• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean fish fauna

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  • PAIK Eui-In
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 1969
  • A goby, Synechogobius hasta (Temminck et Schlegel) was studied to investigate the food consumed and the biological change of the food organisms, and the fish were sampled from the closed tributary and the lower Part of the Naktong River, near Pusan, during the period from November of 1967 to December of 1968. The fish were sampled from four stations (Fig. 1), the total number of fish being 1,295 and they were grouped and analysed monthly. The content of the alimentary canal was analysed in three categories according to modified Nilsson's method (Dahl 1962) with a slight alteration: 1) The number of each item of stomach contents was counted and the percentage of each item in proportion to the total number of food organisms is indicated by the letter 'N' representing numerical percentage in Table 2. 2) The percentage of fish which contained any items of food organisms in proportion to the total number of fish caught in a given season is indicated by the letter 'O' representing frequency of occurrence. 3) Dominant groups of food items were selected and the percentage of the number of each dominant item in proportion to the number of the food organisms belonging to the dominant groups is indicated by the letter 'D' representing dominance. All food organisms were classified in 50 food item categories and then they were grouped in 13 main groups (Fig. 2-1), and they were further divided into 1) obligatory bottom animals, 2) organic drifts and 3) actively swimming forms; according to the conditions of the animal communities within the habitat. Since the majority of its food was composed of the obligatory bottom animals ($94.6\%$), the fish appeard to be a typical bottom feeder. And the dominant food organisms of the fish is generally determined by the local composition of the benthic fauna within the fish habitat. And their seasonal rhythm occurs among the food organisms in the stomach by the biological interaction. Locality variation in the population of the same food organism occurs due to the difference of food organisms in the habitat of the fish at Seonam and Garak, and at Seongsan and Hadan the condition of the niche for the fish in the both regions seems to be the same since the composition and the seasonal variation of the organisms were the same. The results may be summarized as follows: 1) The goby mainly feed on the animals of bottom fauna, and the food organisms are deter-mined by the food compositions within the habitat. 2) Seasonal variation of the stomach content shows the seasonal rhythm due to the biological variation of the population and their interaction. 3) The goby shows no preference on specific food, and the food is composed of a variety of animals. 4) Major food items of the goby are Polychaeta, Palaemon modestus, Isopoda, Gammaridea, Insecta (nymphs and larvae), Ilyoplax deschampsi, and Paratye compressa. 5) Logitudinal succession oil the population of the food organisms is apparently recognized within the community of Seongsan, Garak and Seonam. 6) The goby begins to descend toward the estuary and sea around April when the water temperature reaches $20^{\circ}C$, and they begin to return to river waters in September.

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Potential risky exotic fish species, their ecological impacts and potential reasons for invasion in Korean aquatic ecosystems

  • Atique, Usman;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2022
  • Background: Due to the rapidly changing climatic conditions, South Korea faces the grand challenge of exotic species. With the increasing human movement, the influx of alien species to novel regions is prevalent across the globe. The latest research suggests that it is easy to prevent the introduction and establishment of alien species rather than controlling their spread and eradication. Like other countries, the Korean Ministry of Environment released a list (in 2018) of 45 potential risky exotic fish species considered likely to be invasive candidate fish species if they ever succeed in entering the Korean aquatic ecosystems. Results: The investigation into the invasion suitability traits showed that potential risky fish species could utilize those features in becoming invasive once they arrive in the Korean aquatic ecosystems. If the novel species establish viable populations, they are likely to incur higher economic costs, damage the native aquatic fauna and flora, and jeopardize the already perilled species. Furthermore, they can damage the installed infrastructure, decline overall abundance and biodiversity, and disturb the ecosystem services. Here we reviewed the list of fish species concerning their family, native origin, preferred aquatic biomes, main food items, current status in Korea, and potential threats to humans and the ecosystems. Data shows that most species are either already designated as invasive in the neighboring counties, including Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and China, or originate from these countries. Such species have a higher climate match with the Korean territories. Conclusions: Therefore, it is exceptionally essential to study their most critical features and take regulatory measures to restrict their entry. The incoming fish species must be screened before letting them in the country in the future. The regulatory authorities must highlight the threatening traits of such species and strictly monitor their entrance. Detailed research is required to explore the other species, especially targeting the neighboring countries fish biodiversity, having demonstrated invasive features and matching the Korean climate.

