• 제목/요약/키워드: LDV measurement

검색결과 103건 처리시간 0.025초

흡입포트형상에 따른 모터링엔진내 압축과정 난류특성 연구 (The Effect of Intake Port Configurations on the Turbulence Characteristics During Compression Stroke in a Motored Engine)

  • 강건용;이진욱;정석용;백제현
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.920-932
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    • 1994
  • The combustion phenomena of a reciprocating engine is one of the most important processes affecting performance and emissions. One effective way to improve the engine combustion is to control the motion of the charge inside a cylinder by means of optimum induction system design, because the flame speed is mainly determined by the turbulence at compression(TDC) process in S.I. engine. It is believed that the tumble and swirl motion generated during intake breaks down into small-scale turbulence in the compression stroke of the cycle. However, the exact nature of their relationship is not well known. This paper describes cycle resolved LDV measurement of turbulent flow inside the cylinder of a 4-valve engine under motoring(non-firing) conditions, and studies the effect of intake port configurations on the turbulence characteristics using following parameters ; Eulerian temporal autocorrelation coefficient, turbulence energy spectral density function, Taylor micro time scale, integral time scale, and integral length scale.

블레이드 하중이 축류형 팬에서의 팁 누설 유동구조에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Blade Loading on the Structure of Tip Leakage Flow in a Forward-Swept Axial-Flow Fan)

  • 이공희;명환주;백제현
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.294-304
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    • 2003
  • An experimental analysis using three-dimensional laser Doppler velocimetry(LDV) measurement and computational analysis using the Reynolds stress model in FLUENT are conducted to give a clear understanding of the effect of blade loading on the structure of tip leakage flow in a forward-swept axial-flow fan operating at the maximum efficiency condition ($\Phi$=0.25) and two off-design conditions ($\Phi$=0.21 and 0.30). As the blade loading increases, the onset position of the rolling-up of tip leakage flow moves upstream and the trajectory of tip leakage vortex center is more inclined toward the circumferential direction. Because the casing boundary layer becomes thicker and the mixing between the through-flow and the leakage jet with the different flow direction is enforced, the streamwise vorticity decays more fast with the blade loading increasing. A distinct tip leakage vortex is observed downstream of the blade trailing edge at $\Phi$=0.30, but it is not observed at $\Phi$=0.21 and 0.25.

스월유동이 분무특성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (Study on the Effect of Swirl Flow on Spray Characteristics)

  • 최승환;전충환;장영준
    • 한국분무공학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 2002
  • It is well known that the flow and spray characteristics is critical factor on the performance and emission of a direct injection diesel engine. So this study aims to investigate the interaction of flow and spray characteristics. At first, in cylinder flow distributions in swirl adaptor for 4-valve cylinder head of DI Diesel engine were investigated under steady conditions for different SCV angles mounted on the cylinder head with steady rig test and 2-D LDV. And the in-cylinder flow was quantified in terms of mean flow coefficient and swirl ratio/tumble ratio. It was found that the swirl ratio is controlled between 2.3 and 3.8. Then spray characteristics of the intermittent injection were investigated. PDA system was utilized for measurement of a droplet size and velocity. The analyses of the PDA results are carried out with Time Dividing Method. It was found that there is a correlation between the swirl flow and SMD. The droplet size and the velocity were nearly constant value with each SCV angle. And the swirl ratio is higher, SMD smaller. The swirl ratio was helpful factor to the atomization of droplet.

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레이저 도플러 진동계를 이용한 진동변위와 주파수 측정방법 연구 (A Study on the method for the measurement of vibrating amplitude and frequency with Laser Doppler Vibrometer)

