• Title/Summary/Keyword: Long Life Housing

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Recent Advances in the Nutrition of the High Producing Sow -Review-

  • Easter, R.A.;Kim, S.W.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.769-773
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    • 1998
  • Genetic advances, changes in housing systems and new management strategies have made it necessary to thoroughly review conventional nutritional programs. The approach has changed from one of feeding to permit gradual depletion of fat and protein tissues to one of feeding to maintain long-term nutritional balance. Increasingly the sow is viewed as a dynamic system that can be described by a mathematical model. There is opportunity to improve the initial models through research to provide a better understanding of metabolism and key physiological events in the sow's reproductive life. Direct experimentation remains a very important tool for defining nutritional requirements. Recent data supports increases in amino acid recommendations during lactation. Voluntary feed intake remains an intractable problem during lactation.

Analysis of the Weight for the Required Performance Items of Lightweight Wall through the Test-bed and AHP Method (테스트베드 구축과 AHP기법을 통한 경량벽체 요구성능의 중요도 분석)

  • Lee, Hak-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.105-106
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    • 2015
  • As the Long-life certification system is recently introduced in the Housing Law in Korea, it is expected that an application of the lightweight wall panel will be increased in apartment construction as the main wall system. However, the performance criteria for lightweight wall is in the early phase of its action. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the performance criteria properly by investigating performance requirement in the user's perspective. The purpose of this study is to identify of the weight of the required performance items for the lightweight wall in apartment house. To analyze the priority in the performance, an interview survey is performed; after monitering the test-bed of the lightweight walls, user and experts evaluate the performance requirements. The weight of the performance requirement is developed by AHP method.

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A Study on the Residential Services of Urban Type Senior Living for Active Senior (액티브시니어를 위한 도심형 노인주거서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Hae;Lee, Hyun-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.232-235
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to propose the residential service for Active senior from the age of 40's to 60's who prefers urban-type lifestyle. The lifestyle for Active senior was reorganized into the 5 main categories; convenience, well-being & activity, community, brand & Individuality and self-expression from the recent studies about the senior lifestyle. According to the lifestyle above, I propose the residential services to meet their needs. The result of the research, it showed that the services comcerned about the lifestyle; one stop living service, customized activity & health program, open community, various choices & facility differentiation and life-long education & working opportunity can be possible and more helpful in meeting the active senior's needs.

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An analysis of domestic research trends on elderly environment planing (국내 노인주거환경계획 분야 연구의 흐름 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Yeun Sook;Lee, So Young;Kim, Mi Sun;Lee, Jung Hwa;Kwak, Yoon Jung
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2007
  • Korean society expects to be changing into aged society more rapidly than any other countries due to low birthrate and increase in life expectancy. Increasing number of elderly and social problems of aging society have provoked increase in research on elderly environment. Elderly housing facilities and living conditions are significantly related to the quality of life for older persons. The purpose of this study is to systematically analyze empirical studies on elderly physical environments in Korea, find out research streaming and understand social backgrounds and to suggest future research problems. For this study, contents analysis was conducted. Articles of four academic peer reviewed journals published from 1986 to 2005 were units of analysis. Using a keyword through library database systems, the articles were systematically selected. As results, trends of research according to 4 periods were defined. Among them as major trends, expansion of the quantity, expansion to interior design features for older persons, more facility types for dependent elderly(assisted living facilities, facilities for elderly with dementia, long term care facilities) have appeared. This result showed some directions and implications on elderly facility planning and development.

