• 제목/요약/키워드: Korea's National Image

검색결과 1,126건 처리시간 0.031초

정다면체 문제 해결 과정에서 나타나는 고등학교 학생들의 심상에 관한 사례연구 (A case study on high school students' mental image in the process of solving regular polyhedron problems)

  • 홍갑룡;김원경
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈A:수학교육
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.493-507
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how high school students form and interpret the mental image in the process of solving regular polyhedron problems. For this purpose, a set of problems about the regular polyhedron's vertex is developed on the base of the regular polyhedron's duality and circulation. and applied to 2 students of the 12th graders in D high school. After 2 hours of teaching and learning and another 2 hours of mental image-analysis process, the following research findings are obtained. Fisrt, a student who recorded medium high-level grade in the national scholastic test can build the dynamic image or the patten image in the process of solving regular polyhedron's vertex problems by utilizing the 3D geometry program. However, the other student who recorded low-level grade can build the concrete-pictorial image. Second, pattern image or dynamic image can help students solve the regular polyhedron's vertex problems by proper transformation of informations and the mental images while the concrete-pictorial image does not help. Hence, it is recommended that the mathematics teachers should develop teaching and learning materials about the regular polyhedron's duality and circulation and also give students suitable questions to build the various mental images.

여성의 속옷태도가 이미지메이킹 효능감과 외모관리태도에 미치는 영향 (The influence of women's underwear attitude on image-making efficacy and appearance management attitude)

  • 박은희;구양숙
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.79-91
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study was to determine the influence of women's attitudes toward women's underwear on image-creation efficacy and appearance management attitude. A total of 405 surveys of women working at an industrial complex in the Daegu-Kyoungbuk area were used for data analysis. Frequency, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis were used for data analysis. The findings were as follows. The sub-factors of women's attitudes regarding women's underwear were found to be 'aesthetics/body-style compensation', 'ostentation', 'functionality', and 'manner estimation' and the sub-factors of image-making efficacy were 'display confidence', 'face-image confidence' and 'display ability'. Appearance management attitude had factors such as total coordination, weight management, skin management, and pursuit of change. Aesthetics/body-style compensation, functionality, and ostentation, which were sub-variables of attitudes toward underwear, had a significant influence on image-creation efficacy. Aesthetics/body-style compensation and ostentation had significant influences on appearance management attitude. Aesthetics/body-style compensation was found to have a significant influence on all sub-variables of both image-creation efficacy and appearance management attitude.

인도네시아인의 한국 국가 이미지와 패션 제품 평가가 제품 구매의도에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Indonesian's Korean National Image and Product Evaluation on Purchase Intension of Korean Fashion Product)

  • 나성민;이윤아;이지연
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Indonesian's Korean national image and product evaluation on purchase intension of Korean fashion products. The survey was carried out on November, 2014 through online. And the subjects of this study were living in Indonesia. The results of this study were as follows. First, in Indonesia customers showed favorable attitudes towards Korean national image and the assessment of Korean fashion products. Also their purchase intension of products was comparatively high. The customers who purchased more Korean fashion products were more likely to have high purchase intension of them. Second, among the three factors of Korean national image, the advancement and national character had positive influence on the intrinsic attributes of Korean fashion products. Also, the product competitiveness and national character had positive effect on the extrinsic attributes. Third, the product competitiveness and extrinsic attributes had positive influence on the purchase intension on them. In conclusion, Korean national image affects evaluation and purchase intension of Korean fashion products. It is necessary to improve Korea national image within Indonesia fashion market. And it will be a good way of marketing to promote product power of Korea fashion product to Indonesian.

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The Shaping and Communication of National Image by Korean Film and Television

  • Ning Wang;Jinling Wang
    • 국제교류와 융합교육
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.35-58
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    • 2022
  • Korean movies and TV shows have been widely distributed in the international market and have played an important role in shaping the national image of Korea. In this paper, we found that the factors of "actor's image" and "background music and images" among the popular factors of Korean dramas have a positive influence on shaping the national image of Korea through questionnaires and spss tools. At the same time, the study also hopes to analyze the reasons for the success of Korean film and television productions to explore their useful value for the international communication of Chinese film and television productions.

영상처리를 이용한 홍삼의 외형선별 시스템 개발 (Development of a Korean Red-Ginseng’s Shape Sorting System Using Image Processing)

  • 장요한;장동일;방승훈
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study were to organize a sorting system, to develop an algorithm of image processing for the shape sorting, and to finally develop a scientific and objective shape sorting system of Korean Red-Ginseng for mechanization of the shape sorting. The results of this study are followed. 1. The shape sorting system of Korean Red-Ginseng consists of a control computer, a color CCD camera(WV-CP4110) for image processing, an image processing board(DT3153), and an image acquisition unit. 2. Many image processing skill, such as sliding, stretching, threshold, binary and D$\sub$t/ were used to analyze the shape sorting factors of Korean Red-ginseng. 3. The sorting accuracy of the shape sorting system for the Korean Red-Ginseng was 74.7%. It is 21.1% lower than that of human inspector. Although the system has low accuracy, using more cameras may improve its sorting accuracy.

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초·중·고등학생들이 지각하는 간호사 이미지에 관한 연구 (Nurse's Image Perceived by Elementary, Middle and High School Students)

  • 김유미;강영실
    • 한국간호교육학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.384-395
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the nurse's image and role projected in media and perceived by elementary, middle and high school students. Methods: Data were collected from 544 students in J city, Korea during December 2010 to February 2011. The nurse's image was measured by the instrument developed by Yang (1998). Nursing experiences and nurse's role in media was measured by self-administered questionnaires with 8 questions. Statistical analysis was made with t-test and ANOVA using SPSS win 18.0. Result: The score on personal image was the highest, while the score on social image was the lowest. Elementary school students reported a positive image compared with middle and high school students. Male students had a more positive image than female students. Of various media, students had more experiences related to nurses from TV rather than internet sites, books and newspaper/magazines. Especially, the nurse's role on TV 'seemed to be an assistant of a doctor' was rated the highest by the students. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop a strategy to improve the social image of the nurse through TV by providing correct information on the nurse's role. For this purpose, it is required to consistently monitor and analyze the nurse's role shown in media.

