• 제목/요약/키워드: Korean soil information system

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도시화에 따른 갑천유역의 지하 수문 특성 변화 분석

  • 김정곤;손경호;고익환
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2006년도 총회 및 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 2006
  • The main purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of urbanization on the groundwater system in the Gap river basin, a sub-basin of the Geum river basin. In this analysis, we constructed a water cycle analysis system using SWAT. Then, changes in soil moisture and recharge rate due to land-use changes were investigated using different land-use data estimated in 1975 and 2000. Simulation results were analyzed for both draught (2001) and flood (2003) years to take into account different hydrologic conditions. It was shown that recharge rate in the most urbanized area (31% change) was reduced by 17% for both periods due to urbanization. The results also indicated that soil moisture decrease due to urbanization was more sensitive in the drought year (2001) than in the flood year (2003), We expect that the results of this research can contribute to providing useful information for managing urban rivers considering river restoration and flood control.

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수리 모형을 이용한 Korea Land Data Assimilation System (KLDAS) 자료의 수문자료에 대한 영향력 분석 (Interactions between Soil Moisture and Weather Prediction in Rainfall-Runoff Application : Korea Land Data Assimilation System(KLDAS))

  • 정용;최민하
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국방재학회 2011년도 정기 학술발표대회
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    • pp.172-172
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    • 2011
  • The interaction between land surface and atmosphere is essentially affected by hydrometeorological variables including soil moisture. Accurate estimation of soil moisture at spatial and temporal scales is crucial to better understand its roles to the weather systems. The KLDAS(Korea Land Data Assimilation System) is a regional, specifically Korea peninsula land surface information systems. As other prior land data assimilation systems, this can provide initial soil field information which can be used in atmospheric simulations. For this study, as an enabling high-resolution tool, weather research and forecasting(WRF-ARW) model is applied to produce precipitation data using GFS(Global Forecast System) with GFS embedded and KLDAS soil moisture information as initialization data. WRF-ARW generates precipitation data for a specific region using different parameters in physics options. The produced precipitation data will be employed for simulations of Hydrological Models such as HEC(Hydrologic Engineering Center) - HMS(Hydrologic Modeling System) as predefined input data for selected regional water responses. The purpose of this study is to show the impact of a hydrometeorological variable such as soil moisture in KLDAS on hydrological consequences in Korea peninsula. The study region, Chongmi River Basin, is located in the center of Korea Peninsular. This has 60.8Km river length and 17.01% slope. This region mostly consists of farming field however the chosen study area placed in mountainous area. The length of river basin perimeter is 185Km and the average width of river is 9.53 meter with 676 meter highest elevation in this region. We have four different observation locations : Sulsung, Taepyung, Samjook, and Sangkeug observatoriesn, This watershed is selected as a tentative research location and continuously studied for getting hydrological effects from land surface information. Simulations for a real regional storm case(June 17~ June 25, 2006) are executed. WRF-ARW for this case study used WSM6 as a micro physics, Kain-Fritcsch Scheme for cumulus scheme, and YSU scheme for planetary boundary layer. The results of WRF simulations generate excellent precipitation data in terms of peak precipitation and date, and the pattern of daily precipitation for four locations. For Sankeug observatory, WRF overestimated precipitation approximately 100 mm/day on July 17, 2006. Taepyung and Samjook display that WRF produced either with KLDAS or with GFS embedded initial soil moisture data higher precipitation amounts compared to observation. Results and discussions in detail on accuracy of prediction using formerly mentioned manners are going to be presented in 2011 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation.

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토양오염도 현황 통계의 품질 진단과 개선 방안 (Statistics Quality Assessment and Improvement of Monitoring on Soil Quality)

  • 김기대
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제18권10호
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    • pp.1079-1088
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    • 2009
  • The statistics of monitoring on soil quality is a report statistics which is made on the basis of Article 15, Environment Strategy Basic Law and Article 5, Soil Environment Conservation Law. This study was conducted according to quality assessment of Korea National Statistical Office. The assessment of quality infrastructure advised that the authority bring up and increase completely responsible officer and secure the budget. The assessment of user satisfaction and reflection of request propose that the statistics is focused on soil background concentration, decrease soil sampling points and extend survey period. The assessment of error management system per processes of detailed preparation suggest change of the statistics objective, a reduction of sampling points and improvement of survey period and soil measurement properties. Accuracy assessment of data proposed cuts of sampling points, accessibility increment and build up of management system linking subordinates and Ministry of Environment. The substantiality assessment of data service demonstrated information environment improvement for users including reference expression and records of statistics table and figure contents.