Fish Fauna in the Bolaven Plateau and Trophic Polymorphism of Poropuntius bolovenensis in Laos (라오스볼라벤고원의어류상과 Poropuntius bolovenensis의 섭식기구다형성)

  • Kang, Dong-Won;THAMAVONGSENG, Payou;Lee, Hak Young;Choi, Seung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2016
  • This survey was conducted during March to April 2014 in the main stream and tributaries of Xe Pian and Xe Namnoy in order to investigate fish fauna in the Bolaven Plateau. Fish belonging to twenty eight species and eight families were collected from the main stream and tributaries of Xe Namnoy and Xe Pian during the survey period. Among them, Devario salmonatus, Poropuntius bolovenensis, Annamia sp., Sewellia elongata, Schistura bolavenensis, Schistura sp.1, Schistura sp.2, Schistura sp.3, Schistura sp.4, and Macronathus sp. were endemic species in the Bolaven Plateau, indicating a high prevalence rate of endemic species (35.7%) in the area. Meanwhile, Kottelat (2000, 2013) has been reported that four species of Poropuntius inhabit the Bolaven Plateau. However, the major morphic characteristics of Poropuntius species found in the Bolaven Plateau were mostly overlapped, except for the shape of their mouth. The young fish of Poropuntius (> 70 mm SL) have only generalized mouth while the of adult fish the shape of their mouth have two phenotype (narrow and broad). Therefore, it is assumed that Poropuntius species in the Bolaven Plateau has trophic polymorphism as the same species exhibits two different mouth shapes.

Freshwater Fish Fauna and Community Structure of the Small Streams in Bogil Island, Korea (보길도 소하천 담수어류상 및 군집구조)

  • Han, Jeong-Ho;Park, Chan-Seo;An, Kwang-Guk;Paek, Woon-Kee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2017
  • Fish fauna and community structures in freshwater were analyzed in the streams (12 stations) of the Bogil Island from May to September 2015. Total numbers of the sampled species and genus (9 families) were 21 and 17, respectively. Gobiidae was the most dominant taxa, which accounted for 47.6% (10 species) of the total species, and the relative abundance, based on the number of individuals, was 60.4% (1,157 individuals). Subdominant families were three taxa of Cyprinidae (3 species; 500 ind.), Mugilidae (2 species; 168 ind.) and Mugilidae (2 species; 128 ind.). The dominant species, based on the relative abundance, was Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (20.7%) and the subdominant species were Gymnogobius urotaenia (19.5%), Leucopsarion petersii (17.2%) and Chelon haematocheilus (8.5%). These species were composed of upstream-resident fish as well as migratory fishes, so the streams of the Bogil Island had unique characteristics in the fish compositions. Based on all the species sampled, 9 species (42.9%) were primary freshwater fishes, 11 species (52.4%) were peripheral fishes and 1 species (4.8%) was amphidromous fish. Korean endemic species and exotic species were not found in the streams of Bogil Island. According to the analysis of fish community structure, species richness index and species diversity index were highest (1.831, 1.957) in the Site 8 and lowest in the Site 4. In the meantime, the dominance index was highestin the Site 4 (1.00) and lowest in theSite 8 (0.17).

Study of the Fish Community of Lake Uiam (의암호의 어류군집)

