• Title/Summary/Keyword: Labor save

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Two-Demensional Nonlinear Analysis of Precast Segmental PSC-I Girder with Wet Joint (습식접합부를 갖는 프리캐스트 세그먼트 PSC-I형 거더의 2차원 비선형해석)

  • Kim, Kwang-Soo;Hong, Sung-Nam;Han, Kyoung-Bong;Park, Sun-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of the structural behavior in precast segmental prestressed concrete girders, which consist of five precast segments. These girders were developed to save labor and cost in construction field reducing a term of work. Therefore, four different types of specimens of 25m in length were built, and they were tested and analyzed for observing flexural behavior. The analysis included the investigation of the flexural behaviors in varying tendon amount and at joints using the relationship between moment and deflection. Moreover, nonlinear finite element analysis was utilized to verify the experimental result.

Planning Non-Invasive Conservation Genetic Experiments Based on Factors Affecting DNA Amplification Using Fecal Samples of Korean Long-Tailed Goral (Naemorhedus caudatus)

  • Baek-Jun Kim
    • Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2024
  • In this review, we compared the success rates of DNA amplification and introduced the efficient non-invasive sampling of fecal samples collected from captive and wild Korean long-tailed gorals (Naemorhedus caudatus) by referring to previous non-invasive studies, including three important references (Kim et al., 2008; Kim, 2021; Kim, 2022). A large difference in PCR success rates in the captive and wild populations was observed for mitochondrial (100 and 70.0%), sex-linked (44.4 and 20.8%), and microsatellite markers (73.9 and 34.8%, respectively). Out of the three types of genetic markers, the mitochondrial maker showed the highest success rate, followed by microsatellite and sex-linked markers. In addition, we estimated two factors that affected the PCR success, including the length of the amplified fragments (long, medium, and short) and the type of primer (universal and specific) in fecal samples from a captive population. The length of the PCR fragment was inversely proportional to the PCR success (5.3, 44.4, and 55.6% for long, medium, and short fragments, respectively), and the specific primer set (100%) was more efficient than the universal primer set (60.0%). This review is fundamental but would be greatly helpful for new non-invasive conservation genetic studies, particularly those that use fecal samples from captive and wild populations of rare endangered species. We recommend beginning conservation genetic experiments using mitochondrial markers and then nuclear markers, such as microsatellite and sex-linked markers, to save time, costs, and labor.

A Study on Optimal Farming System for Organic Farm Products (유기농산물 생산농가의 최적영농조직)

  • Jang, Hyun-Dong;Kim, Jai-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.94-107
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    • 1997
  • Producing organic farm products is one of the high-payoff farming practices considering the rapid increase of consumer's purchasing power. The purpose of this study is to identify the optimal organic farming system in relation to farm income. To cope with the above objectives, present farming conditions and profitability of 15 farmers producing organic products including rice and leaf vegetables as lettuse and cabbage were surveyed in Hongsung and Ahsan Gun, Chungnam Province. Based on the surveyed data, maximization of organic farm income were analyzed under the constrained conditions such as limited monthly labour inputs and competitive use of land by Linear Programming Model. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. In the profitability analysis of 15 farmers producing organic products, rice farmers could earn their farm income more than that of conventional farmers by 50%. On the other hand, the controlled lettuce farmers could get more about 100% than that of it. But the controlled cabbage farm could get more about 40% of it. These organic farm products were saled at high prices comparing with the prices of conventional farm products by 170% ~ 230% even though the crop yields produced by organic materials had decreased. 2. According to the labor requirement of the organically produced crops, rice cultivation was needed more labour inputs than the conventional farming method by 130%. On the other hand lettuce and cabbage could saved labour requirement by 40% and 80% of those respectively. Especially for the rice cultivation concern, higher labor requirement was due to the activities as organic fertilization, soil preparation and pest and weed controll, etc. 3. With the surveyed data from farmers who produced farm commodities, L.P. analysis was implemented to find out the optimul farming system and the maximum income. According to the results of L.P. analysis, 58% of total farm income could get more than the conventional farming system In the case of rice cultivation, one ha of paddy was recommendable to save more labour inputs than the controlled leaf vegetables such as lettuse and cabbage. However, in the controlled leaf vegatables, only 73% of total upland equivalent to 0.3 ha should be cultivated under the condition of labor shortage as the restricted 4 workers. And increasing the size of hogs raising should be recommened to achieve self-sufficiency of organic fertilizer. As pointed out the possibility of organic farming, present farmers producing organic farm products could be able to maximize their income by expanding organic farm size with regard to all conditions of our organic industry. Of course, there are many difficulties in the course of developing organic agriculture. So Government should effort to support the development of our organic agriculture considering the various aspects of production, marketing, Quality certification of organic produces.

