• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean youth

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Weight Control Behaviors and Correlates in Korean Adolescents (한국 청소년의 체중조절행동 영향요인)

  • Oh, Doo-Nam;Kim, Eun-Man;Kim, Seonho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.218-228
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence rate and correlates of weight control behaviors among adolescents in Korea. We analyzed data on 37,472 adolescents aged 12-18 years from the 2011 7th Korea Youth Risk Behavior web-based Survey. The results of this study was as following. First, the prevalence rate of healthy, unhealthy and extreme weight control behaviors was significantly higher in girls than in boys. Second, in both genders, healthy and unhealthy weight control behaviors were more common among obese adolescents than non-obese adolescents. But, use of diet pills were not prescription by doctor was more common in underweight boys and obese girls than others. Third, gender, school, family affluence scale, mother's education level, body shape perception(BSP), weight status predicted prevalence rate of healthy weight control behaviors. Gender, school, region, father's education level, BSP predicted prevalence rate of unhealthy weight control behaviors. Gender, school, BSP, weight status predicted prevalence rate of extreme weight control behaviors. These findings suggest the needs to design appropriate prevention program that can induce healthy weight control behaviors.

Anti-stress Effect during Long and Short-Term of Vitamin E in Mice (마우스에서 vitamin E의 장.단기적 항스트레스 효과)

  • Lee, Seung-Jin;Go, Min-Seok;Kang, Sang-Mo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.288-293
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    • 2008
  • This study was to evaluate the protective effect of vitamin E against long and short-term stress in ICR mice. Two groups which had been bred for 5 months (equivalent to human beings aged 20) were treated by immobilization stress for 8 weeks with or without vitamin E, and one out of two groups was continuously bred until they become 18 months old (equivalent to human senescence) with or without Vitamin E. Afterwards, the changes of serum and hepatic metabolites were investigated on the basis of the index of stress-related in vivo oxidative damage. As a result, it was found that stress increases serum triacylglycerol and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in the long and short-term, and decreases serum HDL-cholesterol. In addition, stress concerned the decrease of total antioxidant status (TAS) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) as well as the increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) in liver. These results suggest that stress in one’s youth causes negative results in TG, HDL-cholesterol, AST, TAS, SOD and MDA measured in one’s senescent. The administration of vitamin E in the stressed mice decreases serum TG and AST that are increased by stress, and exerts influence on the increase of serum HDL-cholesterol. Also vitamin E recovered the values of liver TAS, SOD and MDA in the stressed mice. In conclusion, vitamin E represented protective effect in the stressed mice to some degree.

Market Growth, Competition, and Distribution Structure in Major Cities of the East Sea Rim (환동해지역 거점도시에서의 시장성장과 경쟁 및 유통구조: 후쿠오카, 울산 및 옌지의 시장을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This is a comparative study of the market development and characteristics of Ulsan in South Korea, Fukuoka in Japan, and Yanji in China, which are major East Sea Rim cities with adjacent areas of similar natural characteristics of the sea and the country. Particularly, it considers these aspects while focusing on the evolution of networks that appear in the distribution system and at the same time examining the institutions of market activation and regulations that are handled by the central and the local government and the changing logistics due to the development of transportation and the concern of food safety, using a meso-analysis approach. Research design, data, and methodology - The study used a historical and comparative approach with a focus on case studies. It made use of various materials such as local newspaper articles, reports, literature, interviews with experts, discussions with local merchants, discussions with customers, and so forth. Results - In the case of Fukuoka, from the 1960s, due to the entry of supermarkets, supermarkets expanded and they have now come to a dominant market position in the current market. They offer a convenient and comfortable environment while providing a large mall offering a variety of educational and cultural activities for customers to meet the customers' needs, such as the preferences of Korean tourists, who appear to prefer Japanese foods. The Fukuoka City Central Wholesale Market has been exporting fruits and vegetables as well as seafood products to Korea, China, and so forth. In the case of Ulsan, as in the early 2000s, due to the expansion of supermarkets, the traditional markets have been shrinking and further, the modernization of traditional markets was conducted under the auspices of the Small Business Administration. In addition to the large discount malls, the expansion of SSM is expected to further drive the small trader bay. Shopping malls, department stores, and traditional markets contend with each other in Yanji, China, but a large number of citizens appear to prefer traditional markets and imported milk in the supermarket after the melamine scandal in China. Recently, the WanYuan (萬源) wholesale market has been partially completed and made an attempt to become a logistics hub in Northeast Asia. Conclusions - For the development of Korea's retail industry, it is important to offer the government with proposals regarding desired regulation. On the other hand, in order to enable the business of traditional markets, it requires an association for cultural tourism. At present, it would be better to provide a venture fund for the youth rather than infrastructure support. This study emphasizes the importance of institutions and policy to develop networks in the East Sea Rim. Future studies should conduct a survey on customers, managers, and merchants more carefully and systematically to understand the market situation while considering the size of the city and its evolution of markets, as well as policies and institutions.

