• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean world view

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WorldView-2 pan-sharpening by minimization of spectral distortion with least squares

  • Choi, Myung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.353-357
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    • 2011
  • Although the intensity-hue-saturation (IHS) method for pan-sharpening has a spectral distortion problem, it is a popular method in the remote sensing community and has been used as a standard procedure in many commercial packages due to its fast computing and easy implementation. Recently, IHS-like approaches have tried to overcome the spectral distortion problem inherited from the IHS method itself and yielded a good result. In this paper, a similar IHS-like method with least squares for WorldView-2 pan-sharpening is presented. In particular, unlike the previous methods with three or four-band multispectral images for pan-sharpening, six bands of WorldView-2 multispectral image located within the range of panchromatic spectral radiance responses are considered in order to reduce the spectral distortion during the merging process. As a result, the new approach provides a satisfactory result, both visually and quantitatively. Furthermore, this shows great value in spectral fidelity of WorldView-2 eight-band multispectral imagery.

A Study on the Methods of Environmental Design with the View of Holism (전일적(holistic) 관점에 의한 환경디자인 접근방법 고찰)

  • 이희정
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.71-74
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    • 1999
  • Mechanical world view was built by Newton and Decarte approximately 400 years ago. Modern Society has reached at the time for fundamental adjustment and in effect, the paradigm shift is now under way. The new paradigm is the holistic world view that considers the world as the integrated entirety rather than the unity of separated parts. The pluralistic phase which can be considered as general characteristics observed in the art, society and culture in the end of the 20th century is seen as the reflection of this new world view. the complementary relationship between traditionism and modernity and oriental intuitive, holistic approach and western rational analytical approach can be explained when the complementary relationship is recognized with holistic and integrated view. The holistic paradigm and integrated-artistic view are the new aesthetic value which can suggest an alternative for public art of environmental design.

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Estimation of the Available Green Roof Area using Geo-Spatial Data (공간정보를 이용한 옥상녹화 가용면적 추정)

  • Ahn, Ji-Yeon;Jung, Tae-Woong;Koo, Jee-hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this research are to estimate area of greenable roof and to monitor maintaining of green roofs using World-View 2 images. The contents of this research are development of World-View 2 application technologies for estimation of green roof area and development of monitoring and maintaining of green roofs using World-View 2 images. The available green roof areas in Gwangjin-gu Seoul, a case for this study, were estimated using digital maps and World-View 2 images. The available green roof area is approximately 12.17% ($2,153,700m^2$) of the total area, and the roof vegetation accounts for 0.46% ($80,660m^2$) of the total area. For verification of the extracted roof vegetation, Vworld 3D Desktop map service was applied. The study results may be used as a decision-making tool by the government and local governments in determining the feasibility of green roof projects. In addition, the project implementer may periodically monitor to see whether roof greening has maintained for efficient management of projects, and a vast amount of World-View 2 images may be regularly used before and after the projects to contribute to sharing of satellite images information.

A Study on the Characteristics of Korean Townscape in Perspective of the Oriental World View (동양적 세계관의 관점에서 본 한국도시경관의 특성)

  • 김한배;이규목
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 1994
  • It has been generally agreed that the city form especially in the preindustrial age resembled their own world view, either in the western or the eastern cultural sphere. So, we aimed to redefine the characteristics of oriental world views compared with the western one, in order to find the relative nature of the Korean townscapes. It is said that the both world views(of western and oriental) are composed of the contrastive binary concepts in common, but there seems to have been nearly contrary differences in these two world views. Wheareas the former was based on the passively segregational and oppositional dualism, the latter, on the dynamically harmonious and complementary dualism, called generally as 'Yin(陰) and Yang(陽)'. Thus, the oriental world view can be thought as the 'philosophy of the relationship', which aim to unify the dualism ultimately with the help of this relationship. So, we can assume a certain third and intermediate concept between these dual concepts of the world view, which can unify these two into the one holistic whole. And the focuses of the most traditional oriental philosophies were concentrated on this, so called, 'the third concept', namely Taoistic 'Tochu(道樞)', Buddhistic 'Kong(空)' or Confucian 'Chung(中)'. And this triple concept, including the third one, of the oriental world view revealed a more concrete form of the cosmological relationship, as the triple structure; 'Heaven(天), Earth(地), and Man(人)', in which the 'Man' is thought as the middle or the center of the world. In this manner, we could found this oriental 'triple world view' was revealed in the real topology of most places in the Korean traditional city and the whole townscape itself. So, in the scale of houses and the roads around them, we can construe the 'Maru(a central board-floored room)' and the 'Madang(a inner court)' as the 'third and intermediate space(中)' between the interior space(陰) and exterior space(陽) in the former, and between the private house(陰) and the public residential road(陽) in the former case, and between the dual parts(陰,陽) of the city representing the contrary social classes and the contrastive visual landscapes. So, we insist that this 'triple world view' represented in the townscape can be one of the most important characteristics of Korean traditional townscape. And this third intermediate spaces, which generate the active social contact and the harmonious relationship among the people, can be the most important cues, as the central places, in the interpretation of the Korean townscapes even in contemporary circumstance, which inherits its spatial and social frame more or less from the preceding one.

