• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landscape Classification

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Estimation and Classification of Flow Regimes for South Korean Streams and River

  • Park, Kyug Seo;Choi, Ji-Woong;Park, Chan-Seo;An, Kwang-Guk;Wiley, Michael J.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.106-106
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    • 2015
  • The information of flow regimes continues to be norm in water resource and watershed management, in that stream flow regime is a crucial factor influencing water quality, geomorphology, and the community structure of stream biota. The objectives of this study were to estimate Korean stream flows from landscape variables, classify stream flow gages using hydraulic characteristics, and then apply these methods to ungaged biological monitoring sites for effective ecological assessment. Here I used a linear modeling approach (MLR, PCA, and PCR) to describe and predict seasonal flow statistics from landscape variables. MLR models were successfully built for a range of exceedance discharges and time frames (annual, January, May, July, and October), and these models explained a high degree of the observed variation with r squares ranging from 0.555 (Q95 in January) to 0.899 (Q05 in July). In validation testing, predicted and observed exceedance discharges were all significantly correlated (p<0.01) and for most models no significant difference was found between predicted and observed values (Paired samples T-test; p>0.05). I classified Korean stream flow regimes with respect to hydraulic and hydrologic regime into four categories: flashier and higher-powered (F-HP), flashier and lower-powered (F-LP), more stable and higher-powered (S-HP), and more stable and lower-powered (S-LP). These four categories of Korean streams were related to with the characteristics of environmental variables, such as catchment size, site slope, stream order, and land use patterns. I then applied the models at 684 ungaged biological sampling sites used in the National Aquatic Ecological Monitoring Program in order to classify them with respect to basic hydrologic characteristics and similarity to the government's array of hydrologic gauging stations. Flashier-lower powered sites appeared to be relatively over-represented and more stable-higher powered sites under-represented in the bioassessment data sets.

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A Study on the Quality of Mobile Web Service for Environment Landscape Architecture - Focus on Korean Professional Portal Site, Lafent - (환경조경 이동통신용 웹의 서비스 품질 연구 - 전문포털사이트 라펜트를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Ja-Ho;Oh, Jeong-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 2020
  • In the field of environmental landscape architecture, the internet medium is used as an effective communication tool not only in the private level but also in the policy level. Recently, the active utilization of mobile web service is emphasized as the time changes, but there is not much improvement or advance in services due to lack of relevant studies. Therefore, this study is intended to provide basic data needed for improvement and advance by researching the quality of mobile web service among multichannel services provided in environmental landscape architecture related internet media. The model for measuring service quality is SERVQUAL, which was verified in the study of Choi(2015), Choi and Koo(2016), and the final valid samples are total 230. First, the subjects were analyzed as the representative media that are possible to acquire comprehensive knowledge related to environmental landscape architecture. Second, the highest importance level in each subsection was 'protection and security maintenance of customer information' followed by 'Reliability about accurate information supply'. Regarding performance level, 'Reliability about accurate information supply' and 'professional knowledge to communicate with users' are highly evaluated. Third, regarding Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA), the first priority management should is 'Tangibles', and the next are 'Responsibility' and 'Empathy'. The ones for maintenance of the status quo are 'Reliability' and 'Assurance', and there is none for effort reduction. Meanwhile, regarding the importance of each factor and difference in the quality of PC web service and mobile web service studied before, the biggest difference is in 'Tangibles', followed by 'Assurance', 'Empathy', 'Responsibility' and 'Reliability'. It is suggested that the revitalization of Landscape information science(LB1106) presented in the National Science&Technology Standard Classification System is needed. In the future, it is necessary to research the change trend on users' response through continuous evaluation of improved mobile web service.

