• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land Area

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A Study on the Attraction Factors of Eco-city using Importance-Satisfaction Analysis - The Case of Suncheon City - (중요도-만족도(ISA) 분석을 활용한 생태도시 매력요인에 관한 연구 - 전남 순천시를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Jeong;Kim, Sa-Rang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2014
  • I the recent years, Seoul, Daejeon, Changwon, and Suncheon have started to strengthen P.R. efforts on eco-brands produced by the city and to publicize as a specialized tourist city in an attempt to change their identity and image. However, there is actually a question whether the efforts of the local governments have any direct impact on satisfaction with urban living environments and the attractions of the city. The purpose of this study was to examine the awareness of residents and visitors about the attractions of Suncheon City as an eco-city and to discuss the planning criteria for the eco-city brand building and its management. The research data was collected in Suncheon City and main results of this study are as follows. The residents and the visitors investigated were satisfied with the environmental friendliness of this city and regarded it as an eco-city. As a result of asking them why they viewed the city as an eco-city, many of the residents cited diverse green tracts of land as the reason, whereas the visitors replied they were satisfied with the state of marshy areas preserved by the city. The psychological factors related to the satisfaction of the eco-city by the residents were composed of four factors, 'cultural factor', 'urban infrastructure factor', 'ecological factor' and 'scenery factor'. The visitors were composed of five factors, 'cultural factor', 'urban infrastructure factor', 'ecological factor', 'scenery factor' and 'amenity factor'. Out of the factors, the cultural factor and the urban infrastructure factor were found to exert the largest influence on the overall satisfaction of the residents and the visitors. The ISA(Importance-Satisfaction Analysis) was made, the residents and the visitors gave top priority to 'diversity of natural attractions', 'pleasant season and weather', 'beautiful scenery', 'diversity of rare animals and plants', 'diversity of parks', 'green areas and streets', 'broad ecological area' and 'the preservation of marshy areas' among the attractions of the eco-city. They placed importance on the activation of green traffic and walking environments as well, but they weren't satisfied with the state of the two in the city. Therefore there was much room for improvement in that regard.

Improvement Strategy & Current Bidding Situation on Apartment Management of Landscape Architecture (공동주택 조경관리 입찰 실태와 개선방안)

  • Hong, Jong-Hyun;Park, Hyun-Bin;Yoon, Jong-Myeone;Kim, Dong-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to provide basic data for a transparent and fair bidding system by identifying problems and suggesting improvement measures through an analysis of the bidding status for construction projects and service-related landscaping of multi-family housing. To this end, we used the data from the "Multi-Family Housing Management Information System (K-apt)" that provides the history of apartment maintenance, bidding information, and the electronic bidding system to examine the winning bid status and amount, along with the size and trends of the winning bids by year, and the results of the selection of operators by construction type. As a result, it was found that out of the total number of successful bids (36,831), 4.4% (16,631) were in the landscaping business, and the average winning bid value was found to be about 24 million won. According to the data, 73% of the landscaping cases were valued between 3 million won and 30 million won, and 58.6% of the cases were in the field of "pest prevention and maintenance". 36% of the total number of bids were awarded from February to April, with "general competitive bidding" accounting for 59.8% of the bidding methods. As for the method of selecting the winning bidder, 55% adopted the "lowest bid" and "electronic bidding method," and 45% adopted the "qualification screening system" and "direct bidding method." As an improvement to the problems derived from the bidding status data, the following are recommended: First, the exception clause to the current 'electronic bidding method' application regulations must be minimized to activate the electronic bidding method so that a fair bidding system can be operated. Second, landscaping management standards for green area environmental quality of multi-family housing must be prepared. Third, the provisions for preparing design books, such as detailed statements and drawings before the bidding announcement, and calculating the basic amount shall be prepared so that fair bidding can be made by specifying the details of the project concretely and objectively must be made. Fourth, for various bidding conditions in the 'business operator selection guidelines', detailed guidelines for each condition, not the selection, need to be prepared to maintain fairness and consistency. These measures are believed to beuseful in the fair selection of landscaping operators for multi-family housing projects and to prepare objective and reasonable standards for the maintenance of landscaping facilities and a green environment.

