• 제목/요약/키워드: Light curing unit

검색결과 93건 처리시간 0.02초


  • 최남기;조성훈;김선미
    • 대한소아치과학회지
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구의 목적은 상업용으로 시판되고 있는 수종의 치과용 접착제를 세대별로 분류하여 서로 다른 광원에 노출 시켜 중합하고 접착면의 전단 강도 측정을 통해 결합강도를 비교함으로써 간접적으로 광원에 따른 접착제의 중합 양상을 알아보고 소아치과 영역에서 가장 권장할만한 치과용 접착제와 광원 종류의 조합을 알아보고자 함이다. 본 연구에서는 최근에 개발된 치과용접착제를 대상으로 다른 유형의 광원으로 중합하였을 때 영구치 상아질에 대한 결합력 비교 평가하여 임상에서 상아질결합제와 광중합 시스템의 적절한 조합을 선택하는데 도움을 주고자 시행하였으며, 실험재료로 Adper Scotchbond Multi-purpose Plus Adhesive (SM; 3M ESPE, USA), Adper Single bond 2 (SB; 3M ESPE, USA), Clearfil SE Bond (SE; Kuraray Medical Inc., Japan), Adper Prompt L-Pop (PL; 3M ESPE, USA), GBond (GB; GC Cooperation Toyko, Japan)을 이용하여 Elipar Free light 2(LED; 3M ESPE, USA), OptiLux 501 (Halogen, Kerr, USA), Flipo (PAC, LOKKI, FRA) 세 가지의 광원으로 중합하고 전단결합강도를 평가한 뒤 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. Freelight 2로 중합하였을 때 전단결합강도는 SM이 가장 높았으며($28.22{\pm}5.56$), SB($21.68{\pm}7.44$), SE($20.13{\pm}9.88$), PL($14.18{\pm}5.88$), GB($14.30{\pm}6.81$) 순이었다. SM은 PL, GB와 유의한 차이가 있었으나 (p<0.05), SB, SE, PL, GB 간에는 차이가 없었다. 2. Optiux 501로 중합하였을 때 전단결합강도는 SM이 가장 높았으며 ($22.06{\pm}7.95$), PL($12.94{\pm}4.96$), SB($12.80{\pm}3.35$), SE($12.43{\pm}4.79$), GB($10.00{\pm}3.47$) 순이었고, SM만 유의한 차이가 있었으나 (p<0.05), 다른 군 간에는 차이가 없었다. 3. Flipo로 중합하였을 때 전단결합강도는 SM이 가장 높았으며 ($26.82{\pm}11.16$), PL($15.42{\pm}9.35$), SB($10.96{\pm}3.74$), SE($9.39{\pm}3.74$), GB($7.85{\pm}2.22$) 순이었다. SM은 SB, SE, GB 군과 유의한 차이가 있었으나 (p<0.05), 다른 군 간에는 차이가 없었다. 4. 광원에 따른 차이는 SB와 GB에서만 유의성이 있었고, 다른 결합제에서는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 광원에 따른 유의성을 나타낸 결합제 중 SB는 Freelight 2가 다른 광원에 비해 유의한 차이를 보였고 OptiLux 501과 Flipo간의 차이가 없었던 반면, GB는 Freelight 2와 Flipo 간에만 유의한 차이를 나타냈다.