The Study of Modernization of Korean Traditional Small Table (한국 전통 소반의 현대적 디자인 연구)

  • Baik, Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2016
  • Culture and design change with time and what they have in common is that both develop in line with the era's living environments. Today, various life styles have emerged to cause changes in housing and living modes and we are in need of designs that can be commonly used in any place. Under the circumstances, furniture plays a role of medium that helps interactions between the human and the space and it has long been used in a variety of ways amid the change of the times. Soban, Korean traditional furniture, is a tool used in our real life and it is a piece of furniture that caters for both arts and functionality. It has been more of a living necessity and accordingly carried wisdom of experience for survival, rather than artificial beauty. Unlike other types of furniture, it is a practical tool designed in consideration of users. Therefore, this study aims to find traditional furniture's wisdom of experience in Soban, which tends to get neglected, and ensure its value as a modern design element, and to contribute to express and study the formative arts of Korean design so that a past living necessity of Soban can overcome its limitation of being floor-seating furniture and become more than an eating tool in it value.

Development of a Simplified Model for Estimating CO2 Emissions: Focused on Asphalt Pavement (CO2 배출량 추정을 위한 간략 모델 개발: 아스팔트 포장을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Kyu-Yeon;Kim, Sung-Keun
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2021
  • Global warming due to increased carbon dioxide is perceived as one of the factors threatening the future. Efforts are being made to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in each industry around the world. In particular, environmental loads and impacts during the life cycle of SOC structures and buildings have been quantitatively assessed through a quantitative method called Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). However, the construction sector has gone through difficulty in quantitative assessment for several reasons: 1) LCI DB is not fully established; 2) the life cycle is very long; 3) the building structures are unique. Therefore, it takes enormous effort and time to carry out LCA. Rather than estimating carbon emissions with accuracy, this study aims to present a simplified estimation model that allows owners or designers to easily estimate carbon dioxide emissions with little effort, given that rapid and rough decisions regarding environmental load reduction are to be made. This study performs the LCA using data from 25 road construction projects across the country, followed by multiple regression analyses to derive a simplified carbon estimation model (SLCA). The study also carries out a comparative analysis with values estimated by performing a typical LCA. The comparison analysis shows an error rate of less than 5% for 16 road projects.

An Alternative Improved-Layout of Rural House Plot (농촌주택의 주거 공간구조 개선방안)

  • 박장혁
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 1999
  • Considering that rural village had evolved through a long-sustained effort of harmnization with nature, there should be the wisdom not only to reflect the level of rural resident's housing demand, but also to conserve the traditional characteristics of high-valuation in the modern rural housing. In Korea , standard design proposals of rural houses had been made public three times ; in 1972 , 1984 and 1995. so , firstly, this study analysed the inner-space layouts of design proposals mentioned above, from which changes and problems in the past housing design were derived. And also, through, the positive acceptance of residents' opinion living inthe houses built by standard design proposals in 1970 ~1980's, improved design principles and an alternative model were proposed , finally. The inner-space structed of standard design proposals in 1970s was originated from small-scaled and low-priced one, basically under the " open system". In 1980s, the basic design principle changed to the 'closed system' in which the living room being the focus of indoor family life, and , in 1990s, progressively, therural housing developed to the high qualified type by the spatial enlargement and with increased equipements. However, this structural change of rural house brought about the problem of functional separatioon between farming and daily living activities. In details, limited spaces of multipurpose spaces and sanitary facility would be mentioned as problems for improvement. conclusively in this study, newoly arranged "open system" was recommended , as a basic design principle for theinner space structure formation of rural house, which easily links the constituent inner-house spaces to outer one. Based on this principle, the detailed design criterial was proposed as follows ; 1. The living room be directly linked to the front-yard and centrally placed, the addtional space of which could be secured for the special family events by the flexibleuse of its adjacent room or by the housing of male quarters(separated from main building quarter). 2. The kitchen also be directly linked to side-yard and to livng room , for the convenience of farming activities and the shortening of path flow housewife. 3. The expanded toilet-and-bathroom be placed in the directly connected left-hand side to the living room and also be allowed access through multipurpose spaces to out door. 4. The multipurpose spaces be directly connected to the kitchen and the toilet and-bathroom , of which function would be for undressing of working clothes, quickwashing and ordinary working.nd ordinary working.

