• Title/Summary/Keyword: Management Mode

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Development of Energy Management System for Micro-Grid with Photovoltaic and Battery system

  • Asghar, Furqan;Talha, Muhammad;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.299-305
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    • 2015
  • Global environmental concerns and the ever increasing need of energy, coupled with steady progress in renewable energy technologies, are opening up new opportunities for utilization of renewable energy resources. Distributed electricity generation is a suitable option for sustainable development thanks to the load management benefits and the opportunity to provide electricity to remote areas. Solar energy being easy to harness, non-polluting and never ending is one of the best renewable energy sources for electricity generation in present and future time. Due to the random and intermittent nature of solar source, PV plants require the adoption of an energy storage and management system to compensate fluctuations and to meet the energy demand during night hours. This paper presents an efficient, economic and technical model for the design of a MPPT based grid connected PV with battery storage and management system. This system satisfies the energy demand through the PV based battery energy storage system. The aim is to present PV-BES system design and management strategy to maximize the system performance and economic profitability. PV-BES (photovoltaic based battery energy storage) system is operated in different modes to verify the system feasibility. In case of excess energy (mode 1), Li-ion batteries are charged using CC-CV mechanism effectively controlled by fuzzy logic based PID control system whereas during the time of insufficient power from PV system (mode 2), batteries are used as backup to compensate the power shortage at load and likewise other modes for different scenarios. This operational mode change in PV-BES system is implemented by State flow chart technique based on SOC, DC bus voltages and solar Irradiance. Performance of the proposed PV-BES system is verified by some simulations study. Simulation results showed that proposed system can overcome the disturbance of external environmental changes, and controls the energy flow in efficient and economical way.

Selection and implementation of Standard Functional Blocks for Radio Library in multi-mode mobile device (멀티모드 단말기의 라디오 라이브러리를 위한 표준 기능 블록의 선정 및 구현)

  • Jung, Ildo;Choi, Sengwon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2016
  • The European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) Technical Committee (TC) Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS) is standardizing the multi-mode Mobile Device (MD). The configuration of multi-mode MD is determined by the downloaded mobile communication standard software. In this paper, we introduce the Radio Library concept for multi-mode MD which is one of the key components of RRS standard. This paper also introduces the Standard Functional Block which is a part of Radio Library. A method for selecting efficiency SFBs for multi-mode MD is presented and a Radio Library is generated based on the selected SFBs. This paper also shows sample Standard Functional Block Set which included in Radio Library. In order to verify the compatibility of the generated Radio Library which was made by C language, we implement the LTE Rel-10 and Wi-Fi(802.11b) to show the efficiency of generating a mobile communication standard software based on the Radio Library. Then using the Prograph Visual Programming MartenTM 1.6.4, we compiled our LTE Rel-10 and Wi-Fi(802.11b) source code.

Development of BMS applying to LPB Pack in Bimodal Tram (바이모달트램용 LPB팩에 적용될 Battery Management System 개발)

  • Lee, Kang-Won;Chang, Se-Ky;Nam, Jong-Ha;Kang, Duk-Ha;Bae, Jong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.477-477
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    • 2009
  • Bimodal Tram developed by KRRI is driven by a series Hybrid propulsion system which has both the CNG engine, generator and LPB(Lithium Polymer Battery) pack. It has three driving modes; Hybrid mode, Engine mode and Battery mode. Even in case of Battery mode, LPB pack to get enough power to drive the vehicle only by itself onsists of 168 LPB cells(80Ah per lcell), 650V. It is important thing to manage LPB pack in a right way, which will extend the lifetime of LPB cells and operate in the hybrid mode effectively. This paper has shown the development of battery management system(12 BMS, 1 BMS per 14cells) to manage LPB pack which is connected with CAN(Controller Area Network) each other and measure the voltage, current, temperature and also control the cooling fan inside of LPB pack. Using the measured data, BMS can show the SOC(State of Charge), SOH(State of Health) and other status of LPB pack including of the cell balancing.