  • Lee Seong-Hee;Pae Ahran;Kim Sung-Hun
    • 대한치과보철학회지
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2006
  • Statement of problem. Although many studies have been carried out to investigate the correlation between the degree of conversion and the flexural strength of composite resins, there is minimal information in the literature attempting to compare degree of conversion, flexural strength and their correlation between restorative composite resins and flowable composite resins. Purpose. The purposes of this study were to measure the degree of conversion and flexural strength of composite resins with different rheological behavior and to correlate the two properties. Materials and methods. Four restorative (Vit-1-escence, Z-250, Tetric ceram, Esthet-X) and four flowable (Aeliteflo, Admiraflow, Permaflo, Revolution) light-curing composite resins were investigated. The degree of conversion(DC) was analyzed with Fourier transfer infra-red spectroscopy(FTIR) spectrum by a potassium bromide(KBr) pellet transmission method. The spectrum of the unpolymerized specimen had been measured before the specimen was irradiated for 60s with a visible light curing unit. The Poiymerized specimen was scanned for its in spectrum. The flexural strength(FS) was measured with 3-point bending test according to ISO 4049 after storage in water at $37^{\circ}C$ for 24 hours. The data were statistically analyzed by an independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA at the significance level of 0.05. The dependence of flexural strength on the degree of conversion was also analyzed by regression analysis. Results. Mean DC and FS values ranged from 43% to 61% and from 84.7MPa to 156.7MPa respectively. DC values of the flowable composite resins were significantly higher than those of restorative composite resins (P < 0.05). The FS values of restorative composite resins were greater than those of flowable composite resins. No statistically significant correlation was observed between the DC and the FS tested in any of the composites. The dependence of FS on DC in restorative or flowable composite resins was not significant. Conclusion. It can be concluded that radical polymerization of the organic matrix is not a major factor in determining flexural strength of the commercially available composite resins.


  • 이인천;김종수;유승훈
    • 대한소아치과학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.20-29
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 광중합 충전 재료의 적층 방법에 따른 중합수축 양상을 스트레인 게이지를 이용하여 측정하고, 이를 응력으로 환산하여 치면에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 발거된 영구치 70개의 치경부에 가로 3 mm, 세로 3 mm, 높이 1.5 mm의 와동을 형성하고, 일회 충전, 수평 적층법, 사면적층법으로 나누어 수복 재료를 충전하였다. Plasma arc lamp(PAL)를 사용한 고출력 광중합기를 광원으로 사용하였으며, 수복 재료는 Filtek $Z-250^{(R)}$ 복합레진, $Dyract^{(R)}$ AP 컴포머 그리고 $Tetric^{(R)}$ Flow 유동성 복합레진을 사용하였다. 중합과정동안 스트레인 게이지를 이용하여 치면에 발생된 스트레인을 측정하였고, 이를 응력으로 환산하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. Strain 값은 광중합 개시와 함께 급격히 증가하였으며, 시간이 지남에 따라 서서히 감소하는 양상을 보여 주었다. 2. $Z-250^{(R)}$의 수축응력이 $Dyract^{(R)}$ AP와 $Tetric^{(R)}$ Flow에 비해 상대적으로 높게 나타났으나 통계학적 유의차는 없었다(p>0.05). 3. $Z-250^{(R)}$$Dyract^{(R)}$ AP에서 3가지 와동 충전 방법 간에는 수축응력의 차이가 없었다(p>0.05). 4. 와동 충전 방법에 따른 충전 재료 간에도 수축응력의 유의차는 없었다(p>0.05). 이상의 결과를 종합해보면 $Dyract^{(R)}$ AP는 광중합 과정과 자가 중합 과정이 함께 일어남으로 인해 $Z-250^{(R)}$보다 상대적으로 중합 수축이 적게 나타난 것으로 판단되었다. $Tetric^{(R)}$ Flow는 한 번에 충전을 완료할 수가 있어 시간 소모가 적고 치질에 대한 중합수축력도 적어 유치 와동 충전 시 유용한 충전 방법이라고 판단되었다. 향후 와동 충전 방법의 방향과 광중합 시간 간격이 광중합수축에 미치는 영향 등에 대한 추가 연구가 필요하다고 사료되었다.

