• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land Problems

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Chemical Immobilization of Reticulated Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) Using Medetomidine and Ketamine (Medetomidine과 Ketamine을 사용한 그물무늬 기린마취에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Kyoo-tae;Kim, Jong-bu;Chang, Kyung-cheol;Lee, Il-bum
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.501-505
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    • 2003
  • The chemical immobilization in giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) remains a challenge because of their size, behavior, and anatomic and physiologic characteristics that commonly create life threatening problems during immobilization. The drug combination medetomidine (MED) and ketamine (KET) was administered by remote injection. The dosages of MED and KET were correlated to the giraffe's shoulder height (SH), become recumbent with a dosage of $114{\mu}g$ of MED and 2.1 mg of KET, $320{\mu}g$ of atipamezole per cm of SH, respectively. After injection of the drugs, initial signs of sedation including ataxia were noticed at 3 minutes followed by lateral recombency at 12 minutes. The mean heart rate, respiratory rate and rectal temperature recorded during the procedures were 55 beats per minute, 48 breaths per minute and $36.6^{\circ}C$, respectively. Atipamezole was administered, after 33 minutes result in death. Assuming that 24 hours fasting times were short and light esteemed of atipamzole adverse effects like vomiting, passive regurgitation.

Spatial Distribution of CO2 Absorption Derived from Land-Cover and Stock Maps for Jecheon, Chungbuk Province (토지피복도와 임상도를 이용한 제천시의 이산화탄소 분포 추정)

  • Jeon, Jeong-Bae;Na, Sang-Il;Yoon, Seong-Soo;Park, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2013
  • The greenhouse gas emission according to the energy consumption is the cause of global warming. With various climates, it is occurs the direct problems to ecosystem. The various studies are being to reduce the carbon dioxide, which accounts for more than 80% of the total greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, estimate the carbon usage using potential biomass extracted from forest type map according to land-use by satellite image, and estimate the amount of carbon dioxide, according to the energy consumption of urban area. The $CO_2$ adsorption is extracted by the amount of forest based on the direct absorption of tree, the other used investigated value. The $CO_2$ emission in Jecheon was 3,985,900 $TCO_2$ by energy consumption. At the land cover classification, the forest is analyzed as 624,085ha and the farmland is 148,700ha. The carbon dioxide absorption was estimated at 1,834,850 Tons from analyzed forest. In case of farmland, it was also estimated at 706,658 Tons.

A study on village economic cooperative in the city of China

  • Chen, Lifeng;Jin, Shanyue
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • According to the 2012 social blue book released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China's urban population reached 50% in 2011. With the migration from marriage and new household registration, many urban collective assets have been formed in cities. Due to the unclear property rights and the emptiness of the main body, the distribution of collective assets mostly depends on the village cadres. The central government is preparing relevant laws and regulations to fill this legal gap, while the scheme of restructuring is decided by the villagers' vote, the local government coordinate the land acquisition and management. With the process of urbanization, a large number of second-generation of demolition studied abroad, which has attracted worldwide attention. In addition to the huge amount of compensation, due to the continuous rising of the land price, the value of the collective property and enterprises on the land also keep rising, the management agency of these assets is named village economic cooperative. This paper seeks to analyze the current status and future direction of these wealthy organizations, propose solutions to some existing problems.

Habitat Types of Wintering Season Wildbirds Depending on Land Use, Hanam (하남시 토지이용현황에 따른 겨울철 야생조류 서식유형 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.1077-1086
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    • 2006
  • This study aims at analyzing relationships between land use and habitat types of winter wildbirds to provide basic understanding of ecosystem for preservation and restoration of urban ecosystem in the future. The research area is Hanam City. Researches on land use types showed Hanam City had 79.1% of greenspace and openspace, but intensive urban development has been taking place in greenspace that is adjacent to urban districts. This has brought the problems of lack of greenspace in urban districts and damages to cultivated areas and grassland. A total of 61 and 8,642 populations of winter wildbird species were observed in research areas. Paradoxornis webbiann(16.91), Passer montanus(11.93), Pica pica(6.88) were dominant species. When they were divided according to habitat types, 20 species of interior species, 8 species of interior-edge generalist species, 12 species of edge species and 3 species of urban species were observed. When which land use type was mostly served as wildbirds habitats was examined, urban species(3 species and 290 populations) was a dominant species in urban districts while in greenspace and openspaece, water species(19species and 3,075 populations) including winter migratory birds was. Among greenspace and openspaece, edge species was dominant in forest while urban species was a dominant species in cultivated areas. This shows there is a need to improve diversity of wildbirds through restoration of cultivated areas in the central part of Hanam City.

The Method for Efficient Land Suitability Assessment in an Island Group (도서지역의 효율적 토지적성평가 방안)

  • Goh, Hong-Seok;Park, Song-Ju;Goh, Nam-Young;Sung, Dong-Gwon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.3 s.33
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2005
  • The Land Suitability Assessment(LSA) that was introduced to prevent the unplanned development was viewed from it has applied the same assessment factor on inland and island that has a many different spatial and physical properties, it have many problems. To study the efficient LSA in island that has an totally different spatial, local properties, assessment unit(AU) which the zone of life was considered and on this based, assessment factor was developed. In the AU, middle sized life zone was the best AU to present the regional land properties. In the distance analysis, distance analysis that considered sea was suggested and use it, we ran present the assessment method that was considered the access between islands.

