• Title/Summary/Keyword: Lettuce

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Effects of Food Intakes on Dental Caries in Primary School Students (초등학교 아동의 식품섭취실태가 치아우식에 미치는 영향)

  • 박경숙;서은숙;신미경
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 1999
  • The relation between food intakes and dental caries was investigated with 211 primary school students (83 boys and 128 girls) in Kumsan area. The results were as follows. The rate of dental caries of the subjects was 65.4%. 83.9% of the subjects had a snack, 69.5% of students having a snack and 44.1% of students having not snack was dental caries (p<0.001). For tooth brushing numbers per day, 38.4% of subjects was one time, and 61.6% was more than two times. For tooth brushing time, 31.8% had before meals and 68.2% after meals. The intake frequency rate of main food was cooked rice 33.30%, ramyun 14.81%, bread 9.57%, rice cake 6.16%, nodule 4.88% in good group, and cooked rice 27.04%, rice cake 12.04%, ramyun 8.50%, bread 8.11%, fried rice 5.49% in dental caries group. The intake frequency rate of a side dish was kimchi 13.88%, egg 6.21%, dried laver 5.51%, fish paste 5.51%, fish 5.03%, kongjaban 0.44% in good group, and potato soup 6.86%, cucumber 6.56%, sprout soup 5.78%, bean curd 5.33%, sesame leaf 5.21%, lettuce 1.23% in dental caries group. The intake frequency rate for snack was ice cream 9.85%, biscuit 7.35%, gum 6.17%, chestnut 6.16%, apple 5.81%, milk 5.56%, yogurt 4.86%, gypo 4.39%, candy 4.15%, chocolete 3.91% in good group, and biscuit 10.00%, ice cream 6.75%, candy 5.88%, fruit canned food 5.70%, milk 5.41%, corn 5.00%, banana 5.00%, peanut 4.42%, fritter 4.39% in dental caries group. The rate of cariogenic food, detergent food, protective food in a side dish were 4.0%, 40.8%, 55.1%o in good group, and 11.5%, 43.9%, 44.6% in dental group respectively (p<0.001). The rate of cariogenic food, detergent food, protective food in a snack 67.8%, 10.4%, 21.7% in good caries group, and 75.3%, 8.8%, 15.9% in dental caries group respectively (p<0.001).

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Seasonal variations of nutrients in Korean fruits and vegetables : Examining water, protein, lipid, ascorbic acid, and ${\beta}-carotene$ contents (한국인 상용 과일과 채소의 계절별 영양성분 변화 : 수분, 단백질, 지방, 아스코르브산, 베타-캐로틴 함량)

  • Kim, Mee-Jeong;Kim, Ju-Hyeon;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Chang, Moon-Jeong;Kim, Sun-Hee
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.23 no.4 s.100
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the seasonal variations in water, protein, lipid, ascorbic acid, and ${\beta}-carotene$ contents of 17 vegetables and 4 fruits that are available all the year round and frequently consumed by Koreans. The water contents of the fruits ranged from 83-89%, and the vegetables contained more water than the fruits. The apples and pears had more water in the spring and summer than in the fall and winter. The tangerines showed a high water content in the winter, whereas the strawberries contained more water in the fall. The vegetables also showed seasonal variations in water content. The protein contents of the fruits were lower than 1%; the cucumbers contained 0.1% protein, which was the lowest level, but spinach, lettuce, bean sprouts, sesame leaves, and mushrooms had more than 1% protein. The ascorbic acid and ${\beta}-carotene$ contents of the apples, pears, and tangerines were higher in the fall and winter than in the spring and summer. The vegetables, in general, contained more ascorbic acid than the fruits. The cabbage and radishes showed higher ascorbic acid contents in the fall and winter than in the spring and summer, indicating that vegetables as well as fruits are more nutritious during their harvest season. The zucchini, spinaches, and green peppers had higher ${\beta}-carotene$ contents in the winter than in the other seasons. The above results show that there were seasonal differences in the ascorbic acid and ${\beta}-carotene$ contents of the fruits and vegetables. In addition, the fruits and vegetables had a tendency to contain more ascorbic acid and ${\beta}-carotene$ in the season they were harvested. Therefore, we recommend the consumption of those fruits and vegetables during their harvest season.