The Spatial Linkage and Complex Location of Kumi Industrial Complex -The Case of No.1 Industrial Complex- (구미공업단지의 공장입지와 연계 -제1단지의 경우-)

  • Cho, Sung-Ho;Choi, Kum-Hae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.183-198
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    • 1997
  • This case study was conducted by verification the site characteristics based on the questionnaire and interview obtained from the all factories located at No. 1 developing area in Kumi industrial complex. The site characteristics were presumed from the process of location behavior and spatial linkage. Kumi industrial complex was developed to improve export industry at national levels by providing chief land price and benefiting various tax. Kumi industrial complex which enticed many factories is playing an important role in export industry in Korea. At beginning, the detention of large enterprises promoted the establishment of related small to medium sized factories into the complex. Two distinctive industries. textile and electronic, were reflected by the purpose to establish the complex and industrial characteristics of Taegu city. respectively. In Kumi industrial complex, positive responses on traffic and raw material supply and negative reactions on the environmental impact on social community as well as high labor charge were investigated. Especially the higher labor cost prevented to hire laborers effectively. In the linkages of spatial and raw material, most factories in the complex depended on the availability of out side the Kumi city. For the textile factories, the supply of raw material and parts were relied on Taegu and/or other cities, whereas in electronic factories purchased them mainly from other cities and partly from abroad. Although questionnaire and interview suggested it, most of the parts were supplied by a parts maturing companies on the complex to a few large enterprises. In the marketing linkage, textile factories revealed higher relation-ship with the foreign countries and sewing factories in Korea. On the other hand, electronic factories have strong relation-ships in the marketing linkage to the parts supplying companies in the complex or large-scale resembling companies in other cities. In the textile companies, the right for decision on purchasing raw materials and parts is belonging to the owner whereas mother enterprise usually have the right for the marketing. In the case of the electronic factories, all the purchasing activities are related to the sub-contracting companies. In the service linkage, the Quality of the service created spatial distinction. There was high linkages on inside of Kumi complex for the low grade services such as repairing and installing machines, whereas strong linkages on outside of the complex for the high grade services such as management, law, taxation, new product development. and manufacturing technology. In the linkages of activity on the R&D (research and development), electronic factories do not have sufficiently qualified institutes in the complex. Strong regional linkages in the field of textile and electronic industries revealed limitations of the local industrial complex. In the sub-contracting linkage, high linkage ship within Kumi boundary reflected the characteristics of industrial site in the complex. There, most decisions by the companies centered by the mother enterprise.

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Measurement and Quality Control of MIROS Wave Radar Data at Dokdo (독도 MIROS Wave Radar를 이용한 파랑관측 및 품질관리)

  • Jun, Hyunjung;Min, Yongchim;Jeong, Jin-Yong;Do, Kideok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2020
  • Wave observation is widely used to direct observation method for observing the water surface elevation using wave buoy or pressure gauge and remote-sensing wave observation method. The wave buoy and pressure gauge can produce high-quality wave data but have disadvantages of the high risk of damage and loss of the instrument, and high maintenance cost in the offshore area. On the other hand, remote observation method such as radar is easy to maintain by installing the equipment on the land, but the accuracy is somewhat lower than the direct observation method. This study investigates the data quality of MIROS Wave and Current Radar (MWR) installed at Dokdo and improve the data quality of remote wave observation data using the wave buoy (CWB) observation data operated by the Korea Meteorological Administration. We applied and developed the three types of wave data quality control; 1) the combined use (Optimal Filter) of the filter designed by MIROS (Reduce Noise Frequency, Phillips Check, Energy Level Check), 2) Spike Test Algorithm (Spike Test) developed by OOI (Ocean Observatories Initiative) and 3) a new filter (H-Ts QC) using the significant wave height-period relationship. As a result, the wave observation data of MWR using three quality control have some reliability about the significant wave height. On the other hand, there are still some errors in the significant wave period, so improvements are required. Also, since the wave observation data of MWR is different somewhat from the CWB data in high waves of over 3 m, further research such as collection and analysis of long-term remote wave observation data and filter development is necessary.