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백라이트 유니트 구성요소가 TFT-LCD TV용 광확산필름의 전기, 광학적 특성에 미치는 영향 (Effect of BLU Ingredient on Electrical and Optical Properties of Light Diffusing Film used for TFT-LCD TV)

  • 안철흥;김건중
    • 공업화학
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.397-402
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    • 2006
  • TFT-LCD TV용 백라이트 유니트(BLU)의 각 구성성분이 최종 광확산필름의 물리적, 전기적, 열적, 광학적 특성에 미치는 영향에 관하여 고찰하였다. 블로킹 방지층에 있어서는 $6{\mu}m$의 아크릴 비드를 0.5~1.5 wt%로 첨가했을 때 블로킹 방지성이 우수하였고, 4급 암모니움 염을 0.8 wt%로 첨가하였을 경우 Decay-Time 및 수분에 대한 안정성이 가장 우수한 결과를 나타내었다. 광확산층에 있어서는 아크릴 폴리올을 바인더 수지로서 사용하고, 무황변 타입의 HDI계 경화제를 바인더 수지에 대해 30~35 wt%로 첨가하였을 경우가 PET 필름 표면상에의 접착력, 경화속도 및 유연성 측면에서 가장 우수한 결과를 보였다. 또한 $20{\mu}m$의 다분산형 폴리스티렌($20{\mu}m$ PS) 및 폴리메틸메타크릴레이트($20{\mu}m$ PMMA) 비드를 바인더 수지 대비 250 wt%로 첨가하였을 경우에 가장 높은 법선휘도값을 얻을 수 있었으며, PS 입자를 사용했을 경우보다는 PMMA 입자를 사용했을 경우가 투과율 차이로 인해 더 높은 법선휘도값을 나타내었다.


  • 구대회;이용근;손호현;임미겸
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.358-373
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    • 1997
  • Resin modified glass ionomers were introduced in 1988 to overcome the problems of moisture sensitivity and low early mechanical strength of conventional glass ionomers and to maintain their clinical advantages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color stability of four resin modified glass ionomers(Fuji II LC, Vitremer, Dyract and VariGlass), one resin composite material(Z-100), and one conventional glass ionomer(GC Fuji II) under several conditions. These conditions were as follows: 1) before curing, 2) after curing, 3) after polishing, 4) after 500 thermocycling, 5) after 1,000 thermocycling, 6) after 1,500 thermocycling and 7) after 2,000 thermocycling. Three specimens of each material/shade combination were made. Materials were condensed into metal mold with a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness of 2.0 mm, and were pressed between glass plates. The material was polymerized using a light polymerizing unit(Visilux II, 3M, USA). After removal of excess, the surface was polished sequentially on wet sandpapers. A reflection spectrophotometer(Model TC-6FX, Tokyo Denshoku Co., Japan) was used to determine CIELAB coordinates($L^*,a^*$ and $b^*$) of each specimen. CIE standard illumination C was used as the light source. The results were as follows : 1. In comparing different shades of same material, CIELAB color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) value was not significantly different from each other(p>0.05). 2. CIELAB color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) values between after-curing and after-polishing were ranged from 5.53 to 27.08. These values were higher than those of other condition combinations. 3. CIELAB color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) values between before-thermocycling and after-thermocycling were ranged from 1.40 to 7.81. Despite the number of thermocycling increased, CIELAB color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) value was low. 4. The color stability of resin modified glass ionomers was more stable than that of conventional glass ionomers but less stable than that of Z100.

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동요치 고정에 사용되는 복합레진의 색품질 평가 (Color quality evaluation of composite resins used for splinting teeth)

