• Title/Summary/Keyword: Layer Thickness

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The Dietary Effects of Marigold Extracts on Egg Production, Egg Quality and the Production of Lutein Fortified Chicken Eggs (사료 내 매리골드 추출물의 첨가 급여가 계란 생산성과 계란 품질 및 난황 내 루테인 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Eun-Jib
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to evaluate dietary effects of Marigold extract on laying performance, egg quality, oxidative stability of egg yolk and lutein transfer into chicken eggs. A total of one-hundred eighty nine 55-wk-old Hy-Line Brown layers were divided into seven groups and fed control diet or each experimental diet containing 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0% Marigold extract. Egg production, egg weight and daily egg mass were not affected by dietary treatments. The yolk colors in groups fed diets containing Marigold extract were significantly higher than that of control. The Haugh unit were tended to be improved by feeding of diets containing Marigold extract although there were no significant difference in egg shell strength and thickness. The MDA (malondialdehyde) contents in groups fed diets containing Marigold extract above 0.5% were significantly reduced than that of control. After 14d of storage, the Haugh unit values in groups feed diets containing 0.3 and 1.0% Marigold extract were significantly higher than that of control (p<0.05). The concentration of lutein in egg yolk increased by feeding of Marigold extract. When 2% Marigold extract was supplemented to the diet, lutein content of egg was increased as much as 1.71 mg/60 g. These results indicated that the use of Marigold extract in layer diets was effective in egg quality and for the production of lutein fortified eggs.

Reliability Verification of FLUKA Transport Code for Double Layered X-ray Protective Sheet Design (이중 구조의 X선 차폐시트 설계를 위한 FLUKA 수송코드의 신뢰성 검증)

  • Kang, Sang Sik;Heo, Seung Wook;Choi, Il Hong;Jun, Jae Hoon;Yang, Sung Woo;Kim, Kyo Tae;Heo, Ye Ji;Park, Ji Koon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.547-553
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    • 2017
  • In the current medical field, lead is widely used as a radiation shield. However, the lead weight is very heavy, so wearing protective clothing such as apron is difficult to wear for long periods of time and there is a problem with the danger of lethal toxicity in humans. Recently, many studies have been conducted to develop substitute materials of lead to resolve these problems. As a substitute materials for lead, barium(Ba) and iodine(I) have excellent shielding ability. But, It has characteristics emitting characteristic X-rays from the energy area near 30 keV. For patients or radiation workers, shielding materials is often made into contact with the human body. Therefore, the characteristic X-rays generated by the shielding material are directly exposured in the human body, which increases the risk of increasing radiation absorbed dose. In this study, we have developed the FLUKA transport code, one of the most suitable elements of radiation transport codes, to remove the characteristic X-rays generated by barium or iodine. We have verified the reliability of the shielding fraction of the structure of the structure shielding by comparing with the MCPDX simulations conducted as a prior study. Using the MCNPX and FLUKA, the double layer shielding structures with the various thickness combination consisting of barium sulphate (BaSO4) and bismuth oxide(Bi2O3) are designed. The accuracy of the type shown in IEC 61331-1 was geometrically identical to the simulation. In addition, the transmission spectrum and absorbed dose of the shielding material for the successive x-rays of 120 kVp spectra were compared with lead. In results, 0.3mmBaSO4/0.3mmBi2O3 and 0.1mmBaSO4/0.5mmBi2O3 structures have been absorbed in both 33 keV and 37 keV characteristic X-rays. In addition, for high-energy X-rays greater than 90 keV, the shielding efficiency was shown close to lead. Also, the transport code of the FLUKA's photon transport code was showed cut-off on low-energy X-rays(below 33keV) and is limited to computerized X-rays of the low-energy X-rays. But, In high-energy areas above 40 keV, the relative error with MCNPX was found to be highly reliable within 6 %.

