• Title/Summary/Keyword: Management Technology

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Analysis of $^{99m}Tc-ECD$ Brain SPECT images in Boys and Girls ADHD using Statistical Parametric Mapping(SPM) (통계적 파라미터지도 작성법(SPM)을 이용한 남여별 ADHD환자의 뇌 SPECT 영상비교분석)

  • Park, Soung-Ock;Kwon, Soo-Il
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2004
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in childhood, especially school age children and persisting into adult. ADHD is affected 7.6% in our children, Korea. and persisting into $15{\sim}20%$ in adult. And it is characterized by hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. Brain imaging is one of way to diagnosis for ADHD. Brain imaging studies may be provide information two types - structural and functional imaging. Structural and functional images of the brain play an important role in management of neurologic and psyciatric disorders. Brain SPECT, with perfusion imaging radiopharmaceuticals is one of the appropriate test to diagnosis of neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Ther are a few studies about separated analysis between boys and girls ADHD SPECT brain images. Selection of Probability level(P-value) is very important to determind the abnormalities when analysis a data by SPM. SPM is a statistical method used for image analysis and determine statistical different between two groups-normal and ADHD. Commonly used P-value is P<0.05 in statistical analysis. The purpose of this study is to evaluation of blood flow clusters distribution, between boys and girls ADHD. The number of normal boys are 8(6-7y, average : $9.6{\pm}3.9y$) and 51(4-11y, average : $9.0{\pm}2.4$) ADHD patients, and normal girls are 4(6-12y, average : $9{\pm}2.4y$) and 13(2-13y, average $10{\pm}3.5y$) ADHD patiens. Blood flow tracer $^{99m}Tc-ethylcysteinate$ dimer(ECD) injected as rCBF agent and take blood flow images after 30 min. during sleeping by SPECT camera. The anatomical region of hyperperfusion of rCBF in boys ADHD group is posterior cingulate gyrus and hyperperfusion rate is 15.39-15.77% according to p-value. And girls ADHD group appears at posterior cerebellum, Lt. cerbral limbic lobe and Lt. Rt. cerebral temporal lobe. These areas hyperperfusion rate are 24.68-31.25%. Hypoperfusion areas in boys ADHD,s brain are Lt. cerebral insular gyrus, Lt. Rt. frontal lobe and mid-prefrontal lobe, these areas decresed blood flow as 15.21-15.64%. Girls ADHD decreased blood flow regions are Lt. cerebral insular gyrus, Lt. cerebral frontal and temporal lobe, Lt. Rt. lentiform nucleus and Lt. parietal lobe. And hypoperfusion rate is 30.57-30.85% in girls ADHD. The girls ADHD group's perfusion rate is more variable than boys. The studies about rCBF in ADHD, should be separate with boys and girls.

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Analysis of Bone Mellow Density in Adults of Domestic Local Area Using Multi-Detector Computed Tomography: Focus on Corelation About Eating Habits, Lifestyle, Physical Features and Social Characteristics (다중 검출 전산화단층촬영을 이용한 국내 일부 지역 성인의 골밀도 현황 분석: 식습관, 생활습관, 신체적, 사회적 특성과의 상관관계를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Tae Hui;Kim, Tae-Hyung;So, Woon Young;Lim, Hei Gyeom;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Park, Myeong Hwan;Cheoun, Myung-Ki
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.517-526
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the correlation between BMD (bone mineral density) value calculated in the MDCT (multidetector computed tomography) and lifestyle, physical features and social characteristics. From July 15 2015 to June 6 2016, we converted from HU (hounsfield unit) value measured by using MDCT to T-score for BMD of 141 patients (male: 63, female: 78) in W medical center. We measured the 2nd, 3rd and 4th lumbar spine and analyzed the correlation between gender differences in BMD and lifestyle, physical features and social characteristics. Statistical significance was validated using independent sample T test with one way Anova. Gender BMD was confirmed that a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). BMD values decreased with increasing age but for the statistically men, there was no significant difference from 20s to 50s, it only showed a significant difference in 20s and 60s (p<0.001). For the statistically women, there was no significant difference from 20s to 40s. but since 50s BMD was decreased rapidly, which showed a significant difference (p<0.001). women showed significant differences for the menstruation and menopause, childbirth, alcohol, cereals and greasy food in bone mineral density (p<0.05) but there were no significant differences in men. The bone mineral density values calculated by the MDCT and lifestyle, physical features and social characteristics correlation analysis method is considered to be used as a basis for estimating the state in BMD and osteoporosis management.