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A Study on the Improvement of Construction Cost Standards for Pipe Laying and Joining Work (관 부설 및 접합공사 공사비산정기준 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Jae-Hoon;Ahn, Bang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.675-684
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    • 2020
  • To prevent safety accidents caused by aging pipe infrastructure and to maintain water quality, construction projects for water and sewage pipes are actively conducted across Korea. This study analyzed the criteria situations, site survey details, and regulation revisions related to the calculation of construction cost standards for pipe laying and joining work. The analysis showed that the major causes for revision are the unclear construction scope, limitations in implementing some pipe materials due to installation facility types, workforce focused on ordinary labor, limitations of manual laying work, and the lack of tool hire cost and machine expense-calculation criteria. Field studies were conducted to categorize the pipes according to their features, in addition to identifying the use of lifting heavy equipment and light equipment. In addition, excavation and testing work conducted in connection to pipe laying, as well as the use of skilled labor, were investigated. The current study clarified the work scope through new common items, provides an organization based on the pipe material, adjusted the workforce ratio to focus more on skilled labor, and developed grounds for calculating machine expenses. These revisions were estimated to save approximately 1.28% of the construction costs in each project according to an analysis of the construction cost impact study. truction costs in each project, according to an analysis of construction cost impact study.

A Study on the Unmanned convenience Store Operation System from the Viewpoint of Visual Merchandising (비주얼 머천다이징 관점에서의 무인 편의점 운영시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung-Hwa;Yang, Hoe-Chang;Park, Chul-Ju;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - The purpose of the study was to investigate operation system of current convenience store and competing retail store and to find out development of unattended convenience store. Operators can save labor cost and solve labor seeking when opening shop under suitable environment and commerce area, and assure of employee's safety. Customers are allowed to select commodity comfortably without disclosure of face and to shorten standby time at simple store opening, buying and paying and to produce convenient living environment by financing, delivery and goods control. This study examined effect and problems of operation of existing and unattended convenience store from point of view of visual merchandising to find out model of unattended convenience store and to strengthen competitiveness of convenience store business. Research design, data, and methodology - Research procedure of accomplishment of goal of the study was: The study investigated state of distribution business, and role and definition of VMD. First, VMD played an important role of promotion and competitiveness of unattended convenience stores. Second, the author investigated research and cases of unattended convenience stores 14 months, that is to say, from August 15, 2017 to October 15, 2018. Third, the author investigated on-the-spot three of common convenience stores, three of unattended convenience stores and three of retailers one month, that is to say, June 1, 2018 to July 1, 2018. The subject was convenience stores and retailers selling similar type of products at Seoul and metropolitan area. Results - Layout, selling place, brand identity, goods assortment, authentication system, product information cognition and control, buying and payment system, security system, salesmen, promotion and other services should be improved from point of view of merchandising. Structure, furniture, lighting, voice, façade, VP, PP, IP and POP should be developed. Conclusions - Unattended convenience stores saved operating cost and lessened labor and gave visitors convenience and comfortable shopping and made use of resources effectively. Further studies with quantitative analysis shall find out strategic conditions for promotion of unattended convenience stores.

Automation of Agricultural Machinery: Its Development and Prospect (농업기계(農業機械) 자동화(自動化)의 발전(發展)과 전망(展望))

  • Ryu, K.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 1987
  • Automation of agricultural machinery is a high technology needed to increase work capacity and accuracy, to save agricultural resources and energy, to solve labor shortage, and to improve operator's comfort and safety. With the rapid development of electronic industry, automation of agricultural machinery will be progressed fast, and eventually will lead to no-operator machines or agricultural robots. Automation should be promoted step by step without increasing the cost of farming, excluding rural labor forces, decreasing labor volition, and losing human nature. In order to achieve rational automation of agricultural machinery, it is necessary to investigate the characteristics of soils and crops, to develop sensors, controllers and robots with artificial intelligence. It is recommended that the present trends to directly automatize the individual machinery be changed to the development of a harmonious automation system for overall farming.

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A Study on Digital Reinforcements for Efficient Automotive Design - With Emphasis on VR based CAID System - (자동차 디자인 효율화를 위한 디지털 강화요소 연구 - VR 기반 CAID 시스템을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Kyung-Sil;Lee, Myung-Ki
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2006
  • As digital systems were introduced to automotive design in the mid 1980s, the design process has adopted many digital programs to save time compared to the conventional hand drafting. Digital technology was introduced not only to satisfy the reeds of the global environment, as the number of automobiles exported to many different parts of the world has increased, but also to save time and effort in developing several models of quality automobiles. Therefore, every automotive manufacturer in the world has expanded its virtual reality(VR) studio to establish visualization systems that visualize automobiles in the actual size and a co-operation system that enables simultaneous feedback from all of its design studios around the world. Unlike the existing design reviewing methos, the new improved feedback system is assessed as a reasonable method to evaluates and understand how the automobiles are actually manufactured in simulation. It is especially helpful when advanced products and concept cars require fast results. Other strengths of the new system include shorter development period, cost efficiency, no more manual labor, various designs within a short period of time, and realistic visualization of concepts. Large-scale products, including automobiles, need to be projected in the actual size and high clarity through the Power-wall System and are examined in a virtual space called a Cave. Therefore, it took much time to establish digital infrastructure. An infrastructure would constantly require system improvement and performance enhancement, but it is certain that now is the right time for the take-off to utilizing the strengths of digital design and improve the weaknesses. In this respect, this study provided an understanding of the importance of digital design based on digital reinforcements and examined an effective utilization of digital technology for an efficient development of automobiles in the future.

