• Title/Summary/Keyword: Leaf and stem rot

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Root and Basal Stem Rot of Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.), Pung-nan (Neofinetia falcata) and Nadopung-nan (Aerides japonicum) Caused by Fusarium spp. (Fusarium spp.에 의한 호접란과 풍란류에 발생하는 뿌리 및 줄기기부썩음병)

  • Kim, Jin-Won;Chun, Se-Chul
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.6-14
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    • 2007
  • Root and basal stem rot disease occurred on moth orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.), Pung-nan (Neofinetia falcata) and Nadopung-nan (Aerides japonicum) grown in the farmers' greenhouses located in Namyangju Kyonggi province, Korea during 2005 to 2006. Wilting symptoms occurred on these orchard plants at initial stage and the infected plant leaves turned yellow to red. The discolored leaves were fallen down to lead to eventual death of the entire plant. A total of 59 isolates of Fusarium spp. was obtained from roots and leaf bases of the diseased plants. The cultural and morphological characteristics of isolated Fusairum spp. were identified as Fusarium oxysporum, F. proliferatum and F. solani. F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum were isolated from all these orchard plants but F. solani was isolated only from Phalaenopsis spp. Pathogenicity of the three Fusarium spp. was confirmed by artificial inoculation. Although F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum and F. solani cusing root rot disease in Phalaenopsis spp. have been reported in Korea, the pathogens in N. falcata and A. japonicum were not reported yet. Therefore, this is the first report on the root and stem rot of N. falcata and A. japonicum caused by F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum in Korea.

Treatment Time and Concentration of GA3 for Increasing Efficiency of the Lettuce Seed Production for Lettuce Breeding and Selection (상추 육성 및 선발을 위한 채종 효율증진을 위한 GA3 처리시기 및 농도)

  • Lee, K.H.;Ryu, G.M.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2012
  • To increasing efficiency of the seed production through GA3 treatment, treatment of GA3 20mg/ℓ at its fourteen leaf stage had an effect on 21% increasing seed yield at leaf lettuce (cv.'Ttugseomjeokchugmyeon') in seed production from 50.9ℓ/10a to 61.7ℓ/10a, and 'GA3 50mg/ℓ at its eight leaf and fourteen leaf stage had a effect on 14% increasing the seed yield of head lettuce (cv.'Urake') at seed production from 14.2ℓ/10a to 21.1ℓ/10a reducing rate of dead plant in field. Especially, it will be recommended for planting after June for seed production of head lettuce owing to decreasing rate of dead by soft rot and stem rot.

Pink Rot of Palms Caused by Gliocladium vermoseni (Gliocladium vermoeseni에 의한 야자 분홍썩음병(가칭))

  • Han, Kyung-Sook;Park, Jong-Han;Lee, Jung-Sup;Seo, Sang-Tae;Jang, Han-Ik
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.345-348
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    • 2004
  • Pink rot of Palm was occurred at Yeuju area in 2001 and 2003. Infected plants showed rotting at the leaf-stock bases and killing of the terminal bud. The first symptoms are dark brown necrotic areas on the stem. Bases of infected frond may be covered with pink spores and the spots produced oozing gum pockets. Oozing lesions occur on the stems, and leaves turn brown and droop. The causal agent were isolated from salmon-pink spores sporulating on the leaf sheaths and necrotic stem tissues. Pathogen were isolated from freshly infected tissues were identified as Gliocladium vermoseni based on mycological characteristics. Fungus were grown plenty on PDA culture. Temperature for mycelial grown was tested at 5 to $40^{\circ}C$ and optimal temperature was $25^{\circ}C$ and was not nearly grew at temperature above $35^{\circ}C$. Artificial pathogenicity were tested on 9 species of Palm family in the wound inoculation and symptoms showed similar to those observed in the field. This is the first report on pink rot of palm in Korea.

