• 제목/요약/키워드: Leukotriene B4

검색결과 68건 처리시간 0.024초

RAW 264.7 세포에서 지모(知母) 80% 에탄올 추출물의 항염증 효과 (Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Anemarrhenae Rhizoma 80% Ethanol Extract in RAW 264.7 cells)

  • 이영근;김청택;최학주
    • 대한본초학회지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2017
  • Objective : According to recent studies, Anemarrhenae Rhizoma has anti-inflammatory activities of DW extract, but it hasn't not yet conducted to evaluate inflammatory factors about 80% ethanol extract. Therefore, The aim of this study is to investigate the various effects of individual or combined 80% ethanol extract of Anemarrhenae Rhizoma on cell viability and various anti-inflammatory factors. Methods : Anemarrhenae Rhizoma extract was prepared with 80% ethanol. MTT assay, ELISA, and Luminex were performed in LPS-activated RAW 264.7 cell line to measure cytotoxicity, Nitric oxide (NO), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), prostaglandin E2 ($PGE_2$), Leukotriene B4 ($LTB_4$), and cytokines ($IL-1{\beta}$, IL-6, and $TNF-{\alpha}$), respectively. Results : At concentration of $200{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ Anemarrhenae Rhizoma extract, cytotoxicity was observed in RAW 264.7 cells. However, at concentration less than $100{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Anemarrhenae Rhizoma, cytotoxicity was not observed in RAW 264.7 cells. All concentration of Anemarrhenae Rhizoma extract showed no difference of NO, and $IL-1{\beta}$level in RAW 264.7 cells compared with control group. In contrast, at concentration of $100{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ Anemarrhenae Rhizoma extract significantly inhibited LPS-induced production of COX-2, PGE2, and $LTB_4$ level in RAW 264.7 cells. In addition, the production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, $TNF-{\alpha}$) in LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells was significantly decreased at concentration of all or 10, and $100{\mu}g/m{\ell}$, respectively. Conclusion : These findings demonstrate that Anemarrhenae Rhizoma has inhibitory effect on inflammatory mediators in LPS-activated RAW 264.7 cells showing possible developed as a raw material for new therapeutics to ease the symptoms related with inflammatory.

New evidence on mechanisms of action of spa therapy in rheumatic diseases

  • Tenti, Sara;Fioravanti, Antonella;Guidelli, Giacomo Maria;Pascarelli, Nicola Antonio;Cheleschi, Sara
    • 셀메드
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.3.1-3.8
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    • 2014
  • Spa represents a treatment widely used in many rheumatic diseases (RD). The mechanisms by which immersion in mineral or thermal water ameliorates RD are not fully understood. The net benefit is probably the result of a combination of factors, among which the mechanical, thermal and chemical effects are most prominent. Buoyancy, immersion, resistance and temperature play important roles. According to the gate theory, pain relief may be due to the pressure and temperature of the water on skin; heat may reduce muscle spasm and increase the pain threshold. Mud-bath therapy increases plasma ${\beta}$-endorphin levels and secretion of corticotrophin, cortisol, growth hormone and prolactin. It has recently been demonstrated that thermal mud-bath therapy induces a reduction in circulating levels of prostaglandin E2, leukotriene B4, interleukin-$1{\beta}$ and tumour necrosis factor-${\alpha}$, important mediators of inflammation and pain. Furthermore, balneotherapy has been found to cause an increase in insulin-like growth factor-1, which stimulates cartilage metabolism, and transforming growth factor-${\beta}$. Beneficial anti-inflammatory and anti-degenerative effects of mineral water were confirmed in chondrocytes cultures, too. Various studies in vitro and in humans have highlighted the positive action of mud-packs and thermal baths, especially sulphurous ones, on the oxidant/antioxidant system. Overall, thermal stress has an immunosuppressive effect. Many other non-specific factors may also contribute to the beneficial effects observed after spa therapy in some RD, including effects on cardiovascular risk factors (e.g. adipokines) and changes in the environment, pleasant surroundings and the absence of work duties.

