• Title/Summary/Keyword: LED inspection

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Reliability Improvement of Offshore Structural Steel F690 Using Surface Crack Nondamaging Technology

  • Lee, Weon-Gu;Gu, Kyoung-Hee;Kim, Cheol-Su;Nam, Ki-Woo
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2021
  • Microcracks can rapidly grow and develop in high-strength steels used in offshore structures. It is important to render these microcracks harmless to ensure the safety and reliability of offshore structures. Here, the dependence of the aspect ratio (As) of the maximum depth of harmless crack (ahlm) was evaluated under three different conditions considering the threshold stress intensity factor (Δkth) and residual stress of offshore structural steel F690. The threshold stress intensity factor and fatigue limit of fatigue crack propagation, dependent on crack dimensions, were evaluated using Ando's equation, which considers the plastic behavior of fatigue and the stress ratio. ahlm by peening was analyzed using the relationship between Δkth obtained by Ando's equation and Δkth obtained by the sum of applied stress and residual stress. The plate specimen had a width 2W = 12 mm and thickness t = 20 mm, and four value of As were considered: 1.0, 0.6, 0.3, and 0.1. The ahlm was larger as the compressive residual stress distribution increased. Additionally, an increase in the values of As and Δkth(l) led to a larger ahlm. With a safety factor (N) of 2.0, the long-term safety and reliability of structures constructed using F690 can be secured with needle peening. It is necessary to apply a more sensitive non-destructive inspection technique as a non-destructive inspection method for crack detection could not be used to observe fatigue cracks that reduced the fatigue limit of smooth specimens by 50% in the three types of residual stresses considered. The usefulness of non-destructive inspection and non-damaging techniques was reviewed based on the relationship between ahlm, aNDI (minimum crack depth detectable in non-destructive inspection), acr N (crack depth that reduces the fatigue limit to 1/N), and As.

Application of 630-nm and 850-nm Light-emitting Diodes and Microcurrent to Accelerate Collagen and Elastin Deposition in Porcine Skin

  • Kwon, Tae-Rin;Moon, Dong Wook;Kim, Jungwook;Kim, Hyoung Jun;Lee, Seong Jae;Han, Yunhee;Dan, Hee Won;Chi, Sang Hoon;Seong, Hwan Mo;Kim, Hee Jung;Lim, Guei-Sam;Lee, Jungkwan
    • Medical Lasers
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2021
  • Background and Objectives Skin aging is reportedly associated with regulation in collagen and elastin synthesis. This study investigated the potential of combining light-emitting diode (LED) treatments using a 630-nm and 850-nm LED with simultaneous microcurrent application. Materials and Methods The dorsal skin of female pigs was treated with a home-use device. We examined the treatment effects using photography, thermocamera, microscopic pathology, and histological examination to determine the mechanism of action, efficacy, and safety of the procedure. A histological observation was performed using hematoxylin and eosin, Masson's trichrome, Victoria blue, and immunohistochemical staining. We also used the Sircol soluble collagen and elastin assay kit to measure the amounts of collagen and elastin in the porcine back skin tissue after 2 and 6 weeks. Results Evaluation by visual inspection and devices showed no skin damage or heat-induced injury at the treatment site. Histological staining revealed that accurate treatment of the targeted dermis layer effectively enhanced collagen and elastin deposition. Collagen type I, a protein defined by immunohistochemical staining, was overexpressed in the early stages of weeks 2 and 6. Combined therapy findings showed the superior capability of the 630-nm and 850-nm LED procedures to induce collagen; in contrast, elastin induction was more pronounced after microcurrent treatments. Conclusion The home-use LED device, comprising a combination of 630-nm and 850-nm LEDs and microcurrent, is safe and can be used as an adjunctive treatment for self-administered facial rejuvenation.

