• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landscape aesthetics

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Environmental Aesthetics as a Landscape Architectural Theory (조경이론으로서의 환경미학)

    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.89-106
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    • 1998
  • This essay addresses the role of environmental aesthetics in landscape architecture : how can environmental aesthetics enrich landscape architectural theory and practice\ulcorner It begins by criticizing the predominant notions toward theory : theory as an instrumental design method, theoretical vacuum in modernism of landscape architecture, and the intimate relation of theory and practice in 18th-century England. It suggests that the expulsion of theory in landscape architectural academics and profession is nothing but an inappropriate bias. In the second place, the essay explores a remaining question : why environmental aesthetics is a part of landscape architectural theory\ulcorner I would argue that environmental aesthetics can transcend the man-nature(subject-object) dichotomy, one of heritages of Western modernity project. Here, landscape architecture meets environmental aesthetics, and both can intermediate between theory and practice. For landscape architecture is (and ought to be) a device of embodied communication, creating symbolic settings wherein an interconnection of man and nature can occur. Finally, this essay examines the aesthetics of engagement that Arnold Berleant claimed recently. This theory of aesthetic experience has a possibility of making corrections some improper conventions in landscape architectural creation and appreciation : disinterested contemplation, visual-orientedness, decoration-denteredness, and so forth. I would conclude that environmental aesthetics can be a significant theory which can correct misconceptions in landscape design and appreciation and, further, can lead contemporary practice. As the great mediator between man and nature, between theory and practice, environmental aesthetics has a profound role to play in the realm of landscape architecture, and vice versa.

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An Ecological Aesthetic in Sustainable Landscape Design (지속가능한 조경설계에 있어서 생태미학적 접근)

  • Min, Byoung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 2012
  • Since the late 20th century, sustainability is one of the most pressing concerns for the security and well-being of our society when we are witnessing the rapid change in urban landscape patterns. Responding to this issue, the discipline of environmental designs including landscape architecture has also attempted to realize this concept in various ways. The purpose of this study lies in introducing and redefining the meaning of ecological aesthetics as an alternative "sustainable" design theory. This paper theoretically discusses about the role of aesthetics in landscape design and the relationship between landscape and aesthetics to emphasize the importance of ecological aesthetics. Based on extensive literature review and analysis, the study attempts to redefine the characteristics of ecological aesthetics: an emphasis on cognitive process in landscape appreciation, environmentalism, unrestricted from style, and nonnative aesthetics. Having defined the characteristics, this study also finds several design subjects to adapt the concept of ecological aesthetics to actual design practice. Founded on the big idea "make nature visible", the defined subjects are ecological functions, temporality of landscape, and history of landscape, security, and accessibility. Also, this study stresses the importance m the creativity of the design(er) in order to effectively represent these subjects to the public.

Theory in the Aesthetics of Landscape: A criticar neview of J, Appleton and S. Bourassa (Appleton과 Bourassa의 ′경관미학′이론에 대한 비판적 고찰)

  • 배정한;조정송
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 1995
  • Philosophers Of aeBthetics have tended to limit their Suhject to include only objects Of art. In contrast to art objects, landscapes include elements of both art and nature, and the aesthetic experiences of landscape are ordinarty ones. Thus, the theoretical alternatives, that cannot be like the traditional aesthetic dogma of art, must be explored. Jay Appleton's theory is the firsts attempt to develop a comprehensive theory of landscape aesthetics. He concentrates on the question 'what do we like about landscape and why do we like it ' He takes the assumption that the aesthetic experience of landscape is pleasurable or satisfying, and suggests the biologically oriented theory, called 'prospect-refuge theory.'Although his theory is stimulating and highly speculative, it depends on the 'aesthetic attitude' theory of Kantian thought. His theory can be criticized for its biologically deterministic nature and its reductionism To respond to Appleton's shortcomings, that is, to resolve the conflict between biological and cultural explanations of aesthetic experience of landscape, Steven Bourassa tries to combine biological, cultural, and personal modes in a comprehensive paradigm for research in landscape aesthetics. This tripartite paradigm seems to promise to be meaningful if helping to pose important questions as well as in. avoiding conceptual errors about aesthetic domain of landscape. However, Bourassa's theory fails to integrate such three separate kinds of moder In the final analysis both Appleton and Bourassa present same succeases in expanding the scope of aesthetics to embrace landscape. Most important for a theory in landscape aesthetics must be its ability to enlarge our awareness of the aesthetic domain and its sound logic and evidence to criticize our problematic beliefs about he aesthetic idea of landscape.