Usage of Waterbirds on the Artificial Floating Islands in Reservoir using UAV (무인항공기를 활용한 저수지 인공식물섬 조류 이용현황 분석)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Tae;Kim, Young;Kim, Hye-Joung;Kim, Seoung-Yeal;Kim, Whee-Moon;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2019
  • Water-Birds are the birds that occupy the highest proportion in Korea, inland wetlands and reservoirs provide them with a good environment as habitat, but their habitats have been losing because of thoughtless development. Therefore, artificial plant islands in reservoirs are important for improving habitat environment and providing food resources. However, there are no research and standards on the built and management of artificial plant islands. So this study is to find out the density of bird using artificial plant island as habitat through monitoring using UAV focus on the Cheonho-reservoirs located in Seobuk-gu, Cheonan-si(Middle Chungcheong Province). Further, the correlation analysis with environmental factors was conducted to determine the effect of artificial plant islands as habitats for water-birds. The supervised classification of the three-time images taken by the drone identified 244 white-billed ducks and 46 mandarin ducks. The utilization rate was different for each photographed date, and more individuals were identified in wet artificial plant islands than dry ones. As a result of analyzing the utilization follow environmental factors, the distance from the trail showed a significant correlation, and the other factors did not have a statistically significant effect. This study is the first case of the UAV monitoring method of the water-birds using artificial plant islands in the reservoir, and can be used as the basic data for the built and management.

Development and Application of an Evaluation Model for Biotope Appraisal as Related to Nature Experiences and Recreation (비오톱의 자연체험 및 휴양가치 평가모형 개발과 적용)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Hyun-Taek;SaGong, Jung-Hee;Ra, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2010
  • The main focus of this research is the establishment of a systemic evaluation model based on objective evaluation indices, which are drawn to assess the experiencing of nature and recreational value at the level of the district unit. First of all, as a result of a literature review, a total of 10 indices can be drawn including vegetation structure, pavement rate, and hemeroby to evaluate an assessment of natural experiences and recreational value. Also, as a result of expert survey analysis, all evaluation index items were above 4.4, which is a high importance average. Hemeroby and unique landscape factor items in particular were above 5.8, which is very high. In addition, as a result of implementing a factor analysis to classify evaluation indices according to characteristics, three factors arise: 'landscape structure and quality of natural experience', 'typical availability', and 'quality of aesthetic and visual sense.' Based on the above survey analysis results, the 'quality of aesthetic and visual sense' was the highest, at 3.510. The classification 'landscape structure and quality of natural experience' was the lowest, at 3.035. A systemic value evaluation model was established by comprehensively analyzing these results. To verify the validity of the evaluation model drawn, real sites are selected and applied. First of all, as a result of a biotope types classification of sites, biotope type groups are classified into a total of 13 including the stream biotope while its subordinate biotope types are classified into a total of 61 groups. Lastly, as a result of biotope value evaluation, which was a previously established evaluation model, there are a total of 16 types including vegetation-abundant natural rivers and small-scale woodlands near forests in grade I. There are 9 types in grade II, 8 in grade III, 8 in grade IV, 19 in the least-valuable grade V.

A Study on Changes of Ready Constructed Record in Landscape Construction Industry (조경건설업의 기성실적 변동 특성)

  • Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze on changes of ready constructed record(RCR) in landscape construction industry for 10 years from 1997 to 2006. For the study, according to the classification system of Korea construction industry, landscape construction industry were classified into landscape constructor as a general constructor, landscape planting constructor and landscape facilities constructor as special constructors. The results are as follows: 1. The RCR in landscape construction industry have increased for 10 years higher than other construction industry. Concretely the RCR ratio of landscape constructor has increased 0.9% in 1997 to 1.9% in 2006, the RCR ratio of landscape planting constructor 1.3% to 2.5%, and the RCR ratio of landscape facilities constructor 0.5% to 1.5%. Futhermore this increasing trend has been strengthened during the last a few years. 2. Differently from landscape constructor, the subcontract ratio of landscape planting constructor and landscape facilities constructor were higher, especially landscape facilities constructor was highest amount for 71.1% in the subcontract ratio. 3. The RCR of landscape construction industry in the metropolitan area including Seoul, Kyunggi, was higher than other region's, and the ratio of RCR of landscape constructor in this area was 53.5%, landscape planting constructor's 58.2%, and landscape facilities constructor 75.0%. 4. The yearly RCR per company and the RCR by project of landscape constructor and landscape planting constructor were stagnant. However, landscape facilities constructor's RCR showed an upward trend as years go by. This study was focused on the RCR of landscape construction industry, further study on the factors to affect the RCR of landscape construction industry and the RCR by project types is required in the near future.

