• Title/Summary/Keyword: LANDSLIDE

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Soil Depth Estimation and Prediction Model Correction for Mountain Slopes Using a Seismic Survey (탄성파 탐사를 활용한 산지사면 토심 추정 및 예측모델 보정)

  • Taeho Bong;Sangjun Im;Jung Il Seo;Dongyeob Kim;Joon Heo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.3
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    • pp.340-351
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    • 2023
  • Landslides are major natural geological hazards that cause enormous property damage and human casualties annually. The vulnerability of mountainous areas to landslides is further exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. Soil depth is a crucial parameter in landslide and debris flow analysis, and plays an important role in the evaluation of watershed hydrological processes that affect slope stability. An accurate method of estimating soil depth is to directly investigate the soil strata in the field. However, this requires significant amounts of time and money; thus, numerous models for predicting soil depth have been proposed. However, they still have limitations in terms of practicality and accuracy. In this study, 71 seismic survey results were collected from domestic mountainous areas to estimate soil depth on hill slopes. Soil depth was estimated on the basis of a shear wave velocity of 700 m/s, and a database was established for slope angle, elevation, and soil depth. Consequently, the statistical characteristics of soil depth were analyzed, and the correlations between slope angle and soil depth, and between elevation and soil depth were investigated. Moreover, various soil depth prediction models based on slope angle were investigated, and corrected linear and exponential soil depth prediction models were proposed.

Comparison of Effective Soil Depth Classification Methods Using Topographic Information (지형정보를 이용한 유효토심 분류방법비교)

  • Byung-Soo Kim;Ju-Sung Choi;Ja-Kyung Lee;Na-Young Jung;Tae-Hyung Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2023
  • Research on the causes of landslides and prediction of vulnerable areas is being conducted globally. This study aims to predict the effective soil depth, a critical element in analyzing and forecasting landslide disasters, using topographic information. Topographic data from various institutions were collected and assigned as attribute information to a 100 m × 100 m grid, which was then reduced through data grading. The study predicted effective soil depth for two cases: three depths (shallow, normal, deep) and five depths (very shallow, shallow, normal, deep, very deep). Three classification models, including K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, and Deep Artificial Neural Network, were used, and their performance was evaluated by calculating accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Results showed that the performance was in the high 50% to early 70% range, with the accuracy of the three classification criteria being about 5% higher than the five criteria. Although the grading criteria and classification model's performance presented in this study are still insufficient, the application of the classification model is possible in predicting the effective soil depth. This study suggests the possibility of predicting more reliable values than the current effective soil depth, which assumes a large area uniformly.

GIS-based Debris Flow Risk Assessment (GIS 기반 토석류 위험도 평가)

  • Lee, Hanna;Kim, Gihong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2023
  • As heavy precipitation rates have increased due to climate change, the risk of landslides has also become greater. Studies in the field of disaster risk assessment predominantly focus on evaluating intrinsic importance represented by the use or role of facilities. This work, however, focused on evaluating risks according to the external conditions of facilities, which were presented via debris flow simulation. A random walk model (RWM) was partially improved and used for the debris flow simulation. The existing RWM algorithm contained the problem of the simulation results being overly concentrated on the maximum slope line. To improve the model, the center cell height was adjusted and the inertia application method was modified. Facility information was collected from a digital topographic map layer. The risk level of each object was evaluated by combining the simulation result and the digital topographic map layer. A risk assessment technique suitable for the polygon and polyline layers was applied, respectively. Finally, by combining the evaluated risk with the attribute table of the layer, a system was prepared that could create a list of objects expected to be damaged, derive various statistics, and express the risk of each facility on a map. In short, we used an easy-to-understand simulation algorithm and proposed a technique to express detailed risk information on a map. This work will aid in the user-friendly development of a debris flow risk assessment system.

National Disaster Management, Investigation, and Analysis Using RS/GIS Data Fusion (RS/GIS 자료융합을 통한 국가 재난관리 및 조사·분석)

  • Seongsam Kim;Jaewook Suk;Dalgeun Lee;Junwoo Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_2
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    • pp.743-754
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    • 2023
  • The global occurrence of myriad natural disasters and incidents, catalyzed by climate change and extreme meteorological conditions, has engendered substantial human and material losses. International organizations such as the International Charter have established an enduring collaborative framework for real-time coordination to provide high-resolution satellite imagery and geospatial information. These resources are instrumental in the management of large-scale disaster scenarios and the expeditious execution of recovery operations. At the national level, the operational deployment of advanced National Earth Observation Satellites, controlled by National Geographic Information Institute, has not only catalyzed the advancement of geospatial data but has also contributed to the provisioning of damage analysis data for significant domestic and international disaster events. This special edition of the National Disaster Management Research Institute delineates the contemporary landscape of major disaster incidents in the year 2023 and elucidates the strategic blueprint of the government's national disaster safety system reform. Additionally, it encapsulates the most recent research accomplishments in the domains of artificial satellite systems, information and communication technology, and spatial information utilization, which are paramount in the institution's disaster situation management and analysis efforts. Furthermore, the publication encompasses the most recent research findings relevant to data collection, processing, and analysis pertaining to disaster cause and damage extent. These findings are especially pertinent to the institute's on-site investigation initiatives and are informed by cutting-edge technologies, including drone-based mapping and LiDAR observation, as evidenced by a case study involving the 2023 landslide damage resulting from concentrated heavy rainfall.