A study on smart inspection technologies and maintenance system for tunnel (터널 스마트 점검기술 및 유지관리 제도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jee-Hee Jung;Kang-Hyun Lee;Sangrae Lee;Bumsik Hwang;Nag-Young Kim
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.569-582
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    • 2023
  • In recent years, the service life of major SOC facilities in south korea has exceeded 30 years, and rapid aging is expected within the next 10 years. This has led to a growing recognition of the need for proactive maintenance of these facilities. Consequently, there have been numerous research efforts to introduce smart inspection technologies into maintenance. However, the current system relies primarily on manpower for safety inspections and diagnostics, and on-site surveys rely on visual inspections. Manpower inspections can be time-consuming, and subjective errors may occur during result analysis. In the case of tunnels, there are disadvantages, such as the loss of social overhead capital due to partial closures during inspections. Therefore, institutionalizing smart safety inspections is essential, considering specific measures like using advanced equipment and updating qualifications for experts. Furthermore, it is necessary to verify and validate safety inspection results using advanced equipment before instituting changes. This could be achieved through national-level official research programs and the operation of verification and validation institutions. If smart inspection technology is introduced into maintenance, routine inspections of SOC facilities, such as tunnels, will become feasible. As a result, maintenance technology capable of early detection and proactive response to safety incidents caused by changes in facility conditions is anticipated.

Measurements of Defects after Machining CFRP Holes Using High Speed Line Scan (고속 라인 스캔 방식을 이용한 CFRP 가공 홀 표면 및 내부 결함 검사)

  • Kim, Teaggyum;Kyung, Daesu;Son, Unchul;Park, Sun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2016
  • Using a line scan camera and a Galvano mirror, we constructed a high-speed line-scanning microscope that can generate 2D images ($8000{\times}8000pixels$) without any moving parts. The line scanner consists of a Galvano mirror and a cylindrical lens, which creates a line focus that sweeps over the sample. The measured resolutions in the x (perpendicular to line focus) and y (parallel to line focus) directions are both $2{\mu}m$, with a 2X scan lens and a 3X relay lens. This optical system is useful for measuring defects, such as spalling, chipping, delamination, etc., on the surface of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) holes after machining in conjunction with adjustments in the angle of LED lighting. Defects on the inner wall of holes are measured by line confocal laser scanning. This confocal method will be useful for analyzing defects after CFRP machining and for fast 3D image reconstruction.

Emulated Vision Tester for Automatic Functional Inspection of LCD Drive Module PCB (LCD 구동 모듈 PCB의 자동 기능 검사를 위한 Emulated Vision Tester)

  • Joo, Young-Bok;Han, Chan-Ho;Park, Kil-Houm;Huh, Kyung-Moo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.10b
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    • pp.211-212
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문에서는 LCD 구동 모들 PCB의 기능 검사를 위한 자동 검사시스템인 EVT(Emulated Vision Tester)를 제안하고 구현하였다. 기존의 대표적인 자동검사 방법으로는 전기적 검사나 영상기반 검사방식이 있으나 전기적 검사만으로는 Timing이 주요한 변수가 되는 LED 장비에서는 검출할 수 없는 구동불량이 존재하며 영상기반 검사는 영상획득에 일관성이 결여되거나 Gray Scale의 구분이 불명확하며 검출결과의 재현성이 떨어진다. EVT 시스템은 Pattern Generator에서 인가된 입력 패턴 신호라 구동모듈을 통한 후 출력되는 디지털 신호를 직접 비교하여 패턴을 검사하고 아날로그 신호 (전압, 저항, 파형)의 이상 여부도 신속 정확하게 검사할 수 있는 H/W적인 방법이다. 높은 검출 신뢰도와 빠른 처리 속도 뿐만 아니라 간결한 시스템 구성으로 원가절감 실현 등 많은 장점을 가진다.

  • PDF

Software Design of Packet Analyzer based on Byte-Filtered Packet Inspection Mechanism for UW-ASN

  • Muminov, Sardorbek;Yun, Nam-Yeol;Park, Soo-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.1572-1582
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    • 2011
  • The rapid growth of UnderWater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UW-ASNs) has led researchers to enhance underwater MAC protocols against limitations existing in underwater environment. We propose the customized robust real-time packet inspection mechanism with addressing the problem of the search for the data packet loss and network performance quality analysis in UW-ASNs, and describe our experiences using this approach. The goal of this work is to provide a framework to assess the network real-time performance quality. We propose a customized and adaptive mechanism to detect, monitor and analyze the data packets according to the MAC protocol standards in UW-ASNs. The packet analyzing method and software we propose is easy to implement, maintain, update and enhance. We take input stream as real data packets from sniffer node in capture mode and perform fully analysis. We were interested in developing software and hardware designed tool with the same capabilities which almost all terrestrial network packet sniffers have. Experimental results confirm that the best way to achieve maximum performance requires the most adaptive algorithm. In this paper, we present and offer the proposed packet analyzer, which can be effectively used for implementing underwater MAC protocols.