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A Schematic Estimation Development of the CO2 Emission in the Maintenance of Repair of Apartment Housing (개·보수 유지관리부문의 이산화탄소 배출량 간이 산정방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, KangHee;Ahn, YoungHan;Chae, ChangU
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2013
  • Many activities associated with the construction and habitation of buildings are connected with issues affecting the environment such as global warming, climate change, and consumption of valuable natural resources such as fossil fuels. To minimize negative impacts on the environment, the building industry worldwide has implemented green building practices in many countries. One of the main green strategies is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by residential structures because they are most substantially connected with global warming and climate change. To determine the actual quantity of green house gas emissions caused by the construction and use of a building, it is important to analyze total greenhouse gas emissions over the life cycle of buildings including construction, operation & maintenance(O&M) and demolition stages. Many studies suggest methods to calculate greenhouse gas emissions at the construction stage, but the literature addressing greenhouse gas emissions at the O & M stage is limited. A year-long study was conducted utilizing the deterioration method to calculate greenhouse gas emissions at the O & M stage of building life for condominium types of buildings in South Korea. Through this research, it is possible to analyze greenhouse gas emissions of buildings at the O & M stage, the longest span of the life cycle, and eventually help to calculate total greenhouse gas emissions over the life cycle of the building.

Analysis on the Home Modification related System for the Elderly (고령자 주택개조 관련 제도 현황 분석)

  • Kwon, Oh-Jung;Kim, Jin young;Lee, Yong min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.24-36
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    • 2018
  • Implementing a home modification to enable elderly's safe and independent living is the key plan to realize their aging in place. South Korea in which had entered an aged society is not yet vitalized in home modification for the elderly compared to that of welfare-developed countries, and South Korea provides support that is limited to the low-income elderly. Therefore, this purpose of this study was to analyze the laws related to the home modification, the present condition of home modification support, the standards and guidelines in home modification, the support in house modification cost, and supporting organization and working force in the home modification. Through the analyzing process, this study examined the current situation and problems of institutional support in the home modification for elderly and the proposed plan for institutional improvement. The suggestions based on the results are as in the following. 1) Home modification support law(act or regulation) is required to be improved 2) Home modification support system correspondent to aging process should be provided regardless of their income levels. 3) Delicate plan standard and guideline are necessary for a process of implementing the home modification for the elderly. 4) Information on life behavior is in need for the implementation of elderly-customized home modification. 5) Cost for the home modification should be considered to cover by the Act on Long-Term Care Insurance for the Aged. 6) Housing Welfare Center and Housing Welfare Professional should be actively utilized for the home modification support institution and work force.

A Study on the Standard Joint Material and Reference Plane for the Standard of Construction in the Apartment - Joining Part between Gypsumboard and Windows - (공동주택 시공표준화를 위한 조립기준면 및 표준마무리재에 관한 연구 - 석고보드 마감재와 창호재의 접합부위를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Seok-Ho;Park, Keun-Soo;Lee, Ga-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2009
  • In our country, the application of the design method of face to face dimension in wall-slab apartment has passed 10 years. So MC(Modular Coordination) design method has fixed in the design step to some degree. In Design and Work Execution of House the exclusive area of the apartment was calculated by face to face dimension. And the term of face to face dimension was known broadly to clients, construction company, etc. But design method of face to face dimension is not to simply extend the room size so far as wall depth in design process but to ensure the actual space should be considered with efficient use and assembly of building components. That is to say, Design method of face to face dimension is not to be defined by design step but to be related with construction and maintenance. However in construction process the point of face to face design method was not understood even now. So the purpose of this study was to extract the effect and question of face to face design method in construction process by survey of actual condition of structure and construction quality, and compare this result with existing construction method. The following project of this study is to survey of actual condition of interior components such as gypsum board, windows & doors etc. Therefore this study is to induce architectural long-life through architectural standardization construction and component's exchange, and, by the subject of the study on Apartment to have design guideline and basis for joining part between Gypsumboard and windows.