  • Choi, Jae-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2005
  • The fish fauna and the dynamics of fish community structure in Lake Uiam, Korea, were investigated from July 2003 to May 2004. During the surveyed period, 41 species belonging to 13 families were collected. There were 11 Korean endemic species (26.8%), including Rhodeusuyekii, Acheilognathus yamatsutae, Sarcocheilichthys nigripinis morii, Squalidus gracilis majimae, Squalidus japonicus coreanus, Microphysogobio yaluensis, Iksookimia koreensis, Koreocobitis rotundicaudata, Silurus microdorsalis, Liobagrus andersoni, and Odontobutis platycephala. Dominant species were Hemibarbus labeo (16.2%), Zacco platypus (13.8%), A. yamatsutae (11.8%), S. gracilis majimae (10.4%), Pungtungia herzi (5.8%), and Hypomesus olidus (4.3%). The biomass of collected fishes were H. labeo (35.9 kg), Cyprinus carpio (22.5 kg), Micropterus salmoides (5.5 kg), Lepomis macrochirus (5.2 kg), Carassius cuvieri (3.3 kg) and Z. platypus (2.4 kg). Of the 9 introduced fishes in Lake Uiam, Cyprinus carpio (Israeli type), Carassius cuvieri, Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus, Lepomis macrochirus, and Micropterus salmoides originated in foreign countries, but Anguilla japonica, Hypomesus olidus, Chaenogobius urotaenius, and Rhinogobius giurinus were introduced from other native river systems.

Characteristics of Fish Compositions and Longitudinal Distribution in Yeongsan River Watershed (영산강 수계의 어류 종 조성 및 분포특성 분석)

  • Choi, Ji-Woong;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2008
  • This study was to analyze characteristics of fish compositions and longitudinal distribution, based on trophic and tolerance guild at 22 sampling sites of Yeongsan River watershed during 2003$\sim$2006, and also to compare before and after the estuary dam construction. The collected fishes, based on catch per unit effort (CPUE), were 44 species in the watershed and dominant fishes were Zacco platypus, Acheilognathus macropeterus, Zacco temminckii and Carassius auratus. According to comparative analysis of fish in the non polluted sites (NPS) vs. polluted sites (PS), the number of species and individuals was lower by 70% in the PS than the NPS, indicating ecological degradations by chemical pollutions or/and habitat modifications. The relative abundance of sensitive and insectivore species decreased as the stream order increases, while tolerant and omnivore species increased with the stream order. In this survey, largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), which is a top-carnivore and exotic species, may influence trophic guild system throughout active predations on endemic species, resulting in modifications of ecological functions. The construction of estuary dam on Yeongsan River in 1981 resulted in wider lacustrine zone and desalinated through limitation of seawater input. These physical changes have caused increases of lentic dwelling species and limited fish migrations (i.e., eel). Overall, fish fauna and composition analyses showed that the number of species and individuals in this water body may be reduced due to inputs of pollutants from the watershed, habitat modifications, and increases of exotic species (largemouth bass). For these reasons, effective lake management strategies are required for the ecosystem conservation.

Fish Passage Assessments in the Fishway of Juksan Weir Constructed in the Downstream Area of Youngsan-River Watershed (영산강수계의 죽산보에 설치된 어도에서 어류의 이동성 평가)

  • Park, Chan-Seo;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.1513-1522
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    • 2014
  • Fish passage asssessments were conducted in the fishway at Juksan Weir, which was constructed as a four-major rivers project in the downstream area of Youngsan-River Watershed. For the research, fish-movements/migrations were analyzed for seven times from April ~ October, 2013 using an approach of fish trap-setting. Fish fauna and compositions were analyzed in the fishway, and seasonal- and diel-movement patterns were analyzed in relation to current velocity in the fishway. Also, abundances of exotic fishes such as bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), large-mouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), and white curcian carp (Carassius cuvieri) were monitored in the fishway. Current velocity(n = 18) in the fishway showed large variations ($0.82{\pm}0.63m/s$) depending on the location of the fish trap-setting and this physical factor influenced the fish movements. Fish movements, based on the CPUE of individuals, in the fishway was greater in slower velocity (mean: 0.36 m/s, range: 0.10~1.54 m/s) than faster velocity (mean: 1.51 m/s, range: 0.90~1.90 m/s). Seasonal analysis of fish movements showed that most frequent uses (8 speices and 591 individuals, 66.2% of the total) of the fishway occurred in spring period(i.e., June). Diel movement analysis, in the mean time, showed highest in the time period of 00:00 ~ 3:00 am (7 species and 281 individuals, 20.9% of the total). The efficient managements in the fishway at Juksan Weir are required in relation to the hydrological regime.