Studies on the Indigenous Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi(VAMF) in Horticultural Crops Grown Under Greenhouse -I. Spore Density and Root Colonization of the Indigenous VAMF in Soil of Some Horticultural Crops (시설원예(施設園藝) 작물(作物)에서 토착(土着) VA균근균(菌根菌)에 관한 연구(硏究) -I. 감염양상(感染樣相)과 밀도(密度))

  • Sohn, Bo-Kyoon;Huh, Sang-Man;Kim, Kwang-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 1991
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of indigenous vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(VAMF) in the rhizosphere soil of horticultural crops grown under greenhouse and open-field condition, in the southern area of Kores. Soil samples collected from the rhizosphere of some sellected horticultural crops, such as cucumber, hot pepper, lettuca, tomato and eggplant grown under greenhouse or open-field condition. All tested crops are considered as mycorrhizal plants. The infection rate of horticultural crops investigated ranged from 38% to 70%, hot pepper and eggplant grown under greenhouse condition showed the highest infection being 66.0% and 70.0%, respectively. Spore densities were from 4.8 to 20.0g-1 on dried soil basis. Spore densities of VAMF in the rhizosphere soils under greenhouse condition were higher than that of open-field conditions. The highest distribution of spores in diameter ranged from $75{\mu}m$ to $106{\mu}m$ in the rhizosphere soil of lettuce, cucumber and tomato while those in hot pepper and eggplant ranged from $75{\mu}m$ to $250{\mu}m$. Glomus sp.-type spores predominated in the slightly acid soil(pH 6.3), while Acaulospora sp.-type spores greatly predominated in the very strongly acid field(pH 4.9).

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Composition of Crushed Oyster Shell and its Application Effect on Vegetables (굴껍질분(紛)의 화학성(化學性) 및 작물(作物)에 대한 시용효과(施用效果))

  • Kim, Jong-Gyun;Lee, Han-Saeng;Cho, Jea-Gyu;Lee, Young-Han
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.350-355
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to use oyster shells, which have caused environmental problems in the coastal of Korea, as an agricultural material after processing. Physico-chemical components and neutralizing amount on the Ihyun silt loam of crushed oyster shell and slaked lime were examined. In field experiment, the properties of the soil, growth and yield of lettuce, cabbage, spinach, onion, red pepper and soybean were examined by the treatments of the shell(3.68ton/ha) or the lime (2.76ton/ha) with a randomized block design. Particle size of crushed oyster shell consisted of 73.4% of 1~60mesh and 26.6% larger then 61 mesh and contents of CaO, OM, and $P_2O_5$, etc. were 55.5%, 1.3%, and 0.29%, respectively. The requirement of the shell to neutralize the soil was 130~135% of the lime, but after 24months, it was the same. The application of the shell increased the contents of available $P_2O_5$ and $SiO_2$ exchangeable Ca in used soil. The shell tratment increased the leaf height, leaf width, etc. of the examined plants, and the yields 6~154% according to examined plants, as compared with the nonliminged, indicating that the shell possesses a great potential as an agricultural material with the same effectiveness as the lime.

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Phytotoxic Effect of Herbicides on Upland Crops and Weeds (밭작물(作物) 및 잡초(雜草)에 대한 제초제(除草劑)의 약해(藥害) 약효(藥效))

  • Ryang, H.S.;Chun, J.C.;Yim, J.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 1984
  • This study was conducted to select herbicides effective for upland crops and to investigate the cause of crop injury in peanut cultivated with mulching. Crop such as radish (Raphanus acanthiformis Moor.), Chinese cabbage (Brassica raps L.), soybean (Glycine max Merr.), Peanut (Archis hypogaea L.), and marsh mallow (Malva olitoria Nakai) were tolerant to napropamide [2-(${\alpha}$-naphthoxy)-N, N-diethylpropionamide], alachlor [2-chloro-2', 6'-diethyl-N-(methoxymethyl) acetanilide], trifluralin (${\alpha},{\alpha},{\alpha}$-trifluoro-2, 6-dinitro-N, N-dipropylp-toluidine) and nitrofen (2,4-dichlorophenyl-p-nitrophenylether). Napropamide, diphenamide (N, N-dimethyl-2, 2-diphenylacetamide) and alachlor were safe for red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), eggplant (Solanum melongena L. and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), while trifluralin, nitrofen and chlonitrofen (2,4,6-trichlorophenyl-4-nitrophenyl ether) could be used for water melon (Citrullus battich Forsk.), carrot (Daucus carota L.) and lettuce (Lactuca scariola L.) without crop injury. Out of nine major weed species studied, Capsella bursa-pastoris Medicus was the most resistant species to the herbicides tested. Napropamide and alachlor could not control P. hydropiper, while P. oleracea and C. album were tolerant to diphenamide :and alachlor, respectively. Urea herbicides such as methabenzthiazuron [3-(2-benzothiazolyl)-1,3-dimethylurea], linuron [3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl~l-methoxy-i-methyl urea], and isoproturon [3-(4-isopropylphenyl) -1, 1-dimethylurea]gave a great injury to the crops studied. The weeding effect was greater for broadleaf weeds than for grasses. Isoproturon and linuron provided good selectivity for marsh mallow and carrot, respectively. In peanut, the crop injury caused by Four herbicides studied was greater when cultivated with mulching than when cultivated without mulching. With dinitroaniline herbicides the crop injury decreased as the gaseous herbicide was removed out of mulching. Alachlor gave little phytotoxicity to peanut grown under mulching condition and nitralin [4-(methylsuphonyl)-2, 6-dinitro-N, N-dipropylaniline] showed less toxicity to the peanut than pendimenthalin (3,4-dimethyl-2, 6-dinitro-N-1-ethyl propylaniline) and trifluralin.