A Study on Facilities Damage Characteristics Caused by Forest Fire in Goseong-Gun (고성산불로 인한 시설물피해특성 연구)

  • Yeom, Chanho;Lee, Si-young;Park, Houngsek;Kwon, Chungeun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.469-478
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: In this studies we examine the facilities damage characteristics caused by forest fire. Therefore, we surveyed damaged facilities from forest fire which was occurred on Goseong-Gun on march 28 in 2019.(damaged areas was 40ha) The types of facilities uses were house, public facility, warehouse and so on. 17 facilities were destroyed. The purpose of this study was to for establishing a disaster safety village in rural areas where damage from a similar type of disaster occurs repeatedly by conducting the consciousness survey targeting at experts and disaster safety officials in a local government. Method: We surveyed meteorological factors(temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity) per a minute for analyzing weather condition on Goseong-Gun when forest fire was occurred, spread and extinguished. And we surveyed forest fire risk factors(a slope degree, a slope direction, a geographical feature, a distance between forest and facility, main species, the existence of crown fire ignition, the direction of facility, the main material of building) around 10 damaged facilities. Finally, we analyzed damage pattern of facilities using meteorological factor and forest fire reisk fator Result: The weather condition of Kanseonng AWS (No.517) was high temperature, arid and strong wind, when the forest fire was occurred and spread. An average wind speed was 4.1m/s and the maximum wind speed was 11.6m/s. The main direction of wind was W(225~315°). Damaged facilities were located on the steep slope area and on the mountaintop. The forest density around facilities was high and main species was korean red pine. The crown fire was occurred in the forest around damaged facilities. The average distance was 13.5m from forest to facilities. When the main matarial of building was made by fire resistance materials (for example, rainforced concrete), the damage was slightly. on the other hand, when by flammable material (for example, a Sandwich Panel), the facilities were totally destroyed Conclusion: The results of this research which were the thinning around house, making a safety distance, the improvement of main material of building and etc, will be helpful for establishing a counter measure for a forest fire prevention of facilities in wild land urban interface

Evaluation of MODIS-derived Evapotranspiration at the Flux Tower Sites in East Asia (동아시아 지역의 플럭스 타워 관측지에 대한 MODIS 위성영상 기반의 증발산 평가)

  • Jeong, Seung-Taek;Jang, Keun-Chang;Kang, Sin-Kyu;Kim, Joon;Kondo, Hiroaki;Gamo, Minoru;Asanuma, Jun;Saigusa, Nobuko;Wang, Shaoqiang;Han, Shijie
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.174-184
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    • 2009
  • Evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the major hydrologic processes in terrestrial ecosystems. A reliable estimation of spatially representavtive ET is necessary for deriving regional water budget, primary productivity of vegetation, and feedbacks of land surface to regional climate. Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) provides an opportunity to monitor ET for wide area at daily time scale. In this study, we applied a MODIS-based ET algorithm and tested its reliability for nine flux tower sites in East Asia. This is a stand-alone MODIS algorithm based on the Penman-Monteith equation and uses input data derived from MODIS. Instantaneous ET was estimated and scaled up to daily ET. For six flux sites, the MODIS-derived instantaneous ET showed a good agreement with the measured data ($r^2=0.38$ to 0.73, ME = -44 to $+31W\;m^{-2}$, RMSE =48 to $111W\;m^{-2}$). However, for the other three sites, a poor agreement was observed. The predictability of MODIS ET was improved when the up-scaled daily ET was used ($r^2\;=\;0.48$ to 0.89, ME = -0.7 to $-0.6\;mm\;day^{-1}$, $RMSE=\;0.5{\sim}1.1\;mm\;day^{-1}$). Errors in the canopy conductance were identified as a primary factor of uncertainty in MODIS-derived ET and hence, a more reliable estimation of canopy conductance is necessary to increase the accuracy of MODIS ET.

