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A Feasibility Study on Thermal Energy Resource in Deep Ocean Water (해양심층수 에너지자원 이용 타당성 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hyop;Kim, Gwang-Tae;Park, Se-Hun;Oh, Wee-Yeong;Kim, Hyeon-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2012
  • Annual power consumption of our country is positioned in the upper percentile in the world, and because the proportion of fossil power generation is high, which ranks the 10th CO2 emission country. In this regard, government has established and is implementing the National Energy Basic Plan to realize to get out of fossilization in energy supply while focusing on securing the technology for renewable energy as well as its commercialization in order to reduce greenhouse gas. Resource recovery technology for deep seawater thermal energy which is one of renewable energies is newly getting attention domestically as well as in overseas for securing resources and environmental improvement as a core technology for multilateral use of marine resources for low carbon and green growth. Economic feasibility analysis was conducted for the research and development as follows on the use of ocean thermal energy conversion and seawater air conditioning. First, in the case of power generation using deep seawater and warm discharge water from ocean thermal energy conversion plant of 1MW level, it is judged that the economic feasibility is insufficient but the feasibility will be significantly improved if we consider not only power generation but also drinking water and certified emission reduction by developing the power plant to the size for commercialization. Second, the economic feasibility for the use of deep seawater as air conditioning for the power plant of 1,000RT level turned out to be very good. Especially, when we consider certified emission reduction, it will be possible to secure sufficient economic feasibility. When we use it in connection with ocean thermal energy conversion, water conversion and agricultural and fishery use, it is judged that economic ripple effect will be significant and therefore it will be necessary to conduct research and development for early commercialization, distribution and diffusion of deep seawater energy.

A Review on Constitutional Discordance Adjudication of the Constitutional Court to Total Ban on Abortion ('낙태죄' 헌법재판소 헌법불합치 결정의 취지와 법률개정 방향 - 헌법재판소 2019. 4. 11. 선고 2017헌바127 전원재판부 결정에 따라 -)

  • Lee, Seok-Bae
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.3-39
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    • 2019
  • Even after the Constitutional Court decided on August 23, 2012 that the provisions of abortion were constitutional, discussions on the abolition of abortion continued. The controversy about abortion is not only happening recently, but it has already existed since the time when the Penal Code was enacted, and it shares the history of modern legislation with the Republic of Korea. Legislators whom submitted amendment while insisting upon the eradication of abortion in the process of enacting criminal law at that time, presented social and economic adaptation reasons as the core reason. From then on, the abolition of abortion has been discussed during the development dictatorship, but this was not intended to guarantee women's human rights, but it was closely connected to the national policy projects of "Contraception" and "Family Planning" of the Park's dictatorship. Since then, the enactment of the Mother and Child Health Law, which restrictively allow artificial abortion, was held on February 8, 1973, in an emergency cabinet meeting that replaced the legislative power after the National Assembly was disbanded. It became effected May 10th. The reason behind the Mother and Child Health Law that included legalization of abortion in part was that the Revitalizing Reform at that time did not allow any opinion, so it seem to be it was difficult for the religious to express opposition. The "Maternal and Child Health Law" enacted in this way has been maintained through several amendments. It can be seen that the question of maintenance of abortion has been running on parallel lines without any significant difference from the time when the Penal Code was enacted. On August 23, 2012, the Constitutional Court decided that the Constitutional Opinion and the unonstitutional Opinion were 4: 4. However, it was decided by the Constitution without satisfying the quorum for unconstitutional decision of the Constitutional Court. This argument about abolition of abortion is settled for the the time being with the decision of the constitutional inconsistency of the Constitutional Court, and now, the National Assembly bears the issue of new legislation. In other words, the improved legislation must be executed until December 31, 2020, and if the previous improved legislation is not implemented, the crime of abortion (Article 269, Paragraph 1, Article 270 of the Criminal Code) Article 1 (1) will cease to be effective from 1 January 2021. Therefore, in the following, we will look into the reason of the Constitutional Court's constitutional discordance adjudication on criminal abortion(II), and how it structurally differs from the previous Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court. After considering key issues arised from the constitutional discordance adjudication(III), the legislative direction and within the scope of legislative discretion in accordance with the criteria presented by the Constitutional Court We reviewed the proposed revisions to the Penal Code and the Mather and Child Health Act of Korea(IV).

Life Experiences of Middle School Students from Broken Homes (결손가정 중학생의 생활경험)