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Accuracy Investigation of RPC-based Block Adjustment Using High Resolution Satellite Images GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 (고해상도 위성영상 GeoEye-1과 WorldView-2의 RPC 블록조정모델 정확도 분석)

  • Choi, Sun-Yong;Kang, Jun-Mook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2012
  • We investigated the accuracy in three dimensional geo-positioning derived by four high resolution satellite images acquired by two different sensors using the vendor-provided rational polynomial coefficients(RPC) based block adjustment in this research. We used two in-track stereo pairs of GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 satellite and DGPS surveying data. In this experiment, we analyzed accuracies of RPC block adjustment models of two kinds of homogeneous stereo pairs, four kinds of heterogeneous stereo pairs, three 3 triplet image pairs, and one quadruplet image pair separately. The result shows that the accuracies of the models are nearly same. The accuracy without any GCPs reaches about CEP(90) 2.3m and LEP(90) 2.5m and the accuracy with single GCP is about CEP(90) 0.3m and LEP(90) 0.5m.

Aesthetic Characteristics of Korean and Japanese Women's Traditional Costumes from the Viewpoint of Oriental Aesthetics -Focusing on the late Joseon Period of Korea and the Edo Period of Japan- (동양 미학적 관점에 의한 한, 일 여성 전통 복식의 미적 특성 고찰 -조선 후기와 에도(강호(江戶))시대 여성복식을 중심으로-)

  • Lee Jin-Min;Kim Min-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.56 no.5 s.104
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    • pp.132-149
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the theoretical view for the analysis of the aesthetic characteristics of dress from the viewpoint of oriental aesthetics. Also, this study examined the universality and particularity of aesthetic characteristics in Korean and Japanese women's traditional costumes. To establish the theoretical view for the aesthetic analysis of dress from the viewpoint of oriental aesthetics, this study examined the relationship between the internal spirit of human, culture and the external form of dress. Based on this consideration, the viewpoints for the analysis of dress formation were the 'Form' as the basic structure of the external formation of dress and 'the Ornamentation' as the emphasis of the artistic characteristics of dress. The common world view shared by Korea and Japan holds the thinking system that everything is created from 'not to bee(無)' to 'being(有)'. This view emphasizes the totality and circulation of energy called 'Ki(氣)'. According to this view, oriental culture has been developed by intuition and pleasure called 'Heung(興)'. Therefore, the form of the oriental culture includes ambiguity and emphasizes the total harmony. These characteristics appeared in dress as the design of ambiguity, asymmetry and concealment. The meaning of the ornamentation in oriental world was the unified harmony of diversity and the colors and patterns of oriental dress were used by the symbolic meaning of Yin-Yang & Wu-Shing (陰陽五行)s principles. On the basis of the world view of the Ki, Korean and Japanese women's traditional costumes commonly shared the aesthetic values of concealment, emptiness, and symbolism. Also, their costumes expressed the difference, especially in the ornamentation. Korean costume expressed the beauty of simplicity and naivety, and Japanese costume expressed the beauty of ornamentation and nonornamentatIon.

A Study on the Leading Trends in Contemporary Public Design Analyzed in the Context of Main Social & Cultural Paradigms (현대의 사회.문화적 패러다임 변화와 연관된 공공디자인의 신경향 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeongmin
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 2012
  • 21st century has different characters from 20th century which was an era of machine and rationality based on the industrial revolution. With the advent of the digital revolution, it became an era of pluralism, culture, and emotion. The digital technology made it possible to connect the whole world together in real time and brought about the entirely new notion of time and space. It also dramatically altered the world view. Now we have a different set of social and cultural values from the past. This paper researched the influences of these social and cultural changes on public designs. The leading trends of public designs were analyzed and the successful cases were studied. The main research methodologies were the document review and the instrumental case study. The major social & cultural paradigms of a present era were classified as 'pluralism', 'digital & information revolution', 'human-centered value (against machine-centered value of 20th century)', and 'organic world view'. Each of the classified paradigms was analyzed more to find out the influences on the various trends of public designs. 'Pluralism' has influence on 'experiential public design', 'community art', and 'public design of local values'. 'Digital & information revolution' has influence on 'content-centered public design', 'smart public design', 'immaterial public design', and 'performance in public design'. 'Human-centered value' has influence on 'universal design approach in public design', and 'emotional public design'. 'Organic world view' has influence on 'sustainable public design', and 'ecological public design'.

