• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landscape Guidelines

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Rural Environmental Coloring Plan Reflecting the Regional Characteristics -Focused on the Tae-an of Byutgari and eumpo catchment area- (지역입지특성을 반영한 농어촌 환경색채 계획 -태안군 볏가리음포권역을 대상으로-)

  • Lee, Jin-Sook;Ryu, Ji-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2013
  • According to the rapid change in the era of Korea, there have been significant changes in the buildings and facilities in the rural area of the country, and thus in the landscape of the agricultural and fishing villages due to the painting of colors that are not in harmony with the surrounding natural environment. Recently, the value recognition on the rural landscape has greatly changed and studies are actively performed on rural colors. To keep up with this trend this study is intended to propose coloring plan of Byutgari and Eumpo area for their entire landscape including the facilities to harmonize with their natural and cultural characteristics and surrounding environments. This plan was related to the establishment of the landscape planning of the region in Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, based on the already prepared rural environmental coloring guideline. This study has its significance in that it provided a coloring process that can be applied to the targeted are as well as other area, continuing the context of the precedent studies. It is greatly expected that the regional characteristics will be strengthened owing to the establishment of coloring guidelines.

Management Guidelines for the Height of Buildings using Urban Landscape Simulation (경관시뮬레이션을 통한 건축물 높이관리에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyun;Baek, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.132-141
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    • 2007
  • The rebuilding or redevelopment of buildings in the Readjustment Project District is generally built high-rise buildings. It sometimes makes our residential area to be uniform in height and disharmony with surrounding houses and infrastructure. Then this research examines the landscape effects of the height of buildings built using landscape simulation on hillside and level ground. We suggested that it was desirable for a land readjustment project district to be managed by District Plan and Development Density Controlled Area. In addition, a consideration for the introduction of Average Floors is needed to mitigate the uniform and disharmony with surroundings.

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Urban Park and Green Space Planning System according to Newly Enacted Land Planning Related Laws, South Korea

  • Lee Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.2
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2004
  • Newly revised Urban Park Act and Land Planning Law are evaluated. Through exploring their functions and limits. Critical guidelines for Green Space Preservation and Planning Law are suggestec. The following is the summary of the findings: 1. New urban and regina! planning system has the foundation for green space plannig expressed as environmental planning, green space planning, landscape planning and park planning. 2. New Urban park act broadens and diversifies the range of urban park and green space(eg, stream and river, road, detention pond etc.) 3. The Urban Natural park items are removed because of long tenn unconstructed urban facilities and the new concept of 'Urban Park Zone' are inserted. And Green Space Preservation District and Urban Greening District's were introduced. And system of Contract of green space utilization and Agreement of Greening were adapted. 4. There exists new emerging needs for establishment of comprehensive green space preservation and planning law. 5. And the green space system can be classified to preservation system, recreation system and scenery system .. 6. The types of proposed green space planning are regional green space plg. urban green space plg, and district unit green space plg.

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Comparative Study of the System for Decentralized Rainwater Management in Korea and Germany (한국과 독일의 분산식 빗물관리를 위한 제도 비교 연구)

  • Han, Young-Hae;Lee, Tae-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4 s.117
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 2006
  • This study begins by examining the reason for the lack of urban planning that takes the water cycle into consideration. While there are institutions that support environmentally friendly development or smooth water circulation, these designs are not reflected in planning nor in the real world. After reviewing foreign case studies, policy suggestions and possible policy implications for Korea are derived. In Korea, there is not a sufficient level of relevant laws or institutions systematically established to make it possible to deal with rainwater in a decentralized way. Instead, facility standards or guidelines are considered separately for the control of water and for preventing natural disasters. And even though an environmentally friendly approach is stipulated in relevant laws in terms of spatial planning, there are no planning systems or implementation tools to actualize this kind of approach. The factors that make decentralized rainwater management possible in urban planning are analyzed based on the case study of Germany. Germany requires developers to plan in order to achieve ecological urban development. In addition, as a detailed implementation tool to promote conservation of the water cycle, the law provides for various kinds of measures such as restrictions on the proportion of impervious surface area according to the use of the land, required compensation measures for environmental degradation following development, introduction of a fee for rainwater runoff and the establishment of ecological landscape planning. The actual reason these measures can be implemented however is the provision of planning guidelines and design criteria for rainwater utilization, absorption and containment, and the construction of a database for various environmental information.

