• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land value

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A Study on the Possibility of Introducing a Resources Circulation Type Livestock Zone of Reclaimed Land (간척지 자원순환형 축산단지의 도입 가능성 연구)

  • Yoon, Sung-Yee
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.307-326
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    • 2009
  • The present study suggests a concept of resources circulation type agriculture and a concept of a livestock zone related to it and evaluated economical efficiency about a possibility of the resources circulation type livestock zone based on the concept. As a result, when the resources circulation type livestock zone is operated in an area of 1,300ha, it was evaluated that the profit of 11,244 hundred thousand won per year is generated, compared to the conventional agriculture. When light and heat expenses and roughage of Hanwoo production, production of TMR forage as well as income of the energy and composting business of livestock manure at the recycling center were considered in addition to that, it was judged that the present zone development bushiness has enough business feasibility. However, it is necessary that the support regulations, etc. is constructed so that all produced compost byproducts are used at farmhouses and the system related to facility investment assurance and assistance of operating expenses is maintained. It is thought that the complement of a system is also necessary so that energy or power generation expenses can be operated in the same conditions as other new & renewable energy, and the nation's purchase of carbon credits(CDM) is investigated and systemized in the early period, and construction of a revitalization plan of the business through budget securing of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry related to the trade of CDM and carbon emission rights is also a business that should be urgently developed. In the future, the change of an outside environment will further promote use of the energy. Also, as people, who don't know agriculture. farm village, increase day by day because of population concentration in a city, an opportunity that can new added value through experience tourism or educational programs utilizing them is increasing. Accordingly, if programs utilizing social characteristics, such as utilization as a space of tourism. leisure. experience, system construction of bio-energy and system construction that Micro Grid or Smart Grid as a dispersed storage and generation system is stabilized, are constructed, it can be said that revitalization or success conditions of the zone is further achieved.

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A Study on fire investigation & calorie analysis of main trees in Go-sung wildfire land (고성산불지역에서의 화재조사와 주요수목의 열량분석에 관한 연구)

  • 김동현;고재선;최세환;김광일
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 1999
  • This paper contained an actual investigation of a wildfire which broke out on 23 April R 1996 in Go-sung Kun, Kang-won Do examined the calories and the total calories of the m main trees which were Quercus variabillis and Pinus densiflora. There were three important f fire spread factors which were weather condition, fuel condition and terrain. The weather c condition was the most dangerous alarm level. The fuel condition having a high calory v value, Pinus densiflora made up 63% of the forest. Terrain of the forest were mostly c covered by steep slopes and complicated line construction. This experimental calorie study a about Pinus densiflora and Quercus variabillis showed that Pinus densiflora had 13,34kcal/g a and Quercus variabillis had 9.64kcal/g. In the case of weight loss of pyrolysis, Pinus densiflora had a higher percentage rated 35.71~10.05% than Quercus variabillis. Accordingly, Pinus densiflora showed lower than Quercus variabillis in heat resistance.

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Comparative Analysis of Groundwater-Ecosystem Service Value of Protected Horticulture Complex and Paddy Fields (시설원예단지와 논의 지하수 생태계서비스 가치 비교 분석)

  • Son, Jinkwan;Choi, Deuggyu;Lee, Siyoung;Kang, Donghyun;Park, Minjung;Yun, Sungwook;Kim, Namchoon;Kong, Minjae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2018
  • Protected horticultural complexes would increase crop productivity but would adversely affect the groundwater recharge function in the area because the impervious area would increase. Further, they would limit the movement of living beings, affecting biodiversity. Therefore, this study evaluated the groundwater ecosystem services provided by protected horticultural complexes in terms of consistent utilization of water. The estimated amounts of groundwater loss obtained through quantitative assessment of groundwater infiltration showed that a higher impervious area results in higher losses. We, therefore, predict a much higher loss if similar changes in land use are realized on a nationwide scale. A plan to promote groundwater recharge in impervious areas is actively being discussed for urban areas; however, this plan is not yet applicable to farming areas. We consider it is essential to develop groundwater infiltration facilities for horticultural complexes, infiltration trenches, permeable pavements, surface water storage facilities, water purification facilities, etc. Further research and development of groundwater infiltration facilities is important for consistent utilization of water and the improvement of ecosystem services.

The Acidity and Chemical Compositions of the Snowfall at Pinus koraiensis Stand in Pyungchang Region - A centering around the Daegwalyung and Woongyori - (강원도 평창지역의 산림내 강설 산성도와 화학적 조성 -대관령과 운교리를 중심으로 -)

  • 김영채;정동준;김홍률
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.143-149
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to analyze the propertis, acidity and chemical compositions of the snowfall in the bare land and Idlest stand. The research sites of this study are the Daegwalyung (a high hill) and Woongyori in Pyungchang-gun, Kangwon province. The results of this study are as follows: The snowfall pH showed large changes when the snowfall was small. The more snow falls, the smaller changes of the pH are narrow. According to the local conditions, it means that the acid deposition changed over adsorption ratio in suspended matters of the atmosphere. Changes of the ion concentrations for the snowfall in the forest stand showed a thendency to increase. Chemical composition of the snowfall for each sampling site showed that the ion concentrations of $Ca^{2+}$and anions had higher value than other ions.s.