Effect of Nandrolone Decanoate on Disuse Muscle Atrophy and Bone Beating in Dogs (개에서 불용성 근위축과 골절 치유에 대한 Nandrolone decanoate의 효과)

  • Yun Seong-jin;Lim Ji-hey;Rahman Md. Mizanur;Byeon Ye-eun;Kim Wan-hee;Kweon Oh-kyeong
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.336-341
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    • 2005
  • Anabolic steroid compounds are widely used for the increase of muscle mass, density of bone and athletic ability. The present study conducted to evaluate the effects of nandrolone decanoate (ND), one of the anabolic steroid compounds, on disuse muscle atrophy and healing process of bone in dogs. Twenty physically healthy dogs of both sexes were used in this experiment and divided into three groups: group A (control), group B (low dose M-1.5 mg/kg) and group C (high dose ND-7.5 mg/kg). One-mm strip of full thickness bone was excised from the radius below the pronator teres muscle for the artificial fracture and then the fractured ends were fixed in apposition with bone plate leaving 1mm gap, and finally immobilized externally by Robert John's bandage for 4 weeks. ND was administered intramuscularly once a week far 8 weeks. Body weight, muscle mass change and fracture gap of the bone were evaluated immediately after surgery, and 2, 4, and 8 weeks after surgery. The rates of muscle mass change 8 weeks after surgery were 2.75±0.16%,1.68±0.11%and1.74±0.48% in groups A, B and C, respectively. The significant increase (p<0.05) of muscle mass increments were found in the treated groups. The fibrous connective tissue layer in the fracture gaps of the treated groups increased more than the control, especially in the group C at 4th week. More dense fibrous connective tissue were found in the treated groups at 8th week. Collectively, our results suggested that ND was an effective anabolic agent for the immobilized disuse muscle and bone healing.

Assessment of Liquefaction Potential Using Correlation between Shear Wave Velocity and Normalized LPI on Urban Areas of Seoul and Gyeongju (정규화LPI와 전단파 속도의 상관관계를 활용한 서울과 경주 지역 액상화 위험도 평가)

  • Song, Young Woo;Chung, Choong Ki;Park, Ka Hyun;Kim, Min Gi
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.357-367
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    • 2018
  • Recent earthquakes in Gyeongju and Pohang have raised interest in liquefaction in South Korea. Liquefaction, which is a phenomenon that excessive pore pressure is generated and the shear strength of soil is decreased by repeated loads such as earthquakes, causes severe problems such as ground subsidence and overturning of structures. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and prepare for the possibility of liquefaction in advance. In general, the possibility of liquefaction is quantitatively assessed using the Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI), but it takes a lot of time and effort for performing site response analysis which is essential for the liquefaction evaluation. In this study, a simple method to evaluate the liquefaction potential without executing the site response analysis in a downtown area with a lot of borehole data was proposed. In this simple method, the correlation between the average shear wave velocity of the target location ground and the LPI divided by thickness of liquefiable layer was established. And the applicable correlation equation for various rock outcrop accelerations were derived. Using the 104 boreholes information in Seoul, the correlation equation between LPI and the shear wave velocity (ground water level: 0m, 1m, 2m, 3m) is obtained and the possibility of liquefaction occurrence in Seoul and Gyeongju is evaluated. The applicability of the proposed simple method was verified by comparing the LPI values calculated from the correlation equation and the LPI values derived using the existing site response analysis. Finally, the distribution map of LPI calculated from the correlation was drawn using Kriging, a geostatistical technique.

Preparation of Active Fraction from Radish Water Extracts for Improving the Intestinal Functions and Constipation Activities (무(Raphanuse sativa var. nigra L.) 물 추출물로 부터 장기능 및 변비질환 개선을 위한 활성 분획의 제조)