An Experimental Study on the Durability Performance for Ternary Blended Concrete Containing Both Fly Ash and Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (플라이 애시와 고로슬래그 미분말을 복합 활용한 3성분계 혼합 콘크리트의 내구성능에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Soo;Yoon, In-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2003
  • Ternary blended concrete, which contains both fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag, has an initial cost effective and is environment friendly. Furthermore, it has a lot of technical advantages such as the improvement of long term compressive strength, high workability, and the reduction of hydration heat. However, as the use and study on the performance of ternary blended concrete is limited, it is worthwhile studying the actual performance of this technology. This study examined the durability performance of ternary blended concrete, compared to binary blended concrete and ordinary portland concrete. It led to the conclusion that ternary blended concrete is very suitable for submerged members under marine environment. However, it should be noticed that ternary blended concrete becomes weak on carbonation, when it is situated on combined deterioration environment of carbonation and chloride. Therefore, the curing duration of ternary blended concrete should be prolonged in order to enhance the resistance of carbonation.

Crack Growth and Debonding Behaviors of the Pre-cracked RC Beams Repaired with Carbon Fiber Sheets (사전균열로 손상된 RC 보의 탄소섬유시트 보수 후의 균열성장 및 박락거동)

  • Kim, Chung Ho;Ko, Sin Woong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2006
  • This study look into the mechanisms of growth and magnification of the cracks and delamination in the pre-cracked RC beams repaired with carbon fiber sheets. The experimental parameters were loading type, loading speed and crack. In the experiments, it was confirmed that a failure of beams began with development and propagation of the stepped delamination in the below the loading point due to the rapid change of shear force, but mechanisms of the failure were not influenced with loading type, loading speed and pre-cracks. Particularly, in the case of beams having the pre-cracks, growth of crack concentrated at the special crack below the loading point and led to failure of the beam by delamination due to magnification of crack.

A Study on the Development of the Photo-electric Single Station Smoke Alarm of Low Power Consumption for Residential Fire Prevention (주택화재 예방을 위한 저소비 전력의 광전식 단독경보형감지기 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Se-Hwa;Cho, Jae-Cheol
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2010
  • This is a case report of a photo-electric single station alarm for residential fire prevention. The detector was developed for the certification in Japanese market which is more than 100 times bigger than Korean market. A comparison and review for test standard owned by KFI (Korea Institute of Fire Industry & Technology) and JFEII (Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute) respectively is also conducted. The detector alarms with a buzzer and an indicating LED. Operating period and time in alarm, low battery and fire situation is stated. The electronics circuit part to reduce its current and the detector's characteristics are described. It is explained that the measured current and experimental result of the battery discharge can meet the 10 years operation.


  • Rupp, Isabelle;Peniguel, Christophe;Tommy-Martin, Michel
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.41 no.9
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    • pp.1171-1180
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    • 2009
  • The internal core baffle structure of a French Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) consists of a collection of baffles and formers that are attached to the barrel. The connections are done thanks to a large number of bolts (about 1500). After inspection, some of the bolts have been found cracked. This has been attributed to the Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking (IASCC). The $Electricit\acute{e}$ De France (EDF) has set up a research program to gain better knowledge of the temperature distribution, which may affect the bolts and the whole structure. The temperature distribution in the structure was calculated thanks to the thermal code SYRTHES that used a finite element approach. The heat transfer between the by-pass flow inside the cavities of the core baffle and the structure was accounted for thanks to a strong thermal coupling between the thermal code SYRTHES and the CFD code named Code_Saturne. The results for the CP0 plant design show that both the high temperature and strong temperature gradients could potentially induce mechanical stresses. The CPY design, where each bolt is individually cooled, had led to a reduction of temperatures inside the structures. A new parallel version of SYRTHES, for calculations on very large meshes and based on MPI, has been developed. A demonstration test on the complete structure that has led to about 1.1 billion linear tetraedra has been calculated on 2048 processors of the EDF Blue Gene computer.