Impact of Net-Based Customer Service on Firm Profits and Consumer Welfare (기업의 온라인 고객 서비스가 기업의 수익 및 고객의 후생에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Jin;Lee, Byung-Tae
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.123-137
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    • 2007
  • The advent of the Internet and related Web technologies has created an easily accessible link between a firm and its customers, and has provided opportunities to a firm to use information technology to support supplementary after-sale services associated with a product or service. It has been widely recognized that supplementary services are an important source of customer value and of competitive advantage as the characteristics of the product itself. Many of these supplementary services are information-based and need not be co-located with the product, so more and more companies are delivering these services electronically. Net-based customer service, which is defined as an Internet-based computerized information system that delivers services to a customer, therefore, is the core infrastructure for supplementary service provision. The importance of net-based customer service in delivering supplementary after-sale services associated with product has been well documented. The strategic advantages of well-implemented net-based customer service are enhanced customer loyalty and higher lock-in of customers, and a resulting reduction in competition and the consequent increase in profits. However, not all customers utilize such net-based customer service. The digital divide is the phenomenon in our society that captures the observation that not all customers have equal access to computers. Socioeconomic factors such as race, gender, and education level are strongly related to Internet accessibility and ability to use. This is due to the differences in the ability to bear the cost of a computer, and the differences in self-efficacy in the use of a technology, among other reasons. This concept, applied to e-commerce, has been called the "e-commerce divide." High Internet penetration is not eradicating the digital divide and e-commerce divide as one would hope. Besides, to accommodate personalized support, a customer must often provide personal information to the firm. This personal information includes not only name and address, but also preferences information and perhaps valuation information. However, many recent studies show that consumers may not be willing to share information about themselves due to concerns about privacy online. Due to the e-commerce divide, and due to privacy and security concerns of the customer for sharing personal information with firms, limited numbers of customers adopt net-based customer service. The limited level of customer adoption of net-based customer service affects the firm profits and the customers' welfare. We use a game-theoretic model in which we model the net-based customer service system as a mechanism to enhance customers' loyalty. We model a market entry scenario where a firm (the incumbent) uses the net-based customer service system in inducing loyalty in its customer base. The firm sells one product through the traditional retailing channels and at a price set for these channels. Another firm (the entrant) enters the market, and having observed the price of the incumbent firm (and after deducing the loyalty levels in the customer base), chooses its price. The profits of the firms and the surplus of the two customers segments (the segment that utilizes net-based customer service and the segment that does not) are analyzed in the Stackelberg leader-follower model of competition between the firms. We find that an increase in adoption of net-based customer service by the customer base is not always desirable for firms. With low effectiveness in enhancing customer loyalty, firms prefer a high level of customer adoption of net-based customer service, because an increase in adoption rate decreases competition and increases profits. A firm in an industry where net-based customer service is highly effective loyalty mechanism, on the other hand, prefers a low level of adoption by customers.