Significance of Semame Seedborne Fungi, with special Reference to Corynespora cassiicola (참깨의 종자전염성 진균과 그 병원성 : Corynespora cussiicola를 중심으로)

  • Yu Seung-Heon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.20 no.4 s.49
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 1981
  • Alternaria sesami, A. sesamicola, A. tenuis, A. longissima, Cercospora sesami, Cephalosporium sp., Corynespora cassiicola, Fusarium equiseti, F. moniliforme, F. oxysporum, F. semitectum, Macrophomina phaseolina and Myrothecium roridum were detected from 40 seed samples of sesame. A sesami, A. sesamicola, A. tenuis and C. cassiicola were the predominant fungi. Except C. cassiicola, all fungi were almost completly reduced and wiped out the infection by pretreatment with chlorine. Plating components also indicate that C. cassiicola was well-established infections. Seedborne infection of C. cussiicola caused heavy seed rot and seedling mortality. Detailed description has been given on the habit character of C. cassiicola under stereoscopic microscope and the variation in colony character and spore morphology have been taken into account. In inoculation experiments, C. cassiicola produced severe leaf and stem spots and blights on sesame plants resulted in ultimate death of the plants. A. sesami, A. sesamicola A. longissima and C. sesami also produced mild to severe leaf spotting and leaf blight when suspension of their conidia were sprayed on to plants. In soil inoculation experiments, F. oxysporum and M. phaseolina were the most pathogenic causing seed rot and seedling blight.

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Sclerotinia Rot of Peucedanum japonicum Thunb. Caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum에 의한 갯기름나물 균핵병 발생)

  • Jung, Won-Kwon;Lim, Yang-Sook;Kim, Min-Ki;Kim, Jong-Su
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.115-119
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    • 2021
  • Sclerotinia rot was occurred on the leaf and stem of Peucedanum japonicum Thunb. in greenhouse field of Pohang city of Gyeongbuk province in Korea. The typical symptom of the disease was light brown spot and tipburn on infected leaves. The colony of the isolated fungus was white to light gray in color. Asci were cylindrical shape and 75-240×5.9-17.3 ㎛ in size. Apothecia were cup-shaped with numerous asci and 0.5-0.9 cm in size. Ascospores were aseptate and ellipsoid in shape, and 8.4-10.7×4.8-5.8 ㎛ in size. Sclerotia formed on the plants and potato dextrose agar medium were globose to irregular in shape and black in color. Partial sequencing of rDNA of this isolate showed that it was 100% consistent with that of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. It was confirmed that the same lesion was formed by reinoculating this pathogen on a healthy P. japonicum Thunb. and the same strain was isolated. This is the first report on the Sclerotinia rot of P. japonicum Thunb. caused by S. sclerotiorum in Korea.

Sclerotinia Rot of Fatsia japonica Caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum에 의한 팔손이 균핵병)

  • Kwon Jin-Hyeuk
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.122-124
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    • 2006
  • Sclerotinia rot was occurred on the leaf and stem of Fatsia japonica in Geoje city, Gyeongnam province in Korea from 2004 to 2005. The typical symptom of the disease was water-soaked infected leaves and stems. The colony of the isolated fungus was white to faintly gray in color. Apothecia were cup-shaped with numerous asci and $0.8{\sim}1.3 cm$ in size. Asci were cylindrical in shape and $70{\sim}220{\times}4{\sim}18{\mu}m$ in size. Ascospores were aseptate, hyaline, ellipsoid in shape, and $6{\sim}12{\times}4{\sim}6{\mu}m$ in size. Sclerotia formed on the plants and PDA medium were globose to cylindrical or irregular in shape, black in color. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was $25^{\circ}C$. This is the first report on the Sclerotinia rot of Fatsia japonica caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Korea.

Phytophthora-Induced Diseases on Citrus in Jeju Island

  • Hyun, Jae-Wook;Lee, Seong-Chan;Kim, Kwang-Sik;Jee, Hyeong-Jin
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.184-188
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    • 2001
  • Phytophthora-induced diseases on citrus in Jeju island have been considered of minor importance because of the use as root stock of trifoliate orange, which is immune to Phytophthora. However, brown rot on fruit, which severely occurred in 1998 and 1999, has become a great threat to citrus production in the island. About one-half of the surveyed orchards were infected in 1998 and 4 out of 19 infected fields showed over 20% fruit infection rate. The disease was less severe in 1999, with an estimated infected area and total fruit reduction of 3,155 ha and 15,300 tons, respectively. Typical gummosis was also occasionally observed on cv. Shiranugi, which is mostly cultivated under plastic film houses. Two types of Phytophthora were consistently isolated from various plant parts, identified as P. citrophthora and P. nicotianae. The former was isolated from the aerial parts of the fruit, young leaf, and shoot in the fields. Meanwhile, the latter was only isolated from the basal stem showing gummosis in plastic film houses.