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Exploratory Study on the Success Factors of SPA Brands from Marketing Perspectives -Based on Grounded Theory- (SPA 브랜드의 마케팅 성공요인 탐색 -근거이론을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Kyung Ran;Yang, Su Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.190-203
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    • 2015
  • The fashion industry has been rearranged by Global SPA brands (like ZARA and H&M), which are powerful retailers that integrate the value chain ranging from manufacturing to sales. SPA brands can offer good quality of clothing at a reasonable price by cutting the margin between the supply chain. They are also called fast fashions since they make expedited efforts to respond to market trends and consumers. Despite the slow growth of the fashion industry in Korea, as global SPA brands rapidly expand market share, traditional fashion companies have launched several SPA brands such as MIXXO and SPAO (E-LAND), 8SECONDS (CHEIL INDUSTRIES). The few academic studies on this subject are focused on the analysis of secondary data such as news and books. The current research is qualitative and empirical attempts to explore the success factor of SPA brands with analysis of 1:1 in-depth interviews with experts who have worked for global SPAs such as Uniqlo, H&M, and ZARA, based on the grounded theory. The main phenomenon was shown to be that global SPA brands were popular since they offer a variety of products with a large assortment at reasonable and cheap prices in a large scale and multifunctional retail store. Most of them displayed main phenomena that can be realized due to the purchasing cycle of clothing that is shorter with consumers' regarding clothing as consumables. Global SPA brands had three types of marketing strategy: sellable product, sales strategy according to consumer response, and multifunctional stores. Each global SPA brand developed marketing strategies based on core competency and national conditions. The three success factors shorten the consumer decision making process of clothing. This study concludes with implications for practitioners of SPA brands born in Korea.

The Stockpiling and Spreading of Topsoil for the Ecological Restoration of Floodplains and the Levee Slope of a Stream (하천 고수부와 제방 비탈면의 생태적 복원을 위한 표토의 집토와 부설)

  • Han, Seung-Wan;Kim, Hyoung-Joon;Chae, Byoung-Koo;Kim, Jeong-Goo
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2015
  • Topsoil including numerous soil seedbanks has been known to be a valuable material for ecological restoration. There is a lack of specific study for its utilization in the field of stream restoration. This study conducted a revaluation of the value of topsoil as a material for stream restoration. Furthermore, an ecological technique using topsoil was applied in an improvement project of a stream environment at the Hwanggujicheon Stream in Korea. Stockpiling and spreading topsoil was specifically applied to the revegetation of a low slope revetment and a high flow plain. The result of this application showed that topsoil played an integral role in eco-friendly restoration in terms of ecological, flood control, economic, and constructional aspects. In conclusion, this study's findings suggest that topsoil is a suitable candidate material for stream restoration.

A Study on the Trail Mangement in National Park Using Habitat Suitability Assessment: A Case Study of Yellow-throated Marten Habitats in Mt. Mudeung National Park (서식지 적합성 평가를 통한 국립공원 탐방로 관리 방안 연구 - 무등산 국립공원 내 담비 서식지를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Chi-Hong;Lee, Chang-Seok;Jung, Song-Hie;Park, Yong-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2017
  • This study carried out for establishing the synthetic restoration plan to improve ecological quality of Mt. Mudeung National Park based on the results of conservation value assessment for yellow-throated marten habitats. Yellow-throated marten has significant implications as umbrella species for the wildlife habitats conservation, therefore, this species could be used to ecological restoration plan of the damaged forest ecosystem in Mt. Mudeung National Park. In this study, we diagnosed the quality of yellow-throated marten habitats in Mt. Mudeung National Park based on five natural and two artificial factors. In addition, we evaluated the integrity of each zone divided by trails quantitatively based on land use intensity. As a result, forest landscape quality in Mt. Mudeung National Park was influenced greatly by human activity and the degree was depended on the intensity of trails. Therefore, in this study, we suggested the closing of trails composed of the illegal and 36 legal trails. And then, we modeled the changes of habitats quality of Yellow-throated marten for each closing step. As a result the area of core habitats increased by two times and wildlife habitats quality improved in the whole area of the Mt. Mudeung National Park. As a result, the results of this study indicate that man-made linear landscape elements play a key role in the quality of habitats for predators, which require large habitats area like the Yellow-throated marten. Therefore, in order to establish an ecological restoration plan in the mountainous area, we recommend the concept of the linear landscape should be applied with the concept of area landscape.