  • 정지혜;천경준;오용희;장훈상
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.995-1002
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color stability of composite resins used for splinting teeth by comparing a self-cure resin cement (Superbond C&B, SB), a flowable composite resin (G-aenial Universal Flo A2, GU), and a composite resin exclusively used for splinting teeth (G-Fix, GF) before and after aging in NaOCl. Methods: Resin samples were fabricated to a size of 2 mm thickness and 8.5 mm diameter and light-cured with an LED light curing unit (G-Light, n = 12). Immediately after fabrication, CIE L*a*b* values of the resin samples were measured with a spectrophotometer (CM-5) as baseline. Then, the resin samples were immersed in 5% NaOCl at $60^{\circ}C$ and the color was measured after 23 hours every day for 4 days. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA followed by Duncan post hoc test (p<0.05), and color differences (${\Delta}E$) of resin samples before and after NaOCl aging were also calculated. Results: For SB, there were no changes in L* and a* values but changes were observed in b* values. For GU, there were no changes in L* and b* values but in a* values. For GF, changes were observed in L*, a*, and b* values. All resin samples showed highest ${\Delta}E$ between baseline and the 1st day of NaOCl immersion. ${\Delta}E$ of SB, GU, and GF was 4.6 - 5.8, 4.9 - 7.9, and 9.9 - 16.9, respectively. GF showed highest color change during NaOCl aging. Conclusion: The results of this color quality evaluation showed that the composite resin exclusively used for splinting teeth might be more vulnerable to color change during intraoral service.

Photopolymer Composed of a Photosensitive Polymer Binder Bearing a Chalcone Moiety in the Repeating Unit

  • Cho, Min-Ju;Yoon, Hyuk;Feng, Dejun;Yoon, Han-na;Choi, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2006
  • New photopolymers were designed and prepared using the photosensitive polymer binders. Holographic gratings were successfully fabricated in these photopolymer samples by a conventional optical interference method. We also investigated the effect of photocrosslink in the polymer binder on the diffraction behavior of a new photopolymer. The dynamic behavior of the grating formation was monitored by changing exposure intensity in terms of the diffraction efficiency. Particularly, we focused our efforts in observing the variation of diffraction efficiency during a post UV curing process. The surface topographical change of photopolymer layer before and after Vis/UV light exposure was observed by atomic force microscope (AFM). We inscribed the gratings of the glass diffuser on the surface of the photopolymer and investigated their diffusing properties. The diffusers with photopolymer with the main chain polymer binder showed relatively good viewing angle of around ${\pm}30{\circ}$. Two kinds of photopolymer showed similar uniformity of around 47-54%.

전사방식 광조형 시스템의 해상도 최적화를 통한 출력물의 정밀도 향상 (Accuracy Improvement of Output in Projection Stereolithography by Optimizing Projection Resolution)

  • 김영흠;김규언;이치범
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.710-717
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    • 2015
  • Projection stereolithography is an additive manufacturing method that uses beam projection to cure the photo-reactive resin used. The light source of a cross-section layer-form illuminates photo-curable resin for building a three-dimensional (3D) model. This method has high accuracy and a fast molding speed because the processing unit is a face instead of a dot. This study describes a Scalable Projection Stereolithography 3D Printing System for improving the accuracy of the stereolithography. In a conventional projection 3D printer, when printing a small sized model, many pixels are not used in the projection or curing. The proposed system solves this problem through an optical adjustment, and keeps using the original image as possible as filling the whole projection area. The experimental verification shows that the proposed system can maintain the highest level of precision regardless of the output size.

치과 치료에 사용되는 비위험 기구의 감염 관리 실태 조사 (The survey on the infection control of noncritical instruments used in dental treatment)

  • 김재현;이진한
    • 구강회복응용과학지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2019
  • 목적: 치과 치료에 사용되는 일부 비위험 기구들에 대한 치과의사의 감염 관리 인지도와 감염 관리 실태를 조사하고자 하였다. 연구 재료 및 방법: 대전광역시, 충청남도, 충청북도 및 전라북도 지역의 40개 치과 병, 의원을 연구 대상으로 하였다. 감염 관리에 대한 치과의사의 인지도와 실천정도에 관해서 설문 조사를 시행하였고, 연구 대상인 치과의사가 치과 치료에 사용하는 인상용 건, 광중합기, 3-way syringe, 색조 견본, 치실통의 표면 오염도를 아데노신 3인산 측정기를 이용하여 측정하였고, 감염 관리에 대한 인식도와 실태 간의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 결과: 감염 관리에 관한 인지도와 시행 빈도는 3-way syringe에서 가장 높았다. 모든 기구에서 소독액을 사용한 표면 소독이 가장 많이 시행되었다. 표면 오염도는 3-way syringe, 색조 견본이 인상용 건, 광중합기, 치실통보다 낮게 나타났다. 결론: 치과 치료에 사용되는 비위험 기구들 중에서 3-way syringe는 사용자의 감염 관리 인지도와 표면 오염도 간에 유의한 상관관계가 있으며, 감염 관리의 인지도가 높을수록 표면 오염도가 낮은 것으로 나타났다.


