• Title/Summary/Keyword: Light rail

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A Study on the Construction for Transfer System between Tram and Public Traffic System - In the Place of Changwon Area - (노면전철과 대중교통수단 간의 환승체계 구축에 관한 연구 - 창원 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Yang-Won;Park, Do-Yun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.273-286
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    • 2013
  • Recently, due to problems with subway and bus operations, a need has emerged for a solution such as the introduction of an Advanced Transit System. In several municipalities, systems have been introduced using light rail as AGT urban aesthetics construction. There is high inhibition and civil cases are delayed by more environmentally friendly and accessible remedies. For the purpose of this study, Changwon city would be transformed to have an environmentally friendly transportation system such as a tram with an overview. Features, advantages, and disadvantages are analyzed, and systems are established the existing public transport routes by transfer system. Changwon city's tram plan is first step in open in year 2018, and second step with the opening goal of the year 2021, and the total line length of 33.9 km, the station will be built in the 38 locations. and also in 2011 a feasibility study, evaluated a low economic as B/C to 0.88, but it evaluated the high value of the policy analysis as AHP to 0.502. However, introduction of a tram project that should precede the as following condition. The first step in Changwon city's tram plan would be as follows : The introduction of the tram system would demand traffic management along with a restructuring of the bus system, and the tram system would be selected for domestic realities. Secondly, the introduction of trams would comprehend the advanced traffic composition in accordance with the consensus of the citizenship, and a legal system should be established for the introduction of the trams.

Analysis of National Competitiveness Effect according as Transportation Infrastructure Stock - Focused on Moscow, Russia - (교통 SOC 스톡수준에 따른 국가 경쟁력 영향 분석 - 러시아 모스크바를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Eun-kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.851-860
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    • 2015
  • Transport Social Overhead Capital refers to public utilities necessary for a nation's basic economic activities, and is divided into roads, railway, subway, ports and so on. It is important to be able to provide these SOC in the right place at the right time to enhance productivity and competitiveness of a nation. In this study, correlation and factor analysis on countries' socioeconomic and transport indicators were performed in order to understand the need for expansion of SOCs including railway, and to identify the impact they have on national competitiveness(productivity). As a result, GDP showed high correlativity(0.59~0.99) with factors such as population, land area, extension of available railroad, and road extension. Specifically, through the analysis of Russia's urban transport system and comparison between socioeconomic indices and SOCs of OECD countries, it was examined that how increasing transport infrastructure investments could enhance national competitiveness. In conclusion, opening new Light Rail greatly affects the growth of GDP followed by the increasing extension of available railroad. Furthermore, if available railroad extension is increased by 10 % from 2014, assuming high speed tram is opened, GDP will likely increase by 21.6%.

Case Studies on Distributed Temperature and Strain Sensing(DTSS) by using an Optical fiber (광섬유 센서를 이용한 온도 및 변형 모니터링에 대한 현장응용 사례)

  • Kim, Jung-Yul;Kim, Yoo-Sung;Lee, Sung-Uk;Min, Kyoung-Ju;Park, Dong-Su;Pang, Gi-Sung;Kim, Kang-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.86-95
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    • 2006
  • Brillouin backscatter is a type of reflection that occurs when light is shone into an optical fibre. Brillouin reflections are very sensitive to changes in the fibre arising from external effects, such as temperature, strain and pressure. We report here several case studies on the measurement of strain using Brillouin reflections. A mechanical bending test of an I beam, deployed with both fiber optic sensors and conventional strain gauge rosettes, was performed with the aim of evaluating: (1) the capability and technical limit of the DTSS technology for strain profile sensing; (2) the reliability of strain measurement using fiber optic sensor. The average values of strains obtained from both DTSS and strain gauges (corresponding to the deflection of I beam) showed a linear relationship and an excellent one-to-one match. A practical application of DTSS technology as an early warning system for land sliding or subsidence was examined through a field test at a hillside. Extremely strong, lightweight, rugged, survivable tight-buffered cables, designed for optimal strain transfer to the fibre, were used and clamped on the subsurface at a depth of about 50cm. It was proved that DTSS measurements could detect the exact position and the progress of strain changes induced by land sliding and subsidence. We also carried out the first ever distributed dynamic strain measurement (10Hz) on the Korean Train eXpress(KTX) railway track in Daejeon, Korea. The aim was to analyse the integrity of a section of track that had recently been repaired. The Sensornet DTSS was used to monitor this 85m section of track while a KTX train passed over. In the repaired section the strain increases to levels of 90 microstrain, whereas in the section of regular track the strain is in the region of 30-50 microstrain. The results were excellent since they demonstrate that the DTSS is able to measure small, dynamic changes in strain in rails during normal operating conditions. The current 10km range of the DTSS creates a potential to monitor the integrity of large lengths of track, and especially higher risk sections such as bridges, repaired track and areas at risk of subsidence.