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Land Use and Greenspace Structure in Several Cities of Kangwon Province (강원도 일부 도시들의 토지이용 및 녹지구조)

  • 조현길;이기의;윤영활;서옥하
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze urban greenspace area and vegetation structure by land use types for both Chuncheon and Kangleung. Natural and agricultural lands were predominant in the study cites, as 75-80% of total area. Residential lands accounted for about 10%, and commercial and industrial lands(including transportation), 5-10%. Only 10-20% of urban residential and commercial area was covered with greenspace. Woody plant cover was 12-13%, and tree density was 1.5 trees/100$m^2$ for urban lands(all land use types except natural land) in both cities. The tree-age structure was largely characterized by young, growing tree population, and species diversity within a diameter class decreases as the diameter classes get larger. Urban lands of both cities had quite a similar species composition of woody plants (similarity index of 0.65). Street trees in Chuncheon were intensively pruned annually to protect the above ground utility lines. Some strategies were explored to solve problems found in the existing greenspace structures. They included increase of biomass and greenspace area through minimization of unnecessary impervious surfaces, creation of multilayered and multiaged vegetation structures, relocation of above ground utility lines and avoidance of intensive tree pruning, and establishment of greenspace proximity and connectivity.

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Urbanized land-use / landscape patterns in the city's countryside (도시근교농촌의 토지이용 및 경관의 변화)

  • 김유일;이애란
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 1997
  • The city's countryside is adjusting to change by urbanization. The recent changes in rural landuse and damages of local landscape characteristics are very serious. But, few studies address the relationship between land-use and quality of landscape for these area. The aim of this study is to clarify causes and problems of the change through investigating changes of landscape as a function of land-use. The results are as follows 1) The change of landscape can be seen as a functional of land-use. Landscapes are characterized by changes of regional environments. These are the urban-rural fringe area which need special consideration for urban development and also for rural landscape quality. 2) 11 types of landscape patterns are found for landscape management. these are Regional commercial area, Apartment development, Recreation & seisure, Golfs, Housing complex, Industrial complex, Vinyl house, Rural village, Evaded facilities, Rivers, Cultural heritages. These landscape types are explained as 'stimuli-responses model'in Bryant's Forces of urbanization. 3) The policy implications of these study are as follows : First is the necessity of landscape management in Grown Management Zone and Natural Reserved Zone in the Metropolitan level, Second is the necessity of development control in semi- agricultural area. The last is the necessary of long range management plan in the urban-rural fringe area.

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Improvement of the EIA for Land Reclamation Projects in the Coastal Areas of Korea (해양매립사업 환경영향평가의 개선방안)

  • Jang, Ju-Hyoung;Eom, Ki-Hyuk;Kwon, Kee-Young;Hong, Sok-Jin;Park, Jae-Hyeon;Kim, Gui-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.847-853
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    • 2007
  • In Korean coastal areas, land reclamations are main development projects that should be based on environmental impact assessment(EIA), because those human interventions can change coastlines, damage tidal flats, and pollute adjacent areas to threat seafood safety and devaluate overall ecosystem service value. Existing procedures of the EIA for land reclamation projects were diagnosed and evaluated to enhance them. Problems were identified in the designation of survey areas, the consistency in survey sites and periods, the standardization of survey methods and reports, the confidence of survey results and the verification of predictions. Lack of integration was noticeable and could be improved by synthesizing different assessments from topography geography, marine physics, marine chemistry and marine biology. We suggest that successful precautionary marine environment management requires readjusting the cost of EIA, recruiting experts in marine environment, constructing database and establishing specialized assessment system.

A Study on the Relationship between Dwelling Environment and Household Density in Multi-Family Housing Development (공동주택단지 건설에 있어서 주거환경과 가구밀도에 관한 연구 -택지개발사업지구를 중심으로-)

  • 한상훈
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 1998
  • To accomodate increasing housing shortage in many cities, Korean Government has implemented various residental land development projects to provide more land for new housing construction. Most of the residential areas developed by these projects were used for multi-family housing units. Under this process, the size and location of the neighborhood service facilities in the development area were regulated by uniform standards. For this reason, the neighborhood service facilities were not able to be provided according to the household density but provided in minimum status required by these standards. Based on these considerations, this study aimed to evaluated residential land development project conducted by pubilc authority, one of the residential land development projects in Korea. Results of the case studies confirmed findings from literature review and proposed that existing regulations applied to these projects need to be amended not only to accomodata unique situation of each development area but also to enhance level of the dwelling environment. As ways to resolve these problems, this study suggests followings: (1) more flexible operation of the regulations, (2) inclusion of the socio-economic characteristics of the perspective resident in planning process, and (3) introduction of design techniques in the project. Finally, this study proposed future study directions in relation to this issue.

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Utilization of Space based Digital Information for Land Information around the Acreage of a Lot (필지 중심 토지정보화를 위한 공간기반 수치정보의 활용방안)

  • Jung, Dae-Young;Shin, Young-Chul;Jung, Young-June
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2005
  • It is necessary to arrange and analyze the collected research date to get regularity such as characteristics, merits and demerits, and possibility in city when constructing land information by analyzing linkage and utilization of cadastral information as the fundamental data for land information around the acreage of a lot and by expressing the purpose of each digital data construction with map. In short, that is the work to classify data, to make chart or map, or to analyze using statistical technique. Some information in land utilization had been used by computerization, but several problems were found in common use of total divisions. The most important problem is, in the case of drawing information, that topographical map with building boundary and land registration map with acreage boundary cannot be used together. In the case of property information, common utilization of property information that is basically needed and standard measurement of usage classification are necessary. The characteristics of the land usage data by the rearrangement of the cadastral information. etc. is presented as the basic data for the land information orientation, and the analyzing result of the data should be expressed and controlled on the map as the fundamental survey for the establishment of the land information oriented planning supports the physical space planning of the land cadaster finally. In this research, the problem in establishing current land information around acreage of a lot was found to research data to be needed in land information for utilizationof space based digital information, and was studied the method in relation to GIS.

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