• Title/Summary/Keyword: Long-term Care hospital

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Variations and Factors Associated with the Supply and Utilization of Nursing Home Services in Japan and South Korea (한국과 일본 장기요양시설 공급과 이용의 지역 간 변이)

  • Kim, Hongsoo;Yoon, Nan-He;Lee, Seyune;Hashimoto, Hideki
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.100-111
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    • 2020
  • Background: Few studies have examined the performance of the public long-term care insurance (LTCI) from the perspective of geographic equity. This study investigated regional variations and associated factors in the supply and utilization of nursing home care within and also between Japan and Korea. Methods: A comparative dataset was developed by extracting data from 2013-2015 LTCI statistics yearbooks and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development regional statistics, as well as other comparable data in Japan and Korea. The unit of analysis was the prefecture in Japan and the province in Korea. We computed variation indices and conducted regression analyses for regional variations within each country and decomposition analyses to examine the variations between the countries. Results: The overall regional supply and use of nursing home care were higher in Japan, but the regional variations in Korea were larger than in Japan. In both countries, the nursing home supply was negatively associated with the proportion of older people with independent living. Nursing home use was also negatively associated with the supply of hospital beds and home care agencies in Korea; the relationship was the opposite in Japan, however. The country-based differences were more likely to be explained by differences in the distributions of the variables included in the analytical model than country-specific characteristics. Conclusion: Regional-level nursing home supply and use were unequal in both countries, and the contributing factors were not the same. Policy efforts are needed to advance regional equality in long-term care (LTC) and collaboration between health and LTC institutions for frail older people, especially in Korea.

The Effect of Dongchimi Juice Containing Kimchi Lactobacillus on the Oral Health of Patients at a Long-Term Care Hospital: Comparison with Chlorhexidine Solution (요양병원환자에게 적용한 김치유산균 함유 동치미즙의 구강간호효과: 클로르헥시딘 용액과의 비교)

  • Lee, Seung-Ah;Lee, Dongsuk
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.540-550
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the effect of Dongchimi juice containing kimchi Lactobacillus as an oral hygiene agent and to compare it with that of chlorhexidine solution (0.12% dilution). Methods: This study employed a pretest-posttest experimental design in which a single group of patients was exposed to two different treatments over a period of time. The study included 32 patients hospitalized at a longterm care hospital in Korea. Data were collected between August 12, 2016 and September 28, 2016. The patients first used chlorhexidine solution as an oral care agent for 1 week. After an interval of 2 weeks, they used Dongchimi juice for 1 week. Each agent was applied 2 times a day depending on the protocol. The oral status of the patients was measured using Beck's Oral Exam Guide (OEG) scores. The number of pathogens in the oral cavity was counted by culture, and the patients' subjective satisfaction score for each oral agent was measured using a visual analogue scale. T-test and Mann-Whitney test were performed to identify significant differences between Dongchimi juice and chlorhexidine solution by using PASW Statistics for Windows, Version 18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results: The OEG score was not statistically different with the use of chlorhexidine solution and Dongchimi juice. However, decreasing number of pathogens and the subjective satisfaction score were higher with Dongchimi juice than with the chlorhexidine solution. Conclusion: These findings support the use of Dongchimi juice containing kimchi Lactobacillus as an oral hygiene agent for Korean patients.

The U.S. Experience of the DRG Payment System and Suggestions to Korea (DRG 지불제도에 대한 미국의 경험과 우리 나라에의 시사점)

  • Park, Eun-Cheol;Lee, Sun-Hee;Lee, Sang-Gyu
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.105-120
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    • 2002
  • In the United States, the prospective payment system(PPS), under which diagnosis related groups (DRGs) are used to reimburse hospitals for the care of Medicare patients since 1983, Study results showed that the PPS is having a major impact on the quantity of services especially of hospital length of stay. The PPS has increased the likelihood that a patient will be discharged home in an unstable condition and the use of nursing homes or long term care facilities increased. Still, it is insufficient to conclude that the PPS has decreased the Medicare total expenditure, but relatively sufficient to conclude that the quality of care hasn't changed. The maintenance of the quality resulted from the systemic "check-and-balance" composed of three factors; (1) The doctors are reimbursed based on the fee-for-service system, (2) hospitals contact with doctors under the attending system, and (3) there are some public hospitals. In Korea, the reimbursement for hospitals and doctors are not divided, the hospitals have doctors as employees, and 90% of hospitals are private. These differences may weaken the "check-and-balance" existing in the U.S. system. And there are few long term care facilities and the diagnostic coding system using in pilot test are not suitable for Korean situation. In conclusion, for successful implementation of the DRG payment system in Korea, the government should establish the "check-and-balance" system in the health sector to make sure the quality of care before the implementation.