A Correlation Analysis between Physical Disturbance and Fish Habitat Suitability before and after Channel Structure Rehabilitation (하천구조 개선에 따른 어류 서식적합도와 물리적 교란의 상관분석)

  • Choi, Heung Sik;Lee, Woong Hee
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2015
  • In this study, an optimal improvement method of stream channel structure is presented for the enhancement of fish habitat suitability by genetic algorithm. The correlation between fish habitat suitability and physical disturbance in stream is analyzed according to the changes of hydraulic characteristics by channel structure rehabilitation. Zacco koreanus which is an indicator fish of the soundness of aquatic ecosystem was selected as a restoration target species by investigating the community characteristics of fish fauna and river environments in Wonju stream. The habitat suitability is investigated by PHABSIM with the habitat suitability index of Zacco koreanus. Hydraulic analysis by HEC-RAS and physical disturbance evaluation in stream are carried out. The optimal channel width modified for the enhancement of fish habitat suitability is provided. The correlation analysis between habitat suitability and physical disturbance with the change of hydraulic characteristics by channel modification showed that the proper channel modification enhanced fish habitat suitability and mitigated physical disturbance in the stream. The improvement of physical disturbance score by the channel structure rehabilitation for the enhancement of fish habitat suitability was confirmed in this study.

Fish Fauna of the Main Channel in the Nakdong River (낙동강 본류의 어류상)

  • Cho, Ga-Ik;Joo, Gea-Jae;Jang, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.34 no.3 s.95
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    • pp.223-238
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    • 2001
  • Longitudinal distribution of the fish fauna of the 20 main channel and tributary sites in the Nakdong River was investigated from July 1999 to December 2000. A total of 4,791 individuals of fisHes were collected from three to seven sampling programs of all study sites and 48 species of 17 families were collected. Dominant family was Cyprinidae (25 species, relative abundance (RA): 91.8%). Zacco platypus (RA: 18.0%) was found to be the most abundant inhabitant. Subdominant species were Opsariichthys bidens (17,1%), Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae (13.2%), Hemibarbus labeo (9.9%), and Z. temmincki (8.2%). Among the total species, 12 species were identified as endemic species (4 families, 24.5% of 1,172 individuals). Four exotic fishes were collected (Carassius cuvieri, 25 indv.; Micropterus salmoides, 214 indv.; Lipomis macrochirus, 14 indv.; Oreochromis niloticus, 6 indv.). M. salmoides was distributed in mid to lower part of the Nakdong River. As the result of cluster analysis, sampling sites were divided into three groups (upper, middle and lowerpart). Site below Gumi (St. 10) were considered as the lower part of the Nakdong River. Combined with previous surveys, about 80 species are present in the main channel and tributaries of the Nakdong River. Since the middle of 1990s, population density of the M. salmoides rapidly increased in the stagnant lower part of the river(RA 8.8% in lower 5 sites). The feeding strategy of M. salmoides was "generalized" on Daphnia sp. (<100 mm), and "specialization" about Cladocera (<150 mm) and Insecta(<200 mm).

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The Fish Fauna and its Community Stucture in the Nam River, Nakdong River System, Korea (남강의 어류상과 군집구조)

  • Yang, Hong-Jun;Kum, Ji-Don
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.3 s.99
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    • pp.220-231
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    • 2002
  • The fish fauna and Community were surveyed from April 2000 to September 2001 at 23 stations in the nam river, the first tributary located to the lower reach of the Nakdong River system. During the study period, 39 species belonging to 29 genera and 11 families were collected. Of which 14 species are endemic species or subspecies in Korea. Introduced species from other river system, O. bidens had not been collected at all after the report of Yang (1973) but many individuals were captured at main stream and tributary in this survey. Introduced species from abroad M. salmoides increased at most of stations. Dominant species in main stream were Z. platypus, O. bidens and H. labeo. On the contrary, Z. temmincki, Z. platypus and S. gracilis majimae dominated the tributaries. Diversity indices of main stream and tributaries were 0,979 and 0.966 respectively. St. 3 of main stream and St.1 and 16 of tributaries had high diversity indices (1.05, 0.962, 0.956) and lower dominant indices (0.102, 0.369, 0.200). As a whole, dominant index was 0.160, diversity index 1.044 and evenness index 0.656. It indicated that the community structure of this river was stable and diverse relatively.