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Studies on the Increase of Germination Percent of Angelica gigas Nakai I. Germination Characteristics and Cause of Lower Germination Percent (참당귀(當歸) 종자(種字)의 발아율(發芽率) 향상(向上)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) I. 발아특성(發芽特性)과 발아율(發芽率) 저조(低調) 원인(原因))

  • Cho, Seon-Haeng;Kim, Ki-June
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 1993
  • This experiment was conducted to study germination characteristics and the decrease cause of germination percent in Angelica gigas Nakai seed. The emergence percent of winter sowing was higher than that of spring sowing as 66.6% and 41.1%, respectively, and the first emergence date was also earlier in winter sowing. The seed germination speed, percent and coefficent showed the highest value at $20^{\circ}C$ of incubation temperature, but lower value at $10^{\circ}C\;and\;30^{\circ}C$. The water uptake speed was increased along with increasing water temperature. The weight of imbibed seed at germination was 3.4times higher based on the weight of intact dry seed and 2.3times on removal of seed coat. In terms of length of seed was large, the germination percent was higher. The germination percent of brown colored seeds showed higher value than that of green colored seeds. The prolonged storage period decreased germination percent. When A.gigas seeds stored at room temperatue for 2years, the seeds were lost their viability. The biological inhibition effect of methanol, water and ether extract on the germination and growth of A.gigas and lettuce seed showed the highest value in the methanol extract, followed by water extract and the least in ether extract.

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Rapid Detection Method for Human Rotavirus from Vegetables by a Combination of Filtration and Integrated Cell Culture/Real-Time Reverse Transcription PCR (Filtration과 Integrated Cell Culture/Real-Time Reverse Transcription PCR 기법을 이용한 채소류에서 Human Rotavirus 신속 검출)

  • Hyeon, Ji-Yeon;Chon, Jung-Whan;Song, Kwang-Young;Hwang, In-Gyun;Kwak, Hyo-Sun;Lee, Jung-Soo;Kim, Moo-Sang;Lee, Jung-Bok;Seo, Kun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare different elution and concentration methods for optimization of human rotavirus (HRV) detection method using real-time RT-PCR and cell culture techniques. The leafy vegetable samples (lettuce, Chinese cabbage) were artificially inoculated with HRV. Viruses were extracted from the vegetables by two different elution buffers, buffer A (100 mM Tris-HCl, 50 mM glycine, 3% beef extract, pH 9.5) and buffer B (250 mM Threonine, 300 mM NaCl, pH 9.5), and the extracted viruses were concentrated by filtration and PEG precipitation sequentially. To determine infectivity of the viruses, the viruses recovered from the samples were infected to the MA-104 cells, and integrated cell culture real-time RT-PCR was performed at 1, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168 h post-infection (p.i.). The elution buffer A was more efficient in extracting the virus from the produce samples tested than the buffer B, 29.54% and 18.32% of recoveries, respectively. The sensitivity of real-time RT-PCR method was markedly improved when the virus was concentrated by the filtration method. When the viruses were eluted and concentrated by buffer A and filtration, respectively, the average recovery rate was approximately 51.89%. When the viruses recovered from samples were infected to MA-104 cell, infectious HRV was detected within 48 h p.i. by ICC/real-time RT-PCR, whereas cytopathic effects were not observed until 72 h p.i. The optimized detection method evaluated in this study could be useful for rapid and reliable detection of HRV in fresh produce products and applied for detection of other food-borne viruses.

Monitoring of Pesticide Residues in Leafy Vegetables Collected from Wholesale and Traditional Markets in Cheongju (청주지역 도매 및 재래시장 유통 엽채류 중 잔류농약 모니터링)