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The Effect of Emotional Labor, Resilience on Performance of Long-term Care Hospital Employee (요양병원 직원의 감정노동, 회복탄력성 등이 업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jong-won
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2021
  • This was empirical research aimed at determining the effects of emotional labor, Resilience and service environment, on the performance of Long-term Care Hospital Employee. The participants were 180 employees working in long-term care hospitals in Gyeonggi-do. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS statics19.0 program. The study were analyzed by frequency analysis and descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Scheffe? test, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise regression. As a result of the study, age, marriage status, career, and position affected performance among the general characteristics.tion coefficients, and stepwise regression. As a result of the study, the average performance was 91.25 (±12.46) points, emotional labor was 41.25 (±4.21) points, Resilience was 52.89 (±6.37), and the service environment was 78.93(±15.3) points. The performance showed a positive correlation with emotional labor(r=.326, p<.001) service environment (r=.384, p=.005) and Resilience (r=.417, p<.001) of Long-term Care Hospital Employee. Service environment was the biggest factor affecting performance, and the second was resilience. The explanatory power of this regression model was 48.2% and was statistically significant (F=58.249, p<.001).

Development of a Blue Ocean Strategy Enhancing Management Efficiencies of Long-term Care Visiting Nursing Centers (방문간호센터의 경영 효율성 제고를 위한 블루오션 전략 개발)

  • Lim, Ji Young;Kim, Juhang;Kim, Yeseo;Kim, Sungjun
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aimed to present Blue Ocean strategies by deriving the strategic elements of a visiting nursing center and conducting a survey on the importance and satisfaction of care clients. Methods: First, a FGI was conducted targeting the head of the visiting nursing center to derive its strategic elements. Subsequently, importance and satisfaction surveys on the derived strategy elements were analyzed, an IPA matrix was derived, and an as-is ERRC Blue Ocean strategy was established. Kano's Three-Factor Theory was used to derive a competitive position matrix and establish a to-be ERRC Blue Ocean strategy. The Blue Ocean Strategy for Visiting Nursing Center Management is presented in this study. Results: Four as raise factors were derived from combining the results of the as-is, to-be ERRC strategy element analysis: retention of competent nurses, education in medication management, maintenance of high customer satisfaction, and prompt handling of customer complaints. Additionally, the customer's health condition evaluation was derived. Conclusion: Blue Ocean Strategies can be used to analyze, derive, and establish management strategies in various nursing-related entrepreneurship fields.

Changes in Japan Healthcare System and New Directions of Hospital Management (일본 의료시스템의 변화와 병원 경영의 새로운 방향)

  • Inoue, Takahiro;Hada, Masashi;Yuzawa, Atsuko;Lee, Sei-Hoon;Kwon, Young-Dae
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2008
  • Japanese national health expenditure was 8.0% of GDP in 2004, and it was lower than average of OECD countries. But it has increased rapidly in recent years. Japan has relatively many acute care beds and high-price medical equipments, and the average length of stay is long. Japanese government is trying healthcare reform to contain healthcare expenditure, increase the efficiency of management and improve the quality of healthcare. As healthcare policies for hospitals such as DPC (Diagnosis Procedure Combination) for acute care beds, reduction of long-term care beds, and functional differentiation and liaison among healthcare institutions are implemented, the number of hospitals in financial difficulties is increasing. The serious situation urges hospitals to adapt to changes and search new directions of management. They need to establish and implement appropriate positioning strategy, and increase management efficiencies. Korean healthcare system has similarities with Japanese in many aspects. The recent reform and changes in Japanese healthcare system and hospitals give suggestions to Korean hospitals as to how they can prepare for environmental changes and improve management.

