• Title/Summary/Keyword: Library

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Developing LCSI(Library Customer Satisfaction Index) Lite for Public Library (LCSI(Library Customer Satisfaction Index) Lite 공공도서관용의 개발)

  • Oh, Dong-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.335-361
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    • 2013
  • This study tries to develop the so-called LCSI (Library Customer Satisfaction Index) Lite for public library which can be used easily in the fields as a simplified model. Its conceptual model is developed from the former research about library service quality and customer satisfaction. Based on the analyses on the twenty Delphi-type AHP questionnaires both from the library researchers and from the public library practitioners, and on the analysis and testing of the structural equation model using the data from the more than 800 user questionnaires, it suggests a model which consists of total 15 items - namely 8 items for service quality (2 for personnel, 4 for library resources and services, 2 for facilities and environment), 3 items for customer satisfaction, and 2 items for loyalty. Library Satisfaction Index for public library will be calculated by the sum total of service quality (50%), customer satisfaction (40%), and loyalty (10%).

A study on decision making system in library management with an analysis on the case study of university library in Seoul (도서관경영에 있어서 의사결정시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Woo Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.20
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    • pp.163-222
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    • 1991
  • This dissertation are studying the conceptual structure of decision making situation in libraries, by analyzing the library function, decision makings of library and then seeking economic and efficient alternative decision making by programming the· decision making situations, and finally, introducing how to apply management information system or decision making support system. For this purpose, in order to analyzing necessary factors for the decision making system, the questionnaire used Lickert method were distributed to 400 librarians of 36 universities in Seoul by means of mail. 193 librarians, $48\%$ of the questionnaire, are returned are studied by using 'SYSTAT' statistical software to figure out the factors of the decision making system. This dissertation was put six hypotheses and tested with the returned questionnaire. The following five result can be asserted. First, to the higher degree of the librarians' participation in the important library decision makings, the quality of formal library services are improved regardless of seniority of the work. Secondly, the t-test results show that all of t-test scores of seniority of the work, educational background, and responsibilities of the work are exceeding significant level and perception of decision making was proved to be different depending on seniority of the work, educational background, and responsibilities of the work in libraries. Thirdly, as the results of factor af factor analysis, the encouragement on participation in the library academic activities, the extent to get useful information about performances of library and the improvements of library works were grouped by similar posibilities of distribution and therfore the academic activities, the collection of information and the improvement of library performances is proved to be interrelational each other. Fourthly, the fifth hypothesis of the close relationship between the decision making situation and types of advisor by it was more or less interrelational, but their relationship was not seen some significancies. Lastly, as the dynamic organization of library management forming a special commitee or a project team with librarian can improve the extent and quality of the librarian's participation in the decision making of library works, and thus library will become to performance more rational and effective library management.

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A study on factors affecting staff size of university libraries in Korea (대학도서관 직원규모에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 손정표
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.21
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    • pp.159-193
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    • 1994
  • This study is to analyze correlations between 14 factors related to university libraries and the number of professional staff, nonprofessional staff, and total library staff. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. In the case of 1992, there are high positive correlations between the number of library staff and 10 of 14 variables : the number of undergraduate enrollments, graduate enrollments, departments, faculty members, school employees and volumes in library, size of library building, total university expenditure and library materials expenditure (coefficient: 0.70-0.99). However, there are little significant correlations between the number of library staff and 2 variables : library open hours and university expenditure per student. Among the above factors, the correlations of the total university expenditure and the library expenditure show a significant difference more than ones of the other factors. 2. In the case of the analysis by 3 years interval in 1984-1992, there are high positive correlations between the number of total library employees and 7 of the above 9 variables, excepted to library open hours and 4 factors related to expenditure (coefficient : 0.73-0.93 in 1984;0.77-0.88 in 1988;0.70-0-92 in 1992). But there are little significant differences among the correlation coefficients by each year. 3. In the results of the correlation analysis between the professional staff and the nonprofessional staff, the number of graduate enrollments, departments, volumes in library and school employees, library expenditure and total university expenditure show higher positive correlation to the professional staff than the nonprofessional staff. However, the number of undergraduate enrollments, faculty members, volumes added in library and volumes loaned, size of library building and library materials expenditure show little significant differences in the correlation coefficients between the professional staff and the nonprofessionalstaff.

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A Study on the Impact of Library Exposure Experience to Freshmen's Academic Library Anxiety in South Korea (도서관 이용자의 도서관 노출경험이 도서관 불안에 미치는 영향: 대학 신입생을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Jong-Kee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.271-296
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    • 2014
  • To investigate the impact of the school libraries use experiences on the academic library anxiety among the freshmen of academy, A university's freshmen who had used the academic library were sampled systematically and surveyed. Data collected from 445 freshmen were analyzed using the frequency analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis through the independents; sex, locations of schools, manager of schools, use education, library use, library aided instruction and compared with the previous studies. Library anxiety was also differed according to the locations of schools, managers of schools, library use, use education, library aided instruction. Based on the results, some recommendations were suggested to reduce the library anxiety of freshmen in academic libraries.