Trajectories of Mothers' Perceived Marital Conflict and its Relationship to Depression and Children' School Readiness, Self-esteem, and Happiness (어머니가 지각한 부부갈등 변화 양상에 따른 우울 및 자녀의 학교준비도, 자아존중감, 행복감 차이)

  • Yeon, Eun Mo;Choi, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.344-352
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the latent classes in the changing patterns of marital conflict perceived by mothers to explore its relationship with the changing patterns of mothers' depression, school readiness, self-esteem, and happiness of their children five years after their birth. A total of 1,243 responses from the 1st (2008) to 5th (2012) and 7th (2014) to 10th (2017) Korean Child and Youth Panel Study(KCYPS) were analyzed by Latent Growth Modeling (LGM) and Growth Mixture Analysis (GMA). The results were as follows. First, three changing patterns in the mothers' perceived marital conflict groups were identified: low-low changing, average-uptrend, and high-unchanging group. Second, an increasing pattern of depression was found from mothers of high-unchanging group over five years. Third, school readiness for their children was differentiated according to the latent classes. In particular, children from the low-low changing group showed higher readiness as well as self-esteem and happiness. Fourth, children from mothers of the low-low changing group showed high self-esteem and happiness in lower grades in elementary school. The results of this study suggest that the mothers' perceived marital conflict had an influence on themselves as well as their children's school related behaviors. Suggestions for an intervention program to resolve marital conflict are also discussed.

Health and risk taking behaviors of freshmen in college (대학교 신입생들의 건강위험행태)

  • Ko, Hong Ki;Han, Jae Joon;Lee, Yoon;Yoo, Young;Lee, Kee Hyoung;Choung, Ji Tae;Park, Sang Hee
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.10
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    • pp.1042-1049
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to survey the preliminary data on risk behaviors and to identify the factors that prevent risk-behaviors in late adolescence. Methods : Freshmen(n=1,297) beginning the first semester in Korea University, Seoul, Korea completed self-administered risk behavior questionnaires, comprising 5 domains : demographics, smoking, drinking, drug abuse and sexual behavior. Results : The rate of smoking experience was higher in people having friends who smoke and the predictors of transition to current smoking were male gender, urban residence, friends' smoking, and nicotine dependence. The rate of high risk drinking was higher among students who are male and who had experience of heavy episodic drinking. The study group showed a low prevalence of narcotic users, but two-thirds of students could get medicine easily without prescriptions. The prevalence of sexual experience was 6.5 percent, and the sexual education was not a predictor of contraceptive behavior. The prevalence of homosexuality was 1.6 percent, and the rate of mostly heterosexuality was higher in female students. Conclusion : The main targets of youth health education should be campaigns aimed at atcessation of reinforcing risk behaviors and the development of a surveillance system for the prevention of chronic disease. These results can be used to find risk factors of health-risk behaviors among late adolescents.

Expression and Reader Cognition of Japanese Comics Character (일본 만화 캐릭터의 표정과 독자 인지)

  • Yoon, Jang-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.246-254
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    • 2007
  • As for comics and animation, the specific gravity came to become still larger in all the art fields together with the importance in various image media now which is useful and goes the time of the 21st century new media. Especially the demand of users to the vision culture which develops day by day, Sensitivity Engineering Department is trying to realize the necessity for a sensitivity design acutely together. The influence of the comics which have toxicity most also in Japanese culture in a geographical position like South Korea on it, and animation is the actual condition in the reason which has reached from youth universally to the layer for years, to be inquired systematic to a Korean comics language. This research was conducted as we thought sufficient study on various situations are required, and among them for the research of expressions of cartoons's characters, we've divided the expressions of characters that comes out in Japanese cartoons into categories of 'happiness, anger, sadness, pleasure' and 'fear, astonishment and dislike' and based on these categories, we've drawn out the minimum elements to express emotions in cartoon and prepared image-map by relating them with languages that express emotions of people and based on this, we've made a calculating tools on how our readers would recognize the expression languages. Samples of Japanese cartoons of which we've chosen for the purpose of drawing out the elements of expressions were limited to only published cartoons and we've made a foot steps for expression analysis of animation characters in the future.