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Establishing a Research Framework for Ecological Aesthetics: A Methodological Review (생태미학 연구의 개념화 및 방법론 탐구)

  • Lee, Jong-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2017
  • Landscape design pursues a balance among different values in our society, but aesthetic value and ecological value in landscapes must bring complex relationships into harmony. Ecological aesthetics can be defined as a domain of study that manages the relationship between landscape ecology and landscape aesthetics to create aesthetically attractive and ecologically beneficial landscapes. Despite the importance of the research area, there has been limited empirical research addressing ecological aesthetics. This article aspires to connect and expand the conceptual framework to the research methodologies of ecological aesthetics. First, this study suggests a conceptual framework that examines the relationship between landscape and perceptual process in the context of ecological aesthetics. This framework stresses the importance of information and design intervention as moderators in this relationship. From this framework, three key topics in ecological aesthetics arise: (1) correlation between ecological integrity and aesthetic preference, (2) "compromised" design and management intervention principles that enhance aesthetic pleasure and still have biodiversity, and (3) the impact of information intervention in aesthetic experience. The framework indicated three domains affect each other; thus, when one domain is studied, the other two need to be considered. Secondly, several theoretical and empirical studies on ecological aesthetics will be reviewed from a methodological point of view. This will help to consider ecological aesthetics research, which has primarily been limited to theoretical discourse in empirical research.

Three Agencies of Trans-disciplinary Landscape Architecture: Aesthetics, Collaboration and The Ideas of Nature (조경 탈영역의 세가지 기제: 미학, 협업, 자연관)

  • Park Yoon-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.1 s.114
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 2006
  • The increasing complexity of design disciplines expects new theoretical contribution to re-examine the territory of their own practice. The ambition of this paper is to theorize the possibilities of trans-disciplinary landscape architecture with the following three perspectives. First, it traces the canonical influence of Picturesque aesthetics as an agency to confirm the trans-disciplinary work at around-Olmsted period. Second, it investigates the evolving role of collaboration in contemporary Dutch landscape architectural context with the comparison to American modernist approaches to legitimate the trans-disciplinary mechanism. Third, it articulates three series of 'The-Idea-of-Nature' and the trans-disciplinary productions derived from each idea within a theoretical terrain of landscape architecture. And eventually, the author proposes 'multiplicity' of nature, replacing conventional concept of singular nature, to mobilize the location of this discipline and to project the possibility of new core ground beyond the existing theoretical gravity.

A study on the Aesthetics Factors and Preference of Street Furniture - Focused on Resting Places and Their Related Facilities - (스트리트 퍼니처(Street Furniture)의 심미성요소와 선호도에 관한 연구 - 휴게공간과 관련된 시설물을 중심으로 -)

  • 형성은;홍정표;양종열;이상락
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2001
  • If environmental aesthetics contains the whole area of grand beauty of nature and the meaning of the urban landscape, the urban landscape is defined 'fine view of urban, or beautiful sight' therefore, we must look for the wary to introduce and solve the aesthetic problem with a new paradym of the urban landscape. Such environmental aesthetics as to seek a new planning for the urban landscape can provide a new meaning for urban environment design by extracting design elements of street furniture resulted form aesthetic evaluation in context of formation aesthetics to review the aesthetic value and substance, and explain aesthetic experience, and explain aesthetic experience of urban the landscape.

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Research Trends Concerning Landscape Design in the Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture (한국조경학회지 게재논문 조경설계 분야의 연구경향)

  • 김영대
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2004
  • special subjects, from basic data-building to applied design itself, and from how-why studies to theory building research. It seems that the research concerns are mainly the explanation of the processes of design projects rather than the application and expression of design theory and conceptual work itself. The articles do not show a clear trend or design concerns that would lead landscape architecture firms or its market. A few articles deal with aesthetical theory and with design criticism that could be one of landscape design's fundamental theories. It is not enough to regard the Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture as the main stream of contemporary Korean landscape design trends. More research in the field of landscape design need to focus on pre-research work rather than on post-work reports. More research work in the field of landscape aesthetics is also required. The format of the journal needs to be reformed to include more design research papers that are of a free-presentation style in nature.

The Green Mode of Parks and Green Space Construction -a Study on the Exemplary Type of Ecological Landscape-

  • Le Yang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.2
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2004
  • As for the green space construction of the modern parks, landscape design is not only for the aesthetics but its also to promote the spiritual connotation. The appearing of the exemplary type of ecological landscape reflects landscape architects have developed realization and wishes to improve the deteriorating environment and put them into practice. This paper introduces the basic intension of the exemplary type of ecological landscape, and discusses the relative background and ecological aesthetic foundation of the exemplary ecological landscape which appeared under the crisis of urban environment; lists the modern landscape designers practices of the exemplary ecological landscape; studies the developing trend of this practice which becomes multifold along with the reformation of city.

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A world-wide trends in structural concepts of footbridge (보도육교의 구조적인 컨셉에 대한 세계적인 추세)

  • Park, Sun-Woo
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2004
  • A vocabulary for a understanding bridge has a different scope. There are the urban setting, landscape, lightness, from minimum to maximum, continuity, material, erection, motion and dynamic. Aesthetics criteria of footbridge design are movement and grace, space and experiment, symbolism, iconic, sculpture, innovation, spectacle, lighting, gemetry and wonder. New structural concepts of pedestrian bridges are presented on examples of recently built structures. The main characteristics of described structures are appropriateness, humanity, structural efficiency and aesthetics.

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