  • 김성훈;김호성
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1998년도 하계학술대회 논문집 E
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    • pp.1824-1827
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    • 1998
  • A Laser Doppler Vibrometer(LDV) was developed using He-Ne laser as a light source. The heterodyne method was employed and its output signal was digitally processed with a $\mu$-processor and the result was displayed with LCD. The frequency shifted object beam(40 MHz) by a Bragg cell was focused on the surface of the moving target and the Doppler shifted reflected beam was recombined with reference beam at the fast photodetector to produce frequency modulated signal centered at 40 MHz. The signal from the detector was amplified and downconverted to intermediate frequency centered at 1 MHz after mixing process. The voltage output that was proportional to the velocity of the moving surface was obtained using PLL. With the same method, the fringe pattern signal of the moving surface is obtained. This fringe pattern signal is converted to TTL signal with ZCD(zero-crossing detector) and then counted to calculate the displacement due to the vibration, which is displayed with LCD. This LDV can be used to measure the resonant frequency of the electric equipments such as circuit breakers and transformers, of which resonant frequencies are changed when they are damaged.

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자기혼합형 반도체 레이저를 이용한 혈류측정 시스템 설계 및 평가 (Design and Evaluation of Blood flow Measurement Using Self-mixing type Semiconductor Laser)

  • 김덕영;이진;김세동;고한우;김성환
    • 대한의용생체공학회:의공학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.499-506
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    • 1996
  • Blood flow velocimeter is an essential device to measure the blood flow in skin tissue. In this study, we developed a high-speed LDV(laser Doppler Velocimeter) that has real time processing capability using a DSP(digital signal processing) chip and is able to continuously measure information about blood-flow based on a noninvasive method using self-mixing type laser diode. This LDV system has a simpler structure than any other typical blood flow velocimeter and is composed of new self-mixing probe, stabilizer circuits DSP board, and interf'ace boule We measured velocity of speaker-unit by operational frequencies to identify Doppler effect of this system, performed clinical experiment on bare finger tip and compared it with a commercial euipment BPM403A(USA).

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유동장의 이동속도측정을 위한 가시화 및 영상처리 방안 (Visualization and Image Processing for Measurement of Propagational Velocity of Shear Front)

  • 김재원;한상훈;안은영
    • 한국멀티미디어학회논문지
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    • 제8권10호
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    • pp.1322-1328
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    • 2005
  • 점성 유체를 담고 쳐는 실린더가 회전운동을 시작하면 회전 원판의 원심력과 에크만 펌핑 효과에 의해 실린더 외벽의 각운동량이 유체에 전달되는 과정에서 자오면상의 유동이 생기게 되고, 이 때 유체의 특성에 따라 유동장의 운동량 획득 특성이 다르게 나타나게 된다. 본 연구에서는 뉴턴 유체와 비-뉴턴 유체의 유동장 획득에 대한 정보를 가시화 영상에서 검출하고 이를 기반으로 유체의 특성을 분석하는 방법을 제안한다. 영상으로부터 운동량이 가장 크게 변화하는 전단면(shear front)의 위치를 알아내기 위해서, 유체의 운동량이 영상에서의 밝기정보로 나타나도록 실험환경을 구성한다. 입력 영상으로부터 유체의 운동량과 흐름을 가시화 할 수 있도록 가시화 매개 물질을 사용하여 영상을 획득하고, 영상에서 에크만 경계층의 전단면을 찾아내어 이동거리를 계산함으로써 유체의 특성을 분석하는 방안을 제시한다. 또한 유동장에 대해, LDV(Laser Doppler Velocimetry)로 측정한 값과 영상으로부터 얻은 값을 비교함으로써 제안된 방법에 대한 정확성을 검증하고, 검증된 데이터를 기반으로 비-뉴턴 유체와 뉴턴 유체에 대한 특성을 분석한다.

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방오 도료가 도장된 평판에 대한 항력 성능 연구 (Study on the Drag Performance of the Flat Plates Treated by Antifouling Paints)

  • 백부근;김경열;조성락;안종우;조상래;김경래;정용욱
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제50권6호
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2013
  • In the present study, the flat plate model test method is developed to evaluate the skin friction of the marine coating in the cavitation tunnel. Six-component force balance is used to measure the profile drag of the flat plate and strut. LDV(laser Doppler velocimetry) technique is also employed to evaluate the drag and to figure out the reason of the drag reduction. The flow velocities above the surface can be used to assess the skin friction, combined with direct force measurement. Since the vortical structure in the coherent turbulence structure influences on the skin friction in the high Reynolds number regime, the interaction between the turbulence structure and the surface wall is paying more attention. This sort of thing is important in the passive control of the turbulent boundary layer because the skin friction can't be determined only by wall condition. As complicated flow phenomena exist around a paint film, systematic measurement and analysis are necessary to evaluate the skin friction appropriately.