  • Noh, Hyun-Ho;Park, Young-Soon;Kang, Kyung-Won;Paik, Hyo-Kyung;Lee, Kwang-Hun;Lee, Jae-Yun;Yeop, Kyung-Won;Choi, Song-Rim;Kyung, Kee-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.381-393
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    • 2010
  • In order to monitor the residual characteristics of the pesticides in leafy vegetables selling at wholesale markets and traditional markets in Cheongju, a total of 180 samples of 15 leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, celery, chard, chicory, Chinese vegetable, Chwinamul, crown daisy, Korean cabbage, leek, lettuce, perilla leaves, Shinsuncho, spinach, welsh onion and young radish, were purchased from the wholesale markets and traditional markets in June and August in 2010 and the pesticide residues in them were analyzed by multiresidue analysis method using GLC, HPLC and GC-MSD. Seven pesticides were detected from 12 samples out of total 180 samples collected, representing detection rate was 6.7%. In case of the samples collected from markets in June, four pesticides including tefluthrin were detected from six samples and in case of the samples collected from markets in August, three pesticides including pendimethalin were detected from three samples. The MRL-exceeding rate of pesticides detected from leafy vegetables was 0.6%. The pesticide exceeded its MRL was azoxystrobin detected from crown daisy and many pesticides were not registered to the crops, excepting that azoxystrobin detected from Chwinamul and tefluthrin from leek. Estimated daily intakes (EDIs) of the pesticides detected from leafy vegetables were less than 7% of their acceptable daily intakes (ADIs), representing that residue levels of the pesticides detected were evaluated as safe.

Microbial and Pathogenic Contamination of Ready-to-eat Fresh Vegetables in Korea (한국에 유통중인 신선편이 채소류의 미생물 품질 및 병원성 세균의 오염도 조사)

  • Bae, Young-Min;Hong, Yu-Jin;Kang, Dong-Hyun;Heu, Sung-Gi;Lee, Sun-Young
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate microbiological contamination of fresh vegetables in Korea. Twenty types of vegetables were tested for total aerobic bacteria, coliforms, Escherichia coli, yeast and mold, and pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Cronobacter sakazakii, Shigella, and Campylobacter. Levels of total aerobic bacteria and coliform on 20 vegetables were between 3.74 and 8.04 log CFU/g, and 0.16 and 5.02 log CFU/g, respectively. The highest contamination levels of total aerobic bacteria were observed on water dropwort, sprouts, mungbean sprout, and ballflower root. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in microbial contamination levels of total aerobic count, coliform, E. coli, yeast and mold between organic and nonorganic vegetables. When isolation methods using selective agars were applied, L. monocytogenes, B. cereus, Salmonella and Campylobacter were isolated from some fresh vegetable samples. Results of API kit tests showed that L. monocytogenes was identified on Chinese cabbage, cucumber, soybean sprouts, and iceberg lettuce while Salmonella was identified on Korean leek. Furthermore, Campylobacter jejuni was also identified in more than 50 of the 100 samples. However, when positive samples from API kit were tested for real-time PCR or 16S rRNA sequencing method, only B. cereus from perilla leaf, carrot, water dropwort, and sprouts showed positive results. These results indicate that selective agar and API kit detection methods might result in false positive results for some pathogens. Therefore, studies need to improve isolation or confirmation methods for such pathogens.

Status of Farmers' Application Rates of Chemical Fertilizer and Farm Manure for Major Crops (주요(主要) 논·밭 작물(作物)에 대한 농가시비(農家施肥) 실태(實態))

  • Park, Baeg-Gyoon;Jeon, Tae-Ha;Kim, Yoo-Hak;Ho, Qyo-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.238-246
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    • 1994
  • Rate of conventional allpication of chemical fertilizer and farm manure were surveyed for 23 crops and 13,259 farms on paddy and upland fields in 1992. 1. Farmers have applied fertilizers more than optimum levels on vagetable crops. Based on the optimum levels of N, P and K, the excess ratios of N, P, K fertilization were 40%, 138%, and 53% in vagetable crops and 38%, 7%, and 0% in field crops, respectively. 2. Among provinces, the fertilizer application for paddy rice was higher in Chung-nam and Jeon-buk, which have had higher yield compared to other provinces. And that for red pepper was higher in Kang-won, Jeon-nam, Jeon-buk, Kyeong-nam, Kyeong-buk, and for chinese cabbage in Kang-won and Chung-nam. 3. The fertilizers rates at a chief producing districts of crops(CPD) were higher in vagetable crops than in field crops. 4. Compared with total fertilizer levels of open culture, excess fertilizers in plastic house were 5.9kg/10a(21%) of nitrogen, 8.7kg/10a(52%) of phosphorus and 7.1kg/10a(34%) of potasium. In chemical fertilizer application, fertilizer levels of sweet corn, red papper, tomato and lettuce were higher in plastic house, while those of cucumber, strawberry, radish, chinese cabbage were higher in open culture. 5. Ratio of farmers who applied farm manures was below 60 % on field crops and 69~100% on vagetable crops. 6. The compound fertilizer for paddy rice(21-17-17) was applied on all the crops and its application rate was the highest in all the crops except for paddy rice(single cropping), malting barley, soybean, sesame.

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