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Research on the Development of China "Supermarket-Farmer Direct Purchase" Mode

  • Huang, Yanyan;Kang, Tae-won
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.113-129
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    • 2013
  • The realization of agricultural modernization, the solving of the "three rural" issue as well as the increment of farmers' income is one of China's top priority. Thus, under the support and encouragement of government's relevant policies, China has introduced the "Supermarket-Farmer Direct Purchase" which is a new mode for the supply of agricultural products. This is an innovative of agricultural products circulation mode, and the comprehensive promotion will help supermarkets get cheap goods directly from the hands of farmers, thus forming price competitiveness; farmers can also get profits and subsidies from supermarkets which can eliminate middlemen's profit, thus increasing their revenue; consumers can both get a guarantee of food safety and save expenses, and the win-win situation for the supermarkets, farmers, and consumers will be achieved. However, the dilemma between "farmers having difficulty in selling" and "supermarkets having difficulty in buying" is still frequent. So in this thesis, through theoretical research and situation analysis, each relevant part of the "Supermarket-Farmer Direct Purchase" mode will be studied as a whole. Moreover, effectiveness will be evaluated and relevant problems will be identified. Then, based on foreign experience and our national conditions, new modes and advice will be provided for users in different circumstances.

The Study of Effectiveness of Volume Mode in Pediatric CT (소아 전산화단층촬영에서 Volume Mode의 유용성 연구)

  • Park, Yun;Kim, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze dose comparison and image quality evaluation according to Volume and Helical mode using ATOM Phantom. It is to actively use the Volume mode in pediatric CT examinations. There was no significant difference with Helical and Volume in the value of Noise, HU, SNR(p>0.05). All dose values was no statistical difference(p>0.05). In the value of DLP and effective dose by part, Volume mode was measured lower than Helical mode. For qualitative analysis, by scan parameter helical mode showed respectively 2.6, 3.3, 4.36 and Volume mode indicated 2.8, 3.64, 4.44 point. Image evaluation for the follow-up, Helical mode and Volume mode were respectively 3.8 and 3.83. In fact, There was no significant difference. In CT scans in children under 5 years, because 640-MDCT Volume scan dose compared with Helical mode is lower and there is no significant difference with two modes in the image quality, 640-MDCT Volume scan is thought to be useful for pediatric CT scans.

A Genetic Algorithm for Searching Shortest Path in Public Transportation Network (대중교통망에서의 최단경로 탐색을 위한 유전자 알고리즘)

  • 장인성;박승헌
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2001
  • The common shortest path problem is to find the shortest route between two specified nodes in a transportation network with only one traffic mode. The public transportation network with multiple traffic mode is a more realistic representation of the transportation system in the real world, but it is difficult for the conventional shortest path algorithms to deal with. The genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to solve this problem. The objective function is to minimize the sum of total service time and total transfer time. The individual description, the coding rule and the genetic operators are proposed for this problem.

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Performance Characteristics of the Thermal Management System for Passenger Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle (수소연료전지 자동차의 열관리시스템 성능특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Seong;Won, Jong-Phil;Cho, Chung-Won;Lee, Moo-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.986-993
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study is to investigate performance characteristics of the thermal management system for passenger hydrogen fuel cell vehicle under various operating conditions. The thermal management systems comprised of a stack cooling system, an electric device cooling system and an air conditioning system for a passenger room were tested with driving conditions. As a result, in highway driving mode, the cooling performance of the stack cooling system with air conditioning on condition was 28.8 % lower than that of the air conditioning off condition. And cooling load of the electric cooling system in the city driving mode was 65.6% higher than that of the highway driving mode.

Mixed mode fracture assessment of U-notched graphite Brazilian disk specimens by means of the local energy

  • Torabi, A.R.;Berto, F.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.723-740
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    • 2014
  • A fracture criterion based on the strain energy density (SED) over a control volume, which embraces the notch edge, is employed in the present paper to assess the fracture loads of some U-notched Brazilian disk (UNBD) specimens. The specimens are made of commercial graphite and have been tested under pure mode I, pure mode II and mixed mode I/II loading. The results show that the SED criterion allows to successfully assess the fracture loads of graphite specimens for different notch tip radii and various mode mixity conditions with discrepancies that fall inside the scatter band of ${\pm}20%$.

Operation Modes Can Affect the Activity of Immobilized Enzyme onto Silk Fibroin Nanofibrous Membrane

  • Oh, Hanjin;Lee, Ki Hoon
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.322-325
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    • 2013
  • In the present study, we report that the selection of operation mode is important to take the full advantage of nanofibrous membrane in enzyme immobilization. Silk fibroin nanofibrous membrane has been prepared by electrospinning, and a-chymotrypsin was immobilized as a model enzyme. When the immobilized enzyme was operated in the membrane reactor mode, the Michaelis constant, Km, was lower and the Vmax was higher compared to the batch reactor mode. No concentration gradient was observed in the membrane reactor mode and the immobilized enzyme was stable even after 7 times of re-use. Our results suggests that the enzyme immobilized nanofibrous membrane should be operated in the membrane reactor mode rather than in the bath reactor mode.