• Title/Summary/Keyword: Library Materials

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A Study of Collection Development Policies of the University Libraries in Korea (한국의 종합대학도서관 장서개발정책에 관한 연구)

  • 손정표
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.11
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    • pp.101-142
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    • 1984
  • This study is a survey of collection development policies in the 40 university libraries among 42 in Korea as of 1984. The survey used a questionnaire with 36 questions concerning the basic elements of the collection development policy. The survey results revealed many problems demanding correction. The measures to correct the problems in the university libraries are as follows. 1. It is desirable that the libraries should have a collection development policy statement written and adopted for the systematic collection building. 2. It is advisable that the libraries should include a function of the materials selection among other various functions of the Library Committee for the purpose of informing administrators of the goals of the libraries and the validity of the budgetary allocation. 3. It is desirable that each library should organize the Collection Development Committee for minimizing the possibility of personal bias on the part of the individual selectors. 4. It is advisable that the primary responsibility for materials selection should be delegated as follows: for the materials for faculty research, to the faculty members; for the other collections, to the professional staff of each department; for the final review of whether or not to purchase, to the Collection Development Committee. 5. It is desirable for the purchase priority of materials to be set up in accordance with the order of 6 levels of collection development. 6. It is advisable that the libraries should, as top priority, purchase materials in direct su n.0, pport of the undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and in subject matter areas other than languages and literature, Korean materials should have not only the higher priority than the foreign language materials, but also maintain the comprehensive collection level. 7. It is desirable that the special collections should be purchased by special funds from the authority, and the special collections librarian should have the responsibility of the materials selection under the advice of the faculty members relating to the subject area. 8. It is advisable that duplicate copies should be bought only for high use items, but for reserve books, by the program enrollment, and textbooks should not be bought in general, except as su n.0, pplemental materials for course work in which they are necessary and heavily used. 9. It is reasonable that the material budget should be distributed as follows: by the ratio for distributing funds, about 60-70% for the library and 30-40% for departments; by the type of materials, about 50% for books, 40% for periodicals and 10% for other materials, or when not bought other materials, about 50-60% for books and 40-50% for periodicals. In addition, it is desirable that undergraduate class enrollment, graduate class enrollment, undergraduate majors, graduate majors, average book cost in the discipline, number of faculty, and use rate by subject should be considered as the factors for the allocation of funds by department, and special consideration should be given to newly-founded departments so the library holdings can be adequate to su n.0, pport them.

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The Technical Services of the National Central Library: A Search for Rational Direction (국립중앙도서관의 자료정리현황과 그 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Choon Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.7
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    • pp.3-67
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    • 1980
  • Because of the changes made in the modes of cataloguing and classification in its long history, the present catalogue of the National Central Library has become complicated and provides an inadequate guide to its collection. There can be no doubt that this is a serious deficiency in a closed access library since materials housed in the library are virtually inaccessible to unskilled readers. The whole breakdown of the efficiency of the catalogue is emminent and will ultimately create the most serious problems for the library. The main purpose of this survey is: (a) to identify problem areas created by the frequent changes in the cataloguing and classifying principles in the library and (b) to grope a rational direction for the future development. Analysing the various classification schemes and cataloguing rules adopted in processing materials (mainly books) in the library, the following conclusions have been made. A. The library adopted five different clasification schemes in different periods, of which KDCP was used for the most part of its collection. KDCP is recommended to use for the future colletion. A classification development office is recommended to be established within the library, of which the main function is to revise the KDCP in collaboration with the appropriate committee of the Korean Library Association. B. The present practice in the library is to apply three different cataloguing rules and two different author notation tables to the Oriental, classical, and Western collections. Efforts should be made to find out an efficient system so that this variety is simplified. An alphabetical index should be added to the classified catalogue, and improvements are required in the Japanese collection. C. The technical services division is inadequately staffed. The staff should be sufficiently numerous and specially qualified. D. The present financial support for the technical services of the library is inadequate. Sufficient financial provision should be made to ensure the effective work. E. A feasibility study should be carried out to develop a computer processing system for providing machine-readable catalogue records on magnetic tape for use by the library community in Korea.

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How Do Library Visitors Use Spaces in a Public Library? (공공도서관 이용자는 공간을 어떻게 이용하는가?)

  • Sungjae Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.5-21
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how library visitors use spaces in the library and to make suggestions for improving library use environments. Library use patterns were analyzed by tracking the users' smartphone WiFi. A library located in Seoul, Korea was selected and detectors were installed in the library. The suggestions from the results analyzing data collected between September, 2016 and December, 2016 were as followed. 27.17% of library visitors used a space in the library. Among them, 28.69% used the lobby to return their checked-out materials. Therefore, the library is recommended to install a device in the area in which users are easy to return their items. Additionally, since the spatial relationship between cultural program room and book shelves was low, those programs might be improved by providing library materials related with them.

Perceived Needs of Users toward Public Library Services in Busan (부산지역 공공도서관에 대한 이용자 인식과 요구 분석)

  • Chang, Durk Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.51-70
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    • 2020
  • The study strives to shed a light on the users' perception and demand on public libraries in Busan area through a survey asking the facility, materials and service conditions in public libraries. Data are drawn from a survey with three hundred respondents. The survey was implemented to figure out current status and needs regarding library facility, materials, and cultural programs. Supporting data are collected via interview as well. Since this paper discusses such an issue as current situation in public libraries, this study could provide the policy makers with basic information in developing and improving public library programs in Busan area.

