• 제목/요약/키워드: Leukotriene antagonist

검색결과 18건 처리시간 0.022초

Comparison of Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist and Theophylline in Addition to Inhaled Corticosteroid in Adult Asthma: A Meta-Analysis

  • Fang, Huijuan;Wang, Jianmiao;Jin, Di;Cao, Yong;Xu, Yongjian;Xiong, Weining
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.296-301
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    • 2011
  • This meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the difference of the therapeutic effi cacy and adverse effects of leukotriene receptor antagonist and theophylline added to inhaled corticosteroids in adult asthma. Databases were searched for studies published through Nov, 2010. Randomized-controlled trials containing inhaled corticosteroids plus leukotriene receptor antagonist and inhaled corticosteroids plus sustained-release theophylline for asthma therapy were selected. For each report, data were extracted to the outcomes analyzed: mean change in morning peak expiratory flow, mean change in evening peak expiratory flow, mean change in morning forced expiratory volume in 1 sec, mean change in daily short bete2-agonist use, asthma exacerbation and adverse effects. Four assessable trials including 182 asthmatic patients were identified. Inhaled corticosteroids plus leukotriene receptor antagonist was superior to inhaled corticosteroids plus theophylline therapy in improving morning peak expiratory flow in asthmatics (mean difference 19.08 [95% confidence interval 13.37-23.79] l/min, p<0.001) and morning forced expiratory volume in 1 sec in asthmatics (mean difference 0.09 [95% confidence interval 0.03-0.14] liter, p=0.001). In evening peak expiratory flow, daily short bete2-agonist use, asthma exacerbation and adverse effects, there was no significant difference between these two therapies (All p>0.05). Our meta-analysis showed that the combination of inhaled corticosteroids plus leukotriene receptor antagonist resulted in more improvement in both peak expiratory flow and forced expiratory volume in 1 sec in the morning than inhaled corticosteroids plus sustained-release theophylline in adult asthmatics. Further trials are necessary to evaluate the dominant effects of the former combination.

허혈-재관류 손상에서 히스타민 차단제와 류코트리엔 수용체 길항제의 효과 비교 (The Effects of Anti-histamine and Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist Against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury)

  • 조혜인;장학;김석화
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mast cells and their product, histamine and leukotriene in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Methods: Forty Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups. (Group I: Control group without ischemia, Group II: Normal saline with ischemia, Group III: Cimetidine with ischemia, Group IV: Zafirlukast with ischemia) Skin flap was elevated and ischemic insult was given by clamping the artery for 12 hours. Before reperfusion, the rats were treated with saline, cimetidine and zafirlukast. Flap survival was evaluated at 7 days. Neutrophil counts, mast cell counts were evaluated 24 hours after reperfusion. Results: Flap survival rate in the control group was 92.33%, whereas normal saline group had 37.34% survivals. Cimetidine and zafirlukast treated group showed significantly higher survival rates than normal saline group. The neutrophil and mast cell counts in cimetidine and zafirlukast treated group were significantly decreased than normal saline group. Cimetidine treated group showed higher survival rate and lower cell counts than zafirlukast treated group. Conclusion: The administration of cimetidine and zafirlukast can decrease neutrophils and mast cells caused by ischemia-reperfusion and increase flap survivals. It is suggests that antihistamine and leukotriene receptor antagonist have protective effect against ischemia-reperfusion injury to skin flap in rat.

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생약의 류코트리엔 $B_4$ 수용체결합 저해작용 검색 (Screening of Leukotriene $B_4$ Receptor Antagonist Activity from the Herbal Drugs)

