• Title/Summary/Keyword: MPEG2-TS Stream

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Conversion and Analysis from MPEG-2 Transport Stream to Program Stream (MPEG-2 Transport Stream의 Program Stream으로의 변환 및 분석)

  • 채지웅;김정림;설상훈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.287-290
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    • 2002
  • 디지털 방송 서비스가 보편화되면서 MPEG-2, DVB 및 ATSC Transport Stream의 사용이 확산되고 있다. 수신된 방송 Transport Stream(TS)은 TS 그대로 이용하거나 Program Stream(PS)로 변환한 후 저장하여 이용한다. DVD같은 디지털 저장매체에는 PS가 사용되므로 디지털 방송을 수신하여 이를 DVD나 DVD-RAM과 같은 저장 매체에 저장하려면 TS를 저장용 Stream인 PS로 변환하여 저장하여야 DVD Player와 같은 매체 재생기에서 이를 이용할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 TS를 PS로 변환하고 변환된 TS와 PS를 분석하여 얻어진 변환 및 변환 후의 여러 결과들을 비교 분석하여 보여준다.

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A Test Stream Generating Method for the Digital TV Software (디지털 TV 소프트웨어를 위한 테스트 스트림 자동 생성 방법)

  • 곽태희;최병주
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.925-937
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    • 2003
  • The input of digital TV software is the Transport Stream, which utilizes the moving picture compression technique, MPEC-2 (Moving Picture Experts Groups-2). MPEG-2 TS consists of the complicated table hierarchy and internal relationships, as well as the various restrictions with regards to system standard of digital TV software in determining the field values of transport stream. However, the general MPEG-2 TS generation tool produces transport streams solely based on the MPEG-2 TS specification itself, and does not consider the interaction between modulo features or modules themselves, which construct digital TV software. In this paper, we propose a method to systematically generate MPEG-2 TS test data, namely‘Test Stream’, for digital TV software. We present the experiment result where the test stream derived from our developed tool according to the proposed method was applied to the actual digital TV software settop-box, and then analyze the result. Apart from other existing MPEG-2 TS generation tools, the advantage of our method is that not only is it capable of generating various levels of test streams including digital TV software module, integration, and system testing, but also detecting errors and analyzing their causes.

An Overhead Comparison of MMT and MPEG-2 TS in Broadcast Services (방송 서비스에서 MMT와 MPEG-2 TS의 오버헤드 비교)

  • Park, MinKyu;Kim, Yong Han
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.436-449
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    • 2016
  • This paper compares the transport overhead of MMT (MPEG Media Transport) with that of MPEG-2 TS (Transport Stream). MPEG-2 TS is globally used in multiplexing compressed audio and video data in digital broadcast industry, including areas of DTV (Digital Television), IPTV (Internet Protocol Television), and DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting). It was the early 1990s when MPEG-2 TS standard was established. After more than two decades of years since its first establishment, many parts of MPEG-2 TS turned out to be inappropriate to today's broadcast and communication environment. Given the situations, in 2014 MPEG (ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 29/WG 11) standardized MMT as the next-generation multimedia transport standard hopefully that can replace MPEG-2 TS. In this paper, with assumptions of broadcast service scenarios we applied both MMT and MPEG-2 TS to each scenario and we calculated their transport overheads. We used a software program that counts the transport overhead, which was developed in our laboratory for this paper. And we conducted a comparative analysis based on the calculated result of transport overhead.

A Development of MPEG-2 TS-to-MMTP Stream Converter (MPEG-2 TS로부터 MMTP 스트림으로의 변환기 개발)

  • Park, MinKyu;Kim, Yong Han
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.252-264
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    • 2020
  • Korea has launched the world-wide first terrestrial UHD broadcast services on May 31, 2017. While the existing HDTV broadcast services use MPEG-2 TS (Tranport Stream) standard for multiplexing and delivering compressed media with additional data, the terrestrial UHD broadcast services use MMT (MPEG Media Transport) standard, which is the next-generation standard beyond MPEG-2 TS. However, the production cost of UHD contents is so high that only a part of the total broadcast time is filled with UHD contents and the UHD time portion is planned to be gradually increased. On the other hand, the ATSC 3.0 standard that uses MMT is not yet used in full-fledged broadcast services in North America. Hence MMT broadcast equipment is still at an early stage with high prices. In this paper we implemented a multi-thread software running on an ordinary PC that can be utilized to realize a low-cost converter that converts the output of an existing MPEG-2 TS multiplexer to an MMTP (MMT Protocol) packet stream. We also verified the functionality of the software through experiments.

Carriage of MPEG-4 over MPEG-2 Transport Stream Protocol (MPEG-2 전송 스트림 프로토콜을 이용한 MPEG-4 데이터의 전송)

  • 안상우;최진수;김용석;김문철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2000
  • We propose a method of the efficient injection of the MPEG-4 data into MPEG-2 A/V stream. The proposed method is to transmit MPEG-4 data synchronized with MPEG-2 A/V stream using MPEG-2 Transport Stream Protocol so that the user can decode MPEG-4 data on time at the client side, after extracting IOD (Initia1 Object Descriptor), OD (Object Descriptor), BIFS (Binary Format for Scone) and media data from mp4 file.