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Improvement for the Point at Issue of National Construction Management Professional Certified in Korea - in view of Compararive Analysis for CM Certification of Korea vs US - (국내 건설사업관리(CM) 인증자격의 문제점 및 개선방안 - 한국과 미국의 인증자격 비교분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Chang-Gyo;Chun Jae-Youl
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2004
  • The technical expert standing system of our const겨ction industry is operated by the Ministry of Labor subjective national technical qualification law, as the professional engineer, architect and architect-engineer and so on. The construction management(CM) which is introduced on middle 1990 activates a building industry the condition of the essential indispensability for is becoming, is not officially recognized with national qualification to be, that as pending issue it is most urgent, the specialty manpower positivity which is judged as the nostril poop]e for qualification of the civil CM educational institutions has the certification which is a each educational program and a separate way and it is the actual condition which is become accomplished. The problem when as international certification the CMAA which is only it secures a reliability certification which is a CCM and SAVE seeing in the certified which is a CVS, compares in the foreign nation and the CM certification is excessive, it does not secure a reliability and an efficient characteristic to give a confusion to the capital increase lattices which in a condition are, it is mass produced it is a point. It saw from, it observes the capital increase reserve problem point which is a domestic CM and the certification integration which is a report and system anger it leads and with national certified qualification it develops to present the improvement program for, it does to sleep.

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Motives for Moonlighting and Its Policy Implications (부업동기분석(副業動機分析)과 그 시사점(示唆點))

  • Park, Jin
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.107-121
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    • 1992
  • Moonlighting or second-jobs will increase shirking of the primary job. This paper analyzes the motives for moonlighting so that the means of reducing these motives could be explored. The traditional theory claims that a worker who cannot fully realize his work potential will look to moonlighting. In a two-period model, however, the following motives are more important. The precautionary savings motive : A worker has an incentive to save for fear of losing his job and his income in the second period. The worker could save more by working more during the first period, and this additional motive for working is the precautionary savings motive. The insurance motive : When a worker is unemployed, he cannot expand his moonlighting hours according to his needs since the moonlighting hour is upward rigid. Therefore, a worker has an incentive to secure additional moonlighting hours in the first period so that quick adjustment can be made during the unemployment in the second period. Two policy measures to remove those motives for moonlighting are recommended, for these measures will enhance the productivity in the primary job. First, a firm should guarantee that there will be no layoffs in a downturn in the economy and that the employment level is adjusted to the economic states by work sharing among workers. Second, as unemployment insurance benefits compensate a portion of the income in case of unemployment, it substitutes the motives for moonlighting. A generalization of this argument can be found in Ehrlich and Becker(1972) where self-insurance(moonlighting) and market insurance(in this case, unemployment insurance) serves as substitutes. The two policy measures in the above have a spill-over effect : A decrease of labor supply in the moonlighting market will ease job search, and therefore will help those who have their primary job in the moonlighting sector.

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A Case Study of the Improvement of the Structural Work of a Logistics Facility by Using PC Member (PC부재에 의한 물류시설의 골조공사 개선사례 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Hyung;Choi, Eun-Gyu;Kim, Sun-Kuk;Lee, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2010
  • As logistics facilities have a high ceiling height, simple structure, and the need for a quick return on investment, it is usually essential to advance the construction schedule of such facilities. Accordingly, PC structures, which require less labor, cost and schedule, can be more competitive than RC structures. However, most construction companies in Korea are familiar with RC structure design, have negative perceptions regarding PC structures, and do not sufficiently adopt new construction techniques. The structure that this research features has 110 columns that are 14 m high and are built to the same specification, and applying an RC design to the structure will lead to issues related to constructibility, economic viability, project duration and safety. Therefore, this study intends to feature PC design as an alternative to the RC warehouse design, and perform a comparative analysis of the reduction in labor, cost and construction schedule to highlight benefits. The research outcomes herein will provide inputs to subsequent studies on new construction strategies to advance the construction schedule, improve quality and constructibility, enhance safety and save costs.