Fundarmental Studies on Regional Analysis of Potentiality for Conservation of Natural Park(II) -Analysis of Existing Natural Resources in Tokyo Province- (자연공원의 보호계획을 위한 광역적 토지자연의 분석에 관한 연구 (II) -잠재자연 및 현재자연과 보호를 위한 계획지침의 설정-)

  • 배병호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 1994
  • Existing natural resources were analyzed in regional scale in order to suggest natural park guidelines as a previous step of conservation plan. Results of both existing natural resources and land potentiality in preceding paper were combined to suggest comprehensive and qualitative method for understanding of natural land. Regional characteristics of natural park were, then, analyzed by this method, and specific planning guidelines were discussed. The existing natural resources were analyzed by the degree of location quotient, which were found by comparison of the grade of vegetation naturalness and the bio-physical land unit in preceding paper. Then, allowance of existing natural resources was identified, and importance of protection was described based on this result. The bio-physical land unit on Tokyo Province was found to be composed by smaller land units, which had a variety of relationship with grade of vegetation naturalness: from the specific(1st) to many stages(5th). This meant a characteric of each land unit. By this combined approach, the characteristics and spatial distribution of natural land were discussed in the regional scale, and characteristic of nateral park were analyzed in terms of natural location. National park were located in the land unit where both land capability and importance of portection were the 6th. Quasi national park and 1 province natural park were located in the land unit where land capability was the 6th and importance of protection were the 5th. Seven province natural parks were located in the land unites were both criteria under the 5th were mixed. based on the results of this study, the followings were suggested for specific planning guidelines in the case of Takao quasi nation park: (a) conservative land use within the limit of carrying capacity of this area by the conservation of biotic and abiotic natural resources, (b) conservation of both natural and semi-natural vegetation, (c) utilization of this area as a urban forest.

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A Study on Evaluating the Conservation/Utilization Area and Establishment of the Guideline for Conservation of the DMZ Region (DMZ 일원 보전·이용지역 설정 및 가이드라인 수립 연구)

  • Song, Wonkyong;Jeon, Seong Woo;Kim, Eunyoung;Lee, Dongkun;Lee, June
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 2012
  • In spite of the ecological value of the DMZ, there have not been established guidelines for sustainable conservation and use on the DMZ and adjacent area. In this study we suggested a method about zoning the conservation and utilization area considering environmental data and the characteristic of the DMZ region, and we make the guideline for conservation of the DMZ region based on the zone. Using 10 legal protection areas, the Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) and the boundaries of the DMZ region, we evaluated this region into conservation areas, management areas, and utilization areas. The results showed that as much as 91.8% of the DMZ region was evaluated as conservation areas, 6.9% as management areas, and 1.3% as utilization areas. After consultation with experts we suggested management principles, the direction, and the guideline based on the planning process considering the evaluation map. The study suggests principles and guidelines for management, and the guidelines could be a effective tool for the sustainable conservation and management strategy of DMZ region.

A Study on a Permissible Range of the Indicators to Manage Streetscapes by Dynamic Simulation - Focusing on Shape and Layout of Buildings - (동적 시뮬레이션에 의한 도시가로경관 관리지표의 허용범위 연구 - 건축물 형태 및 배치를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Doo-Wun;Byeon, Jae-Sang;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.74-83
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    • 2008
  • As urban residents' standard of living has recently risen, efforts to improve urban landscapes have increased. It is very important to manage streetscapes to improve the urban landscape because they are one of the essential elements in city construction and urban landscaping. This study focuses on the indicators that manage streetscapes more accurately and realistically. To achieve this purpose, this study used dynamic simulations considering shape and layout of buildings, the primary factors in streetscapes. This study can be summarized as follows: 1. Two indicators to manage streetscape were investigated in previous studies: one to increase visual openness and the other to reduce visual overstimulation. These indicators had high correlation with scenic beauty. Therefore, increasing openness and reducing overstimulation are essential to improve streetscapes. 2. Two household tower type buildings should be arranged along roadsides to increase openness and scenic beauty. However, low tower buildings with two household are not suitable along roadsides because they create monotony and intervals are needed between buildings. 3. To increase openness, the angled arrangement of buildings is suggested $75^{\circ}{\sim}90^{\circ}(105^{\circ}{\sim}135^{\circ})$ for low buildings, $30^{\circ}{\sim}45^{\circ}(135^{\circ}{\sim}150^{\circ})$ for mid-sized buildings, and $75^{\circ}{\sim}90^{\circ}(105^{\circ}{\sim}135^{\circ})$ for high buildings. 4. To reduce overstimulation, the height and setback control regulations should be at an angle of less than $45^{\circ}$. This study suggests more accurate management guidelines by organizing the indicators that could effectively manage streetscapes and by overcoming limitations of reality shown in a static simulation.

