• Title/Summary/Keyword: Local void

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The Characteristics of Two Phase Flow by Non-Newtonian Fluid for Vertical Up-ward in a Tube (수직 상향유동 배관에서 비뉴톤유체에 의한 2상류의 유동특성)

  • Cha K.O.;Kim J. G.;Che K.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 1998
  • Flow pattern of air-water two phase flow depends on the conditions of pressure drop, void fraction, and channel geometry. Drag reduction in the two phase flow can be applied to the transport of crude oil, phase change systems such as chemical reactor, pool and boiling flow, and to present cavitation which occurs in pump impellers. But the research on drag reduction in two phase flow is not intensively investigated. Therefore, experimental investigations have been carried out to analyze the drag reduction produced and void fraction by Co-polymer(A611p) addition in the two phase flow system. We find that the maximum point position of local void friction moves from the wall of the pipe to the center of the pipe when polymer concentration increases. Also we find that the polymer solution changes the characteristics of the two phase flow. And then we predict that it is closely related with the drag reduction.

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Study of the RBTRAN Code for Upper Plenum Analysis in Very Small LOCA (매우 작은 규모의 LOCA에 있어서 Upper Plenum분석을 위한 RETRAN코드의 연구)

  • Hee Cheon No
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 1984
  • In the application of the RETRAN code to the analysis of very small LOCA one of main concerns is placed on use of the bubble rise model in the upper plenum, because the bubble rise model nay cause a numerical divergence problem and coefficients used to describe it are based on experimental results of large LOCA. In order to solve this problem, a method, which enables us to predict the mixture level in the upper plenum without use of the bubble rise model, was proposed. For this method the local void distribution in the core and upper plenum was derived by using a simplified slip model. It was shown that results predicted from the derived equation are in excellent agreement with experimental data. Additionally it was found that local void in the upper plenum has a uniform distribution unlike a linear distribution in large LOCA. Communication between the upper plenum and upper head was investigated. By introducing the concept of Taylor instability, it was proved that counter-current Hon between them is possible.

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Elastic Analysis of a Half-Plane Containing an Inclusion and a Void Using Mixed Volume and Boundary Integral Equation Method (혼합 체적-경계 적분방정식법을 이용한, 함유체와 공동을 포함한 반무한 고체에서의 탄성해석)

  • Lee, Jung-Ki;Yoon, Koo-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1072-1087
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    • 2008
  • A mixed volume and boundary integral equation method (Mixed VIEM-BIEM) is used to calculate the plane elastostatic field in an isotropic elastic half-plane containing an isotropic or anisotropic inclusion and a void subject to remote loading parallel to the traction-free boundary. A detailed analysis of stress field at the interface between the isotropic matrix and the isotropic or orthotropic inclusion is carried out for different values of the distance between the center of the inclusion and the traction-free surface boundary in an isotropic elastic half-plane containing three different geometries of an isotropic or orthotropic inclusion and a void. The method is shown to be very accurate and effective for investigating the local stresses in an isotropic elastic half-plane containing multiple isotropic or anisotropic inclusions and multiple voids.

Two phase convective heat transfer augmentation in swirl flow with non-boiling (비비등 선회유동에서의 2상 대류열전달 증가)

  • ;;Kim, J. G.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.2586-2594
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    • 1995
  • Two phase flow phenomena are observed in many industrial facilities and make much importance of optimum design for nuclear power plant and various heat exchangers. This experimental study has been investigated the classification of the flow pattern, the local void distribution and convective heat transfer in swirl and non-swirl two phase flow under the isothermal and nonisothermal conditions. The convective heat transfer coefficients in the single phase water flow were measured and compared with the calculated results from the Sieder-Tate correlation. These coefficients were used for comparisons with the two-phase heat transfer coefficients in the flow orientations. The experimental results indicate, that the void probe signal and probability density function of void distribution can used into classify the flow patterns, no significant difference in voidage distribution was observed between isothermal and non-isothermal condition in non-swirl flow, the values of two phase heat transfer coefficients increase when superficial air velocities increase, and the enhancement of the values is observed to be most pronounced at the highest superficial water velocity in non-swirl flow. Also two phase heat transfer coefficients in swirl flow are increased when the twist ratios are decreased.