Potential of Lilium lancifolium in Alleviating Pain and Inflammation in a Rat Model of Monosodium Iodoacetate-Induced Osteoarthritis

  • Kim, Jisoo;Kim, Joo Yun;Jeong, Ji-Woong;Choi, Il dong;Park, Soo-Dong;Lee, Jung Lyoul;Sim, Jae-Hun
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제33권6호
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    • pp.638-644
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    • 2020
  • Lilium lancifolium (LL) is widely cultivated in East Asia and used to attenuate airway diseases. Our current study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of LL on pain level and inflammatory response in a rat model of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA)-induced osteoarthritis (OA). We first examined the effect of LL on inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory mediators in IL-1β-treated HTB-94 cells. The LL extract was found to significantly inhibit the levels of Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Interleukin-8 (IL-8), and prostaglandin-E2 (PGE-2) in Interleukin-1 β (IL-1β)-stimulated HTB-94 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, chronic oral administration of LL effectively restored the weight-bearing distribution in the rat model of MIA-induced OA. In addition, administration of LL inhibited inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory mediators, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-6, leukotriene B4 (LTB-4), PGE-2, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). Our findings collectively suggested LL as one of the potential therapeutic agents for OA, owing to its properties of reducing pain and inflammatory responses.

유리규산분진에 폭로된 흰쥐의 폐포대식세포에 있어 아라키돈산 대사산물의 변화 (Changes of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites in Silica-Exposed Alveolar Macrophage of Rats)

  • 임영;윤임중
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.304-309
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    • 1992
  • 연구배경 : 폐포대식세포에서 아라카돈산 대사산물의 생성을 자극하는 일부 인자에 의해서 지속적인 자극시 이와같은 자극으로 인해 생산된 아라키돈산 대사산물이 만성적인 기관지 수축과 섬유화, 계속되는 독성 산소기의 분비를 통하여 잘환의 진행을 항진시키게 된다고 알려져 있고 또한 폐가 외부 물질에 만성적으로 폭로됨으로 인한 질환은 진폐증이 그 대표적인 예라고 할 수 있다. 그러으로 대식세포나 호중구 또는 섬유모세포에서 생산하는 prostaglandin이나 leukotriene등 대사산물의 측정을 통하여 진폐증의 질환의 진행정도를 파악하려는 노력이 계속되고 있으나 아직 명백한 결론을 얻지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 시험관내에서 폐포대식세포를 유리규산으로 자극시 아라키돈산 대사산물의 측정을 통하여 섬유화 과정에 미치는 prostaglandin $E_2$와 leukotriene $B_4$의 영향을 연구하기 위하여 시행되었다. 방법 : 쥐의 폐포대식세포를 유리규산분진, 자연산 석탄 분진, Lipopolysaccharide, calcium ionophore과 같은 자극제와 같이 배양하고 24, 48시 간후 방사선 동위원소를 이용하여 $PGE_2$$LTB_4$를 측정하였다. 결과 : 1) 정상 흰쥐의 폐포대식세포에서 $PGE_2$는 유리규산 자극시 48시간에서 무자극군에 비하여 유의한 감소를 보였다. 2) 실험규폐증군의 폐포대식세포에서 유리된 $PGE_2$는 유리규산 및 자연산 석탄분진으로 자극시 48시간에서 무자극군에 비하여 유의하게 감소하였다. 3) 정상 흰쥐의 폐포대식세포에서 $LTB_4$는 유리규산 자극후 24시간 및 48시간, 그리고 자연산 석탄분진으로 자극시 48시간에서 무자극군에 비하여 유의한 증가를 보였다. 4) 실험 규폐증의 폐포대식세포에서 유리된 $LTB_4$는 유리규산 및 자연산 석탄분진 자극시 장시간 및 48시간에서 무자극군에 비하여 모두 유의하게 증가하였다. 결론 : 본 실험 결과 시험관에서 유리규산과 자연산 석탄분진에 폐포대식세포가 폭로시 폐에 염증반응을 항진시킬 수 있는 방향으로 아라키돈산 대사가 이루어짐을 알았고 이와갈은 아라키돈산 대사의 변화가 진폐증의 병태생리에 중요한 인자로서 작용할 가능성이 있다고 하겠다.