  • Baik, Soon-Ok;Lee, Yoo-Hui;Kim, Young-Sook;Ryu, Myeong-Hyeon;Kim, Hyun-Kyung
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.315-320
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this study was to develop an activator, 3-10 kDa fraction from radish water extracts, that will improve the intestinal function and bowel movement in the colons. Radish water extracts were investigated for their intestinal function effects according to the charcoal meal transit method, employing Balb/c mice: also, their anti-constipation activities were compared utilizing the loperamide-induced constipation method, employing SD rats. The result suggested that the effects of the charcoal meal transit increased remarkably in radish water extract administrated rats in comparison to loperamide administrated rats. Futhermore, the effects of various solvent extracts of radish on charcoal meal transit in Balb/c mice increased remarkably in radish water fraction administrated rats than in different solvent fraction administrated rats. Radish extraction was tested and isolated into 4 groups: below 3 kDa, 3-10 kDa, 10-300 kDa, and over 300 kDa. 3-10 kDa was the most effective on the intestinal function and bowel movement in the colons; also, 3-10 kDa fraction of radish water extraction was found to be the most effective charcoal meal transit. The dry weight and moisture content of feces remarkedly increased in the 3-10 kDa administrated rats group than in the loperamide only group. Experimental results revealed that 3-10 kDa fraction of radish water extract was the most effective on the intestinal function and bowel movement was the crypt epithelial cells that contained more MUC2 in the 3-10 kDa administrated group than the loperamide only group: in addition, the thickness of mucus layer stained with alcian blue was significantly thicker in 3-10 kDa administrated rats than in loperamide administrated rats. Crypt epithelial cells secreted more MUC2 in the 3-10 kDa administrated group than the loperamide only group and the stained cells clearly showed the MUC2 with antibody Biogenex AM358.

Histological and Histochemical Studies on the Epididymal Region and Deferent Ducts of the Drakes by the Age in Weeks (오리 부고환(副睾丸) 및 정관(精管)의 주령별(週齡別) 조직학적(組織學的) 및 조직화학적(組織化學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Jae-Hong;Ha, Chang-Su
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 1983
  • This study was made for the better information of the male reproductive system on the meat-type drake, Cherry Belly X White Golden. The epithelium of ductules of epididymal region and deferent duct were observed histologically and histochemically with the progress of their development. India-ink absorbability on the luminal epithelium was also investigated after the administration of India-ink. The results are as follows; 1. Rete testis and various round ductules in immature form appeared in epididymis within 6 weeks after hatching, and simple cuboidal and simple columnar epithelium were found in the epithelia of the ductules within 8 weeks after hatching. Larger ductules were found on epididymal surface which was in the developing stage near to the immature efferent ductule. From 10th to 20th week, various ductules appeared in epididymis, and developing form of efferent ductules were much more increased on epididymal surface. The luminal epithelium of the ductules were composed of ciliated simple columnar and pseudostratified ciliated columnar cells. At the same time, deferent duct appeared. From the 21th week, various ductules in epididymis became abruptly matured. Lumen of rete testis was lined by simple squamous or simple cuboidal epithelium, and that of efferent ductules, having many folds and being larger than any others were lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium in which ciliated columnar cells, non-ciliated cells(clear cells) and basal cells were noted. Connecting tubules of star shaped lumen were composed of pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium in which ciliated columnar cells, nonciliated cells, and basal cells were observed. The luminal surface of epididymal ducts was smooth and has thick pseudostratified columnar epithelium which was composed of high columnar cells and basal cells. From 26th week after hatching, sperm pooling was started in various ductules. 2. From 4th to 10th week, simple cuboidal epithelium of deferent duct transformed to simple columnar epithelium with the progress of aging. At the basement of epithelium, clear round cells were noted. From 12th to 20th week, high columnar cells with enlongated nucleus were noted on the luminal border of deferent ducts, forming folds of pseuclostratified columnar epithelium. From 20th week, the deferent duct started to have septa in it's lumen and composed mainly of pseudostratified columnar epithelium, and round cells disappeared. From 20th week, the lumen diameter of deferent duct became wider with the progress of aging, but there was no difference among the values of lumen diameter in upper, middle, and lower part of deferent ducts. At 26th week, the pooling period of sperms in deferent ducts, the lumen diameter became rapidly widen, especially in the lower part of deferent ducts. Thickness of muscular layer of ductus deferens showed gradual growth within 24 weeks but did abrupt thickening from 26th week. 3. Saliva resistant PAS granules were dotted on the top of nucleus in efferent ductules epithelium but the amount of the granules were little in the connecting ductules's epithelium. The granules reactive to acid phosphatase were abundant in the some epithelial cells of efferent ductules and connecting ductules, especially above the nucleus of cells. The granules reactive to alkaline phosphatase were noted on the luminal border of efferent ductules. Parts of free border of efferent ductules and middle portion of deferent ducts were stained slightly by alcian blue technique. India ink granules were found mainly in the epithelium of efferent ductules but were few in that of connecting ductules.