Assessing the Applicability of Hysteresis Indices for the Interpretation of Suspended Sediment Dynamics in a Forested Catchment (산림유역의 부유토사 동태 해석을 위한 이력현상 지수의 적용성 평가)

  • Ki-Dae Kim;Su-Jin Jang;Soo-Youn Nam;Jae-Uk Lee;Suk-Woo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.178-188
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    • 2024
  • The dynamics of suspended sediment (SS) in forested catchments vary depending upon human or natural disturbances, including land use change, forestry activity, forest fires, and landslides. Understanding the dynamics of SS originating from the potential sources within a forested catchment is crucial for establishing an effective water quality management strategy. Therefore, to suggest a systematic method for interpreting SS dynamics, we evaluated the performance and applicability of ten methods for calculating the hysteresis index based on observed hydrological data and two calculation models (Lawler's method and Lloyd's method) with five sampling intervals (50th, 25th, 10th, 5th, and 1st percentiles). Our results showed that Lloyd's method, which used a sampling interval at the 1st percentile, had the largest number of analyzable runoff events and exhibited the best performance. The results of this study can contribute to quantifying the hysteresis in the relationship between discharge and SS and provide useful information for interpreting SS dynamics.

A Simulation of a Small Mountainous Chachment in Gyeoungbuk Using the RAMMS Model (RAMMS 모형을 이용한 경북 소규모 산지 유역의 토석류 모의)

  • Hyung-Joon Chang;Ho-Jin Lee;Seong-Goo Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, mountainous areas cover 60% of the land, leading to increased factors such as concentrated heavy rainfall and typhoons, which can result in debris flow and landslide. Despite the high risk of disasters like landslides and debris flow, there has been a tendency in most regions to focus more on post-damage recovery rather than preventing damage. Therefore, in this study, precise topographic data was constructed by conducting on-site surveys and drone measurements in areas where debris flow actually occurred, to analyze the risk zones for such events. The numerical analysis program RAMMS model was utilized to perform debris flow analysis on the areas prone to debris flow, and the actual distribution of debris flow was compared and analyzed to evaluate the applicability of the model. As a result, the debris flow generation area calculated by the RAMMS model was found to be 18% larger than the actual area, and the travel distance was estimated to be 10% smaller. However, the simulated shape of debris flow generation and the path of movement calculated by the model closely resembled the actual data. In the future, we aim to conduct additional research, including model verification suitable for domestic conditions and the selection of areas for damage prediction through debris flow analysis in unmeasured watersheds.

Estimation of Soil Depth Using Improved Topographic Attributes in Mountainous Area (개선된 지형학적 속성을 이용한 산악지역의 토심 예측)

  • Shin, Hosung;Bang, Eun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2024
  • Soil depth results from bedrock weathering, erosion, transport, and deposition are critical in landslide stability analysis and sediment-related disasters. This study proposes a soil depth prediction model for mountainous regions using multiple linear regression analysis based on topographic attributes. The specific catchment area (SCA), a key indicator in multiple regression models, was initially developed as a hydrological parameter for runoff estimation. However, for soil depth prediction, the initial triggering volume must be adjusted to account for slope failures based on the topographic slope. The SCA is calculated using the infinite flow direction model for flow tracing and the priority-flood algorithm for depression flattening. In addition, a modified contributing area equation is derived by incorporating slope-dependent initial triggering volume adjustments, thereby enabling the calculation of an improved SCA that is applicable to large mountainous regions. Analyses conducted in the Umyeonsan and Dongjak-gu areas of Seoul reveals that slope, topographic wetness index, and sediment transport index are suitable independent variables for soil depth prediction. The soil depth prediction equation derived from the multiple linear regression model exhibits no multicollinearity issues and demonstrates statistical significance. Residual analysis confirms that the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity are satisfied. The proposed soil depth prediction method is expected to be systematically applied to various regions in South Korea, thereby contributing to the development of a nationwide soil depth distribution map and supporting practical solutions for various issues, e.g., slope stability assessments in mountainous areas.