Microbial Activity of Gravel Intertidal Zone for Purification of Polluted Near Shore Water

  • Song, Young-Chae;Gu, Ja-Hwan;Park, In-Seok;Yoo, Jong-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 2004
  • Microbial activity of biofilm formed on the surface of gravels from intertidal zone was estimated using an aerobic respirometer system, and compared with that of suspended marine microorganisms contained in a near shore water. The maximum oxygen uptake rate of the suspended marine microorganisms was 0.15mg O$_2$/L/hr, indicating the potential of purification of polluted near shore water. For the gravels from the intertidal zone, the maximum uptake rate of oxygen was affected by the vertical positions, but their gross value was 0.77mg O$_2$/L/hr, which was around 5.1 times higher than the purification potential of polluted near shore water by the microorganisms contained in the near shore water. The nitrogen removed by the gravels from the intertidal zone and the marine microorganisms was about 1/20-1/39 times of the total consumption of oxygen, which was similar to that of the phosphate. The gravel intertidal zone contained lots of particulate organics, over than that in the near shore water, and this was confirmed from the large difference between total oxygen consumption and the removed soluble COD in the microbial activity test. This indicates that the gravel intertidal zone plays an important role in controlling the non-point source pollutants from land, as well as self-purification of polluted near shore water by trapping and degrading the particulate organics.

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Weed Occurrence, Rice Growth, and Soil Temperature as Affected by Different Biodegradable Mulching Materials in Wet Seeded Rice

  • Yang, Woon-Ho;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Je-Kyu;Han, Hee-Suk;Shin, Jeong-Ju
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2003
  • In spite water direct seeding cultivation of rice has advantages in terms of laborsaving and cost-down, it demonstrates uneven seedling establishment and difficult weed management. To select an applicable mat for mulching system of water seeded rice, weed occurrence, growth and yield performances of rice, and soil temperature were evaluated in several kinds of biodegradable mulching material. Field studies were conducted at the experimental farm of National Crop Experiment Station in 1999 and 2000. Among the mats tested in 1999, Safer-mat had the greatest effect on inhibiting weed occurrence and Lawn-mat demonstrated the least efficacy of weed control (EWC) value. In Safer-mat treatment, Ludwigia prostrata was the dominant weed species but Echinochloa crus-galli was not observed. Different kinds of mulching material from the mats studied in 1999 were tested in 2000. Biodegradable polyester (PES) coated on the recycled paper for newspaper press (RP) treatments showed similar or higher EWC values than non-mulched broadcast seed rice with 2 times of herbicide application (BC-herbicide) and Safer-mat that was the most effective mat on preventing weed appearance in 1999. Immediately after mat mulching on the surface of paddy soil, five pregerminated rice seeds were manually sown in each 3cm-hole formerly punctured at 30${\times}$14 cm spacing in 2000. All the 3 kinds of mulching material tested in 2000 had better seedling stand than BC-herbicide treatment. Rice yield in PES coated with 10 thickness on RP (PES10 $\mu\textrm{m}$+RP) was a little higher than in BC-herbicide treatment but the former produced less panicles in unit land area than the latter. PES10 $\mu\textrm{m}$+RP demonstrated a great effect on raising soil surface temperature than non-mulching treatment throughout the period of seedling establishment.

Development of Environmental Evaluation Indicators for Environmentally Friendly Industrial Estate (환경친화적 산업단지 조성을 위한 환경성 평가 지표개발에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Bon-Hak;Lee, Eun-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2000
  • Development of index for evaluation of environmental nature and its application for the purpose of construction of industrial complex with environmentally friendly. Industrial complex comes to be recognized as a disgusting zone according to the increasing environment consciousness of residents. And the objection about the exploitation of geographically unwanted land site is increased during development process and it is possible to cause Nimby phenomenon. Therefore, ecology and environment-oriented strategies tends to be adopted for industrial complex development. Furthermore, the maximization of profit mainly directed by enterprises as of today cannot guarantee its future and the efforts of adopting environmental constancy and harmony as a new objective are made progressively. For the development of city and region, in particular such as residence complex, farming and special city, the discussion of environmental consistency, new paradigm with environmentally friendly is briskly under progress, but the relevant discussion for the development of industrial estate is not done so much. Just only few studies are realized from the viewpoint of industrial ecology but its level remains in the understanding of the concepts and presentation of development direction. This study is to prepare for the foundation of the construction of industrial estate with environmentally friendly under the current condition of Korea against coming future environment era and to try to develop of evaluation range and index which are the basis of evaluation of environment. I applied the above evaluation index to the residents of actual industrial estate to understand their consciousness of decreased environment. And I obtained 7 evaluation ranges and 37 evaluation indexes for the relevant residents. Among them, I get the value less than the average in 19 index items. And they represent very sensible reaction about environment pollution including decrease of waste materials. This study has several limits but is meaningful in that the development of evaluation index for environmental nature in industrial complex is done, and that the basic discussion of the plan and design for environmentally friendly industrial estate is made under the above evaluation and that 37 evaluation items are applied to the reality.

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