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Design of a Format Converter from MPEG-4 Over MPEG-2 TS to MP4 (MPEG-4 Over MPEG-2 TS로부터 MP4 파일로의 포맷 변환기 설계)

  • 최재영;정제창
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.176-187
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    • 2000
  • MPEG-4 is a digital bit stream format and associated protocols for representing multimedia content consisting of natural and synthetic audio, video and object data. This paper describes an application where multiple audio/visual data stream are combined in MPEG-4 and transported via MPTG-2 transport streams(TS). Also, this paper describes how to convert MPEG-4 Over MPEG-2 TS bit streams into MP4 file which Is designed to contain the media information of an MPEG-4 presentation in a flexible, extensible format. MPEG-4 is presented in the form of audio-visual objects that are arranged into an audio-visual scene by means of a scene descriptor and is composed of the audio-visual objects by means of an object descriptor. These descriptor streams are not defined MPEG-2 TS. So. this paper focuses on handling of these descriptors and parsing TS streams to get MPEG-4 data. The MPEG-4 Over MPEG-2 TS to MP4 format converter is implemented in the demonstrated systems.

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Application and conversion system of MPEG2-TS to RTP (MPEG2-TS를 RTP로의 적용 및 변환 시스템)

  • Shin, Geuk-Jae;Kim, Ho-Kyom;Hong, Jin-Woo;Jung, Hoe-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.839-844
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    • 2011
  • IPTV contents are based on MPEG2-TS(Moving Picture Expert Group-2 Transport Stream). The Created content is delivered to each home's Set-Top box through the Internet service network, which will be visible on television through the decoding process. The using and spending of content expanding were quite limited in the other existing lines' devices. For this end, provided methods are to convert MPEG2-TS to other format and then transmit it. These methods are causing not only an overload to the system but also its increasing the hardware resource requirements. In this paper, the MPEG2-TS of IPTV's content using RTP(Real time Transport Protocol) provided by the applicable variety of devices and environmental system, was designed and implemented. Through this paper, the existing MPEG2-TS is providing other devices for distribution and consumption that can give better content to the consumers which means that the QoS(Quality of Service) was enhanced. And, the increased consumption and use of content will help the IPTV business to get more development and activation.

Interactive Broadcasting System based on MPEG-4 (MPEG-4 기반 대화형 방송 시스템)

  • 안상우;조용주;신기선;최진수;김진웅
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2002
  • In this paper. we propose an interactive broadcasting system based on MPEG-4 to provide Interactive services in digital TV broadcast. The proposed system is designed to support various functionalities such as authoringof MPEG-4. encapsulation of MPEG-4 Into MPEG-2 TS (Transport Stream) protocol, synchronization of MPEG-4 with MPEG-2 program. demultiplexing of MPEG-4 from MPEG-2 TS. decoding/rendering of MPEG-4 and interactivity through IP network on ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) platform. The interactive broadcasting system based on MPEG-4 Is used to provide interactive functionality In full for user. and it has a particular advantage of substitution for the ATSC or DVB platform. as well.

Transport Overhead Analysis in Terrestrial UHD Broadcast A/V Stream (지상파 UHD 방송 AV 스트림 오버헤드 분석)

  • Kim, Nayeon;Bae, Byungjun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.744-754
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    • 2017
  • This paper compares transport overhead of MPEG-2 TS, MMT and ROUTE in order to compare transport efficiency between the DTV and UHDTV. The MPEG-2 TS standard, widely used, was established for multiplexing and synchronizing encoded audio and video, additional information. In recent years, MMT and ROUTE was established as a next generation multimedia transport standard for the new broadcasting communication environment. In this paper, we compare and analyze transport overhead about three protocol. In order to analysis, we captured the UHD A/V stream in real-time broadcasting service using ROUTE and MMT, and we calculated and analyzed transport overhead using the overhead analysis program which was developed in our laboratory. Furthermore, for comparison under the same conditions, we assumed the MPEG-2 TS stream by extracting ES of UHD A/V stream based on the DTV standard. In this paper, we show the results of protocol transport efficiency in case of basic A/V stream except for additional services. And result show that MMT and ROUTE have similar overhead and MPEG-2 TS is relatively small overhead. However, since MPEG-2 TS result does not consider null packets, it is expected that the relative overhead difference will be reduced.

Combination of Set Top Box and Asymmetric Cryptosystem for Secure Storage of Digital Broadcasting Contents (디지털 방송 콘텐츠의 안전한 저장을 위한 Set Top Box와 비대칭 암호 시스템의 결합)

  • 이혜주;최형기;홍진우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.782-786
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    • 2003
  • It requires protection technologies to permit consumer to store a digital broadcasting content and at the same time to protect the intellectual property from illegal action. There is content encryption as one of protection technologies. In this paper, we proposed a protection scheme for digital broadcasting content that broadcasting server. Multiplexes the encryption key into MPEG-2 TS(transport stream) to be able to encrypt received TS at set top box. The proposed method is to modify PMT(program map table) for the information related encryption key and to multiplex key as TS packets. After then the encryption key is extracted from TS stream which is encrypted in set top box.

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