What happens after IT adoption?: Role of habits, confirmation, and computer self-efficacy formed by the experiences of use (정보기술 수용 후 주관적 지각 형성: 사용 경험에서 형성된 습관, 기대일치, 자기효능감의 역할)

  • Kim, Yong-Young;Oh, Sang-Jo;Ahn, Joong-Ho;Jahng, Jung-Joo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.25-51
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    • 2008
  • Researchers have been continuously interested in the adoption of information technology (IT) since it is of great importance to the information systems success and it is also an important stage to the success. Adoption alone, however, does not ensure information systems success because it does not necessarily lead to achieving organizational or individual objectives. When an organization or an individual decide to adopt certain information technologies, they have objectives to accomplish by using those technologies. Adoption itself is not the ultimate goal. The period after adoption is when users continue to use IT and intended objectives can be accomplished. Therefore, continued IT use in the post-adoption period accounts more for the accomplishment of the objectives and thus information systems success. Previous studies also suggest that continued IT use in the post-adoption period is one of the important factors to improve long-term productivity. Despite the importance there are few empirical studies focusing on the user behavior of continued IT use in the post-adoption period. User behavior in the post-adoption period is different from that in the pre-adoption period. According to the technology acceptance model, which explains well about the IT adoption, users decide to adopt IT assessing the usefulness and the ease of use. After adoption, users are exposed to new experiences and they shape new beliefs different from the thoughts they had before. Users come to make decisions based on their experiences of IT use whether they will continue to use it or not. Most theories about the user behaviors in the pre-adoption period are limited in describing them after adoption since they do not consider user's experiences of using the adopted IT and the beliefs formed by those experiences. Therefore, in this study, we explore user's experiences and beliefs in the post-adoption period and examine how they affect user's intention to continue to use IT. Through deep literature reviews on the construction of subjective beliefs by experiences, we draw three meaningful constructs which theoretically have great impacts on the continued use of IT: perceived habit, confirmation, and computer self-efficacy. Then, we examine the role of the subjective beliefs on the cognitive/affective attitudes and intention to continue to use that IT. We set up a research model and conducted survey research. Since IT use implies interactions among a user, IT, and a task, we carefully selected the sample of users using same/similar IT to perform same/similar tasks, to exclude unwanted influences of other factors than subjective beliefs on the IT use. We also considered that the sample of users were able to make decisions to continue to use IT volitionally or at least quasi-volitionally. For each construct, we used measurement items recognized for reliability and widely used in the previous research. We slightly modified some items proper to the research context and a pilot test was carried out for forty users of a portal service in a university. We performed a full-scale survey after verifying the reliability of the measurement. The results show that the intention to continue to use IT is strongly influenced by cognitive/affective attitudes, perceived habits, and computer self-efficacy. Confirmation affects the intention to continue indirectly through cognitive/affective attitudes. All the constructs representing the subjective beliefs built by the experiences of IT use have direct and/or indirect impacts on the intention of users. The results also show that the attitudes in the post-adoption period are formed, at least partly, by the experiences of IT use and newly shaped beliefs after adoption. The findings suggest that subjective beliefs built by the experiences have deep impacts on the continued use. The results of the study signify that while experiencing IT in the post-adoption period users form new beliefs, attitudes, and intentions which may be different from those of the pre-adoption period. The results of this study partly demonstrate that the beliefs shaped by the behaviors, those are the experiences of IT use, influence users' attitudes and intention. The results also suggest that behaviors (experiences) also change attitudes while attitudes shape behaviors. If we combine the findings of this study with the results of the previous research on IT adoption, we can propose a cycle of IT adoption and use where behavior shapes attitude, the attitude forms new behavior, and that behavior shapes new attitude. Different from the previous research, the study focused on the user experience after IT adoption and empirically demonstrated the strong influence of the subjective beliefs formed in the post-adoption period on the continued use. This partly confirms the differences between attitudes in the pre-adoption and in the post-adoption period. Users continuously change their attitudes and intentions while experiencing (using) IT. Therefore, to make users adopt IT and to make them use IT after adoption is a different problem. To encourage users to use IT after adoption, experiential variables such as perceived habit, confirmation, and computer self-efficacy should be managed properly.