A Study on the Selection Criteria of Media for the Textbook: Based on the Review of domestic and foreign Media Rating Systems (교과용도서 내 영상물 선정 기준 연구: 국내외 영상물 등급 제도를 중심으로)

  • Park, Yoo-shin;Rhee, Gyu-jeong;Sohn, Ji-hyun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.47
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    • pp.295-333
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    • 2017
  • This study is a basic study to prepare policies related to selecting media to be included in textbooks. Researchers looked at previous studies focusing on how media affect children's and adolescent's emotions according to their developmental stages. Researchers also wanted to identify how the media is related to student emotions, health, and educational effectiveness. The researchers then examined a wide range of domestic media review and rating criteria, and argued that it is necessary to institutionalize the rating system of media at national level policy level. Based on the previous discussion, the researchers made seven suggestions. First, it is necessary to specify media selection criteria in the guidelines for issuing textbooks at the national level. Second, guidelines are needed to help review the political neutrality and human rights aspects of the media for inclusion in textbooks. Third, media selection guidelines in textbooks should be detailed with reference to categories and age based criteria of domestic and foreign media rating system. Fourth, the media rating system should be applied flexibly if there is a clear educational purpose. Fifth, institutional support is needed for setting guidelines for media collection of textbooks. Sixth, media experts should participate in the whole process of textbook development. Seventh, educational programs should be implemented to support teachers to use self directed learning by using educational media in classroom instruction.

The Latent Class Analysis for adolescent's dependence on smartphone : Mediation Effects of self-determination in the Influence of neglect to adolescent's dependence on smartphone (청소년의 스마트폰의존 변화유형분석과 방임이 자기결정성을 매개로 스마트폰의존에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Keung-Eun;Yeum, Dong-Moon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.383-394
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed the latent profile for identifying the difference in the dependence on smartphone use among middle school students in the 1st grade using the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS). From the result of this study, first the latent class was separated according to the type of dependence on smartphone use. Class 1 included the students (from fifth grade in elementary school) whose level of reliance on smartphone use was low. Class 2 was selected as the group whose level of reliance on smartphone was high. Secondly, in comparing class 2 to class 1, it was found that the students who have a high probability of being in class 1 were those whose fathers are high achievers, have high early self-esteem and less age attachment. Thirdly, the students in class 1 had a higher sense of neglect than those in class 2. Furthermore, the self-determination of the students in class 2 mediated the effect of neglect on the adolescents' dependence on smartphone use both directly and indirectly.

The Present Situation and Expansion of the University Museum Public Education Program (대학박물관 사회교육프로그램 운영의 현황과 발전방향)

  • Yeo, Jung-Cheol
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    • no.68
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 2006
  • This paper is mainly deals and suggests about a brief history, an expansion and management of the pubic education program which is running by the university museum after careful analysis of the past and current public education program. There are 20 university museums which operate public education program inducing Seoul National University, Ehwa Women's University, Chungbuk National University and Yeungnam University, etc. Yeungnam University museum has been well running the public education program since l990. The public education program named museum university, museum class, culture class, that have been constantly changing and diversify the theme and education method. After careful analysis of the curriculum, it consists of the fields of archaeology, art history, folklore, anthropology, and modern arts. The programs are being held in the classroom and taking field trips to the related sites. Most of the lectures are given by the university professors and students are mainly mid-aged female. I found that the self evaluation and participant evaluation are insufficient for now. Education on demand program development is needed and also it is mandatory set up the curriculum opening committee. A good way to make the public education program is that to establish the sub-cormmitte talk group under KAUM and I feel keenly the necessity of the constant research on the public education program systematically. I guess it is worth to open a program for youth and weekend program for family.

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The Influence of Adolescence Abuse Experience to Suicide : Focusing on Policy Implications (청소년의 학대경험이 자살에 미치는 영향 - 정책적 시사점 도출을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Bo-Soon;Kim, Yong-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of family resilience in the relationship of abuse experience, self-esteem, family resilience, and suicide, and make suggestion for policies to improve family resilience to prevent suicide of the youth with abuse experience. For this, a survey was conducted with 600 people at middle and high schools in three districts in Jeollanamdo, and, except 53 copies, total 547 copies used. The scales used child abuse of Murray A. Straus (1979), suicide of Beck, Kovacs & Weissmen(1979), self-esteem of Coopersmith(1967), and family resilience of Boehm (2007). The results: First, 54.2% of experienced abuse, and, as for the suicide frequency based on abuse types, physical abuse scored high. Second, the regression analysis showed that abuse experience has a direct positive effect on suicide, and higher abuse experience led to more suicide. Also, abuse experience turned out to have indirect effect on suicide through self-esteem, which proves the mediated effect of self-esteem. Third, family resilience was proven to have mediated effect as abuse experience has a negative effect on suicide, and high self-esteem has a negative effect on suicide.