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Study on Nucleation and Evolution Process of Ge Nano-islands on Si(001) Using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM을 이용한 Si (001) 표면에 Ge 나노점의 형성과 성장과정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, J.S.;Lee, S.H.;Choia, M.S.;Song, D.S.;Leec, S.S.;Kwak, D.W.;Kim, D.H.;Yang, W.C.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.226-233
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    • 2008
  • The nucleation and evolution process of Ge nano-islands on Si(001) surfaces grown by chemical vapor deposition have been explored using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The Ge nano-islands are grown by exposing the substrates to a mixture of gasses GeH4 and H2 at pressure of 0.1-0.5Torr and temperatures of 600650C. The effect of growth conditions such as temperature, Ge thickness, annealing time on the shape, size, number density, and surface distribution was investigated. For Ge deposition greater than 5 monolayer (ML) with a growth rate of 0.1ML/sec at 600C, we observed island nucleation on the surface indicating the transition from strained layer to island structure. Further deposition of Ge led to shape transition from initial pyramid and hut to dome and superdome structure. The lateral average size of the islands increased from 20nm to 310nm while the number density decreased from 4×1018 to 5×108cm2 during the shape transition process. In contrast, for the samples grown at a relatively higher temperature of 650C the morphology of the islands showed that the dome shape is dominant over the pyramid shape. The further deposition of Ge led to transition from the dome to the superdome shape. The evolution of shape, size, and surface distribution is related to energy minimization of the islands and surface diffusion of Ge adatoms. In particular, we found that the initially nucleated islands did not grow through long-range interaction between whole islands on the surface but via local interaction between the neighbor islands by investigation of the inter-islands distance.

Fabrication and Characterization of CuInSe2Thin Films from In2Se3 andCu2SePrecursors (In2Se3Cu2Se를 이용한 CuInSe2박막제조 및 특성분석)

  • Heo, Gyeong-Jae;Gwon, Se-Han;Song, Jin-Su;An, Byeong-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.5 no.8
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    • pp.988-996
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    • 1995
  • CuInSe2this films as a light absorber layer were fabricated by vacuum evaporation using In2Se3and Cu2Se precursors and their properties were analyzed. Indium selenide films of 0.5{\mu}{\textrm}{m} thickness were first deposited by vacuum evaporation of In2Se3 on a Corning 7059 glass substrate. The films deposited at suscepor temperature of 400C showed a flat surface morphology with densely Packed grain structure. CuInSe2films directly formed by evaporating Cu2Se on the predeposited In2Se2films also showed a very flat surface when the susceptor temperature was 700C. Cu2Se, a second phase in the CuInSe2film, was removed by evaporating additional In2Se3on the CuInSe2film at 700C. The grain size of 1.2{\mu}{\textrm}{m} thick CuInSe2, film was about 2{\mu}{\textrm}{m} and the film had a (112) preferred orientation. As the amount of deposited In2Se3increased, the electrical resistivity of CuInSe2films increased because of the decrease of hole concentration. But the optical band gap was almost constant at the value of 1.04eV, The CuInSe2film grown on a Mo/glass substrate had a similar smooth microstructure compared to that on a glass substrate. A solar cell with ZnO/CdS/CuInSe2/Mo structure may be realized based on the above CuInSe2films.