Research on Environmentally-Sound Erosion Control Works(II) -The Management and Guidelines of Riparian Zone in Japan- (환경(環境)과 조화한 사방사업(砂防事業)(II) -일본(日本)에 있어서 수변지역(水邊地域)의 관리(管理)와 지침(指針)-)

  • Chun, Kun-Woo;Kim, Kyoung-Nam;Seomun, Won;Yeom, Kyu-Jin;Ezaki, Tsugio
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.112-127
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    • 1998
  • A meeting for Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering took place, from May 20-21 in Sapporo, Japan, with the presentations of 21 special topics and 185 general papers. Special topics consists of 6 copies on volcanic disaster prevention, 6 copies on the activity report of Earthquake Erosion Control Engineering Society, 5 copies on the management and guidelines of riparian zone and 4 copies on debris disaster occurred in 1997. General papers consists of 10 copies on slope stability, 10 copies on slope failure, 9 copies on earthquake, 41 copies on environmental erosion control, 25 copies on debris flow, 11 copies on warning and refuge, 10 copies on erosion control plan, 11 copies on erosion control project, 10 copies on erosion control facility, 12 copies on volcanic erosion control, 4 copies on revegetation technology, 4 copies on forest hydrology, 4 copies on avalanche, 4 copies on landslide, 18 copies on debris flow and 2 other copies presented by international student. Among the special topics, 5 papers with the titles of the function and structure of riparian zone, the interactive relation of flood and riparian zone, the management method of channel and river forest for controlling debris flow, the forest restoration efforts by native population, the law and social issue for building river riparian zone were presented in the subsection of "The Management and Guidelines of Riparian Zone". Thus, this article summarize and introduce the presented contents which are very important and can be referred to keep environmentally sound-river in the erosion control field.

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Development and Application of the Slope Management Program in Urban Area (대도시 사면관리프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Su;Chae, Byung-Gon;Cho, Yong-Chan;Lee, Choon-Oh;Song, Young-Suk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.1 s.50
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2007
  • In general, the life and asset casualties that occur due to landslide or slope failure in urban areas are larger than that in rural areas. In order to reduce the casualties, a slope management program is necessary to categorize slopes based on properties and to manage them systematically. The slope management system is the establishment of the data base for the geological and geotechnical factor according to slope stability, and the utilization of the data base to manage slopes. The suitable system must develop to slopes in urban area through the survey, analysis and evaluation process. Based on the above necessity, the slope management program which is applicable to slope management in an urban area has been developed at Hwangryung Mt. in Busan as a target area. The developed slope management program has various functions such as slope ID number of each slope or sub-region of a mountain, making a slope data sheet, analysis and grouping of slope stability, and establishment of a data base. The slope management program is constructed by use of GIS, and the survey, test and analysis data according to all slopes can be input and edited into the program. The program can also be utilized practically by end users due to the convenient input, edition printing, management and operation of slope data. Therefore, the slope management system has been established on the application of the developed program in Busan which is located in slope area. As the system is widely applied to other cities, the slope in urban area can be managed systematically and the slope hazards can be minimized.

Geological Structure and Deformation History in the Gwangju area, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (경기도 광주시 일대의 지질구조와 변형사)

  • Lee Hee-Kwon;Kim Man-Kwang
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2005
  • Gyeonggi metamorphic complex in the Gwangju area include banded biotite gneiss and quartzofeldspathic gneiss. Detailed structural analysis suggests that structural elements in the study area were formed by at least five phase of deformations. Penetrative compositional foliations(S1) formed in the banded gneiss during the first metamorphism and deformation (D1). After intrusion of plutonic rocks, the second deformation (D2) produced S2 foliations in the banded gneiss and quartzofeldspathic gneiss during the second metamorphism. D3 structures are represented by isoclinal folds (F3) whose axial surfaces are parallel to S3 foliations. The N-S oriented shortening (D4) was accommodated by closed upright F4 fold with about 100m of axial surface separation. F4 fold is refolded by regional F5 folding resulting in different orientation and fold style of F4 fold according to the position of F5 fold. The F4 fold with tight interlimb angle is subparallel to the axial surface (north-south) of F5 fold in the core of the F5 fold. In contrast the F4 fold trends northeast in the western limb and northwest in the eastern limb of F5 fold. The interlimb angle is larger in the limbs than that in the core of F5 fold. The trace of foliations is constrained by mainly F4 and F5 folds. Joint fanning around fold is developed in the limbs of F5 fold and bc joints are dominant in the hinge area of F5 fold. A strike-slip fault had developed in tile central part of the study area after F5 folding. The orientation of joint and foliation is rotated anticlockwise about $15^{\circ}$ by the landslide occurred during the Quaternary.