• 제목/요약/키워드: MEN1

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한국 성인 음주 남성의 고위험 음주 관련 요인: 2차 분석 연구 (Factors associated with high-risk drinking among men in Korea: a secondary analysis)

  • 채현주
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify factors associated with high-risk drinking in Korean men. Methods: This study was a secondary analysis using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VIII-2), 2020. Data were downloaded from the KNHANES website. The subjects of this study were 1,653 alcohol-drinking men between 19 and 64 years of age. Data were analyzed using the Rao-Scott chi-square test and complex sample logistic regression statistics. Results: The high-risk drinking rate among alcohol-drinking men was 27.1%. High-risk drinking was more common in men who smoked (odds ratio [OR] = 2.11, p < .001), men with a middle school education or lower (OR = 1.91, p = .016), men who lived with a spouse (OR = 1.61, p = .025), men who slept less than 6 hours on weekends (OR = 1.51, p = .016), and men who perceived stress (OR = 1.30, p = .044), while it was lower in men who were underweight (OR = 0.19, p = .006). Conclusion: To reduce the rate of high-risk drinking, it is necessary to provide an intervention that considers factors associated with high-risk drinking among men. In particular, smoking was the most important factor associated with high-risk drinking, implying that the integrated management of drinking and smoking is necessary to reduce high-risk drinking.

우리나라 남녀 성인의 폭음 및 문제음주 영향 요인 (Associated Factors of Binge Drinking and Problem Drinking among Korean Men and Women)

  • 전경숙;이효영
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: This study firstly examined the pattern and prevalence of drinking. Secondly, we examined the sociodemographic and health factors associated with binge drinking and problem drinking among Korean men and women. Methods: Secondary analysis of the 2005 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was conducted for 6,613 respondents aged 19 to 64. Results: Prevalence for binge drinking was 59.7% of men and 15.2% of women. Overall, 45.0% of men and 7.1% of women reported problem drinking. For both men and women, being divorced/separated/widowed was associated with binge drinking (OR=1.51 for men, OR=1.91 for women) and problem drinking (OR=1.43 for men, OR=2.12 for women), and smoking was associated with binge drinking (OR=3.20 for men, OR=3.96 for women) and problem drinking (OR=2.39 for men, OR=4.93 for women). Among women, unmarried and less educated increased the risk of binge drinking and problem drinking but being single and education level were not associated with binge drinking and problem drinking in men. Conclusion: There might be sex difference in the relationships between sociodemographic, and health factors and binge drinking, and problem drinking. Our finding suggest that the need to develop appropriate binge drinking prevention and intervention strategies for sex specified groups at greater risk.

산업장 근로자의 성별특성에 따른 건강습관 비교분석연구 (Analysis of Health Practices of Industrial Workers by Sex)

  • 이명선
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate industrial workers' health habits by sex. Data was collected from 900 workers at 57 industries in Inchon. The research has been carried out through self-administered questionnaires and from the analysis of health examination records. The results were as follows: 1. The most prevalent age group of women were 20-30 years age group(44.3%) and of men were 30-40 years one(45.6%). As for the marital status, 48.1% of women were single and as were 30% of men. High school graduates were over 62.2% of both sex, 32.5% of the men and 58.0% of the women worked between 1 and 5 years. 2. As far as the health habits, women practiced better than men in smoking, drinking and breakfast habits while men practiced better than women in exercise, sleeping and snack habits(p<0.001). 3. According to the odds ratio of health habits by sex, gender was related to health practices in the present study, men had worse health habits than women by 139.83 times in smoking, by 6.97 times in drinking consumption(p<0.001). And as for eating regular breakfast habits, women had better health habits than men by 2.53 times(p<0.001). 4. Good health practice scores(5-7) were 25.0% in women and 12.6% in men and those had bad health practice (0-4) were 75.0% in women and 87.5% in men(p<0.001). 5. According to the results of multiple logistic regression to examine the difference of health habits by sex, men had worse health habit than women by 114.5 times in smoking, by 3.1 times in alcohol consumption more than once per week in control of the other factors. Women had better health habits than men by 4.5 times in regular breakfast habits. 6. Health habits had a statistically significant association with good health status among men, but the relationship was nonsignificant in the women. According to the odds ratio, men who had bad health habits were poorer health status than who had good health habits by 1.95 times(p<0.05).

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빅 데이터를 활용한 코로나19 이전과 이후의 남성 패션에 대한 인식 비교 (Comparative Analysis in Perception on Men's Fashion Using Big Data : Focused on Influence of COVID-19)

