• 제목/요약/키워드: Korean water

검색결과 67,878건 처리시간 0.071초

도수관로 실시간 관파손감지를 위한 물수지 분석 방법 적용 및 성능평가 (Application and performance evaluation of mass balance method for real-time pipe burst detection in supply pipeline)

  • 신은허;정기문;김경필;최태호;채선하;조용우
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제37권6호
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    • pp.347-361
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    • 2023
  • Water utilities are making various efforts to reduce water losses from water networks, and an essential part of them is to recognize the moment when a pipe burst occurs during operation quickly. Several physics-based methods and data-driven analysis are applied using real-time flow and pressure data measured through a SCADA system or smart meters, and methodologies based on machining learning are currently widely studied. Water utilities should apply various approaches together to increase pipe burst detection. The most intuitive and explainable water balance method and its procedure were presented in this study, and the applicability and detection performance were evaluated by applying this approach to water supply pipelines. Based on these results, water utilities can establish a mass balance-based pipe burst detection system, give a guideline for installing new flow meters, and set the detection parameters with expected performance. The performance of the water balance analysis method is affected by the water network operation conditions, the characteristics of the installed flow meter, and event data, so there is a limit to the general use of the results in all sites. Therefore, water utilities should accumulate experience by applying the water balance method in more fields.

공기주입과 스와빙 피그를 이용한 상수관로 세척 효과 평가 (An assessment of the effect of air scouring and swabbing pig cleaning technique on water distribution pipes)

  • 배철호;이두진;최두용;전홍진;박세현;최태호
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2015
  • Deposits discharged through the cleaning mainly were cement mortar, bitumen paintings and rust pieces, and fragments of perforation, stones and gravels. Deposits were more removed through swabbing pig cleaning rather than air scouring cleaning on the whole. However, air scouring cleaning were not influenced by the constraint conditions such as a change in the diameter or the presence of the valve in water mains compare to swabbing pig cleaning. So, it was thought that air scouring cleaning might be more favorable to water distribution network cleaning in the future. After the cleaning, water quality including residual chlorine and turbidity also was improved because of the removal of a significant amount of the deposits. Therefore, if the cleaning is continuously and regularly implemented in water mains, it is expected that it will help to recover the reliability and to preserve the health of water quality.

상수도관망에서 대수용가의 유량변화에 따른 수압 및 탁도발생 영향평가 (Impact assessment for water pressure and turbidity occurrence by changes in water flow rate of large consumer at water distribution networks)

  • 최두용;김주환;최민아;김도환
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2014
  • Water discolouration and increased turbidity in the local water service distribution network occurred from hydraulic incidents such as drastic changes of flow and pressure at large consumer. Hydraulic incidents impose extra shear stresses on sediment layers in the network, leading to particle resuspension. Therefore, real time measuring instruments were installed for monitoring the variation of water flow, pressure, turbidity and particulates on a hydrant in front of the inlet point of large apartment complex. In this study, it is attempted to establish a more stable water supply plan and to reduce complaints from customers about water quality in a district metering area. To reduce red or black water, the water flow monitoring and control systems are desperately needed in the point of the larger consumers.

기간별 저수 관리를 통한 소규모 댐의 밭 관개용수 확보 (Securement of Upland Irrigation Water in Small Dams through Periodical Management of Storage Level)

  • 김선주;이주용;김필식
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study is securement of upland irrigation water using storage level management of small dams. However, it is not new development of water resources but securement of water using storage level management of existing dam. This study has enhanced the water utilization coefficient of dam, after extra available water had been calculated by application of periodical management storage level and this water is used to other water like the upland irrigation water demand. As the result of application, it can secure extra available water except the water requirement. Minimum extra available water except flood is about $20,000,000\;m^3$ and crop irrigation water demand of 10yr frequency is about $2,033,000\;m^3$ in Seongju. The utilization of crop irrigation water can be possible. And extra available water is about $3,102,000\;m^3$ in 2000, $1,959,000\;m^3$ in 2001 except flood period and crop irrigation water demand of 10yr frequency is about $2,272,000\;m^3$ in Donghwa. It is judged that extra available water cannot be used to crop irrigation water during the dry season in Dongwha. Consequently, when management storage level is determined and more efficient use of water is gotten like this study, water utilization coefficient will be enhanced.

국내 비상용수 확보량 산정 방법론에 관한 연구 (Establishment of Methodology for Estimating an Emergency Water)

  • 이태국;채선하;김성수;서인석;김정현;박노석
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.361-372
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    • 2012
  • In order to establish the methodology for estimating an emergency drinking water supply in Korea, overseas cases and accidents history of cutting off water supply were investigated, and questionnaire was conducted. Investigating accidents history of cutting off water supply in Korea, actual cutting off times of most cases were less than 13hours. Also, cases related with water quality and facility failure have been not enough to derive useful information for estimating an emergency water. From the results of questionnaire and cross-tabulation analysis, about 1,066 lpcd(liter per capita${\cdot}$day) as an emergency water and 14 days as tolerable outages time could be estimated. The results of water quality simulation could tell us that it might take 5-16 days for pollutant matter to travel from 15 contamination points to source water intake point in the selected reservoir(D-dam). This travel time was in good accordance with the estimated tolerable outage time, 14days.