The Layer Standardization of Computerized Landscape Facility Drawings (조경시설물 전산 도면의 레이어 표준화 방안)

  • Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.76-90
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    • 2011
  • As most landscape drawings tend to be recorded in electronic format, the need for layer standards is growing. While the categorization system of planting drawings has been progressing, landscape facility drawings are being delayed. So, the purpose of this study was to establish the categorization system of computerized landscape facility drawing documents. In the beginning of this study, it found that the layer categorization system of "The Standards of Construction CALS/EC computerized drawings v1. 1" and "The submit instructions of electronic design documents" are not suitable for the landscape facility drawings. 1,154 drawings drawn by 10 landscape architect offices were used to analyze the current layer categorization status. As a result, it found that "The Standards of Construction CALS/EC computerized drawings v1. 1" were not introduced in landscape facility drawings and 46% of layers were produced indefinitely. The new layer categorization system consisting of 15 facility items was drawn by applying the ISO construction information categorization system. The new layer categorization system is set on the basis of the legal code, landscape design standards, and design guidelines of public institutions. This new layer categorization system is expected to propagate at the landscape architect offices in the early.

A trial for the development of plan system and instrument on environmentally friendly urban design (환경친화적 공간계획체계 및 수단개발을 위한 실험적 접근)

  • Kim, Hyeon Soo;Ahn, Geun-Young
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2001
  • With environmental problems and pollutions accumulated by continuous towns or cities developments events, it is becoming necessary to develop in consideration of environmental effects. This consensus leads to prepare a plan system and instrument for ecological city development, which can be a series of planning indicators. To develope a series of process for environmental friendly development, this study has three main goals as follows; development of policies and programs for environmental friendly development, suggestion of environmental friendly urban design models and standards, development of planning indicators and design guidelines Korean land use plan is operated by both zoning system and detailed plan system. But the available kinds of zoning type are too limited to apply to various and vernacular places. In addition to, the detailed plan is understood to be another regulation which constricts the freedom of building right. In this study, Plan System of Environmentally Friendly Space was studied for domestic affairs In German, Plan System of Environmentally Friendly Space is the field have been progressed before. so In this study, example of German was researched intensively, and Plan System of Environmentally Friendly Space was developed, applicable for the real state in domestic. This study was focused on methodology of landscape planning and planning for afforestation. Landscape planning is performed on condition detail investigation of existent state of nature and local characteristic, and Investigation of Planning for afforestation is more detailed than that of Landscape planning. In the basis of methodology of landscape planning and planning for afforestation, Plan for Environmentally Friendly Urban Habitation Model was developed. Plan for Environmentally Friendly Urban Habitation Model was applicable for state of land use planning. Site was selected Chuk-chun in city yang-in, taking the circumstances into consideration. So landscape planning correspond to land use planning was made out. Adjustment of Land use planning and Landscape planning was very important. Undergoing this process, Plan for Environmentally Friendly Urban Habitation Model was performed.

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A Study on Integral System of Public Design in the Context of Local Identity - Focusing on the Landscape Plan and Color Plan of Chungbuk Metropolitan Area - (지역정체성 맥락의 공공디자인 통합체계 연구 - 충북광역도시권의 경관계획과 색채계획을 중심으로 -)

  • Song, Young-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2014
  • This study puts its purpose on presenting an integral system of representative urban landscapes, public design and colors, in practicing urban design in the context of local identity. An integral design of public design that successfully plans and executes local identity, and changes recognition of integral management of urban design, is suggested as followings. Firstly, when the catchment area is divided in metropolitan area, it should be reset according to the natural environment condition regardless of administrative area system like city and county. It is the method to classify the metropolitan area by researching and analyzing geographical condition, weather condition, soil and vegetation in detail and subclassify it by the visual commonness of natural environment. Secondly, it is necessary to access the urban landscape, public design and urban color from the overall aspect emphasizing the plan for each field and local identity. They should be practiced by the role and category of each field on the basis of consistent design strategy and instruction but the cooperation system is required as a process to reinforce and specify the mutual limit. Thirdly, the artificial structure is constructed through artificial adjustment depending on the urban formation process and the development time point. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the rapid urban development, the change speed and the landscape formation of each age. It is necessary to classify the type of artificial landscape by age and form similarity and separate the area that should be generalized and controlled by entire metropolitan area form the area that should be specialized by basic local government.