• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean text classification

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Analyzing Students' Non-face-to-face Course Evaluation by Topic Modeling and Developing Deep Learning-based Classification Model (토픽 모델링 기반 비대면 강의평 분석 및 딥러닝 분류 모델 개발)

  • Han, Ji Yeong;Heo, Go Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.267-291
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    • 2021
  • Due to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 in 2020, there have been major changes in the education sites. Universities have fully introduced remote learning, which was considered as an auxiliary education, and non-face-to-face classes have become commonplace, and professors and students are making great efforts to adapt to the new educational environment. In order to improve the quality of non-face-to-face lectures amid these changes, it is necessary to study the factors affecting lecture satisfaction. Therefore, This paper presents a new methodology using big data to identify the factors affecting university lecture satisfaction changed before and after COVID-19. We use Topic Modeling method to analyze lecture reviews before and after COVID-19, and identify factors affecting lecture satisfaction. Through this, we suggest the direction for university education to move forward. In addition, we can identify the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of lectures from multiangle by establishing a topic classification model with an F1-score of 0.84 based on KoBERT, a deep learning language model, and further contribute to continuous qualitative improvement of lecture satisfaction.

Development of System for Enhancing the Quality of Power Generation Facilities Failure History Data Based on Explainable AI (XAI) (XAI 기반 발전설비 고장 기록 데이터 품질 향상 시스템 개발)

  • Kim Yu Rim;Park Jeong In;Park Dong Hyun;Kang Sung Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.479-493
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The deterioration in the quality of failure history data due to differences in interpretation of failures among workers at power plants and the lack of consistency in the way failures are recorded negatively impacts the efficient operation of power plants. The purpose of this study is to propose a system that classifies power generation facilities failures consistently based on the failure history text data created by the workers. Methods: This study utilizes data collected from three coal unloaders operated by Korea Midland Power Co., LTD, from 2012 to 2023. It classifies failures based on the results of Soft Voting, which incorporates the prediction probabilities derived from applying the predict_proba technique to four machine learning models: Random Forest, Logistic Regression, XGBoost, and SVM, along with scores obtained by constructing word dictionaries for each type of failure using LIME, one of the XAI (Explainable Artificial Intelligence) methods. Through this, failure classification system is proposed to improve the quality of power generation facilities failure history data. Results: The results of this study are as follows. When the power generation facilities failure classification system was applied to the failure history data of Continuous Ship Unloader, XGBoost showed the best performance with a Macro_F1 Score of 93%. When the system proposed in this study was applied, there was an increase of up to 0.17 in the Macro_F1 Score for Logistic Regression compared to when the model was applied alone. All four models used in this study, when the system was applied, showed equal or higher values in Accuracy and Macro_F1 Score than the single model alone. Conclusion: This study propose a failure classification system for power generation facilities to improve the quality of failure history data. This will contribute to cost reduction and stability of power generation facilities, as well as further improvement of power plant operation efficiency and stability.

An Investigation Into the Effects of AI-Based Chemistry I Class Using Classification Models (분류 모델을 활용한 AI 기반 화학 I 수업의 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Heesun Yang;Seonghyeok Ahn;Seung-Hyun Kim;Seong-Joo Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.68 no.3
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    • pp.160-175
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a Chemistry I class based on an artificial intelligence (AI) classification model. To achieve this, the research investigated the development and application of a class utilizing an AI classification model in Chemistry I classes conducted at D High School in Gyeongbuk during the first semester of 2023. After selecting the curriculum content and AI tools, and determining the curriculum-AI integration education model as well as AI hardware and software, we developed detailed activities for the program and applied them in actual classes. Following the implementation of the classes, it was confirmed that students' self-efficacy improved in three aspects: chemistry concept formation, AI value perception, and AI-based maker competency. Specifically, the chemistry classes based on text and image classification models had a positive impact on students' self-efficacy for chemistry concept formation, enhanced students' perception of AI value and interest, and contributed to improving students' AI and physical computing abilities. These results demonstrate the positive impact of the Chemistry I class based on an AI classification model on students, providing evidence of its utility in educational settings.

Implementation of Git's Commit Message Classification Model Using GPT-Linked Source Change Data

  • Ji-Hoon Choi;Jae-Woong Kim;Seong-Hyun Park
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.10
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2023
  • Git's commit messages manage the history of source changes during project progress or operation. By utilizing this historical data, project risks and project status can be identified, thereby reducing costs and improving time efficiency. A lot of research related to this is in progress, and among these research areas, there is research that classifies commit messages as a type of software maintenance. Among published studies, the maximum classification accuracy is reported to be 95%. In this paper, we began research with the purpose of utilizing solutions using the commit classification model, and conducted research to remove the limitation that the model with the highest accuracy among existing studies can only be applied to programs written in the JAVA language. To this end, we designed and implemented an additional step to standardize source change data into natural language using GPT. This text explains the process of extracting commit messages and source change data from Git, standardizing the source change data with GPT, and the learning process using the DistilBERT model. As a result of verification, an accuracy of 91% was measured. The proposed model was implemented and verified to ensure accuracy and to be able to classify without being dependent on a specific program. In the future, we plan to study a classification model using Bard and a management tool model helpful to the project using the proposed classification model.

Improved Bag of Visual Words Image Classification Using the Process of Feature, Color and Texture Information (특징, 색상 및 텍스처 정보의 가공을 이용한 Bag of Visual Words 이미지 자동 분류)

  • Park, Chan-hyeok;Kwon, Hyuk-shin;Kang, Seok-hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.79-82
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    • 2015
  • Bag of visual words(BoVW) is one of the image classification and retrieval methods, using feature point that automatical sorting and searching system by image feature vector of data base. The existing method using feature point shall search or classify the image that user unwanted. To solve this weakness, when comprise the words, include not only feature point but color information that express overall mood of image or texture information that express repeated pattern. It makes various searching possible. At the test, you could see the result compared between classified image using the words that have only feature point and another image that added color and texture information. New method leads to accuracy of 80~90%.