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Papain으로 유도된 골관절염 생쥐 모델에서 작약감초부자탕(芍藥甘草附子湯)의 항골관절염 효능에 관한 연구 (Effects of Jakyakkamchobuja-tang (芍藥甘草附子湯) on Papain-induced Osteoarthritis in Mice)

  • 이정민;홍서영;오민석
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.116-135
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: This study was intended to clarify how Jakyakkamchobuja-tang (hereinafter referred to JKBT) affects mice of C57BL/10 whose osteoarthritis was induced by papain. Methods: Osteoarthritis was induced in mice by injecting papain in the knee joint. Mice were divided into 4 groups (n=6). The normal group were not treated at all whereas the control group (OAC-control) were induced for osteoarthritis by papain and oral medicated with 200 ul of physiological saline per day. The positive comparison group (OAC-$Joins^{(R)}$) were injected with papain and after 7 days, 100 mg/kg of $Joins^{(R)}$ were medicated with 200 ul of physiological saline mixed. The experimental group (OAC-JKBT) were injected with papain and after 7 days were medicated with 400 mg/kg of JKBT mixed with 200 ul of physiological saline. OAC-$Joins^{(R)}$ and OAC-JKBT were oral medicated for each substance for a total of 4 weeks, once per day. After experiments (from 1 week after injection of papain to 4 weeks elapsed), the function of liver and kidney, inflammation cytokine values within serum, degree of revelation for inflammation cytokine genes, immune cells within blood, metabolism of arachidonic acid and amount of cartilage were measured and histopathological variations for knee joint structures were observed. Results: Functions of liver and kidney were not affected. IL-$1{\beta}$ (interleukin-$1{\beta}$), MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) and TNF-${\alpha}$ (tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$) were significantly reduced and IL-6 (interleukin-6) was also reduced but not significantly. After analyzing inflammation cytokine in joints with mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid), revelation of IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$, COX-2 (cyclooxygenase-2) and iNOS-II (inducible nitric oxide synthase-II) were all significantly reduced. Revelation of IL-$1{\beta}$ gene was also reduced but not significantly. Neutrophil for WBC (white blood cell) within serum was significantly reduced; monocyte was also reduced but not significantly. PGE2 (prostaglandin E2), TXB2 (thromboxane B2) were significantly reduced and LTB4 (leukotriene B4) was also reduced but not significantly. Destruction of cartilage on micro CT (computed tomography)-arthrography was reduced but had no significant differences. In terms of histopathology, infiltration of inflammation, proliferation of synovial membrane, subsidence of cartilage and bone due to penetration of excessive formation of synovial cell and destruction of cartilage were small (H&E (hematoxylin and eosin), safranine O staining). Conclusions: Based on these results, Jakyakkamchobuja-tang (JKBT) is believed to be useful for suppressing the progress of osteoarthritis and its treatments because of its anti-inflammatory effects and alleviation of pain with histopathological effective efficacy.

Study on Anti-thrombotic Activity, Superoxide Generation in Human Neutrophils and Platelet Aggregation in Human Blood of Hwao-tang

  • Park Won Hwan;Park Soo Young;Park Tae Woo;Kim Jong Gu;Kim Seog Ha;Kim Cherl Ho
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.1494-1504
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    • 2004
  • The present paper reports the effects of Hwaotang an atherosclerosis using a spontaneous experimental model, We have also investigated the pharmacological effect of Hwaotang on collagen- and ADP-induced blood platelet aggregation, thrombin-induced conversion of fibrinogen and fibrinolysis in in vitro experiments, and various effects on stimuli-induced superoxide generation in human neutrophils. Hwao-tang was shown to have inhibitory effect on collagen- and ADP-induced blood platelet aggregation, on thrombin-induced conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin and on the activity of plasminogen or plasmin. Hwao-tang also significantly inhibited fMLP-induced superoxide generation in a concentration-dependent manner, but not that induced by arachidonic acid. Hwao-tang inhibited neutrophil functions, including degranulation, superoxide generation, and leukotriene B4 production, without any effect on 5-lipoxygenase activity. In conclusion, the protection of extracts of Hwao-tang on the ischemic infarction induced artificially might be involved to their inhibition of thrombotic action. The results also indicate that Hwao-tang exerts the effects on superoxide generation related to the inhibition of neutrophil functions.