상수원 관망 부식 제어를 위한 부식성 수질 관리: 북미지역 관리 사례 및 국외 현황 (The Regulations and Guidelines for Management of Corrosive Water and Pipe Corrosion in Drinking Water Distribution System in North America)

  • 김민희;현승훈;이원석
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2017
  • Water distribution systems supply drinking water to consumers' taps. Internal corrosion of metallic pipe used in drinking water distribution systems has reduced water quality and led to increased levels of toxic heavy metals such as lead, copper and nickel. These problems have been experienced to varying degrees by water utilities in many countries. North America has successfully managed and controlled pipe corrosion and corrosive water in water distribution system based on various policies, regulations and rules. Practical and engineering guidelines for evaluation of pipe corrosion and determination of treatment options are also provided to assist drinking water supplies. In addition, the corrosion mechanism in water distribution systems, such as the complex effects of physical and chemical parameters on the corrosion pipes has been improved to accurately predict corrosion rates of metallic pipes in actual water distribution systems. This paper reviews various regulations, policy statement, and treatment produces on controlling corrosion in drinking water distribution systems in US and Canada and then offers suggestion for management of corrosive water and pipe corrosion in drinking water distribution system in Korea.

상하수도 미래비젼과 대한상하수도학회의 역할 (Future vision of the Korean society of water and wastewater in water sector)

  • 김건하;현인환
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제32권6호
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    • pp.551-557
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    • 2018
  • Since its foundation in September 1986, the Korean Society of Water and Wastewater has made a significant contribution to the water sector in Korea over the past 30 years. The 30th anniversary commemorative committee reviewed the establishment goal of the society and its development strategy for organization and present the "Future Vision of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater" for the next 30 years. The future vision of the society is defined as "Aiming for the healthy life and preservation of the environment through the development of water and wastewater technology and experience". Promotion strategies for implementing the future vision are as follows: 1. Leading water and wastewater technology, 2. Develop water and wastewater policy, 3. Strengthen water and wastewater capacity, 4. Reinforce institutional governance. The driving target to be achieved through the implementation strategy is "To lead the global standards of water and wastewater." We also presented national issue, policy issue, and technical issues in the water sector. Climate change, unified Korea, water safety, and national welfare were selected as national issues related to water and wastewater. This approach was taken from the perspective of policy consumers such as citizens, civil society, experts, and local government/industry. By presenting policy issues and technical issues that address national issues, authors have proposed a future policy direction for the Korean Water and Wastewater Society to make critical contributions to national development.

NGO가 바라본 수자원 정책 (Korea Water Resources Policy - from the viewpoint of Korean NGO's)

  • 김제남
    • 한국환경생태학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국환경생태학회 2003년도 추계학술논문발표회 논문집
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2003
  • It has been declared in 1992 at Rio about the management of united water control and method of the management of the water resources at the water basin. And it was also mentioned about the protection of fresh water's quality and it's supply under chapter the 18th of the agenda 21. It has been 10years passed after Rio declaration, and water crisis Is getting more serious than before. Fairly, right for using water resources was given to every life as the public resources. But at the last world water forum, water was commercialized, and regulated as the basic requirement not basic right. Therefore, we could use the water according to the logic of supply and demand at the market, and with money. Furthermore, construction of the big dam which was build to solve the problem of the lack of water became one of problems for water control. Korea is keeping consistent policy such as providing water by the building of dam. Control of the water demand is the most basic and effective policy for the preservation of water resources. If we change the policy such as the construction of the dam, we should put the management of the water demand in the center with the reliable philosophy. United management of the river basin has to be made with the security of water, improvement of water quality, and protection of the ecological side each other. Management of water basin also has to be completed to solve the trouble caused by using water conflict people who live up and down stream. To maintain the good quality of water, management of water basin is necessary. Also, bottom line of the united management of water basin is voluntary involvement of every citizens and local community. We suggest to preserve the origin of river and the upper at the ecological side. It is worth it to preserve.

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농업용수 수질측정망 자료 분석을 통한 농업용 호소의 수질관리방안 (Water Quality Management of Agricultural Lakes Through Analysis of Agricultural Water Quality Survey Network Data)

  • 김호일;김형중
    • 한국관개배수논문집
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2012
  • The data of the agricultural water quality survey network was analyzed between from 1990 to 2010 in order to propose effective plans for water quality management by analyzing the characteristics of agricultural lakes and the change of water quality. The result of the analysis shows that there is a correlation between water quality and items that can be a function of water depth such as dam height, dam length, dam height/dam length ratio and active storage/surface area of lake ratio. This means that, Korean agricultural lakes, there is a correlation between water quality and water depth. Water quality of the lakes that have lower than 5m of active storage/surface area of lake ratio (effective water depth) especially tends to get worse rapidly. The Chl-a and COD concentration of Korean agricultural lakes have a tendency to increase between June and September. Therefore, we recommend first taking a water quality improvement project for the lakes preformed watershed management project, and taking a preventive short-term water quality improvement project for the unperformed lakes before June among lakes that have lower than 5m of effective water depth.

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