As concerned the life and the medical idea of Choo, Tan-Kye(朱丹溪), which it can be summarized as follows by studying. 1. Tan-Kye(丹溪) lived in the end of the won dynasty(元代末期), When the people starved and suffered from a flood-disaster and drought. etc, also the social conditions were in disorder on account of the corrupt ion of politics. And Cheol Kang seong(浙江省), located in the south region of China, has sterile soil and the climate condition humid and heatful. So the south district peoples have very weak constitution. So We can found that his medical idea reflected the phases of the periods and the regional enviornmental situations. 2. For that reason, Tan-Kye(丹溪) rejected the prescription of the "WHa Che Gook Bang(和劑局方)" which was prevalent at that time, in which the the pungent-dried herbs were widly used ; So he persisted in the "Sang Wha Lon(相火論)" and the "Positivity is usually excedeed while the negativity deficient(陽有餘陰不足論)". Then he treated with the drugs to nourish the negativity for the prime object to be applied in the clinic. 3. Tan-Kye(丹溪) refined the follows from the natural law; Heaven is to the positivity(陽) and the Earth is defined the negativity(陰), so the heaven is to the Macro(大) and the earth, micro(小):So the Sun is to the Positivity(陽), the Moon, the Negativity(陰): as to the Sun is always full while the moon always defected too. Therefore the "positivity is always excedeed for that the negativity is deficientalways(陽有餘陰不足)". In Human body, "the negativity energy (陰精) "is hard formed-easily defected(難成易虧)". And the heat(相火) in the body can be moved easily and let the negative energy to leak out. Therefore the more the positivity excedeed, the more the negativity deficient"(陽當有餘陰常不足). 4. He made it expanded the contents of the "Heat(相火)" in the Chapter Woon Chi of the Nae Kyeong(內徑) and discribed, the Life-string of the human body is originated from the movement of the "Heat with unique energy(相火一氣)". And more in human body, it is specifically regulated by the two visceras, Liver and Kidney, and is distributed in the 'Pericardium(心包絡)' 'Tripie Warmer(三焦)' 'Gallbladder(膽)' etc. In the point of his assertion of heat(相火), it is concluded both the physiological and the pathological heat of all. 5. Tan-Kye(丹溪) grew up in the family or the Confucianism. He was instructed the Confucianism(性理學) from Heo-Kyeom(許謙), the fourth diciple of Chu-Ja(朱子), and was received the Yoo Chang Ri(劉 張 李)'s triple doctrine from the La Tae Moo(羅太無), the second disciple of Yoo Wan So(劉完素). So there are much of content of Confucianism(性理學) in his medical thedry, and his theory has succeeded the achievements of the triple study. 6. About the theory of the "positivity is usually excedeed while the negativity deficient"(陽常有餘陰常不足論) of Tan-Kye, it was asserted that the positivity is never sufficient for the vital mainspring, by Chang, Kye-Pin(張介賓) and Lee, Kyoo-Zoon(李奎晙) etc. And for the Heat theory(相火論), eventhough the scholars of postorior generations criicized all of that, there are defect of the content and unification between them. 7. The father of the "Cha Eum Pa(滋陰派), Tan-Kye(丹溪) contributed considerably to the development of the oriental medicine and to the general therapy for the various diseases(一般雜病施治). 8. there are handed down and remained twenty or more of volumes of list of his writings. Among them, except "Kyeok Chi Yeo Ron"(格致餘論), "Kuk Pang Pal Hyeu"(局方發揮), they are reorganized by posteriority. There are Cho, Do-Chin(趙道震). Cho, Ee-Teok(趙以德), Tae, Sa-Gong(戴思恭), Wang Ri(王履) and Yoo, Suk-Yeon(劉淑淵) etc as disciples of his. And Wang Ryoon(王論) and Woo Pak(虞搏) as the admirer of him.