Joint-Use Libraries: Development and Effects (통합도서관의 발전과 그 효과)

  • Kwak, Chul-Wan
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.337-352
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the joint-use libraries from other countries and provide some directions for the joint use library of Korea. The analyses revealed that there were two types of joint-use libraries broadly. One was school/public library, and the other was academic/public library. The advantages of joint-use libraries were the hiring of professional staff, collection increase, various library programs, and the efficient use of library space. The disadvantages of joint use libraries were the problems of the joint-use library located in school, busy space, limited library collection, and the limited function of school library. Success factors for Joint use libraries were the population of community, process of formal planning, community involvement and support, written legal agreement. This study showed two types of joint-use libraries for Korea : school/public library for rural areas and academic/public library for small cities.

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A Review of the Remodeling Project of Duksung Women's University Library (대학도서관 리모델링 프로젝트에 관한 소고 - 덕성여자대학도서관을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo, Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.415-436
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    • 2012
  • This article describes the whole process of Duksung Women's University Library's remodeling project. The library's remodeling project specified three concrete goals. Firstly, the remodeled library should be the center of the students' everyday life in campus. Secondly, the remodeled university library should be a place where students may experience culture. Thirdly, the remodeled university library should be a place where students enjoying spending as much time as they can. Eighty three percent of those using Duksung Women's University Library report satisfied with the newly remodeled library space and interior of the library building.

A Research on Library Anxiety of Foreign Students in Korea: Concentrated on the CAU Library Users (외국인 유학생의 도서관불안에 관한 연구 - C대학도서관 이용자를 중심으로 -)

  • Nam, Young-Joon;Kim, Gyu-Hwan;Choi, Sung-Eun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.313-332
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    • 2010
  • This study has examined the cause of the library anxiety among foreign students upon visiting college libraries. 131 students were investigated using Library Anxiety Scale (LAS) to analyze the relationship between sex, grade, library use education, frequency of library use, Korean skill and cultural heterogeneity. The result of the LAS showed an average of 2.60 among foreign students, and the anxiety from the "mechanical barrier" was scored the highest. For sex, male students tended to be relatively more anxious than female students on the "accommodation of library" and "knowledge of library." Students who participated in the library use education were less anxious than those who did not, and the more one used library, the less one became anxious. Based on these results, the study proposes the way ahead for resolving library anxiety through library use education and frequency of use.

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A Study on the Unified Policy of the Public Library Administrative System in Korea (공공도서관 행정체계 일원화에 대한 고찰)

  • Kwack, Dong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2016
  • The 21st century is the era of knowledge and information, and also the age of education and culture. The importance of a public library, which stands in the center of the stream of the times, cannot be overemphasized. A public library is a reservoir of learning and culture as a base camp for achieving a creative economy and the flourishing of our culture. Many problems are caused with the promotion of unification of a public library administrative system coming to the fore as a large issue of library communities in poor surroundings where the public libraries don't observe the library laws and rules bottom of such a reservoir is splintered by drought, and its embankment is not solid. Accordingly, this study is aimed at suggesting the improvement plan by analyzing all arguments and problems in relation to the promotion of the administrative system unification of a public library. For this purpose, first, the study considered the developmental process of the discussion about public library unification; secondly, the points at issue and problems in public library unification are reviewed; finally, this study arranged and suggested the improvement plan related to public library unification.

A Study on Library 3.0 Concept and its Service Model (도서관 3.0의 개념과 서비스 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.283-307
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    • 2010
  • Recently the concept of Library 3.0 and its substance have been discussed by scholars and specialists along with Web 3.0. This study aims to analyze the debates on Library 3.0 and review the concept of Library 3.0. In addition, this study proposes library 3.0 service model based on its analysis. The keywords of in the proposed Library 3.0 model in this study is the Social Semantic Digital Library(SSDL), the Linked Library, and the Mobile Library. First, the SSDL means a real knowledge sharing and cooperation by applying both semantic web technology that which can manage data by machines and social networking services into e-libraries. Second, the Linked Library indicates that library resources become linked data that link libraries in all over the world. Finally, the Mobile Library refers to ubiquitous library equipped with RFID and mobile technology.

Availability and Utilization of Library Portal Services for Research in University Libraries in Nigeria

  • Ejikeme, Anthonia Nwamaka;F., Obayi Uche.;Ukamaka, Eze Jacintha
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 2021
  • This research paper delved into the availability and utilization of library portal services for research in university libraries in Nigeria. Two research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The study was carried out in Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) and Felix Aghagbo Nwako Library, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Library (UNIZIK), Awka. A total of 70 professionals (librarians and system analysts) in these libraries supplied data for the study. Data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. These were used to answer the research questions while the null hypotheses were tested using t-test statistic at 0.05 level of significance and 68 degree of freedom. Major findings showed that portal services available in the library showed that the areas of availability of library portal services in Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, U.N.N. includes Agriculture, Health Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences and information about institution, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences. In Festus Aghagbo Nwako Library, Awka, the areas of Portal Library Services include Career Development, Federal Government Programs, Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Engineering, and Health Sciences. Findings on extent of utilization of portal services available in the libraries indicated that portal services are utilized to a low extent in the university libraries. Furthermore, librarians did not significantly differ in their opinions on the availability of library portal services and on the extent of utilization of library portal services in the libraries under study. It is therefore recommended that provisions should be made by the universities and library management to provide and update required portal services in addition to creating enabling environment for enhanced access and utilization of these services. The governments must make an effort to provide funds for policy implementation, necessary technology training for librarians and users, and develop general information infrastructure.