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A New Similarity Measure for Improving Ranking in QA Systems (질의응답시스템 응답순위 개선을 위한 새로운 유사도 계산방법)

  • Kim Myung-Gwan;Park Young-Tack
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.529-536
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    • 2004
  • The main idea of this paper is to combine position information in sentence and query type classification to make the documents ranking to query more accessible. First, the use of conceptual graphs for the representation of document contents In information retrieval is discussed. The method is based on well-known strategies of text comparison, such as Dice Coefficient, with position-based weighted term. Second, we introduce a method for learning query type classification that improves the ability to retrieve answers to questions from Question Answering system. Proposed methods employ naive bayes classification in machine learning fields. And, we used a collection of approximately 30,000 question-answer pairs for training, obtained from Frequently Asked Question(FAQ) files on various subjects. The evaluation on a set of queries from international TREC-9 question answering track shows that the method with machine learning outperforms the underline other systems in TREC-9 (0.29 for mean reciprocal rank and 55.1% for precision).

The Edge Computing System for the Detection of Water Usage Activities with Sound Classification (음향 기반 물 사용 활동 감지용 엣지 컴퓨팅 시스템)

  • Seung-Ho Hyun;Youngjoon Chee
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2023
  • Efforts to employ smart home sensors to monitor the indoor activities of elderly single residents have been made to assess the feasibility of a safe and healthy lifestyle. However, the bathroom remains an area of blind spot. In this study, we have developed and evaluated a new edge computer device that can automatically detect water usage activities in the bathroom and record the activity log on a cloud server. Three kinds of sound as flushing, showering, and washing using wash basin generated during water usage were recorded and cut into 1-second scenes. These sound clips were then converted into a 2-dimensional image using MEL-spectrogram. Sound data augmentation techniques were adopted to obtain better learning effect from smaller number of data sets. These techniques, some of which are applied in time domain and others in frequency domain, increased the number of training data set by 30 times. A deep learning model, called CRNN, combining Convolutional Neural Network and Recurrent Neural Network was employed. The edge device was implemented using Raspberry Pi 4 and was equipped with a condenser microphone and amplifier to run the pre-trained model in real-time. The detected activities were recorded as text-based activity logs on a Firebase server. Performance was evaluated in two bathrooms for the three water usage activities, resulting in an accuracy of 96.1% and 88.2%, and F1 Score of 96.1% and 87.8%, respectively. Most of the classification errors were observed in the water sound from washing. In conclusion, this system demonstrates the potential for use in recording the activities as a lifelog of elderly single residents to a cloud server over the long-term.

Classification of Security Checklist Items based on Machine Learning to Manage Security Checklists Efficiently (보안 점검 목록을 효율적으로 관리하기 위한 머신러닝 기반의 보안 점검 항목 분류)

  • Hyun Kyung Park;Hyo Beom Ahn
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2022
  • NIST in the United States has developed SCAP, a protocol that enables automated inspection and management of security vulnerability using existing standards such as CVE and CPE. SCAP operates by creating a checklist using the XCCDF and OVAL languages and running the prepared checklist with the SCAP tool such as the SCAP Workbench made by OpenSCAP to return the check result. SCAP checklist files for various operating systems are shared through the NCP community, and the checklist files include ID, title, description, and inspection method for each item. However, since the inspection items are simply listed in the order in which they are written, so it is necessary to classify and manage the items by type so that the security manager can systematically manage them using the SCAP checklist file. In this study, we propose a method of extracting the description of each inspection item from the SCAP checklist file written in OVAL language, classifying the categories through a machine learning model, and outputting the SCAP check results for each classified item.

Design of Artificial Intelligence Course for Humanities and Social Sciences Majors

  • KyungHee Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2023
  • This study propose to develop artificial intelligence liberal arts courses for college students in the humanities and social sciences majors using the entry artificial intelligence model. A group of experts in computer, artificial intelligence, and pedagogy was formed, and the final artificial intelligence liberal arts course was developed using previous research analysis and Delphi techniques. As a result of the study, the educational topics were largely composed of four categories: image classification, image recognition, text classification, and sound classification. The training consisted of 1) Understanding the principles of artificial intelligence, 2) Practice using the entry artificial intelligence model, 3) Identifying the Ethical Impact, and 4) Based on learned, team idea meeting to solve real-life problems. Through this course, understanding the principles of the core technology of artificial intelligence can be directly implemented through the entry artificial intelligence model, and furthermore, based on the experience of solving various real-life problems with artificial intelligence, and it can be expected to contribute positively to understanding technology, exploring the ethics needed in the artificial intelligence era.

On-line dynamic hand gesture recognition system for the korean sign language (KSL) (한글 수화용 동적 손 제스처의 실시간 인식 시스템의 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Sung;Lee, Chan-Su;Jang, Won;Bien, Zeungnam
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics C
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    • v.34C no.2
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 1997
  • Human-hand gestures have been used a means of communication among people for a long time, being interpreted as streams of tokens for a language. The signed language is a method of communication for hearing impaired person. Articulated gestures and postures of hands and fingers are commonly used for the signed language. This paper presents a system which recognizes the korean sign language (KSL) and translates the recognition results into a normal korean text and sound. A pair of data-gloves are used a sthe sensing device for detecting motions of hands and fingers. In this paper, we propose a dynamic gesture recognition mehtod by employing a fuzzy feature analysis method for efficient classification of hand motions, and applying a fuzzy min-max neural network to on-line pattern recognition.

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