Survey of Heavy Metal Contents of Circulating Agricultural Products in Korea (국내 유통 중인 농산물의 중금속 함량 모니터링)

  • Kim, Hee-Yun;Kim, Jae-In;Kim, Jin-Chul;Park, Ji-Eun;Lee, Kyung-Jin;Kim, Sung-Il;Oh, Jae-Ho;Jang, Young-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 2009
  • This survey was conducted as a surveillance program following the establishment of safety guidelines for agricultural products in Korea. Concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg) were measured in 421 samples using a mercury analyzer or ICP-MS. The average levels of Pb in mg/kg were 0.021 for rice, 0.020 for corn, 0.028 for soybeans, 0.034 for red beans, 0.025 for sweet potatoes, 0.021 for potatoes, 0.019 for Chinese cabbage, 0.031 for spinach, 0.021 for Welsh onions, and 0.011 for radishes. The average levels of Cd in mg/kg were 0.021 for rice, 0.002 for corn, 0.020 for soybeans, 0.006 for red beans, 0.008 for sweet potatoes, 0.011 for potatoes, 0.007 for Chinese cabbage, 0.035 for spinach, 0.006 for Welsh onions, and, 0.006 for radishes. The average levels of As in mg/kg were 0.103 for rice, 0.005 for corn, 0.007 for soybeans, 0.005 for red beans, 0.005 for sweet potatoes, 0.004 for potatoes, 0.007 for Chinese cabbage, 0.015 for spinach, 0.009 for Welsh onions and, 0.006 for radishes. Finally, the average levels of Hg in ${\mu}g/kg$ were 2.3 for rice, 0.2 for corn, 0.6 for soybeans, 1.4 for red beans, 0.1 for sweet potatoes, 0.3 for potatoes, 0.5 Chinese cabbage, 2.1 for spinach, 0.5 for Welsh onions, and 0.2 for radishes. Based on the Korean public nutrition report 2005, these levels (or amounts) are calculated only at 2.6% for Pb, 8.7% for Cd, 1.2% for Hg of those presented in provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) which has been established by FAO/WHO. Therefore, the levels presented here are presumed to be adequately safe.

Study on the Improvement of Gill Nets and Trap Nets Fishing for the Resource Management at the Coastal Area of Yellow Sea - On the Entrapping Behavior of Fishes into Trap Nets in the Water Tank Experiment - (서해구 자원관리형 자망ㆍ통발 어구어법 기술개발에 관한 연구 - 수조에서의 통발에 대한 어군의 입롱행동 -)

  • 장호영;조봉곤;고광수;한민숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2003
  • To investigate the entrapping behavior of blue crab, rock shell and green ling, which are mainly caught with the other trap nets in the coastal area of Yellow Sea, by the using duration of trap nets through the water tank experiment. We select the three kinds of trap nets which have different using duration such as new, 6 months and 12 months used one, and observe the entrapping ratio into the trap nets, respectively. In the mean while, in order to obtain the basic data for the estimate of mesh selectivity of the other trap nets, the entrapping behavior into the trap nets for green ling which has high activity compared to blue crab and rock shell, are examined to the three kinds of mesh size (35mm, 50mm and 65mm). The results are as follows ; 1. The mean entrapping ratio of blue crab by the using duration of trap nets in high with 4.4 fishes (44.0%) in the 6 months used one, become lower with 2.9 fishes (28.0%) in the new one, and with 2.0 fishes (20.0%) in the 12 months used one. 2. The mean entrapping ratio of rock shell by the using duration of trap nets in high with 7.3 fishes (36.7%) in the new one, and become lower with 7.2 fishes (35.8%) in the 6 months used one, and with 5.7 fishes (28.3%) in the 12 months used one. 3. The mean entrapping ratio of green ling by the using duration of trap nets in high with 3.4 fishes (34.0%) in the 6 months used one, and become lower with 3.0 fishes (30.0%) in the new one, and with 2.8 fishes (28.0%) in the 12 months used one. 4. The mean residual ratio of green ling by the mesh size of trap nets is high with 2.4 fishes (24.0%) in the 35mm mesh size, and become lower with 2.2 fishes (22.0%) in the 50mm mesh size and 2.0 fishes (20.0%) in the 65mm mesh size.