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Koreans' Traditional View on Death (한국인의 전통 죽음관)

  • Kwon, Ivo
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2013
  • Koreans' traditional view on death has been much influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and shamanism since ancient times. Confucianism emphasizes the importance of the real life in this world and highly praises doing good deeds for the family and the community. It also praises people who are enlightened by education and self-discipline. Confucian scholars admit that death cannot be understood by rational thinking although it is unavoidable as a cosmic order. Taoism sees life as the same entity as death; Both are two different aspects of the same cosmos or the wholeness. However, the disciples of Taoism became much interested in a long life and well being that may be achieved by harmonizing with the cosmic order. Buddhism thinks that death and life are an "illusion". It says that people can be enlightened by recognizing the fact that "Nothing is born and nothing is dying in this world. Everything is the product of your mind occupied with false belief." However, secular Buddhists believe in the afterlife and metempsychosis of the soul. This belief is sometimes connected with the view of the traditional shamanism. Shamanism dichotomizes the world between "this world" and "that world". After death, the person's soul travels to "that world", where it may influence life of people who reside in "this world". And shamans who are spiritual beings living in "this world" mediate souls and living people. In conclusion, there are various views and beliefs regarding death, which are influenced by a number of religions and philosophies. They should be seriously considered when making a medical decision regarding the end of patients' life.

A Study On The Life View of The Theory of Yin Yang Wu Xing in The Nei Ching (『횡제내경』 음양오행의론에 나타난 생명관 초탐)

  • Won Jong Sil;Kum Kyung Su
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1270-1274
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    • 2004
  • In the Nei Ching. the interrelation of Yin and Yang within the human body. based upon a perfect balance and a perfect mutual control. The affinity of Yin and Yang to each other was held to have a decisive influence upon man's health. Perfect harmony between the two primogenial elements meant health. Disharmony or undue preponderance of one element brought disease and death. The interrelation of Yin and Yang in the Nei Ching, had the organic view of the life. The world view of the harmony and balance in Nei Ching shows a unified world view that is symmetrical and in equibrilium in unity and conflict of opposite elements instead of combining with the closely related elements, namely, it is a fact that the life principle of the theory of Yin and Yang in Nei Ching is not the object of the killing and destroying for unity and conflict of opposite elements but the life cycle and life rule for the purpose of achieving the world of harmony, coexistence, and engendering via check and balance as well as confrontation between the opposite elements. In Nei Ching, like this, in the case where all of the antagonistic elements including the antagonism between You and Me, Yin and Yang affirm and tolerate each other, the organic view of the life in which the life of You and Me and the macrocosm is able to be maintained is suggested to the human being at a whole crisis.

Effect of Field of View on Egocentric Distance Perception in Real and Virtual Environment (현실과 가상현실에서 시야각이 자기중심적 거리지각에 미치는 영향)

  • Jin, Seungjae;Kim, Shinwoo;Li, Hyung-Chul O.
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of the research was to examine the effect of field of view on egocentric distance perception in the real and virtual environment. The replica that mimicked the real environment condition was used to create the virtual environment condition. We manipulated field of view levels equally in both viewing conditions using glasses that limit the field of view in real-world conditions and limiting the field of view in virtual-world conditions in a manner equivalent to real-world conditions via HMD. Eighteen participants observed the target with a limited field of view in a real and virtual environment without head movement. Then, we measured perceived distance using the timed imagined walking method, which measures the time taken by each participant to mentally walk to the target. The target was shown three times at three different distances from the participants: 3, 4, and 5 m. For the analysis, we converted time estimates into distance estimates. Consequently, the estimated distance in the virtual environment condition was less than the estimated distance in the real environment condition. And as the field of view shrank, the estimated distance also decreased. The estimated distance did not vary with field of view levels in real-world conditions. In the virtual environment, the estimated distance decreased as the field of view decreased, whereas in the real environment, the estimated distance increased. The implications of the results and some future research directions are discussed below.