s satisfaction in this way.

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The effect of prioritizing big data in managerial accounting decision making (관리회계 의사결정에 있어 빅 데이터 우선순위 설정의 효과)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ihl
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2021
  • As the implementation of smart factories spreads widely, the need for research to improve data efficiency is raised by prioritizing massive amounts of big data using IoT devices in terms of relevance and quality. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether prioritizing big data in management accounting decisions such as cost volatility estimation and recipe optimization can improve smart solution performance and decision-making effectiveness. Based on the survey answers of 84 decision makers at domestic small and medium-sized manufacturers who operate smart solutions such as ERP and MES that link manufacturing data in real time, empirical research was conducted. As a result, it was analyzed that setting prioritization of big data has a positive effect on decision-making in management accounting. became In addition, it was found that big data prioritization has a mediating effect that indirectly affects smart solution performance by using big data in management accounting decision making. Through the research results, it will be possible to contribute as a prior research to develop a scale to evaluate the correlation between big data in the process of business decision making.

Managerial Overconfidence and Stock Price Delay (경영자과신성향이 주가지체에 미치는 영향)

  • Myung-Gun Lee;Young-Tae Yoo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.187-204
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - This study deals with the manager's overconfidence and stock price delay, and verified whether the stock price delay phenomenon changes as the overconfidence increases. Design/methodology/approach - Manager overconfidence means that managers have over confidence in their positions or abilities, and was measured according to Schrand and Zechman (2012). Stock price delay is a phenomenon in which information of company is not immediately reflected in the stock price, but is reflected over time, and was measured by the method suggested in a study by Hou and Moskowitz (2005). The analysis subjects used in this study are companies listed on the KOSPI market between 2011 and 2019, and the final sample is 5,509 company-years. Findings - As a result of the verification, it was shown that the stock price delay decreased as the manager's overconfidence increased, and this effect was amplified as the foreign shareholder's share ratio increased and the number of follow-up financial analysts increased. This means that as the manager's overconfidence increases, he actively provides high-quality information to the capital market. In addition, as a result of subdividing the manager's overconfidence into the investment and capital raising aspects, the capital raising aspect has a significant effect on reducing stock delays. This can be interpreted as the fact that managers with overconfident tendencies have a greater incentive to satisfy investors' information needs. Research implications or Originality - In previous studies, the characteristics of managers with strong overconfidence have both positive and negative aspects. The results of this study are significant in that they clearly demonstrated the positive aspect through the market variable of stock price delay, and it is expected to help capital market stakeholders understand the characteristics of managers with a strong propensity for overconfidence.

The structural relationships among Weblog service quality(wb-SERVQUAL), user satisfaction and loyalty (Weblog 서비스 품질(wb-SERVQUAL)과 사용자 만족도, 충성도에 관한 구조적 관계)

  • Kim, Su-Yeon;Yeo, Sang-Pyo;Hwang, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2006
  • According to increasing activities in the cyberspace, various on-line services through the Internet have been offered, and many recent studies on the Internet services such as instant messenger, game, and portal site have been performed to evaluate quality of these services. However researches on weblog(blog), a personal online journal for general public consumption, have not been performed much yet. Therefore, we have conducted an empirical study on investigating the structural relationships among weblog service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in this study. After reviewing the related literatures, we have suggested a model for evaluating the service quality of weblog, wb-SERVQUAL(weblog-SERVQUAL), by modifying the conventional SERVQUAL model based on characteristics of weblog. Structural Equation Model(SEM) has been used to analyze the structural relationships among service quality of weblog, user satisfaction and customer loyalty. Managerial implications are also suggested for managing the weblog sites in conclusion.

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