A Study on the partial Discharge Characteristics according to the Distribution pattern of voids within LDPE (보이드 분포 형태에 따른 LDPE의 부분 방전 특성 연구)

  • Shin, Doo-Seong;Jeon, Seung-Ik;Lee, Jun-Ho;Yun, Do-Hong;Han, Min-Koo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.07c
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    • pp.1081-1084
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    • 1995
  • Internal voids located within an insulation will arise partial discharge that causes local breakdown and even the entire insulation breakdown. For HV apparatuses, it is usual case that several voids are formed within non-uniform electric field condition rather than single void within uniform field, which can be solved analitically. The purpose of this work is to study partial discharge and breakdown characteristics of an insulation according to the distribution pattern of two disc-type voids that are located within non-uniform field. The results from numerical field analysis and experiments show that the electric field within the voids decreases as they are arranged more serially, which accordingly results in the increase of partial discharge inception field(PDIF) much higher than that of single void model. With parallel arranged voids, PDIF is almost the same as that of single void model. On the other hand, AC breakdown strength decreases as voids are arranged more serially, which is a natural result considering the reduction of effective insulation thickness. For parallel voids, this effect cannot he noticed where as they show different pattern compared with single void and serial void models in $\Phi$-Q-N analysis. Considering these results may leads us to the conclusion that, in the evaluation of insulating products through PD test, it is not sufficient to determine only PDIV or existence of PD at predetermined voltage level. We could evaluate more accurately by considering all the available data such as PDIV, PD magnitude, PD occurring phase, number of PD pulses, and etc.

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Measurements of Void Concentration Parameters in the Drift-Flux Model (상대유량 모델내의 기포분포계수 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, B.J.;Park, G.C.;Chung, C.H.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 1993
  • To predict accurately the thermal hydraulic behavior of light water reactors during normal or abnormal operation, the accurate estimation of the void distribution is required. Up to date, many techniques for predicting void fraction of two-phase flow systems have been suggested. Among these techniques, the drift-flux model is widely used because of its exact calculation ability and simplicity. However, to get more accurate prediction of void fraction using drift-flux model, slip and flow regime effects must be considered more properly In the drift-flux method, these two effects are accounted for by two drift-flux parameters ; $C_{o}$ and (equation omitted). At earlier stage, $C_{o}$ is measured in a circular tube. In this study, $C_{o}$ is experimentally determined by measuring local void fraction and vapor velocity distribution in a rectangular subchannel having 4 heating rods which simulates nuclear subchannels. The measurements are peformed with two-electrical conductivity probes which are known to be adequate for measuring local parameters. The experiments are performed at low flow rate and the system pressure less than 3 atmo spheric pressure. In this experiment, (equation omitted), is not measured, but quoted from well-known empirical correlation to formulate $C_{o}$. Finally, $C_{o}$ is expressed as a function of channel averaged void fraction. fraction.

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Forging of 1.9wt%C Ultrahigh Carbon Workroll : Part II - Void Closure and Diffusion Bonding (1.9wt%C 초고탄소 워크롤 단조 공정 : Part II - 기공압착 및 확산접합)

  • Kang, S.H.;Lim, H.C.;Lee, H.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.463-469
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    • 2013
  • In the previous work, a new forging process design, which included incremental upsetting, diffusion bonding and cogging, was suggested as a method to manufacture 1.9wt%C ultrahigh carbon workrolls. The previous study showed that incremental upsetting and diffusion bonding are effective in closing voids and healing of the closed void. In addition, compression tests of the 1.9wt%C ultrahigh carbon steel revealed that new microvoids form within the blocky cementite at temperatures of less than $900^{\circ}C$ and that local melting can occur at temperatures over $1120^{\circ}C$. Thus, the forging temperature should be controlled between 900 and $1120^{\circ}C$. Based on these results, incremental upsetting and diffusion bonding were used to check whether they are effective in closing and healing voids in a 1.9wt%C ultrahigh carbon steel. The incremental upsetting and diffusion bonding were performed using sub-sized specimens of 1.9wt%C ultrahigh carbon steel. The specimen was deformed only in the radial direction during the incremental upsetting until the reduction ratio reached about 45~50%. After deformation the specimens were kept at $1100^{\circ}C$ for the 1 hour in order to obtain a high bonding strength for the closed void. Finally, microstructural observations and tensile tests were conducted to investigate void closure behavior and bonding strength.

