• Title/Summary/Keyword: LiDAR자료

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Analysis Possibility of the Landslide Occurrence in Kangwon-Do using a High-resolution LiDAR-derived DEM (고해상도 항공라이다 DEM 해석을 통한 강원도 일원의 산사태 예측 가능성 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Ha;Kim, Young-Seup;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 2009
  • This study investigates the use of geomorphic analysis results obtained from high-resolution LiDAR-derived DEM. The results of analysis, slope angle and eigenvalue ratio (ER) were derived from the DEM for 3 landslide and 1 non-landslide occurrence area. Results of this study highlighted the importance of geomorphic analysis in characterizing landslide feature as well as the various contents in their future occurrence and activity. The relationship between the results of geomorphic analysis and landslides are well expressed in this paper.

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A Terrain Data Acquisition for Slope Safety Inspection by Using LiDAR (지상 LiDAR에 의한 사면안전진단용 지형정보 취득)

  • Lee, Jong Chool;Kim, Hee Gyoo;Roh, Tae Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.311-319
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    • 2013
  • As heavy rains occur more frequently due to the recent climate change, slope collapses are increasing, and damage to human life and properties is accordingly increasing every year. The most proper method to take preventive measures against slope collapses is to remove the cause after understanding the cause of slope collapse in advance, and for such, slope safety inspection is implemented for preventive purposes, to investigate the cause, and as a measure for restoration. Thus, this Research was able to reach the following conclusion after utilizing LiDAR, which obtains detailed topographic information in a short period of time with point cloud data on slopes subject to safety inspection. First, as a result of analyzing the errors after installing a check point in the subject area, the RMSE of the horizontal location error appeared to be ${\pm}2.2cm$ and the RMSE of the vertical location error appeared to be ${\pm}3.0cm$, which shows a practically satisfactory result. Second, the economic feasibility was outstanding and obtaining accurate topographic information was available. Third, an area once scanned allowed to accurately obtain an unprescribed cross-sectional diagram in a short period of time, thus, appeared to be convenient for experts to detect dangerous sections.

Estimation of Inundation Damages of Urban area Around Haeundae Beach Induced by Super Storm Surge Using Airborne LiDAR Data (항공 LiDAR 자료를 이용한 슈퍼태풍 내습시 해운대 해수욕장 인근 도심지역 침수 피해 규모 추정)

  • Han, Jong-Gyu;Kim, Seong-Pil;Chang, Dong-Ho;Chang, Tae-Soo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2009
  • As the power and scale of typhoons are growing due to global warming and socioeconomic damages induced by super-typhoons are increasing, it is important to estimate inundation damages and to prepare proper adaptation plans against an attack of the super-typhoon. In this paper, we estimated the inundation damages of urban area around Haeundae beach induced by super-typhoons which follow the route of Typhoon Maemi with the conditions of Typhoon Vera (Ise Bay in Japan, 1959), Typhoon Durian (Philippine, 2006) and Hurricane Katrina (New Oleans in U.S.A, 2005). The coastal area around the Haeundae beach (Busan and Gyeongnam province) is expectedly damaged by severe storm surges. In this study we calculated the rise of sea level height after harmonizing the different datum levels of land and ocean and estimated the inundation depth, inundation area and the amount of building damages by using airborne LiDAR data and GIS spatial analysis techniques more accurately and quantitatively. As many researchers are predicting that super-typhoon of overwhelming power will occur around the Korean peninsula in the near future, the results of this study are expected to contribute to producing coastal inundation map and evacuation planning.