중국에서 간접적 한류체험의 국가이미지 효과 분석 (A Study on the Effects of Intangible attribute of Hallyu in China on Korean National Image)

  • 이지나
    • 융합정보논문지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2020
  • 연구는 '콘텐츠 소비'의 관점과 '한국의 것에 대한 인식'관점에서 중국시장에서 간접적 한류 체험이 한국의 국가이미지와 제품 구매의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 중국 베이징과 상하이 지역 중국 대학생을 대상으로 총 178부를 최종 분석하였다. 연구 분석 결과, 간접적 한류체험에 대한 인식은 한국 국가 이미지와 제품 구매의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 또한, 국가이미지는 후광효과로 제품 구매 의도에 긍정적인 영향이 나타났다. 한국에 대한 관심도는 한류의 전파에 의해 향상될 수 있으며, 이는 단기간 내에 한국에 대한 네임 밸류(name value)를 높이는 결정적 계기될 수 있다. 한류의 주소비자로 부상하고 있는 링링허우(00後)에 대한 관심과 연구가 필요하다. 그들의 사회, 문화적 심리 요소와 특성을 잘 파악해서 세대별 차별화된 콘텐츠를 개발하고, 현지 마케팅 전략을 고려해야 한다.

학령기 후기 아동의 신체상과 자존감, 가족건강성 (Relationships between Body Image, Self-esteem and Family Strengths in Late School Aged Children)

  • 방경숙;채선미;김지영;강현주
    • 부모자녀건강학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The family is a primary environment and has pivotal role for child health and development. This study was conducted to identify the relations of family strengths to body image and self-esteem in late school aged children. Methods: Data were collected from 455 children at 5th and 6th grades in four provinces of South Korea using self-report questionnaires for measuring body image, self-esteem, and family strengths. Pearson's correlation analysis and t-test, ANOVA were used to identify the relationships among variables, and compare body image, self-esteem, and family strengths according to general characteristics. Results: Body image, self-esteem and family strengths were significantly different according to economic status and academic performance. Family strengths were also affected by the presence of both parents. Body image, self-esteem and family strengths showed significant positive correlations. Conclusion: The family relations of school aged children are important for child's body image and self-esteem. We recommend that psycho-emotional interventions should be developed for both the children and their parents with low family strengths to improve body image and self-esteem.

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한·미·일 프로야구 유니폼의 비주얼 아이덴티티 연구 - 색채를 중심으로 - (A Study on Visual Identity of Professional Baseball Uniforms in Korea, America, and Japan - Focused on Color -)

  • 임송미;이미숙
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.117-135
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    • 2013
  • With the growth of mass media, professional baseball teams have strived to keep up team's tradition and individuality and build a distinctive image through sports marketing using visual identity. Among others, a baseball uniform is used as a sports marketing tool more than an uniform. Uniform color acts as a distinctive element in team's uniform design and is effective to raise attention, manifest a positive image to spectators, and increase trust and affinity. This study aims to compare and analyze color characteristics and images of professional baseball uniforms in America, Japan, and Korea as visual identity. For this, literature review was made on the history of baseball, uniforms, sports marketing, and visual identity, and then color characteristics and images were analyzed on professional baseball away uniforms in Korea, America, and Japan collected in Internet and official web sites. The results are as follows. First, for color characteristics of professional baseball uniforms, the most frequently used color was R(V) color in Korea, ltGy color in America, and Bk color in Japan. Second, for color images of professional baseball uniforms, the most frequently used image was a casual image in Korea, a dandy image in America, and a modern image in Japan.

한국드라마 해외 온라인 시청자들의 시청동기와 한국드라마에 대한 태도, 그리고 한국이미지의 연관성 연구: 베트남과 필리핀 시청자들을 중심으로 (A Research about Interrelationships between Viewing Motivations of Korean Drama, General Attitude toward Korean Drama, and Korea's National Image: Focusing on Korean Drama Viewers Via online in Vietnam and Philippines)

  • 이양환
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제66권
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    • pp.273-297
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    • 2014
  • 한국드라마가 높은 인기를 얻고 있으나 그 시청자들에 대한 연구가 적은 동남아시아 지역을 대상으로 한국드라마 시청동기와 일반적인 태도, 그리고 한국 국가이미지 간의 관계를 조사하였다. 특히 이 지역에서 광범위하게 퍼져있는 온라인 동영상 시청 실태를 감안하여 한국드라마를 온라인으로 시청한 경험이 있는 시청자들을 선별해 분석했다. 그 결과, 베트남의 경우 오락/휴식 동기가, 필리핀은 배우동경 동기가 가장 강력한 한국드라마 시청동기로 나타났다. 또한, 한국드라마에 대한 일반적인 태도에 가장 크게 영향을 미치는 동기로 오락/휴식과 배우동경 동기가 두 국가에서 공통적으로 나타났고, 습관적 시청 동기는 한국드라마에 대한 태도에 부정적인 영향을 미치고 있었다. 그리고 한국드라마 시청자들이 가진 한국드라마에 대한 긍정적인 태도는 한국에 대한 긍정적인 국가이미지를 형성하는데 영향을 주고 있었다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 성과와 의미, 한계점을 기술하였다.

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