  • 이화진;류재하
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.273-279
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    • 2000
  • Leukotriene $B_4\;(LTB_4)$ is a pro-inflammatory mediator synthesized in myeloid cells from arachidonic acid. Elevated levels of $LTB_4$ have been found in a number of inflammatory diseases and levels are related to disease activity in some of these. Because $LTB_4$ interacts with cells through specific cell surface receptors, $LTB_4$ receptor blockade is the most specific approach to reduce the pathogenic role of $LTB_4$. In order to find $LTB_4$ receptor antagonist from plants, we screened the $LTB_4$ receptor antagonistic activity of the methanol extract and solvent fractions of herbal drugs. The ability of samples to inhibit specific binding of $[^3H]-LTB_4$ to human peripheral neutrophils was used as assay to evaluate the antagonistic activity of plant materials. Among the tested methanol extracts of herbal drugs, Mori Radicis Cortex, Perillae Semen, Armeniacae Semen and Sophorae subprostratae Radix showed potent inhibitory activity above 70% at the concentration of $100\;{mu}g/ml$. The inhibitory activities of $LTB_4$ binding to human neutrophils were evaluated for several solvent fractions at three different concentrations. Especially, hexane soluble fractions of Anemarrhenae Rhizoma and Embeliae Radix, and ethyl acetate soluble fractions of Aristolochiae Fructus, Magnoliae Cortex and Zingiberis Rhizoma crudus showed moderate activity at $25\;{mu}g/ml$. These fractions were promising candidates for the study of the activity-guided chromatographic purification of active compounds. Silica gel column chromatography of hexane soluble fractions of Anemarrhenae Rhizoma and Embeliae Radix gave very active sub-fractions, AA-4 and ES-4, and their inhibition activities of $LTB_4$ binding to human neutrophil at $30\;{mu}g/ml$ were 78% and 62%, respectively. From these results we could anticipate new $LTB_4$ receptor antagonist from herbal drugs, and the block of $LTB_4$ effects may provide beneficial in neutrophil mediated diseases such as inflammation and bronchial asthma.

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구조-활성간 연구를 통한 LTD4 antagonists의 개발 (Development of $LTD_4$ antagonists using QSAR)

  • 오민아;고동수;박관하;이승호;이혜승;임융호
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제41권6호
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    • pp.477-482
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    • 1998
  • 새로운 Leukotriene $D_4$ antagonists를 찾기 위해 구조-활성간 연구를 수행하였다. 이미 알려진 chalcone 유도체의 구조와 생물학적 활성 자료를 이용하여 구조-활성간 계산을 수행한 결과 새로운 화합물을 발견하였고, 이를 합성하여 효과를 측정한 결과를 보고하고자 한다.

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소아 천식환자에서 Leukotriene C4 Synthase 유전자 다형태와 Montelukast의 임상적 효과와의 연관성 (Association of Leukotriene C4 Synthase Gene Polymorphism with Clinical Response to Montelukast in Childhood Asthma)

  • 신경수;김연우
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제48권7호
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    • pp.766-771
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    • 2005
  • 목 적 : 류코트리엔 수용체 길항제는 천식의 병리 반응에 관여하는 cysteiny leukotriene의 생성과 작용을 억제하여 급성기 천식 증상의 치료와 천식 증상의 조절 요법에 사용할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 소아 천식환자에서 cysteinyl leukotriene 생성에 관여하는 $LTC_4S$ 유전자 다형태와 류코트리엔 수용체 길항제인 montelukast의 임상적 효과를 조사하여 약물유전학적 연관성 유무를 알고자 하였다. 방 법 : 환자군은 경증 지속성 천식과 중등증 지속성 천식환자 161명을 대상으로 하였고, montelukast 5 mg을 하루에 한 번씩 총 8주 동안 투여하였다. $LTC_4S$ 유전자 다형태는 restriction fragment length polymorphism을 이용하여 조사하였다. 결 과 : 대조군에서 LTC4S 유전자형의 분포는 A/A, A/C, C/C가 각각 74.0%, 22.6%, 3.4%였고, 환자군에서는 A/A, A/C, C/C가 각각 70.8%, 23.6%, 5.6%였다. 두 군의 유전자형 분포는 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았고, $LTC_4S$ 유전자형 분포와 천식의 중증도 사이에도 유의한 차이가 없었다. 반응군에서는 경증 지속성 천식환자가 반응이 없는 군에서는 중등증 지속성 천식환자가 더 많았다. 전체 소아 천식환자군에서는 montelukast에 대한 반응군과 반응이 없는 군 사이에 $LTC_4S$ 유전자형에 따른 차이는 없었다. 경증 지속성 천식환자의 반응군에서 adenine 대립유전자를 가진 환자가 많았으나, 중등증 지속성 천식환자에서는 유전자형에 따른 반응군과 반응이 없는 군의 유의한 차이가 없었다. 결 론 : 본 연구에서 소아 경증 지속성 천식환자의 경우에는 통계적으로 adenine 대립유전자가 montelukast에 대한 임상적 효과를 예측할 수 있는 인자라고 할 수 있으나 전체 소아 천식환자에서는 $LTC_4S$ 유전자 다형태와 montelukast의 임상적 효과와의 연관성은 통계적으로 없었다.