A Study on the Type and Space Composition of Japanese School Libraries - Focused on School Library in Sendai City - (일본(日本) 학교도서실(學校圖書室)의 배치유형(配置類型)과 공간구성(空間構成)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 센다이시(仙台市)의 학교도서실(學校圖書室)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Heo, Young-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2005
  • The school library plays an important role to improve the student's mental activity and cultivate the formation of character and emotion. Especially in the information society, the students must collect, select and utilize the necessary information themselves. The school library has to collect, put in order and keep the book, audiovisual material and necessary information beyond it about the entire education and to offer the students and teachers them for the general school education. The school library has to be a center of school education and drive forwards the spontaneous and subjective learning activity as well as progress the education process. The school library must be the place to preserve the student's subjective study ability, that is, consolidate the materials as the study center and be composed of proper study materials for the solving-problem and research. Also to be perfect in the role of the information center, the school library has to be consolidated in accordance with development of various information softwares and ways including the newspaper, magazine, video, CD, laser disk and computer. It is required for the information of school library to be corresponded actively to the multi-media society.

A Study on the Efficiency of Public Library in Present Condition and Management Analysis (공공도서관 설치 현황과 운영 분석에 대한 효율화 방안 연구)

  • Yaon, Yong-Gi;Lee, Jae-Rim
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2007
  • Public library is established on impartial accessibility of any distinction as their sex, age, financial status, etc. The function of public library is not only to accumulate materials and offer information but also minimize gulf between the rich and the poor by knowledge possession, which is realized by important means to intercept exclusive possession and power in knowledge pose-industrial society. As it is judged that most public library is established to individual building with thousands of cost, it is judged of obstacles to Increase library buildings. The purpose of this study is try to find the way to Increase In number of public library In Seoul by interaction local education-cultural facilities. The result from this study, the user rate of public library is influenced by number of buildings and accessibility of traffic and public library can improve efficiency by substantial operation by basic function for all age group. The target population of Seoul public library sizes by decuple of advanced countries because of difficulty of accessibility, so it needs to make it small scale and also can offer self-regulation learning, materials and life-long learning programs because generally public library's utilization purpose is different by age. As school in Seoul amounts to 25 times of public library by about 1,200 buildings and can function of lifelong education center with a school library, cultural center and other composition buildings, so school facilities may use as a public library for local residents.

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A Study on the Management of Genealogical Materials (계보자료의 관리에 관한 연구)

  • 이창수
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.257-279
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    • 2002
  • Libraries which have a large amount of genealogical materials need to manage them in a special way differing from the other materials. Although genealogy related materials have high pragmatic value, the reality is that the acquiring methods are limited to collect the genealogical table or is not systematic. Even the genealogical materials held in the library are not rationally organized. Under such circumstances, this study investigates the cases of the management of genealogical materials both in domestic and foreign institutions, and also examines the real situations of material organization such as the collection, the classification and the cataloging on the centering of the libraries which hold a large amount of genealogical materials. On the basis of this investigation, the study aims to measure the enhancement of the methods for collecting and organizing genealogical materials which enable the collection management and information retrieval fur them to be efficient and effective.

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학교도서관 법적.행정상의 문제점

  • 김정소
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.1
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 1974
  • This study aims at diagnozing the existing school library laws and their enforcement regulations together with the library organization, and finding out any problems in them for the lack of legal and administrative suppxt has been considered the main hindrances to the developrnent of school library. The results of the work are as follows: 1. Full use of materials on the part of students is impossible because there is description in the school facilitier enforcement regulations except that of reading room. 2. No administrative consederation on the school library. 3. No incentive to be an able librarians because there is no devision in the lebrary teacher eligibility between the elementary and secondary level.

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A Study on the Management of Church Library (교회도서관 운영의 활성화 방안에 관한 고찰)

  • 김명옥
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.145-173
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    • 2000
  • This study is on the functions, staffs. materials. material organization, facilities, public services, computerlizations and budgets of church libraris in Seoul, Korea. As a sample group. 7 church libraries which have 10,000 disciples are seclected. Many churches in Seoul have no library. so it is necessay that church managers have to interest about church library. The 7 libraries in this study have many problems of staffs. materials, facilities and budgets. The results of this study can be used for the management of church libraries.

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A Study on the University Library Cooperation in Daejeon (대전지역의 대학도서관 상호이용 협력활동에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Dong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.413-438
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the user's using status and the perception of librarian gathered through a survey of university library cooperation, in order to address the problem and to suggest a solution for it. The questionnaires are consisted of population characteristics, a satisfaction of the library information material, awareness of the library cooperative activities, user's experiences and application degree of them, and the needs for the improvement of the activities. ANOVA, t-test and chi-square test were used for examination of hypothesis in the study. In conclusion, users satisfaction of information materials having in their library was lower than 50% and they were not aware of library cooperative activities. However, they agreed on the need of the service with the high percentage. Librarians were aware that the lack of information materials which pointed out by users, and recognized that they have not given them enough informations as well as guidance for the library cooperation.