Typological Characteristics of Waterscape Elements from the Chapter 「Sancheon」 of the Volumes Gyeongsang-province in 『Sinjeung Donggukyeojiseungram』 (『신증동국여지승람』의 경상도편 「산천(山川)」 항목에 수록된 수경(水景) 요소의 특징)

  • Lim, Eui-Je;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • This study aims at the consideration of the usages of traditional waterscape elements, which are difficult to define their concepts and their differences and it has been proceeded mainly with analysis of literature. It elicited various waterscape types by extracting the place names associated with the watersacpe elements from the chapter "Sancheon" of the volumes Gyeongsang-province in "Sinjeung Donggukyeojiseungram", which is a government-compiled geography book in the early period of Joseon Dynasty, and drew the features of each waterscape element by interpreting the dictionary definition and the original text and studying the similar examples. The results of study are drawn as follows. 1. The chapter "Sancheon" includes 22 types of waterscape elements and they are classified by means of locations and water-flow forms: River Landscape, Lake & Pond Landscape, Coast landscape. 2. River landscape maintaining constant natural water-flow constitutes the linear type, related to the class of stream, which includes 'Su(water)', 'Gang(river)', 'Cheon(stream)' and 'Gye(brook)' and the dotty type, created by the nature of trenched meander rivers, which includes 'Tan(beach)', 'Roe(rapids)', 'Pok(waterfall)' and 'Jeo(sandbank)'. 3. Lake & Pond Landscape forming water collected in a certain area constitutes 'Ho(lake)', which is a broad and calm spot created around mid and down stream of river, 'Yeon(pool)', 'Dam(pond)', 'Chu(small pond)', which are naturally created on the water path around mid and down stream of river, 'Ji(pond)', 'Dang(pond)', 'Taek(swamp)', which is collected on a flatland and 'Cheon(spring)', 'Jeong(spring)' which means gushing out naturally. 4. Coast Landscape includes 'Ryang', 'Hang', which are the space between land and an island or islands, 'Got(headland)' which sticks out from the coast into the sea, 'Jeong(sandbank)' which forms sandy beaches and 'Do' which shows high appearance frequency by reflecting the geographical importance of islands. This study comprehended the diversity of traditional waterscape elements and drew the fact that they are the concept reflecting the differentiated locational, scenic and functional features. That way, it understood the aesthetic sense on nature, which ancestors had formed with the interests in natural landscape and the keen observation on it, became the basic idea elucidating the characteristic on Korean traditional gardens, which minimize the artificiality and make nature the subject.

Application of Machine Learning Algorithm and Remote-sensed Data to Estimate Forest Gross Primary Production at Multi-sites Level (산림 총일차생산량 예측의 공간적 확장을 위한 인공위성 자료와 기계학습 알고리즘의 활용)

  • Lee, Bora;Kim, Eunsook;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Kang, Minseok;Kim, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_2
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    • pp.1117-1132
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    • 2019
  • Forest covers 30% of the Earth's land area and plays an important role in global carbon flux through its ability to store much greater amounts of carbon than other terrestrial ecosystems. The Gross Primary Production (GPP) represents the productivity of forest ecosystems according to climate change and its effect on the phenology, health, and carbon cycle. In this study, we estimated the daily GPP for a forest ecosystem using remote-sensed data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and machine learning algorithms Support Vector Machine (SVM). MODIS products were employed to train the SVM model from 75% to 80% data of the total study period and validated using eddy covariance measurement (EC) data at the six flux tower sites. We also compare the GPP derived from EC and MODIS (MYD17). The MODIS products made use of two data sets: one for Processed MODIS that included calculated by combined products (e.g., Vapor Pressure Deficit), another one for Unprocessed MODIS that used MODIS products without any combined calculation. Statistical analyses, including Pearson correlation coefficient (R), mean squared error (MSE), and root mean square error (RMSE) were used to evaluate the outcomes of the model. In general, the SVM model trained by the Unprocessed MODIS (R = 0.77 - 0.94, p < 0.001) derived from the multi-sites outperformed those trained at a single-site (R = 0.75 - 0.95, p < 0.001). These results show better performance trained by the data including various events and suggest the possibility of using remote-sensed data without complex processes to estimate GPP such as non-stationary ecological processes.

cological Characteristics of Hornets(genus Vespa) Considering Environmental Spatial Information in Urban Children's Parks (환경공간정보를 고려한 어린이공원 내 말벌속(genus Vespa) 출현 경향 분석)