  • 김도현;김정미
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the perception of men's fashion before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. TEXTOM allowed the collection of Big Data based on the term 'men's fashion'. As for the data collection periods, Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2019 was set as the pre-COVID-19 era, while Jan. 1, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2021 was set as the post-COVID-19 era. The top 50 words in terms of appearance frequency were extracted from the data. The extracted words were processed using network centrality analysis and CONCOR analysis using Ucinet 6. Research findings were as follows. 1) In the pre-COVID-19 era, the appearance frequency of 'men' was the highest, followed by 'fashion', 'men's fashion', 'brand', 'daily look', 'suit', and 'department store'. These words came up with a high TF-IDF values. Network centrality analysis discovered that 'men', 'fashion', 'men's fashion', 'brand', and 'suit' had a high level of connectivity with other words. CONCOR analysis showed four significant groups: 'fashion item and styles', 'fashion show', 'purchase', and 'collection'. 2) In the post-COVID-19 era, the appearance frequency of 'men' was the highest, followed by 'fashion', 'brand', 'men's fashion', 'discount', 'women', and 'luxury'. These words also displayed high TF-IDF values. Network centrality analysis found that 'fashion', 'men', 'brand', 'men's fashion', and 'discount' had a high level of connectivity with other words. CONCOR analysis showed four significant groups: 'fashion item and style', 'fashion show', 'purchase', and 'situation'. 3) Before the outbreak of the pandemic, men were interested in suits to wear to the office, daily look, and fashion shows in Milan and Paris. They often purchased menswear in multi-brand and open stores. However, they were more interested in sneakers, casual styles, and online fashion shows as social distancing and working from home became common. Most purchased menswear through online platforms.

Zaltman의 은유유도기법을 이용한 화장하는 남성들의 이상적 자아와 환상에 관한 질적 연구 (Qualitative Study on the Ideal-self and the Fantasy of Men Wearing Makeup by Employing Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique)

  • 고선영
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2017
  • This study conducted in-depth interviews with twelve men in their twenties and employed the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) to identify the ideal self-image and fantasy of men wearing makeup. The results are as follows. First, the ideal self-images of men wearing makeup can be divided into 7 images (well-managed, dissimilar from real identity, masculine, neat, stylish, standing out, and formal). Men who wear makeup pursued an alternative decent image that is different from their reality. They want to be manly, attractive, decorous, and eye-catching through a better looking face. Second, men who wear makeup have insecurities about their looks and personalities that creates dissatisfaction with reality and a desire for a different idealistic self. Makeup was the tool to create the other entity. Makeup facilitated a fantasy of becoming another to gain increased confidence in social relationships. However, without makeup, they showed a lack of confidence and became intimidated that made them even further dependent on makeup. Third, the process helped participants complete a consensus map that represented the emotional and reasoning structures of men wearing makeup. This study showed 7 ideal self-images of men wearing makeup with a fantasy to create a desired ideal self by wearing makeup. The study can be applied to marketing strategy for men's cosmetics and plates' designs.

몽골 20대 남녀의 지수치를 이용한 인체 프로포션 연구 (Study on Body Proportion Using Body Indexes of Mongolian Men and Women in 20's)

  • 임순
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this research is to compare the body proportion of the Mongolian and Korean men and women in their 20' s by comparing the characteristics of the body type that uses the body indexes, in order to provide the base data for the increased fit of the apparels. The results are as follows. 1) Histogram of the Rohrer' s Index for the Mongolian men and women in their 20s was examined. the Mongolian men, normal body type took up 48.0% while small body type comprised 50.0% and obese body type comprised 2.0%. the Mongolian women, normal body type comprised 61.5%, small body type comprised 22.1% and obese body type comprised 16.4%. 2) The body proportion of Korean men has 1:1.62 with upper body and low body part on a waist basis, and Mongolian men has 1:1.65. Thus Mongolian men has longer pan of lower body than Korean men. 3) Mongolian women has longer part of lower body and has higher rates of hip height, crotch height, knee height than Korean women. Mongolian women has high rate of hip line and calf length. 4) As a result comparison using the body index of Mongolian and Korean women (bust thickness/ bust width, waist thickness / waist width, hip thickness / hip width, when regarding the height as 100 ), it was found that Mongolian women are flatter than korean women.

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남성의 연령과 성역할 정체감 유형에 따른 가방 선호도 (Bag Preference of Men according to their Age and Gender-role Identity Types)

  • 이영주
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2011
  • This study examines if men in the 20's and 30's have different preference for bag types according to their age and gender-role identity types in order to provide foundational data for the male bag market to segment its customers and establish marketing strategies. Total 288 questionnaire sheets were distributed to 186 men in the 20's and 102 men in the 30's residing in Busan. First, according to the result of analyzing their preference for bag types, adult men in the 20's and 30's preferred cross bags the most. It was also shown that men who are feminine or androgynous prefer back packs, shoulder bags, and tote bags to the other two types. Second, about cross bags, men in the 20's showed a higher rate of having two or three than those in the 30's. Men in the 20's possessed back packs more than those in the 30's. And men tend to show a lower rate of having shoulder bags compared with that of cross bags or back packs. Men in the 30's possessed briefcases more than those in the 20's. Masculine men had more briefcases than the other types of bags, and androgynous men tend to have more tote bags than the other types of bags. Third, men in the 20's and 30's all deemed that back packs go well with the casual style. Men in the 20's regarded shoulder bags are the type of bags that harmoniously matches all styles including casual or semi-suit; however, men in the 30's think they only suit casual or semi-suit. And it was also found that men in the 20's think briefcases are the type of bags that goes well with various styles of clothes while men in the 20's consider they are the type of bags only matching suits.