Inhibitory Effect of Scutellaria baicalensis Root Extract on Chemical Mediator Release and Immune Response

  • Choi, Se-Young;Choi, Dong-Kug;Park, Pyo-Jam;Choi, Wahn-Soo;Kim, Jong-Dai;Shin, Heung-Mook;Lim, Beong-Ou
    • 한국약용작물학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.132-137
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    • 2007
  • Inhibitory effect of Scutellaria baicalensis ethanol extracts (SR) on chemical mediator release and immunoglobulin (Ig) production from Sprague-Dawley rats originated cells as type I allergic reaction was examined. SR showed concentration-dependent inhibition on basal and concanavalin A (ConA)-stimulated Ig production. In the mesenteric lymph node lymphocytes, the inhibitory effect of SR on the IgE production in the presence of Con A was stronger than these on IgA and IgG production. Moreover, tumor necrosis factor-alpha $(TNF-{\alpha})$ production-inhibiting effect of SR in the presence ConA was observed. However, SR did not affect the production of $interferon-{\gamma}$. SR also inhibited histamine release from the peritoneal exudate cells stimulated with a calcium ionophore A23187. In the case of leukotriene B4, SR markedly inhibited it at the concentration of 100 mg/ml. From these results, ethanol extracts obtained from Scutellaria baicalensis may have an anti-allergic effect on the intestinal system of rats.

부자사심탕(附子瀉心湯)이 산화적 손상, 염증 및 골관절염 병태모델에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Bujasasim-tang Ethanol Extract on Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Osteoarthritic Rat Model)

  • 우창훈;오민석
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.15-35
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    • 2015
  • Objectives This study was performed to investigate the effects of Bujasasim-tang ethanol extract (BST) on oxidative stress, inflammation and osteoarthritic rat model. Methods To ensure safety of BST, heavy metal levels were measured and cytotoxicity test was done. In vitro, To evaluate antioxidative effects of BST, total phenolic contents, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) scavenging activity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were measured. Also, to evaluate anti-inflammatory effects of BST treated group, total nitric oxide (NO) and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$) levels were measured in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. In vivo, We injected MIA $50{\mu}l$ (60 mg/ml) into knee joints of rats to induce osteoarthritis. Rats were divided into total 3 groups (normal, control, BST treated group, each n=7). Normal group was not treated at all without inducing osteoarthritis and taken normal diet. Control group was induced osteoarthritis by MIA and taken with 2 ml of distilled water once a day for 4 weeks. BST treated group was induced osteoarthritis by MIA and taken BST 2 ml (200 mg/kg/mouse) once a day for 4 weeks. We evaluated dynamic weight bearing with the Incapacitance Test Meter. At the end of experiment, the rats were sacrificed to observe the functions of liver and kidney, changes of WBC, neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte levels in blood, to evaluate the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, tissue inhibitor of metallopreteinases-1 (TIMP-1), matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), prostaglandin $E_2$ ($PGE_2$), leukotriene $B_4$ ($LTB_4$) within serum. We observed change of articular structures by Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E), safranin-O staining method and measured amount of cartilage by micro CT-arthrography. Statistical analysis was done by unpaired student's t-test with significance level at p<0.05 in SPSS 11.0 for windows. Results 1. Safety of the BST was identified. 2. AST, ALT, BUN, creatinine levels of BST treated group were within normal limit. In vitro, 1. DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging activities of BST showed dose-dependent increase. 2. ROS production were significantly decreased. 3. Total nitric oxide (NO) and IL-$1{\beta}$ production were decreased. 4. IL-6 and TNF-${\alpha}$ production were significantly decreased. In vivo, 1. Weight bearing ability was significantly increased. 2. WBC, neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte levels in blood were decreased. 3. IL-$1{\beta}$ and TNF-${\alpha}$ levels in serum were significantly decreased. and the IL-6 level was decreased. 4. TIMP-1, MMP-9, $LTB_4$, $PGE_2$ levels in serum were significantly decreased. 5. Cartilage volume of BST treated group was significantly increased. Also changes of cartilage, synovial membrane, fibrous tissue were suppressed. Conclusions The results obtained in this study Bujasasim-tang have effects of antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, relieve pain and protection of cartilage. Therefore we expect that Bujasasim-tang is effective treatment for osteoarthritis.