  • Kim, Whee-Moon;Kim, Seoug-Yeal;Song, Wonkyong;Choi, Mun-Bo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.506-514
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    • 2019
  • Unlike natural ecosystems, the urban ecosystem proVides an interdependent enVironment in which wild organisms and urban people co-exist. Hornets (genus Vespa) appearing in urban green and parks haVe a positiVe effect on urban ecosystems, but they also cause ecosystem disserVices that cause physical and psychological discomforts to the urban people. Children's parks, for example, are Very popular among children and residents for easy accessibility, and hornets also use them as bases and habitats. HoweVer, there is still a lack of spatial analysis of habitats and appearance characteristics of hornets in children's parks. This study installed hornet traps in 27 children's parks in Cheonan from April to NoVember 2018 in consideration of the life cycle of hornets. We captured a total of fiVe Vespa species (Vespa crabro, V. analis, V. mandarinia, V. ducalis, and V. Velutina) for 32 weeks and analyzed the emergence of hornets in relation to the composition of seasonal characteristics, species characteristics, and enVironmental spatial information. We captured a total of 818 hornets during the study period. They included 290 V. analis (35.4%), 260 V. crabro (31.8%), 100 V. ducalis (12.1%), 87 V. mandaninia (10.6%), and 81 V. Velutina(9.9%). Most of the hornets showed a common feature that queen hornets were largely captured in May through June after they awake from hibernation, and the number of caught hornets decreased sharply beginning in mid-June, which was the cooperatiVe period. HoweVer, V. Velutina showed a seasonal specificity that more than 80% were captured beginning in the third week of October when other hornet species had already entered a decline phase. The analysis of the number of hornets caught in each spot in children's parks showed significant difference among the spots as 363 hornets (44.3%) were captured in top children's parks, and 35 hornets (4%) were captured in bottom children's parks. In particular, the mean NDVI (Normalized difference Vegetation index) of the top six children's parks was 0.79, and that of the bottom six children's parks was 0.38 (t=2.67*, *=p<0.05), indicating a significant difference. The frequency of capturing hornets was high when the ground around the children's parks was grass or bare land. This study is meaningful as a reference study that confirms the ecological characteristics of hornets appearing in green and parks in the city. We expect it to be a foundation for effectiVe urban green area management in the future.

Neotectonic Crustal Deformation and Current Stress Field in the Korean Peninsula and Their Tectonic Implications: A Review (한반도 신기 지각변형과 현생 응력장 그리고 지구조적 의미: 논평)

  • Kim, Min-Cheol;Jung, Soohwan;Yoon, Sangwon;Jeong, Rae-Yoon;Song, Cheol Woo;Son, Moon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.169-193
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    • 2016
  • In order to characterize the Neotectonic crustal deformation and current stress field in and around the Korean Peninsula and to interpret their tectonic implications, this paper synthetically analyzes the previous Quaternary fault and focal mechanism solution data and recent geotechnical in-situ stress data and examines the characteristics of crustal deformations and tectonic settings in and around East Asia after the Miocene. Most of the Quaternary fault outcrops in SE Korea occur along major inherited fault zones and show a NS-striking top-to-the-west thrust geometry, indicating that the faults were produced by local reactivation of appropriately oriented preexisting weaknesses under EW-trending pure compressional stress field. The focal mechanism solutions in and around the Korean Peninsula disclose that strike-slip faulting containing some reverse-slip component and reverse-slip faulting are significantly dominant on land and in sea area, respectively. The P-axes are horizontally clustered in ENE-WSW direction, whereas the T-axes are girdle-distributed in NNW direction. The geotechnical in-situ stress data in South Korea also indicate the ENE-trending maximum horizontal stress. The current crustal deformation in the Korean Peninsula is thus characterized by crustal contraction under regional ENE-WSW or E-W compression stress field. Based on the regional stress trajectories in and around East Asia, the current stress regime is interpreted to have resulted from the cooperation of westward shallow subduction of the Pacific Plate and collision of Indian and Eurasian continents, whereas the Philippine Sea plate have not a decisive effect on the stress-regime in the Korean Peninsula due to its high-angle subduction that resulted in dominant crust extension of the back-arc region. It is also interpreted that the Neotectonic crustal deformation and present-day tectonic setting of East Asia commenced with the change of the Pacific Plate motion during 5~3.2 Ma.