Applications of "High Definition Digital Climate Maps" in Restructuring of Korean Agriculture (한국농업의 구조조정과 전자기후도의 역할)

  • Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2007
  • The use of information on natural resources is indispensable to most agricultural activities to avoid disasters, to improve input efficiency, and to increase lam income. Most information is prepared and managed at a spatial scale called the "Hydrologic Unit" (HU), which means watershed or small river basin, because virtually every environmental problem can be handled best within a single HU. South Korea consists of 840 such watersheds and, while other watershed-specific information is routinely managed by government organizations, there are none responsible for agricultural weather and climate. A joint research team of Kyung Hee University and the Agriculture, forestry and Fisheries Information Service has begun a 4-year project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and forestry to establish a watershed-specific agricultural weather information service based on "high definition" digital climate maps (HD-DCMs) utilizing the state of the art geospatial climatological technology. For example, a daily minimum temperature model simulating the thermodynamic nature of cold air with the aid of raster GIS and microwave temperature profiling will quantify effects of cold air drainage on local temperature. By using these techniques and 30-year (1971-2000) synoptic observations, gridded climate data including temperature, solar irradiance, and precipitation will be prepared for each watershed at a 30m spacing. Together with the climatological normals, there will be 3-hourly near-real time meterological mapping using the Korea Meteorological Administration's digital forecasting products which are prepared at a 5 km by 5 km resolution. Resulting HD-DCM database and operational technology will be transferred to local governments, and they will be responsible for routine operations and applications in their region. This paper describes the project in detail and demonstrates some of the interim results.

Effects of Thinning on Nutrient Input by Rainfall and Litterfall in Natural Hardwood Forest at Mt. Joongwang, Gangwon-do (강원도 중왕산 지역 천연활엽수림에서 간벌작업이 강우와 낙엽에 의한 양분 유입에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Mun-Ho;Lee, Don-Koo;Um, Tae-Won;Kim, Young-Soo;Kwon, Ki-Cheol;Jung, Kang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2008
  • The objectives of this study were to compare nutrient natural input between thinned and unthinned natural hardwood stands at Mt. Joongwang, Pyongchang-gun, Gangwon-do. Throughfall, stemflow, A-layer and B-layer soil water as well as litterfall were sampled at two-week intervals during the period of June to October from 2002 to 2004. The amount of rainfall interception in thinned and unthinned natural hardwood stands was as 12% and 18%, respectively. The results indicated that there was no difference in annual nutrient input by rainfall between thinned and unthinned stands. $Na^+$, $Cl^-$ and $SO_4{^{2-}}$ concentrations of A-layer soil water in the unthinned stand were higher than those in the thinned stand. In the B-layer soil water, $Ca^{2+}$, $Cl^-$, $NO_3{^-}$ and $SO_4{^{2-}}$ concentrations in the unthinned stand were higher than those in thinned stand. Mean annual litterfall input was $2,706kg\;ha^{-1}$ in unthinned stand and $2,589kg\;ha^{-1}$ in thinned stand. Total-N input from litterfall was $50.28kg\;ha^{-1}yr^{-1}$ in the unthinned stand and $36.81kg\;ha^{-1}yr^{-1}$ in the thinned stand, while there was no difference in exchangeable cation input from litterfall between thinned and unthinned stands. Thus, the difference in nutrient inputs except for N by throughfall, stemflow and litterfall between the two stands was not influenced by thinning.

