• Title/Summary/Keyword: Logging Service

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Event Log Analysis Framework Based on the ATT&CK Matrix in Cloud Environments (클라우드 환경에서의 ATT&CK 매트릭스 기반 이벤트 로그 분석 프레임워크)

  • Yeeun Kim;Junga Kim;Siyun Chae;Jiwon Hong;Seongmin Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.263-279
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    • 2024
  • With the increasing trend of Cloud migration, security threats in the Cloud computing environment have also experienced a significant increase. Consequently, the importance of efficient incident investigation through log data analysis is being emphasized. In Cloud environments, the diversity of services and ease of resource creation generate a large volume of log data. Difficulties remain in determining which events to investigate when an incident occurs, and examining all the extensive log data requires considerable time and effort. Therefore, a systematic approach for efficient data investigation is necessary. CloudTrail, the Amazon Web Services(AWS) logging service, collects logs of all API call events occurring in an account. However, CloudTrail lacks insights into which logs to analyze in the event of an incident. This paper proposes an automated analysis framework that integrates Cloud Matrix and event information for efficient incident investigation. The framework enables simultaneous examination of user behavior log events, event frequency, and attack information. We believe the proposed framework contributes to Cloud incident investigations by efficiently identifying critical events based on the ATT&CK Framework.

Behavioural Analysis of Password Authentication and Countermeasure to Phishing Attacks - from User Experience and HCI Perspectives (사용자의 패스워드 인증 행위 분석 및 피싱 공격시 대응방안 - 사용자 경험 및 HCI의 관점에서)

  • Ryu, Hong Ryeol;Hong, Moses;Kwon, Taekyoung
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2014
  • User authentication based on ID and PW has been widely used. As the Internet has become a growing part of people' lives, input times of ID/PW have been increased for a variety of services. People have already learned enough to perform the authentication procedure and have entered ID/PW while ones are unconscious. This is referred to as the adaptive unconscious, a set of mental processes incoming information and producing judgements and behaviors without our conscious awareness and within a second. Most people have joined up for various websites with a small number of IDs/PWs, because they relied on their memory for managing IDs/PWs. Human memory decays with the passing of time and knowledges in human memory tend to interfere with each other. For that reason, there is the potential for people to enter an invalid ID/PW. Therefore, these characteristics above mentioned regarding of user authentication with ID/PW can lead to human vulnerabilities: people use a few PWs for various websites, manage IDs/PWs depending on their memory, and enter ID/PW unconsciously. Based on the vulnerability of human factors, a variety of information leakage attacks such as phishing and pharming attacks have been increasing exponentially. In the past, information leakage attacks exploited vulnerabilities of hardware, operating system, software and so on. However, most of current attacks tend to exploit the vulnerabilities of the human factors. These attacks based on the vulnerability of the human factor are called social-engineering attacks. Recently, malicious social-engineering technique such as phishing and pharming attacks is one of the biggest security problems. Phishing is an attack of attempting to obtain valuable information such as ID/PW and pharming is an attack intended to steal personal data by redirecting a website's traffic to a fraudulent copy of a legitimate website. Screens of fraudulent copies used for both phishing and pharming attacks are almost identical to those of legitimate websites, and even the pharming can include the deceptive URL address. Therefore, without the supports of prevention and detection techniques such as vaccines and reputation system, it is difficult for users to determine intuitively whether the site is the phishing and pharming sites or legitimate site. The previous researches in terms of phishing and pharming attacks have mainly studied on technical solutions. In this paper, we focus on human behaviour when users are confronted by phishing and pharming attacks without knowing them. We conducted an attack experiment in order to find out how many IDs/PWs are leaked from pharming and phishing attack. We firstly configured the experimental settings in the same condition of phishing and pharming attacks and build a phishing site for the experiment. We then recruited 64 voluntary participants and asked them to log in our experimental site. For each participant, we conducted a questionnaire survey with regard to the experiment. Through the attack experiment and survey, we observed whether their password are leaked out when logging in the experimental phishing site, and how many different passwords are leaked among the total number of passwords of each participant. Consequently, we found out that most participants unconsciously logged in the site and the ID/PW management dependent on human memory caused the leakage of multiple passwords. The user should actively utilize repudiation systems and the service provider with online site should support prevention techniques that the user can intuitively determined whether the site is phishing.

A Study on Industrial Potential of Artificial Intelligence through the Cases of Film and Artificial Intelligence Art (예술에서 살펴본 인공지능의 미래 산업화 가능성 - 영화와 인공지능 예술을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hee-Young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.50
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    • pp.423-452
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    • 2018
  • The possibility of future industrialization of artificial intelligence was studied through aspects of artificial intelligence art and movie. The field of artificial intelligence is developing by imitating humans through past and present, so it can be inferred that it is important to grasp the future image presented in movie and artificial intelligence art. Human values are represented differently in artificial intelligence films and arts. Artificial intelligence film and art are concerned with the external and internal aspects of human values, respectively. The AI movie looks at similar external aspects in human and AI shape and function, but artificial intelligence art deals with human alienation and lack of communication due to artificial intelligence technology development. Artificial intelligence in movies is a direction to visualize the imagination for artificial intelligence technology, and artificial intelligence art is expressed in the way of making and implementing works using technology. The future of artificial intelligence, which we have shown in imagination in movies today, is being realized technologically. Artificial intelligence art reflects the problems of artificial intelligence technology that can be appeared through current technology, and human problems that may arise from artificial intelligence technology development. Movies and artificial intelligence art reflect the current problems, and through them we can see the future of artificial intelligence. The future of artificial intelligence in movies is an artificial intelligence service that provides human convenience, cyborg artificial intelligence industry, industry that uses exoskeleton robot and exoskeleton suit, and artificial intelligence secretary. If we look at the future of artificial intelligence through the artificial intelligence art in terms of the problems of artificial intelligence technology and the problem of human value, there are artificial intelligence to learn from trial and error or mistakes, self-expression and communication by lifelogging, recovery of miscommunications by a reflective thinking, and an expansion of the area of artificial intelligence artist through human uncertainty. The future industrialization potential of artificial intelligence as study through aspects of artificial intelligence art and movie is an industry that extends the five senses, an industry that improves the insufficient physical ability of the human, an industry that enhances the physical ability of the human being, and an industry that maintains psychological and mental well-being.