태풍 루사에 의한 토양 침식량 산정을 위한 GIS와 범용토양손실공식(USLE) 연계 (Integration of GIS with USLE in Assessment of Soil Erosion due to Typoon Rusa)

  • 함창학;김병식
    • 대한공간정보학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2007
  • 토양침식의 산정은 많은 비용과 시간을 요구한다. 한 지역에서 토양침식을 예측하기 위한 많은 모형들이 있지만, 범용토양손실공식(USLE, Universal Soil Loss Equation)이 연 토양 침식량 산정을 위한 경험식으로 가장 널리 사용되고 있다. 토양침식은 강우강도, 토양의 종류, 토지 피복과 토지이용, 사면경사와 경사길이, 그리고 토양보전을 위한 시설의 영향을 받는다. 이러한 모든 변수들은 공간적으로 분포되어 있기 때문에 지형정보시스템(GIS)이 토양침식 영향평가에 널리 적용될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 IHP 대표 유역인 보청천 유역을 대상으로 지형정보시스템(GIS)과 범용토양손실 공식을 연계하여 태풍 루사의 강우에 의한 유역에서의 토양 침식량을 산정하였다.

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Remote Sensing Information Models for Sediment and Soil

  • Ma, Ainai
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2002년도 Proceedings of International Symposium on Remote Sensing
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    • pp.739-744
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    • 2002
  • Recently we have discovered that sediments should be separated from lithosphere, and soil should be separated from biosphere, both sediment and soil will be mixed sediments-soil-sphere (Seso-sphere), which is using particulate mechanics to be solved. Erosion and sediment both are moving by particulate matter with water or wind. But ancient sediments will be erosion same to soil. Nowadays, real soil has already reduced much more. Many places have only remained sediments that have ploughed artificial farming layer. Thus it means sediments-soil-sphere. This paper discusses sediments-soil-sphere erosion modeling. In fact sediments-soil-sphere erosion is including water erosion, wind erosion, melt-water erosion, gravitational water erosion, and mixed erosion. We have established geographical remote sensing information modeling (RSIM) for different erosion that was using remote sensing digital images with geographical ground truth water stations and meteorological observatories data by remote sensing digital images processing and geographical information system (GIS). All of those RSIM will be a geographical multidimensional gray non-linear equation using mathematics equation (non-dimension analysis) and mathematics statistics. The mixed erosion equation is more complex that is a geographical polynomial gray non-linear equation that must use time-space fuzzy condition equations to be solved. RSIM is digital image modeling that has separated physical factors and geographical parameters. There are a lot of geographical analogous criterions that are non-dimensional factor groups. The geographical RSIM could be automatic to change them analogous criterions to be fixed difference scale maps. For example, if smaller scale maps (1:1000 000) that then will be one or two analogous criterions and if larger scale map (1:10 000) that then will be four or five analogous criterions. And the geographical parameters that are including coefficient and indexes will change too with images. The geographical RSIM has higher precision more than mathematics modeling even mathematical equation or mathematical statistics modeling.

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해발고도 및 인접성에 의한 제주도 토양통 분포특성 (Distribution of Soil Series in Jeju Island by Proximity and Altitude)

  • 문경환;임한철;현해남
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2007
  • 제주도 토양의 분포특성을 객관적으로 파악하기 위하여 인접정도 및 해발고도별 토양통의 분포를 GIS기법을 이용하여 정량화하고 이를 바탕으로 통계분석을 실시하였다. 토양통 간의 인접정도는 각 통별 경계의 인접비율로 나타내었고 이를 토양통의 고유특성으로 파악하여 군집분석을 실시한 결과 5개의 군집으로 분류할 수 있었고, 이러한 결과는 정밀토양도에서 토색별로 4개의 토양군으로 구분한 분류체계와 유사한 결과였다. 정밀토양도에서는 토색, 해발고도, 토양의 화학적 특성 등 다양한 근거로 분류하였으나 이번 연구에서는 인접성 한 개의 기준으로 분류한 것으로 인접정도의 관점에서 볼 때 관행의 분류체계가 합리적일 수 있음을 의미하고 있다. 해발고도별 토양통 분포면적으로부터 토양통의 대표해발고도를 수치화할 수 있었고, 이를 바탕으로 토양통간 해발고도별 분포순서를 정할 수 있었다. 분포순서는 한라산의 정상에서 4면의 해안방향으로 갈색산림토 - 흑색토 - 농암갈색토 - 암갈색토의 순서로 토양이 연쇄되고 있어, 제주도 토양의 생성과정과 밀접하게 연관되는 것으로 추정되었다.