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On the Development of Safety Requirements Based on Functional Analysis of LRT Stations in Concept Development Stage (경전철 역사 개념설계 단계에서 기능분석 결과를 활용한 안전요구사항의 생성방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Joo-Uk;Jung, Ho-Jeon;Park, Kee-Jun;Kim, Joorak;Han, Seok Youn;Lee, Jae-Chon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.382-391
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    • 2016
  • For safety-critical systems including railways, there has been a growing need for effective and systematic safety management processes. The outcomes of efforts in this area are international safety standards, such as IEC 61508, 62278, and ISO 26262. One of the principal activities in the safety process is hazard analysis. For this reason, considerable efforts have been directed toward methods of hazard analysis. On the other hand, the hazard analysis methods reported thus far appear to be unclear in terms of their relationship with the system design process. In addition, in some cases, the methods appear to rely heavily on information regarding the hardware and software components, the number of which is increasing. These aspects can become troublesome when design changes are necessary. To improve the situation, in this paper, hazard analysis was carried out using the result of functional analysis early in the concept development stage for a safety-critical system design. Because hazard analysis is carried out at the system level and the result is then used to develop the safety requirements, improvements can be expected in terms of the development time and cost when design changes are required due to changes in the requirements. As a case study, the generation of safety requirements for the development of light rail transit stations is presented.

Improvement of Methodology for Appraising Tram Projects Considering the Effect of Buses (노선버스 영향을 고려한 트램사업 투자평가방법론 개선 연구)

  • Choi, Ji Ho;Chung, Sung Bong;Bae, Tae Hee;Myung, Myo Hee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2021
  • In contrast to standard train tracks, tramlines are often set along public roads, with trams running among pedestrians and other vehicles. In some cities and towns, trams and buses share the same routes and stations. Under the current investment appraisal system, trams are classified into light rail when predicting traffic demand and calculating benefits, but in the case of non-capital areas, it is notable that the origin-destination and transit lines of buses are not provided in the Korea Transport Database distribution data. Due to this problem, it is difficult to reflect proper mode changing behaviors between route buses and trams. This study examines the impact on tramlines of bus routes that are not currently considered in non-capital areas. Following an analysis of the effect of tram projects according to whether bus routes are considered or not, an improvement in methodology is proposed. Through this study, it is expected that the investment appraisal system for the planning of new tramlines will be improved in the future.

Comparing the Service Coverages of Subways and Buses and Estimating the Walking Distances of Their Users (지하철과 버스의 서비스권역 비교 및 이용자들의 도보거리 추정 - 부산시를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyung Whan;Lee, Deok Hwan;Choi, Jong Moon;Oh, Il Sung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.6D
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    • pp.541-552
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    • 2010
  • The light rail transit (LRT) having bus lines as subsystem is being constructed or planned in the suburban area of metropolitans and medium size cities. However, there is difficulty in establishing the service coverage (SC) of the LRT because the LRT is a completely new transit mode in Korea. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data and techniques to be used for establishing the SC of the future LRT by understanding the SC characteristics of buses and subways and building models to estimate the walking distances of their users. Busan City is selected as the study city and the SC's of buses and subways are surveyed simultaneously. A total of 9 variables for 82 stations are collected and the cluster analysis is conducted about the variables. The station areas are divided to three types of CBD (Central Business District), sub-CBD and regional center based on the analysis. A station in each area is selected as the study station. At the walking distance (WD) analysis for each mode, the 80 percentile WD of the subway is 672 m and that of the bus is 472 m. In comparing the SC's of both modes by the type of station areas, there are not significant differences between the SC's of sub-CBD and regional center except CBD. At analysis of the relationship between the personal attributes and the WD, for subway users the WD of female is longer than that of male and apartment residents use subway more positively than single house residents do. For the models to estimate the walking distances, the simple regression models were built employing the income as independent variable by dividing the stations into CBD abd non-CBD stations.