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Study on the Behavior of Colloidal Hematite: Effects of Ionic Composition and Strength and Natural Organic Matter in Aqueous Environments (교질상 적철석의 거동 특성: 수환경 내 이온 조성 및 세기, 자연 유기물이 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Woo-Chun;Lee, Sang-Woo;Kim, Soon-Oh
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.347-362
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    • 2020
  • Iron (hydro)oxides in aqueous environments are primarily formed due to mining activities, and they are known to be typical colloidal particles disturbing surrounding environments. Among them, hematites are widespread in surface environments, and their behavior is controlled by diverse factors in aqueous environments. This study was conducted to elucidate the effect of environmental factors, such as ionic composition and strength, pH, and natural organic matter (NOM) on the behavior of colloidal hematite particles. In particular, two analytical methods, such as dynamic light scattering (DLS) and single-particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS), were compared to quantify and characterize the behavior of colloidal hematites. According to the variation of ionic composition and strength, the aggregation/dispersion characteristics of the hematite particles were affected as a result of the change in the thickness of the diffuse double layer as well as the total force of electrostatic repulsion and van der Walls attraction. Besides, the more dispersed the particles were, the farther away the aqueous pH was from their point of zero charge (PZC). The results indicate that the electrostatic and steric (structural) stabilization of the particles was enhanced by the functional groups of the natural organic matter, such as carboxyl and phenolic, as the NOM coated the surface of colloidal hematite particles in aqueous environments. Furthermore, such coating effects seemed to increase with decreasing molar mass of NOM. On the contrary, these stabilization (dispersion) effects of NOM were much more diminished by divalent cations such as Ca2+ than monovalent ones (Na+), and it could be attributed to the fact that the former acted as bridges much more strongly between the NOM-coated hematite particles than the latter because of the relatively larger ionic potential of the former. Consequently, it was quantitatively confirmed that the behavior of colloidal hematites in aqueous environments was significantly affected by diverse factors, such as ionic composition and strength, pH, and NOM. Among them, the NOM seemed to be the primary and dominant one controlling the behavior of hematite colloids. Meanwhile, the results of the comparative study on DLS and spICPMS suggest that the analyses combining both methods are likely to improve the effectiveness on the quantitative characterization of colloidal behavior in aqueous environments because they showed different strengths: the main advantage of the DLS method is the speed and ease of the operation, while the outstanding merit of the spICP-MS are to consider the shape of particles and the type of aggregation.

The influence of occlusal loads on stress distribution of cervical composite resin restorations: A three-dimensional finite element study (교합력이 치경부 복합레진 수복물의 응력분포에 미치는 영향에 관한 3차원 유한요소법적 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Seok;Hur, Bock;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol;Kim, Kwang-Hoon;Son, Kwon;Park, Jeong-Kil
    • Proceedings of the KACD Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.246-257
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of various occlusal loading sites and directions on the stress distribution of the cervical composite resin restorations of maxillary second premolar, using 3 dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) analysis. Extracted maxillary second premolar was scanned serially with Micro-CT (SkyScan1072; SkyScan, Aartselaar, Belgium). The 3D images were processed by 3D-DOCTOR (Able Software Co., Lexington, MA, USA). HyperMesh (Altair Engineering. Inc., Troy, USA) and ANSYS (Swanson Analysis Systems. Inc., Houston, USA) was used to mesh and analyze 3D FE model. Notch shaped cavity was filled with hybrid (Z100, 3M Dental Products, St. Paul, MN, USA) or flowable resin (Tetric Flow, Viva dent Ets., FL-9494-Schaan, Liechtenstein) and each restoration was simulated with adhesive layer thickness (40μm). A static load of 200 N was applied on the three points of the buccal incline of the palatal cusp and oriented in 20 increments, from vertical (long axis of the tooth) to oblique 40 direction towards the buccal. The maximum principal stresses in the occlusal and cervical cavosurface margin and vertical section of buccal surfaces of notch-shaped class V cavity were analyzed using ANSYS. As the angle of loading direction increased, tensile stress increased. Loading site had little effect on it. Under same loading condition. Tetric Flow showed relatively lower stress than Z100 overall, except both point angles. Loading direction and the elastic modulus of restorative material seem to be important factor on the cervical restoration.

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