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Crack Growth and Debonding Behaviors of the Pre-cracked RC Beams Repaired with Carbon Fiber Sheets  

Kim, Chung Ho (경성대학교 건설환경공학부)
Ko, Sin Woong (경성대학교 토목공학과 대학원)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection / v.10, no.5, 2006 , pp. 121-129 More about this Journal
This study look into the mechanisms of growth and magnification of the cracks and delamination in the pre-cracked RC beams repaired with carbon fiber sheets. The experimental parameters were loading type, loading speed and crack. In the experiments, it was confirmed that a failure of beams began with development and propagation of the stepped delamination in the below the loading point due to the rapid change of shear force, but mechanisms of the failure were not influenced with loading type, loading speed and pre-cracks. Particularly, in the case of beams having the pre-cracks, growth of crack concentrated at the special crack below the loading point and led to failure of the beam by delamination due to magnification of crack.
Pre-Crack; Mechanism of the failure; Stepped delamination; Loading speed;
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