  • 전이주;조성식;엄정문
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.299-309
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    • 1999
  • The composite resin, due to its esthetic qualities, is considered the material of choice for restoration of anterior teeth. With respect to shade control, the direct-placement resin composites offer some distinct advantages over indirect restorative procedures. Visible-light-cured (VLC) composites allow dentists to match existing tooth shades or to create new shades and to evaluate them immediately at the time of restoration placement. Optimal intraoral color control can be achieved if optical changes occurring during application are minimized. An ideal VLC composite, then, would be one which is optically stable throughout the polymerization process. The shade guides of the resin composites are generally made of plastic, rather than the actual composite material, and do not accurately depict the true shade, translucency, or opacity of the resin composite after polymerization. So the numerous problems associated with these shade guides lead to varied and sometimes unpredictable results. The aim of this study was to assess the color changes of current resin composite restorative materials which occur as a result of the polymerization process and to compare the color differences between the shade guides provided with the products and the actual resin composites before- and after-polymerization. The results obtained from this investigation should provide the clinician with information which may aid in improved color match of esthetic restoration. Five light activated, resin-based materials (${\AE}$litefil, Amelogen Universal, Spectrum TPH VeridonFil-Photo, and Z100) and shade guides were used in this study. Three specimens of each material and shade combination were made. Each material was condensed inside a 1.5mm thick metal mold with 10mm diameter and pressed between glass plates. Each material was measured immediately before polymerization, and polymerized with Curing Light XL 3000 (3M Dental products, USA) visible light-activation unit for 60 seconds at each side. The specimens were then polished sequentially on wet sandpaper. Shade guides were ground with polishing stones and rubber points (Shofu) to a thickness of approximately 1.5mm. Color characteristics were performed with a spectrophotometer (CM-3500d, Minolta Co., LTD). A computer-controlled spectrophotometer was used to determine CIELAB coordinates ($L^*$, $a^*$ and $b^*$) of each specimen and shade guide. The CIELAB measurements made it possible to evaluate the amount of the color difference values (${\Delta}E{^*}ab$) of resin composites before the polymerization process and shade guides using the post-polishing color of the composite as a control, CIE standard D65 was used as the light source. The results were as follows. 1. Each of the resin composites evaluated showed significant color changes during light-curing process. All the resin composites evaluated except all the tested shades of 2100 showed unacceptable level of color changes (${\Delta}E{^*}ab$ greater than 3.3) between pre-polymerization and post-polishing state. 2. Color differences between most of the resin composites tested and their corresponding shade guides were acceptable but those between C2 shade of ${\AE}$litefil and IE shade of Amelogen Universal and their respective shade guides exceeded what is acceptable. 3. Comparison of the mean ${\Delta}E{^*}ab$ values of materials revealed that Z100 showed the least overall color change between pre-polymerization and post-polishing state followed by ${\AE}$litefil, VeridonFil-Photo, Spectrum TPH, and Amelogen Universal in the order of increasing change and Amelogen Universal. Spectrum TPH, 2100, VeridonFil-Photo and ${\AE}$litefil for the color differences between actual resin and shade guide. 4. In the clinical environment, the shade guide is the better choice than the shade of the actual resin before polymerization when matching colors. But, it is recommended that custom shade guides be made from resin material itself for better color matching.

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