건강검진자를 대상으로한 갑상선질환의 유병률 조사 (Prevalence of Thyroid Disfunction in the Subjects for the Health Check-up)

  • 석성자;신두만
    • 대한임상검사과학회지
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.96-103
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out on 14,443 subjects (8,706 men, 5,737 women ; between 20-80 years of age, mean age $41.8{\pm}9.16$) who visited the health promotion center of one university hospital. Serum $T_3$, $T_4$ and TSH concentrations were measured with CIA using commercial kits on ADVIA Centaur Assay. The prevalence of thyroid disfunction was high in elderly people and women like in western countries. The results were as follows; 1. The prevalence of overt hyperthyroidism was 4.8/1,000 population (men 4.1/1,000, women 5.9/1,000) and was higher in women than in men. 2. The prevalence of subclinical hyperthyroidism was 10.7/1,000 population (men 9.0/1,000, women 13.2/1,000) with peak prevalence at the age group 50, 60 and was higher in women than in men. 3. The prevalence of overt hypothyroidism was 0.5/1,000 population (men 0.5/1,000, women 0.5/1,000). The prevalence increased with age and was significantly higher in women in the age group over 60 years. 4. The prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism was 12.6/1,000 population (men 6.0/1,000, women 22.7/1,000) and was as high as about 4 times in women than in men. 5. The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was higher in women than in men in all the age groups, and was higher in the age group 50, 60 years than in any other age group.

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중년 남녀의 최대 산소 섭취량 (Maximal Oxygen Uptake in middle-aged Men and Women)

  • 권승락;남기용
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 1968
  • Maximal oxygen uptake was measured in twenty-eight middle-aged men aged 45.0 (range: 40.3-50.7) years and fourteen middle-aged women aged 40.5 (range: 34.3-47.5) years by means of a treadmill test. The physique of subjects were:mean skinfold thickness at 4 sites, namely, back, arm, waist and abdomen was 7.59 mm in men and 14.5 mm in women; total body fat estimated from the mean skinfold thickness, 11.9% fat in men and 25.5% fat in women. The detailed observations are as follows: 1. Maximal oxygen uptake expressed on any reference unit in men was greater than that of women. The values of men to women were: 2.61 to 1.92l/min., 45.1 to 37.0 ml/min./kg, 51.8 to 46.5 ml/min./kg lean body mass (LBM), 15.7 to 12.6 ml/min./cm body height. 2. Maximal pulmonary ventilation in men was 80.2 l/min. and 63.5 l/min. in women. 3. There was a correlation of fairly high degree between maximal oxygen uptake and body weight, namely, r=0.56 in men and r=0.79 in women. The correlation between maximal oxygen uptake and lean body mass also was fairly high, namely, r=0.58 in men and r=0.69 in women. 4. The correlation between maximal pulmonary ventilation and body weight or lean body mass was r=0.51 and r=0.25 in middle-aged men and r=0.41 and r=0.19 in middle-aged women, respectively. 5. Maximal heart rate in men was 176.4 beat/min. and it was 183.9 beat/min. in women. 6. Maximal oxygen pulse in men was 14.6 ml/beat and 9.5 ml/beat in women. 7. Aerobic work capacity of korean middle-aged men and women maintained the same level as that of young men and women, respectively, as shown by maximal oxygen uptake expressed ml/min./kg or ml/min./kg lean body mass.

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Evaluating the effect of conditioned medium from endometrial stem cells on endometriosis-derived endometrial stem cells

  • Seyedeh Saeideh Sahraei;Ali Kowsari;Faezeh Davoodi Asl;Mohsen Sheykhhasan;Leila Naserpoor;Azar Sheikholeslami
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 2022
  • Endometriosis is a common, benign gynecological disease which is determined as an overspreading of endometrial tissue in exterior region of the uterine cavity. Evidence suggests that retrograde menstrual blood which contains mesenchymal stem cells with differential gene expression compared to healthy women may play a role in endometriosis creation. We aimed to identify whether the conditioned medium (CM) from menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MenSCs) of healthy women can affect the expression level of inflammatory and stemness genes of MenSCs from endometriosis women. Endometriosis-derived MenSCs (E-MenSCs) were treated with CM derived from healthy women's MenSCs (non-endometriosis derived MenSCs [NE-MenSCs]). Some CD markers were analyzed by flow cytometer before and after treatment compared with NE-MenSCs, and the expression level of inflammatory and stemness genes was evaluated by real-time PCR. E-MenSCs show different morphology in vitro culture in comparison with NE-MenSCs, which were changed in the presence of CM, into a morphology more similar to normal cells and showed significant decrease expression of CD10 after CM treatment. In our results, the interleukin-1, cyclooxygenase-2, and hypoxia-inducible factor 1α as inflamaturay genes and octamer-binding transcription factor 4, NANOG, and sex determining region Y-box 2 as stemness genes showed significantly different expression level in E-MenSCs after treating with CM. Our study indicates that the expression level of some inflammatory- and stemness-related genes which have differential expression in E-MenSCs compared with NE-MenSCs, could be changed to normal status by using CM derived from NE-MenSCs.