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Comparison of Terrain Changes in Debris Flow-Damaged Area and Morpho2DH Model Results (토석류 피해지의 지형 변화와 Morpho2DH 모형 결과의 비교 분석)

  • Jong-Seo Lee;Kwang-Youn Lee;Suk-Hee Yoon;Dong-Hyun Kim;Sang Ho Lee;Se-Wook Oh;Dong-Geun Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.3
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    • pp.339-348
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    • 2024
  • Debris flow is a typical type of mountainous sediment disaster that can cause widespread damage to both lives and property, making it essential to understand its behavioral characteristics for effective prevention. In this study, pre- and post-event Light Detection And Ranging(LiDAR) data from the Dosan-ri area in Bonghyeon-myeon, Yeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea where debris flows occurred in 2023, were used to calculate the actual affected area and terrain change volume caused by the debris flow. These calculated values were then compared with those derived from the numeric simulation model, Morpho2DH, based on field surveys and laboratory investigation data. Additionally, the model's applicability was assessed by conducting cross-sectional elevation analyses based on the extent of the affected area and comparisons of the results. The findings indicate that the debris flow affected area and terrain change volume estimated by the Morpho2DH model were approximately 152% and 178% higher, respectively, compared to the LiDAR-based results. Pearson correlation analysis of the cross-sectional elevation changes showed a positive correlation, with Pearson Correlation Coefficients(PCC) of at least 0.65

Monitoring of non-point Pollutant Sources: Management Status and Load Change of Composting in a Rural Area based on UAV (UAV를 활용한 농촌지역 비점오염원 야적퇴비 관리상태 및 적재량 변화 모니터링)

  • PARK, Geon-Ung;PARK, Kyung-Hun;MOON, Byung-Hyun;SONG, Bong-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2019
  • In rural areas, composting is a source of non-point pollutants. However, as the quantitative distribution and loading have not been estimated, it is difficult to determine the effect of composting on stream water quality. In this study, composting datum acquired by unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) was verified by using terrestrial LiDAR, and the management status and load change of the composting was investigated by UAV with manual control flight, thereby obtaining the basic data to determine the effect on the water system. As a result of the comparative accuracy assessment based on terrestrial LiDAR, the difference in the digital surface model(DSM) was within 0.21m and the accuracy of the volume was 93.24%. We expect that the accuracy is sufficient to calculate and utilize the composting load acquired by UAV. Thus, the management status of composting can be investigated by UAV. As the total load change of composting were determined to be $1,172.16m^3$, $1,461.66m^3$, and $1,350.53m^3$, respectively, the load change of composting could be confirmed. We expect that the results of this study can contribute to efficient management of non-point source pollution by UAV.

Improvement of Air Temperature Analysis by Precise Spatial Data on a Local-scale - A Case Study of Eunpyeong New Town in Seoul - (상세 공간정보를 활용한 국지기온 분석 개선 - 서울 은평구 뉴타운을 사례로 -)

  • Yi, Chae-Yeon;An, Seung-Man;Kim, Kyu-Rang;Choi, Young-Jean;Scherer, Dieter
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.144-158
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    • 2012
  • A higher spatial resolution is preferable to support the accuracy of detailed climate analysis in urban areas. Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) and satellite (KOMPSAT-2, Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-2) images at 1 to 4 m resolution were utilized to produce digital elevation and building surface models as well as land cover maps at very high(5m) resolution. The Climate Analysis Seoul(CAS) was used to calculate the fractional coverage of land cover classes in built-up areas and thermal capacity of the buildings from their areal volumes. It then produced analyzed maps of local-scale temperature based on the old and new input data. For the verification of the accuracy improvement by the precise input data, the analyzed maps were compared to the surface temperature derived from the ASTER satellite image and to the ground observation at our detailed study region. After the enhancement, the ASTER temperature was highly correlated with the analyzed temperature at building (BS) areas (R=0.76) whereas there observed no correlation with the old input data. The difference of the air temperature deviation was reduced from 1.27 to 0.70K by the enhancement. The enhanced precision of the input data yielded reasonable and more accurate local-scale temperature analysis based on realistic surface models in built-up areas. The improved analysis tools can help urban planners evaluating their design scenarios to be prepared for the urban climate.