A Study on Rural Landscape Planning Based on Rural Village Landscape - A Case Study on Yacksan at Wando - (농촌 마을경관을 고려한 지역경관계획 수립 방안 연구 - 완도군 약산권역을 사례로 -)

  • Kim, Seong-Hak;Yang, Byoung-E
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study is to identify the spatial foundation units required to execute a rural village landscape plan. Though there have been various previous studies on spatial foundation units for rural space and landscape elements, they are limited in clarifying the landscape identity of a rural village unit in creating a feasible a rural village landscape plan. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the natural spatial features of a rural village and then establish a landscape identity for each space by exploring the landscape elements for each rural village unit set as the basic unit. Accordingly, the basic spatial unit was analyzed through a 1:5000 scale mapping by applying geomancy theory to the spatial landscape unit in a naturally generated rural village. The spatial limitations for a rural village landscape were set based on the analysis. Afterwards, a field study on the feasibility of whether or not setting a space as the basic unit for landscape could have a sense of identity as a single landscape unit for verification was processed, and the spatial limitations for the landscape were adjusted. Moreover, landscape elements were investigated by classifying landscape resources based on rural amenity resources which have been diversely researched in terms of the set spatial boundaries, and the sense of identity for each landscape foundation unit was looked into. While the numerous preceding studies focused on exploring the rural landscape value and findingout the sense of identity on landscape elements, it is high time for feasible and applicable studies in conducting region-specific landscape plans. In particular, similar outcomes from all landscape plans, even those with the same purpose established in various regions, is not a desirable outcome. Therefore, a basic framework is needed to discover the landscape identity generated by each plan in a rural area space. In this sense, this study is significant in that itcan be utilized to establish spatial identity of each region and landscape features of each rural village, and come up with realistic alternatives in landscape plans for each region by exploring the landscape identity in each specific space divided per watershed in a single zone.

Aesthetic Landscape Assessment Based on Landscape Units in the Han River Riparian Area (경관단위 기반 수변환경의 심미적 평가 - 한강 수변을 대상으로 -)

  • Bae, Min-Ki;Park, Chang-Sug;Oh, Chung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to propose management strategies through aesthetic landscape assessments for landscape units in the Han River riparian(HRR) area. First, this research reclassified the HRR into "natural," "artificial," "agricultural," and mixed landscape types and selected 37 representative case areas(about $1km{\times}1km$). This study found 71 landscape units in consideration of topography and land surface classification. Landscape assessment consisted of landscape quality and landscape integration assessment. The criteria for assessing landscape quality were "naturalness," "interest," "uniqueness," and "landscape function." "Landscape quality" was ranked into five grades using a matrix. The landscape integration assessment consisted of an inner integration assessment in each landscape unit and outer integration assessment among landscape units. As a result of the field study, case sites were found to have 4,288 landscape units and an area of $42.8km^2$. The forest area was found to have the most space with $11,580,905m^2$(27.1%), while the wet lands had just $52,348m^2$(0.1%). In the landscape quality assessment, about 30.5% of the total area consisted of landscape units that scored highest in "naturalness". In the landscape integration assessment, about 39.3% of the total area consisted of landscape units which scored highest in "integration", denoting visual interrelation and harmony. The existence of disparities in landscape quality in accordance with the form of the landscaping was determined using a Oneway ANOVA, with "naturalistic" landscaping scoring the highest and "artificial" landscaping scoring lowest. This study may contribute to making the HRR area a more ecologically sound and visually attractive landscape space. It is recommended that the aesthetical and ecological value of the landscape unit should be assessed simultaneously in the future.

Comparative Studies of Standard of Estimated Unit Manpower and Material of Landscape Architecture Construction in Korea and Japan (조경공사 표준품셈의 한·일간 비교 연구)

  • Yun, Ju-Cheul;Lee, Kwan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.154-158
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    • 2011
  • This research was carried out to compare the standard of estimated unit power and material in landscape architecture construction between Korea and Japan. It has also been done to offer a practical and reasonable information to Korea landscape architecture industry. The research results are as follows. First, both Korea and Japan's standard of estimated unit power and material in landscape architecture construction are part of civil construction. Second, Korea's detailed type of construction is centered on plant's type and size while Japan's centered on architectural construction. Third, Korea's standard of estimated unit power and material are composed of workforce construction, mechanical construction and addition of soil. On the other hand, Japan's estimated unit power and material are composed of workforce construction, time of transportation, date of transportation. Fourth, the planting specification of Korea seems to be more in detail than that of Japan, Japan's showing a wider implication. Fifth, when comparing the information regarding standard of estimated unit power and material between Japan and Korea, transportation, independent stalking for plant, soil for landscape architecture is difference between the two countries. On the base of this research results, Korea's standard of estimated unit power and material in planning construction should be more elastic in its implication and independent standard of estimated unit power and material in landscape architecture construction. Also, examination of transportation, independent skating for plant and soil for landscape architecture should be done in order for better improvements.