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Isolation and Partial Characterization of Phytotoxic Mycotoxins Produced by Sclerotinia sp., a Potential Bioherbicide for the Control of White Clover(Trifoliorum repens)

  • Hong, Yeon-Kyu;Lee, Bong-Choon;Jung, Won-Kwon;Bae, Soon-Do;Park, Sung-Tae;Uhm, Jae-Youl
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2004
  • Sclerotinia sp. (isolate BWC98-105) causes stem blight and root rot in Leghum sp., and is presently being evaluated as a potential mycoherbicide for the control of Trifoliorium repens. Bioassays have shown that Sclerotinia sp. produces phytotoxic substance which is biologically active against T. repens. Two biologically active compounds, designated as compoundsI and II, were produced in vitro from the culture filtrate of BWC98-105 isolate Sclerotium sp. Compounds I and II were purified by means of liquid-liquid extraction and $C_{18}$ open column chromatography (300 ${\times}$ 30 mm, i.d). To determine the purity, the purified compounds were analyzed by RP-HPLC. The analytical RP-HPLC column was a TOSOH ODS-120T (150 ${\times}$ 4.6 mm i.d, Japan), of which the flow rate was set at 0.7 mL/min using the linear gradient solvent system initiated with 15 % methanol to 85 % methanol for 50 min with monitoring at 254 nm. Under these RP-HPLC conditions, compounds I and II eluted at 3.49 and 4.13 min, respectively. Compound II was found to be most potent and host specific. However, compound I had a unique antibiotic activity against phytopathogenic bacteria like bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas oryzae) on rice, where it played a less important role in producing toxicity on T. repens. No toxin activity was detected in the water fraction after partitioning with several organic solvents. However, toxin activity was detected in the ethyl acetate and butanol fractions. In the leaf bioassay using compound II, the disease first appeared within 4-5 h as water soaked rot, which subsequently developed into well-defined blight affecting the whole plant.

Plant Diseases of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) and Their Chemical Control (잇꽃의 식물병 발생양상과 주요 식물병의 약제방제)

  • Park, Kyeng-Seuk;Kim, Jae-Cheol;Choi, Seong-Yong;Park, So-Duk;Lee, Soon-Gu
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2004
  • This study were carried out to identify pathogens and determine the seasonal occurrence and chemical control of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) diseases from 2000 to 2002 in Gyengbuk province, Korea. Major diseases of safflower were, anthracnose caused by Colletotricum acutatum in open field, and gray mold by Botrytis cinerea in rain sheltered plastic house. Other diseases occurred were powdery mildew caused by Sphaerotheca fuliginea, collar rot by Sclerotium rolfsii, leaf spot by Alternaria carthami and A. alternata, rust by Puccinia carthami, root-rot and stem-rot by Phytophthora cactorum, root-rot and wilt by Fusarium oxysporum and damping-off by Pythium ultimum. Seasonal occurrence of anthracnose on safflower has begun from late April, and increased until harvesting, especially rapid increased after rainfall during stem elongation season that is from May to June. In open fields, maximum incidence of anthracnose was 67 % in late July. But in rain-sheltered plastic house, it was very low, about 5% in July. Gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea was most important disease in rain-sheltered plastic house cultivation. Maximum incidence of gray mold on floral head was 27.4%, whereas other diseases occurred below 1 %. In the test of the chemical control of the safflower anthracnose, metiram WP, carbendazim$.$kasugamycin WP and iminoctadintris$.$thiram WP were the highest controlling chemicals. In chemical control of gray mold, iminoctadintris$.$thiram WP, fluazinam WP and iprodion WP showed highest controlling effects.

A New Soybean Cultivar "Gaechuck#2": Yellow Soybean Cultivar with Lipoxygenase2,3-free and Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor-free

  • Chung, Jong Il
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.612-615
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    • 2009
  • Lipoxygenase and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein are the main antinutritional factor in mature soybean seed. A new soybean cultivar, "Gaechuck#2" with yellow seed coat, lipoxygenase2,3-free and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein-free was developed. It was selected from the population derived from the cross between "Jinpumkong2ho" and C242. Plants of "Gaechuck#2" have determinate growth habit with purple flowers, tawny pubescence, yellow seed coat, yellow hilum, oval leaflet shape and brown pods at maturity. Seed protein and oil content on a dry weight basis were 40.7% and 18.7%, respectively. It has shown a resistant reaction to soybean necrosis, soybean mosaic virus, Cercospora leaf spot and blight, black root rot, pod and stem blight, and soybean pod borer. Gaechuck#2 matured in 4 October with plant height of 54cm and a 100-seed weight of 24.4g. Average Yield of Gaechuck#2 was 230 - 250 kg/10a in 2005 - 2007.