Docking Study of Cysteinyl Leukotriene 1 Receptor: Therapeutic Target for Allergy

  • Babu, Sathya
    • 통합자연과학논문집
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.228-233
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    • 2016
  • Cysteinyl leukotrienes are inflammatory mediators having important role in pathophysiological conditions such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. CysLT1 receptor mediates most of the disease regulatory actions of the CysLTs and it is been implicated in a number of inflammatory conditions including gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases. Hence in the present study, molecular docking of CysLT1 was performed with its potent and orally efficacious antagonist CP-199330 and CP-199331. The aim of this study was to compare the interaction of CP-199330 and CP-199331 with known drugs such as Zafirlukast, Pranlukast and Montelukast which had already showed clinical efficacy in the treatment of asthma. The residues such as TYR83, GLN274, LYS311 and SER313 were found to interact with both the antagonist and the known drugs. Also, we noticed the docking scores and interaction of the antagonists were comparable with the known drugs. Hence these antagonists could serve as better drugs for the treatment of allergy.

The Preventive Effect of Topical Zafirlukast Instillation for Peri-Implant Capsule Formation in Rabbits

  • Kang, Shin Hyuk;Shin, Kee Cheol;Kim, Woo Seob;Bae, Tae Hui;Kim, Han Koo;Kim, Mi Kyung
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2015
  • Background Capsular contracture is the most troublesome complication in breast implant surgery. Although capsule formation can be seen as a normal reaction to a foreign body, it can induce pain, hardness, deformity, and other pathologic problems. Surgical intervention is required in severe cases, but even surgery cannot guarantee a successful outcome without recurrence. This experimental study confirms that single topical administration of leukotriene antagonist zafirlukast (Accolate, Astrazeneca) reduces peri-implant capsule formation and prevents capsular contracture. Methods Twelve smooth-surfaced cohesive gel implants were implanted in New Zealand White rabbits. These miniature implants were designed to be identical to currently used products for breast augmentation. The rabbits were divided into 2 groups. In the experimental group (n=6), the implant and normal saline with zafirlukast were inserted in the submuscular pocket. In the control group (n=6), the implant and normal saline alone were used. Two months later, the implants with peri-implant capsule were excised. We evaluated capsule thickness and collagen pattern and performed immunohistochemical staining of myofibroblasts, transforming growth factor $(TGF)-{\beta}1$, 2. Results The thickness of the capsules in the experimental group was reduced in both dorsal and ventral directions. The collagen pattern showed parallel alignment with low density, and the number of myofibroblasts as well as the amounts of $TGF-{\beta}1$ and $TGF-{\beta}2$ were reduced in the experimental group. Conclusions We suggest that single topical administration of leukotriene antagonist zafirlukast can be helpful in reducing capsule formation and preventing capsular contracture via myofibroblast suppression, modulation of fibroblastic cytokines, and anti-inflammatory effect.

Guinea pig cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2 (gpCysLT2) mediates cell proliferation and intracellular calcium mobilization by LTC4 and LTD4

  • Ito, Yoshiyuki;Hirano, Minoru;Umemoto, Noriko;Zang, Liqing;Wang, Zhipeng;Oka, Takehiko;Shimada, Yasuhito;Nishimura, Yuhei;Kurokawa, Ichiro;Mizutani, Hitoshi;Tanaka, Toshio
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2008
  • We cloned and pharmacologically characterized the guinea pig cysteinyl leukotriene (CysLT) 2 receptor (gpCysLT2). gpCysLT2 consists of 317 amino acids with 75.3%, 75.2%, 73.3% identity to those of humans, mice and rats, respectively. The gpCysLT2 gene is highly expressed in the lung, moderately in eosinophils, skin, spleen, stomach, colon, and modestly in the small intestine. CysLTs accelerated the proliferation of gpCysLT2-expressing HEK293. Leukotriene C4 (LTC4) and Leukotriene D4 (LTD4) enhanced the cell proliferation higher than Bay-u9773, a CysLT2 selective partial agonist and a nonselective antagonist for CysLT receptors. Bay-u9773 did not antagonize the cell proliferation by LTC4 and LTD4. Despite the equipotency of the mitogenic effect among these chemicals, calcium mobilization (CM) levels were variable (LTC4 > LTD4 >> Bay-u9773), and Bay-u9773 antagonized the CM by LTC4. Moreover, the Gi/o inhibitor pertussis toxin perfectly inhibited agonist-induced cell proliferation. These results reveal that cell proliferation via CysLT2 signaling was mediated by Gi/o signaling but independent of calcium mobilization.