Dynamic analysis of a coupled steel-concrete composite box girder bridge-train system considering shear lag, constrained torsion, distortion and biaxial slip

  • Li Zhu;Ray Kai-Leung Su;Wei Liu;Tian-Nan Han;Chao Chen
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.207-233
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    • 2023
  • Steel-concrete composite box girder bridges are widely used in the construction of highway and railway bridges both domestically and abroad due to their advantages of being light weight and having a large spanning ability and very large torsional rigidity. Composite box girder bridges exhibit the effects of shear lag, restrained torsion, distortion and interface bidirectional slip under various loads during operation. As one of the most commonly used calculation tools in bridge engineering analysis, one-dimensional models offer the advantages of high calculation efficiency and strong stability. Currently, research on the one-dimensional model of composite beams mainly focuses on simulating interface longitudinal slip and the shear lag effect. There are relatively few studies on the one-dimensional model which can consider the effects of restrained torsion, distortion and interface transverse slip. Additionally, there are few studies on vehicle-bridge integrated systems where a one-dimensional model is used as a tool that only considers the calculations of natural frequency, mode and moving load conditions to study the dynamic response of composite beams. Some scholars have established a dynamic analysis model of a coupled composite beam bridge-train system, but where the composite beam is only simulated using a Euler beam or Timoshenko beam. As a result, it is impossible to comprehensively consider multiple complex force effects, such as shear lag, restrained torsion, distortion and interface bidirectional slip of composite beams. In this paper, a 27 DOF vehicle rigid body model is used to simulate train operation. A two-node 26 DOF finite beam element with composed box beams considering the effects of shear lag, restrained torsion, distortion and interface bidirectional slip is proposed. The dynamic analysis model of the coupled composite box girder bridge-train system is constructed based on the wheel-rail contact relationship of vertical close-fitting and lateral linear creeping slip. Furthermore, the accuracy of the dynamic analysis model is verified via the measured dynamic response data of a practical composite box girder bridge. Finally, the dynamic analysis model is applied in order to study the influence of various mechanical effects on the dynamic performance of the vehicle-bridge system.

A Criterion on the Selection of Optimal Mass Transport System by Transportation Corridor based on GIS Buffering Analysis (GIS Buffering 분석에 기반한 교통축별 최적대중교통시스템 선정기준)

  • Kim, ManWoong;Kim, Sigon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.5D
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    • pp.477-483
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    • 2010
  • The existing mass transport system, with its limited capacity and the saturated road networks, has given cause for a new means of transport to be developed, and strong demands for such new means of transport are observed more than ever. However, the traffic authority is seeking a new transport system that focuses more on LRT(Light Rail Transit), a downsized version of the existing urban railroad, rather than one that is appropriate to solve the traffic problems. Moreover, local governments are experiencing difficulties in planning their own mass transportation(bus or urban railroad) as they have no specified criteria for selecting a mass transport system. Accordingly, there has been an increasingly loud voice that calls for criteria to determine which mass transport system befits each transportation corridor. This paper develops a mass-transport demand forecasting model based on the GIS Buffering analysis of each transportation corridor in the city, sets up the capacity for each mass transport system and presents the criteria for selecting an optimal mass transport system for each transportation corridor. It also presents a methodology that identifies necessary and sufficient conditions for selection and evaluation, since it is most important to select the optimal mass-transport system that can meet the demand by each mass-transportation corridor.