A Study on Building Extraction from LiDAR Data Using LISA (LISA를 이용한 LIDAR 데이터로부터 건물 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Young-Gi;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Son, Jeong-Hoon;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2006
  • This paper aims at developing an efficient method that extracts building using local spatial association of raw LiDAR data without setting up empirical variables such as a minimum building area, and applying the method to survey data to evaluate the efficiency of that. To do this, LISA(Local Indicatiors of Spatial Association) statistics are used which reflect local variations that can be appeared in the research area. It can be also a preprocess that detects spatial outliers through the significance test of LISA statistics and interpolate using kernel estimation. Boundaries of buildings as well as buildings can be extracted based on quadrant of Moran Scatterplot. Experimental results show that the proposed method is promising in extracting buildings from LiDAR data automatically.

Analysis on the Sand Beach Change at Jinbok-ri, Uljin Province of East Coast in Korea based on the High Resolution DEM by Terrestrial LiDAR (지상라이다의 고해상도 DEM을 이용한 울진 진복리 사빈 변화 분석)

  • Yoon, Soon-Ock;Jeon, Chung-Kyun;Hwang, Sangill
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.321-335
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    • 2013
  • High resolution data for the coastal sand beach during short-term in Jinbok-ri, Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do are obtained by terrestrial LiDAR. The micro-geomorphological changes of 8 times before and after the strong low-pressure events during June to September, 2009 and changes under the various environments of wave-energy are investigated in the study. The obvious geomorphological changes between the northern and southern sand beach in Jinbok-ri are revealed by terrestrial LiDAR as well as by grain size analysis. The strong waves by the typhoons decrease the area and volume of the beach, and especially the area is largely influenced. The erosive and depositional processes dominate the northern and southern sand beach, respectively, after high wave in September. These results suggest that lots of sand grains in the beach are largely re-transported within the beach rather than offshore.

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Development, value and use of wetland inventory (습지목록의 개발, 가치 및 활용방안)

  • Yi, Gi Chul
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2012
  • This study developed a wetland inventory describing the characteristics and change of Nakdong estuary wetland ecosystem. The data which are used to develop the inventory are Landsat TM(April 1, 1986; June 23, 1987; June 18, 1997), Kompsat(Jan. 12, 2008) and LiDAR(March 1, 2009) images and published monitoring data of Busan metropolitan city. The developed inventory was utilized for the classification of wetland cover, the spatiotemporal analysis of wetland and landscape pattern, the distribution of benthos species etc. Furthermore, the developed 3 dimensional wetland map showed a better way to delineate wetland boundary and understand wetland dynamics. Considering these results, it's concluded that it is possible to use the similar techniques for the development of wetland inventory in Korea.

3D Wetlands Classification Mapping of Eulsukdo Area Using LiDAR Data (LiDAR 자료를 이용한 을숙도 지역 3차원 습지 구분도 제작)

  • Lee, Jae-One;Yi, Gi-Chul;Kim, Yong-Suk;We, Kwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.639-647
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    • 2009
  • In line with the rapid settlement of information society, the demand for geospatial information and its applications are dramatically increasing. The Project of National Geographic Information System(NGIS) is actively on going to meet up-to-dateness and accuracy of geospatial data. It is fact that the public interest in environmental issues is increasing than ever in accordance with the restoration of the four major rivers, core project of Green New Deal Policy, and the event of the Ramsar General Meeting. Because the Nakdong River Estuary is a place of great importance in both aspects of wetland and environment conservation, a variety of researches related to this area are progressing. Although artificial developments and natural phenomena are rapidly changing the topography and ecosystem of this area, the effort to build topographic DB for change monitoring is very slow. This study describes a Lidar surveying project over the restored wetland Eulsukdo, the southermost part of the Nakdong River, to establish precise topographic DB throughout producing 3D topographical maps and wetland classification maps. The results of this study will make a large contribution to the systematic maintenance and management for the restored Eulsukdo wetland.