인동 추출물의 항천식 효과 (Anti-asthmatic Activities of the Extract of Lonicera japonica)

  • 류근호;한창균;이해인;김택수;정인호;이성재;임광진;이강진;정기원;김대기;김기협;조용백
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.377-383
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    • 1999
  • The anti-asthmatic activities of the extract of Lonicera japonica (BuOH fraction) and its mode of action were investigated using several in vitro and in vivo models. Lonicera japonica was extracted with 30% ethanol (v/v) and successively partitioned into BuOH. The BuOH fraction reduced antigen-induced contraction of isolated trachea from sensitized guinea pigs in a concentration-dependent manner. The BuOH fraction also inhibited histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells induced by antigen or calcium ionophore A23187 ($IC_{50}=0.26$ and 0.32mg/ml, respectively). Eosinophil infiltration into bronchoalveolar lavage fluids induced by aeroallergen challenge in passively sensitized guinea pigs was inhibited by the BuOH fraction at a dose of 800mg/kg (51.7%). In addition, the BuOH fraction inhibited leukotriene $B_4$ prodution in rat basophilic leukemia cells ($IC_{50}=0.42\;mg/ml$) as well as phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) isolated from rat brain ($IC_{50}=0.015\;mg/ml$). All results from this study strongly suggest that the BuOH fraction of Lonicera japonica may be useful in the treatment of asthma and its mode of action may be related with inhibition of both 5-lipoxygenase and PDE4 enzyme.

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Conjugated Linoleic Acid가 대장암 세포인 HT-29의 증식에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on the Proliferation of the Human Colon Cancer Cell Line, HT-29)

  • 김은지;조한진;김석종;강영희;하영래;윤정한
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제34권8호
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    • pp.896-904
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    • 2001
  • Conjugated linoleic acid(CLA) is a group of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid(LA) and exhibits anticarcinogenic activity in multiple experimental animal models. Cis-9,trns-11(c9t11) and trans-10,cis-12(t10c12) CLA are the principal isomers found in foods. The present study was performed to determine whether CLA and the two isomers inhibits HT-29 cell proliferation and to assess whether such an effect was related to changes in secretion of eicosanoids. Cells were incubated in serum-free medium with various concentrations(0 to 20$\mu$M) of CLA or LA. CLA inhibited cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, with maximal inhibition(70 $\pm$ 1%) observed at 20$\mu$M concentration after 96 hours. However, LA had no effect at the same concentration range. To compare the ability of c9f11 and t10c12 to inhibit cell proliferation, cells were incubated with increasing concentrations(0 to 4$\mu$M) of these isomers. T10c12 inhibited cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. A 66 $\pm$ 2% decrease in cell number was observed within 96 hours after addition of 4$\mu$M t10c12. By contrast, c9t11 had no effect. The concentrations of CLA and the two isomers in the plasma membrane were increased when they were added to the incubation medium. However, they did not alter the levels of arachidonic acid in plasma membrane. To assess whether the proliferation inhibiting effect of CLA was related to changes in eicosanoid production, prostaglandin E$_2$(PGE$_2$) and leukotriene B$_4$(LTB$_4$) concentrations in conditioned media were estimated by a competitive enzyme immunoassay. Both CLA and t10c12 increased the production of materials reactive to PGE$_2$ and LTB$_4$ antibodies in a dose-dependent manner. By contrast, c9t11 had no effect. These results indicate that inhibition of HT-29 cell proliferation by CLA is attributed to the effect of the t10v12 isomer. The materials reactive to PGE$_2$ and LTB$_4$ antibodies may inhibit growth stimulatory effect of arachidonic acid-derived eicosanoids on HT-29 cell proliferation.

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