A Study on Forest Land Classification Using Multivariate Statistical Methods : A Case Study at Mt. Kwanak (다변수통계방법을 이용한 산지분류에 관한 연구)

  • 정순오
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.43-66
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    • 1985
  • Korea needs proper and rational public policies on conservation and use of forest land and other natural resources because of the accelerating expansion of national land developments in recent years. Unfortunately, there is no systematic planning system to support the needs. Generally, forest land use planning needs suitability analysis based on efficient land classification system. The goal of this study was to classify a forest land using multivariate satistical methods. A case study was carried out in winter of 1983 on a mountainous area higher than 100m above sea level located at Mt. Kwanak in Anyang -city, Kyung-gi-do (province). The study area was 19.80 km$^2$wide and was divided into 1, 383 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU's) by a 120m$\times$120m grid. Fourteen descriptors were identified and quantified for each OTU from existing national land data : elevation, slope, aspect, terrain form, geologic material, surface soil permeability, topsoil type, depth of the solum, soil acidity, forest cover type, stand size class, stand age class, stand density class, and simple forest soil capability class. For this study, a FORTRAN IV program was written for input and output map data, and the computer statistics packages, SPSS and BMD, were used to perform the multivariate statistical analysis. Fourteen variables were analyzed to investigate the characteristics of their fire quench distribution and to estimate the correlation coefficients among them. Principal component analysis was executed to find the dimensions of forest land characteristics, and factor scores were used for proper samples of OTU throughout the study area. In order to develop the classes of forest land classification based on 102 surrogates, cluster and discriminant analyses of principal descriptor variable matrix were undertaken. Results obtained through a series of multivariate statistical analyses were as follows ; 1) Principal component analysis was proved to be a useful tool for data selection and identification of principal descriptor variables which represented the characteristics of forest land and facilitated the selection of samples.

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Comparative Study on Themes of Research Papers on the Research Trends of Parks and Green Spaces in Japan and Korea

  • Naoko Fujita;Chong Soo-Jin;Yoichi Kumagai;Akio Shimomura
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2004
  • The objective of our research was an international comparison focusing on studies conducted on parks and green spaces undertaken in Japan and Korea. We also aim to clarify the similarities and differences between the two countries and consider the key features of the researches on the field of landscape architecture. We compared the recent trends of Japanese institute with Korean observed in the theme of research papers adopt title of them. The research period spanned approximately twenty years, from 1980 to 2003. We employed the Table of Contents information search system to research academic journal articles and to select the journals that included articles with the key words [park(s)] or [green space(s)] in their title. We chronologically arranged the journals for each country, based on the total number of journals and classification categories. We then conducted a comparative examination among the two countries. We also contributed information on the circumstances behind the formulation or amendment of some policies and laws and we checked the results against the research trend. Among the selected journals, the number of papers was the highest by the Institute of Landscape Architecture. But the reason for increase of the number of papers on green spaces in Japanese journals was not published by the Institute of Landscape Architecture but by the City Planning Institute and the Architecture Institute. In Japan, the papers on parks categorized under historical study were the highest among all categories. On the other hand, in Korean journals, papers on parks categorized under historical study were few. A similar trend was recognized in papers on green spaces. Every society is concerned with the study of function and effect. However, some exact differences have been observed by category classification. In Japan, the percentage of function and effect papers on parks was less than those on green spaces. In Korea, both percentages for these groups were high. The category of system and policy accounted for $17\%$ of the papers on green spaces in Korea. This result was higher than the number of papers on green spaces and parks in Japan and parks in Korea. Recently, the number of papers focusing on large-scale green space system has decreased in Japan. The trend in the study of parks and green spaces on a regional scale or at an individual level will be closely monitored. Systems and modeling studies have been focusing in Korea. The understanding between the administration and the citizens was peculiar to each country.

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