Analysis of the growth environment and fruiting body quality of Pleurotus eryngii cultivated by Smart Farming (큰느타리(새송이)버섯 스마트팜 재배를 통한 생육환경 분석 및 자실체 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Kil-Ja;Kim, Da-Mi;An, Ho-Sub;Choi, Jin-Kyung;Kim, Seon-Gon
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 2019
  • Currently, cultivation of mushrooms using the Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based smart farming technique is increasing rapidly. The main environmental factors for growth of mushrooms are temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2), and light. Among all the mentioned factors, currently, only temperature has been maintained under automatic control. However, humidity and ventilation are controlled using a timer, based on technical experience.Therefore, in this study, a Pleurotus eryngii first-generation smart farm model was set up that can automatically control temperature, humidity, and ventilation. After installing the environmental control system and the monitoring device, the environmental condition of the mushroom cultivation room and the growth of the fruiting bodies were studied. The data thus obtained was compared to that obtained using the conventional cultivation method.In farm A, the temperature during the primordia formation stage was about 17℃, and was maintained at approximately 16℃ during the fruiting stage. The humidity was initially maintained at 95%, and the farm was not humidified after the primordia formation stage. There was no sensor for CO2 management, and the system was ventilated as required by observing the shape of the pileus and the stipe. It was observed that, the concentration of CO2 was between 700 and 2,500 ppm during the growth period. The average weight of the mushrooms produced in farm A was 125 g, and the quality was between that of the premium and the first grade.In farm B. The CO2 sensor was in use for measurement purposes only; the system was ventilated as required by observing the shape of the pileus and the stipe. During the growth period, the CO2 concentration was observed to be between 640 and 4,500 ppm. The average weight of the mushrooms produced in farm B was 102 g.These results indicate that the quality of the king oyster mushroom is determined by the environmental conditions, especially by the concentration of CO2. Thus, the data obtained in this study can be used as an optimal smart farm model, where, by improving the environmental control method of farm A, better quality mushrooms were obtained.

Estimation of growth curve parameters and analysis of year effect for body weight in Hanwoo (한우의 성장곡선의 모수추정과 연도별 효과 분석)

  • 조광현;나승환;최재관;서강석;김시동;박병호;이영창;박종대;손삼규
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate the genetic characteristics of growth stages in Hanwoo, to provide useful information in farm management decisions. Data were taken from the nucleus herds of three farms, Namwon, Daegwalyong and Seosan, comprising 27,647 cows, 14,744 bulls, and 1,290 steers in between 1980 and 2004. According to the growth curve by year, the residuals for cows and bulls were 68.49 and 54.29, respectively, under the Gompertz model. The values were lower than in other years. Parameters, A, b and k were estimated as 423.6±5.8, 2.387±0.064 and 0.0908±0.0033 in cows and 823.3±15.3, 3.584±0.070, 0.1139±0.0032 in bulls, respectively. The fitness was higher under the Gompertz model than under the logistic model: monthly and daily estimation for cows were 379.3±7.509, 2.499±0.057, 0.114±0.0045 and 367.1±1.9003, 2.3983±0.012, 0.004±0.00003, respectively. Estimated residual mean squares were 31.85 and 998.4 in their respective models. Monthly and daily estimation of bulls were 834.6±22.00, 3.319±0.062, 0.104±0.0037 and 796.0±6.128, 3.184±0.014, 0.003±0.00003, respectively. Estimated residual mean square were 66.18 and 2106.5. Monthly and daily estimation of steers were 1049.1±144.2, 3.024±0.008, 0.067±0.0096 and 1505.1±176.6, 2.997±0.067, 0.001±0.0001, relatively. Squares, 186.0 and 1119.1. In terms of growth characteristic estimated by Gompertz model, body weight for cows and bulls were 139.53kg and 307.03kg, and the daily gains were 0.52kg and 1.04kg, respectively. Body weight for steers was 385.94kg at the inflection point. Body weight gain was 0.84kg in both models. Our results showed that cows had lower mature weight and daily weight gain, and reached the inflection point earlier than bulls or steers.