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Home care services: crisis and prospects (가정간호: 위기와 전망)

  • Song, Chong-Rye
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2009
  • The Korean government introduced Home Care Services System to cut medical cost and make efficient use of limited medical resources because of increasing chronic diseases and the growing population of the elderly. The Korean government established measures to control the use of insurance services by restricting the number of nurse's visits to patient's home and by asking the patients to shoulder the transportation fee of nurses during the visit. Factors such as oversupply of hospital facilities, low price of home care services, high insurance coverage for hospital services and increased nuclear family set up resulted in the limited use of home care nursing services. The introduction of long-term care insurance in 2007 brought the decrease in the number of home care agencies and these agencies are facing a crisis today. The increase in chronic diseases and growing population of the elderly recently resulted in the need to control the high medical cost. Home care services for early discharge patients and chronic-severe disease patients will contribute in the reduction of medical cost at the same time improves the quality of patient's life. To catch up with the demands of the nation, accessibility to home care services should be improved and policies such as the expansion of home care services insurance coverage and promotion of establishing home care agencies should be considered.

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The Convergent Relationship of Fatigue, CPR-related Stress and Job Satisfaction Long-term Care Hospital Nurses (요양병원 간호사의 심폐소생술 관련 스트레스, 피로 및 직무만족도와의 융합적 관련성)

  • Cha, Ju-Ae;Kang, Seung-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to understand Fatigue and CPR-related stress level anddob Job satisfaction of long-term Care Hospital nurses. The participants were 220 Care Hospital nurses in Gwang Ju and Chonnam region. Data were collected from November 17 to 30, 2014. and analyzed with SPSS 20.0 version program. The mean value for CPR-related stress was $3.29{\pm}0.64$point, $3.37{\pm}0.56$point for Fatigue and $3.06{\pm}0.44$point for Job satisfaction. Depending on subjects' characteristic, CPR-related stress and fatigue showed significant difference due to gender and manpower, however, Job satisfaction showed no difference. CPR-related stress was positively correlated with fatigue. CPR-related stress accounted for 27.8% of the cause of fatigue. Results of the study suggested seeking countermeasure to diminish the stress level for flexible nursing resources management and putting efforts to provide comfortable hospital environment. in consideration of the convergent relationship between CPR-related stress, Fatigue and Job satisfaction.

Impact of Enhanced Recovery Program on Colorectal Cancer Surgery

  • Lohsiriwat, Varut
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.3825-3828
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    • 2014
  • Surgical outcomes of colorectal cancer treatment depend not only on good surgery and tumor biology but also on an optimal perioperative care. The enhanced recovery program (ERP) - a multidisciplinary and multimodal approach, or so called 'fast-track surgery' - has been designed to minimize perioperative and intraoperative stress responses, and to support the recovery of organ function aiming to help patients getting better sooner after surgery. Compared with conventional postoperative care, the enhanced recovery program results in quicker patient recovery, shorter length of hospital stay, faster recovery of gastrointestinal function, and a lower incidence of postoperative complications. Although not firmly established as yet, the enhanced recovery program after surgery could be of oncological benefit in colorectal cancer patients because it can enhance recovery, maintain integrity of the postoperative immune system, increase feasibility of postoperative chemotherapy, and shorten the time interval from surgery to chemotherapy. This commentary summarizes short-term outcomes and potential long-term benefits of enhanced recovery programs in the treatment of colorectal cancer.

A Study on the Development of the Healing Environment Evaluation Criteria for Elderly Care Hospital focusing on the Elderly Inpatient Characteristics (노인환자의 특성을 고려한 노인요양병원 치유환경 평가지표)

  • Chun, Sookyung;Nam, Kyung-Sook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2017
  • This paper investigates the evaluation criteria in order to manage healing environment of long-term care elderly hospital. Elderly hospital evaluation tool developed by Korean Government is used to assess elderly hospital facilities to check the hospital facility and maintain its quality. However, the evaluation indicators and questions mainly focusing on safety indicators. Some questions are too vague for precise evaluation. In this paper, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the present evaluation criteria to establish new assessment tool for precise evaluation. The literature research was conducted tp set up the new evaluation criteria. From this research, we developed an elderly focusing on healing environment checklist for elderly care hospital which contains 7 factors as the primary hierarchy structure (Safety, Accessibility, Amenity, Sensibility, Friendly to nature, Territory, Interaction) and 23 factors as the secondary hierarchy structure. This evaluation criteria will help healthcare facility designers and healthcare organizations to build the healthcare facilities.