Prediction of the Onset of Significant Void in Forced-Convection Subcooled Boiling (강제대류 아냉각비등에서 급격한 기포발생점의 예측)

  • 이상천;남상철
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.681-689
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    • 1994
  • A model to predict the onset of significant void (OSV) in vertical flow between parallel plates has been developed. The model was compared to the experimental data of Whittle and Forgan (1967) and Dougherty et al. (1990), showing excellent agreement. The model was also compared with the Saha-Zuber(1974) correlation, which has been widely used in computer codes for nuclear safety analysis. The present theory is more conservative than this correlation, and further shows that, contrary to this correlation, the Stanton number is not solely related to the Peclet number. This may explain the large error margins required for the Saha-Zuber correlation, and also the scatter beyond the error margins specified by the authors. The steady-state OSV heat fluxes for equal and unequal heating cases between parallel plates were compared. The arithmetic mean of heat fluxes for unequal heating cases is less than the heat flux for equal heating cases. The result may imply that OSV is controlled by local thermal parameters rather than bulk parameters.

Case Study on the Void Characteristics of Concrete Bridge Decks on the Expressway (공용중인 교량 바닥판의 내구성에 공극특성이 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, Jin-Won;Rhee, Ji-Young;Kim, Hong-Sam;Lee, Byeong-Ju;Shin, Do-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.425-428
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    • 2008
  • Concrete bridge decks, as well as asphalt pavement, are directly exposed to traffic loads and environmental conditions like rain water and deiceing chemicals. In this reason, there are often observed the deteriorations of asphalt overlay and of concrete deck under pavement. In this reason, it is important to identify the clear cause of concrete quality from a practical point of view. Therefore, in this paper it was initiated to ultimately suggest a protocol offering guidance as to assurance the quality control of concrete bridge deck on the part of void characteristics of concrete. Examinations such as visual inspection, deteriorated depth, and various void characteristic performed from cored specimens of 19 concrete bridge decks of various local conditions on the expressway. This paper discuss that the bridge deck condition analyses from the testing results were compared to a foreign guide line.

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The Removal Of Voids In The Grooved Interfacial Region Of Silicon Structures Obtained With Direct Bonding Technique (홈구조 실리콘 접합 경계면에서의 Void 제거를 위한 실리콘 직접접합 방법)

  • Kim, Sang-Cheol;Kim, Eun-Dong;Kim, Nam-Kyun;Bahna, Wook;Soo, Gil-Soo;Kim, Hyung-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.310-313
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    • 2002
  • Structures obtained with a direct boning of two FZ silicon wafers joined in such a way that a smooth surface of one wafer was attached to the grooved surface of the other were studied. A square net of grooves was made with a conventional photo lithography process. After high temperature annealing the appearance of voids and the rearrangement of structural defects were observed with X-ray diffraction topography techniques. It was shown that the formation of void free grooved boundaries was feasible. In the cases when particulate contamination was prevented, the voids appeared in the grooved structures could be eliminated with annealing. Since it was found that the flattening was accompanied with plastic deformation, this deformation was suggested to be intensively involved in the process of void removal. A model was proposed explaining the interaction between the structural defects resulted in "a dissolution" of cavities. The described processes may occur in grooved as well as in smooth structures, but there are the former that allow to manage air traps and undesirable excess of dislocation density. Grooves can be paths for air leave. According to the established mechanisms, if not outdone, the dislocations form local defect arrangements at the grooves permitting the substantial reduction in defect density over the remainder of the interfacial area.

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