토양환경 이력관리제 도입을 위한 해외 사례 고찰 (A Study on Present International Status and Implications for Introduction of Contaminated Land Register System into Korea)

  • 유근제;양지훈;김재훈;황상일
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.10-19
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    • 2016
  • Land contamination has emerged as a major environmental and land management issue over the last decade. Although the importance of contaminated land management was continuously increased and many developed countries tried to make advanced contaminated land register system, current Korea soil regulations and policies have not been considered yet. This study analyzed existing or developing contaminated land register system from various countries to suggest implications of environmental decision support. Through this study, the introduction of contaminated land management system as creating a new system in Korea needs to considerable review to the following in order to achieve the objective through a effective adoption and operation (1) we need to establish contaminated land register system by providing a proper legal basis before the imposition of data collection, investigation, and management, (2) sufficient examination is required to identify scope of information disclosure and criteria, contents, and subjects of items from contaminated land register system.

시공간 대표성을 고려한 토양수분 모니터링 System의 구축 및 운영 (Establishment and Operation of a Soil Moisture Monitoring System Considering Temporal and Spatial Features of Representation)

  • 김기훈;김상현;김형섭;김원
    • 한국수자원학회논문집
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2005
  • 국내산지사면의 토양수분 시공간적 분포상황을 파악하기 위한 토양수분 측정법을 개발하였다. 대상유역을 정밀 측량하여 수치고도모형을 구성한 다음 흐름분배 알고리즘을 적용하였고 역측랑을 통한 대상 유역의 흐름분배 알고리즘의 유의성을 판단하였다. 이를 통한 공간적 변화의 대표성을 최대화하기 위한 장기 모니터링 시스템을 구축하였으며, 토양수분의 정확한 측정을 위해 TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry)을 이용하였다. 측정은 설마천 유역의 범륜사 우측사면에서 수행되었다. 강우사상에 의한 시공간적 토양수분의 변화 자료를 성공적으로 획득하였다. 획득된 토양수분자료는 측정시스템의 효용성과 사면유출의 과정에 대한 물리적인 과정을 나타낸다. 불연속적인 토양수분의 연직분포 양상은 사면 수문과정에서 선행흐름이나 대공극 흐름의 중요성을 의미한다.

국내 부지 특성을 고려한 오염토양 정화기술매칭기준안 (Draft Guideline Matching the Treatment Technology to the Soil Contaminated Site Based on the Site Properties in Korea)

  • 이재영;이민희;유목련
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2016
  • The programmable logic array to match the treatment technology to the soil contaminated site based on the site properties in Korea was developed. Based on the previous technology screening system of FRTR (Federal Remediation Technology Roundtable) in USA, total 9 evaluation factors indicating the site characteristics were used for the technology matching process and 8 factors among them were quantitatively weighed in the order of importance. The class interval for each evaluation factor was linearly distributed to give the weighed score and 8 scores were summed up to prioritize the treatment technology. The optimal treatment technology for a specific site was determined according to the total score acquired from 8 evaluation factors used in this technology matching process. The reliability test for the developed technology matching system was done by using information of two real cleanup sites in Korea, suggesting that this guideline will be available to determine the most effective treatment technology to cleanup the soil contaminated site and also to assist the government or the company to design a successful and cost-effective site cleanup plan in Korea.

Root Barrier and Fertilizer Effects on Soil CO2 Efflux and Cotton Yield in a Pecan-Cotton Alley Cropping System in the Southern United States

  • Lee, Kye-Han;An, Kiwan
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제95권2호
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2006
  • Little information is available on soil $CO_2$ efflux and crop yield under agroforestry systems. Soil $CO_2$ efflux, microbial biomass C, live fine root biomass, and cotton yield were measured under a pecan (Carya illinoinensis K. Koch)-cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) alley cropping system in southern USA. A belowground polyethylene root barrier was used to isolate tree roots from cotton which is to provide barrier and non-barrier treatments. The barrier and non-barrier treatment was randomly divided into three plots for conventional inorganic fertilizer application and the other three plots for organic poultry litter application. The rate of soil $CO_2$ efflux and the soil microbial biomass C were affected significantly (P < 0.05) by the fertilizer treatment while no significant effect of the barrier treatment was occurred. Cotton lint yield was significantly (P < 0.0 I) affected by the root barrier treatment while no effect was occurred by the fertilizer treatment with the yields being greatest ($521.2kg\;ha^{-1}$) in the root barrier ${\times}$ inorganic fertilizer treatment and lowest ($159.8kg\;ha^{-1}$) in the non-barrier ${\times}$ inorganic fertilizer treatment. The results suggest that the separation of tree-crop root systems with the application of inorganic fertilizer influence the soil moisture and soil N availability, which in tum will affect the magnitude of crop yield.