사회기반 건설구조물의 단기 동적변위 산정기법 (A Short-term Dynamic Displacement Estimation Method for Civil Infrastructures)

  • 최재묵;정준연;구건희;김기영;손훈
    • 한국전산구조공학회논문집
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문에서는 가속도계와 속도계를 활용한 단기 동적변위 산정기법을 소개한다. 본 기법에서 변위는 측정된 가속도와 속도 데이터를 칼만필터 기반 실시간 융합 알고리즘에 적용하여 추정된다. 기존 변위센서(LVDT, LDV, Vision 등)는 고정된 지지점과 설치를 위해 별도의 가설물을 필요로 했기 때문에 지진 발생 시나 해상교량 적용에 한계가 있었다. 또한 Laser/Vision 기반 센서의 경우 시야확보가 어려운 경우 활용이 제한된다. 본 기법에서는 부착식 센서인 가속도계와 속도계를 활용하기 때문에, 고정된 지지점이 필요 없을뿐더러 부착만 되면 시야확보 여부로부터 자유롭다. 따라서, 지진, 해상교량뿐만 아니라 화재 시에도 적용 가능하다. 변위추정을 위해 누적되는 가속도의 이중적분 오차는 속도 계측치로 보정되며, 실험실 규모 테스트를 통해 해당 기법을 검증하였다.

저가의 머신 비전 카메라를 이용한 2차원 진동의 측정 및 교정 (Measurement of two-dimensional vibration and calibration using the low-cost machine vision camera)

  • 김서우;이정권
    • 한국음향학회지
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2018
  • 현존하는 진동 측정 센서는 정밀도 면에서는 대부분의 진동을 측정하기에 충분하나, 센서 한 개로 하나의 지점이나 방향에 한정하여 측정할 수밖에 없다는 단점을 갖고 있다. 반면 카메라의 경우, 정밀도나 측정 가능한 주파수 영역의 면에서는 다소 불리하지만, 한 번에 광범위한 영역의 진동을 측정할 수 있고 가격 면에서 유리하며 다자유도의 진동을 동시에 측정할 수 있다는 큰 장점을 갖고 있다. 본 연구에서는 저가의 머신 비전 카메라가 진동 측정 센서로서 어느 정도의 오차 범위 내에서 진동을 측정할 수 있는지 알아본 후, 실제 외팔보의 진동을 측정하였다. 카메라의 2차원 평면 이미지는 두 방향의 직선 운동과 한 방향의 회전 운동을 나타낼 수 있다. 먼저 단일 점의 진동을 카메라로 측정하고, LDV(Laser Doppler Vibrometer) 측정을 기준으로 한 카메라 측정의 오차를 실험적으로 교정하였다. 다음으로 다중점의 진동을 한 번에 측정하여 회전 진동과 외팔보 전체 형상의 진동을 측정하였다. 외팔보 전체 형상 진동은 주파수와 시간 영역 모두에 대하여 분석하였다.

시간평균 ESPI를 이용한 디스크 브레이크의 진동 모드 측정에 관한 연구 (A Study on Vibration mode Shape Measurement of Disk brake by Using Time-Averaged ESPI)

  • 김동우
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 1999
  • Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry(ESPI) is a powerful tool to measure the vibration mode shape and resonance frequency for modal analysis. As for ESPI this method is very suited for full-field measurement of objects in industrial areas because the interferograms are recorded with a video camera and evaluated in real-time with a computer. In this study We performed experiments at the same constraint conditions as disk brake of the practical vehicle as far as possible and obtained the resonance frequencies and vibration mode shapes by using time-averaged ESPI at once. Finally to assure the expetimental results by time-averaged ESPI we also compare those with results obtained by Laser Doppler Vibrometer and obtained good agreement.

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