  • Choe, Gee-Hyun;Chung, Yeon-Kang;Yeoum, Soon-Gyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.271-283
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    • 1997
  • This study is designed for the school health education, contributing experience of life from middle school students from broken homes by describing specifically what they go through. And on this basis this study works out a grounded theory on the experience of life for middle school students from broken homes. The data was collected through a series of interviews with nine subjects singled out at each stage of research. With the permission of the subjects, the interviews were recorded and transcribed. The interviews lasted from 30 minutes up to one hour and 20 minutes. The in-depth interviewing methods and observations was used for data collection. The data was analyzed in the framework of grounded theory as mapped out by Strauss & Corbin (1990). By analyzing the materials eighty-three concepts were extracted, and they were united into 21 subordinate categories through the course of analysis. These were classified into nine precedence categories. The core category was found to be the adaptation of 'Wichookdem" or "Shrinkage". "Shrinkage" widows experienced was showed as the results "Self-reliance" and "Overcoming" through the course of generation and reaction, confrontation, and adaptation. According to the analysis findings of materials, the central phenomenon was showed as "shrinkage", the causal condition as "surprise", "Darkness", "Grudge", "Desolate", "Empty". The veins as presence of those around people and existence of support, and the meditate situation as self-support. For the strategy in solving "shrinkage", preparations of countermeasure and self-reinforcement were showed. And self-reliance and overcoming were the results. Through the contrast to the cases of ground materials, relation statements as follows were induced; (1) The weaker the suffering is, the weaker the "shrinkage" tends to be. (2) The stronger the suffering is, the stronger the "shrinkage" tends to be. (3) The more frequent and serious the suffering, the stronger the "shrinkage" tend to be. (4) The more infrequent and not serious the suffering is, the weaker the "shrinkage" tends to be. (5) The weaker the "shrinkage" is, the more self-control1ed the responses tends to be. (6) The stronger the "shrinkage" is, the more impulsive the responses tends to be. (7) The more satisfying the support is, the more self-controlled the responses to the "shrinkage" tends to be. (8) The more dissatisfying the support is, the more impulsive the responses to the "shrinkage" tends to be. (9) The more concrete the type of support is, the more self-controlled the responses to the "shrinkage" tends to be. (10) The more superficial the type of support is, the more impulsive the responses to the "shrinkage" tends to be. (11) The more self-controlled the responses are, the more self-reliant the subjects tends to be. (12) The more impulsive the responses are, the more conflict and wandering the subjects tends to be. (13) Whether the responses to the "shrinkage" express themselves in self-control or an impulse, it will be resulted in the form of either tension or pain. The following two were confirmed on the basis of repetitive relations; (1) If a subject's suffering is weak, infrequent and not serious, the "shrinkage" is weak. Also the subject's support is highly satisfying, and the support type is concrete. The responses to the "shrinkage" result in self-control which consequence is self-reliance with part. of it resulting in tension and pain. (2) If a subject's suffering is strong, frequent and serious, the "shrinkage" is strong. Also the subject's support is dissatisfying, and the support type is superficial. The responses to the "shrinkage" result in an impulsion whose consequence is wandering with part of it resulting in tension and pain. Through the results in this study, the following is to be suggested; O This research is basically aimed at analyzing the experience of the middle school students living in broken homes, for the more inclusive approach, the study for them is made systematically according to the type of their problems.

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Comparative Analysis of Medical Terminology Among Korea, China, and Japan in the Field of Cardiopulmonary Bypass (한.중.일 의학용어 비교 분석 - 심폐바이패스 영역를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Won-Gon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.40 no.3 s.272
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2007
  • Background: Vocabularies originating from Chinese characters constitute an important common factor in the medical terminologies used 3 eastern Asian countries; Korea, China and Japan. This study was performed to comparatively analyze the medical terminologies of these 3 countries in the field of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and; thereby, facilitate further understanding among the 3 medical societies. Material and Method: A total of 129 English terms (core 85 and related 44) in the field of CPB were selected and translated into each country's official terminology, with help from Seoul National University Hospital (Korea), Tokyo Michi Memorial Hospital(Japan), and Yanbian Welfare Hospital and Harbin Children Hospital (China). Dictionaries and CPB textbooks were also cited. In addition to the official terminology used in each country, the frequency of use of English terms in a clinical setting was also analyzed. Result and Conclusion: Among the 129 terms, 28 (21.7%) were identical between the 3 countries, as based on the Chinese characters. 86 terms were identical between only two countries, mostly between Korea and Japan. As a result, the identity rate in CPB terminology between Korea and Japan was 86.8%; whereas, between Korea and China and between Japan and China the rates were both 24.8%. The frequency of use of English terms in clinical practices was much higher in Korea and Japan than in China. Despite some inherent limitations involved in the analysis, this study can be a meaningful foundation in facilitating mutual understanding between the medical societies of these 3 eastern Asian countries.

Morphology, Mineralogy and Genetic Implication of Placer Gold from the Huongkhe Area, Vietnam (베트남 홍케 지역 사금의 산상과 생성연구)

  • Choi, Sang-Hoon;Choi, Seon-Gyu;Han, Jin-Kyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.235-246
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    • 1996
  • Placer gold in collected heavy minerals from several localities in Huongkhe area, is consistently very finegrained (100 to 400μm). The size and size distribution show somewhat differences at Dongdo and Hoahai : at Dongdo, predominant relatively larger and wide distribution; at Hoahai, characteristic relatively finer and narrow distribution range. The morphology of gold grains is divided into the four groups assumed by the dimension ratio : spherical, subprismoidal, prismoidal, and irregular. The gold grains at Dongdo show wide morphological distribution, whereas, at Hoahai, spherical form is predominant (75). Three main types of gold are classified based on their chemical composition and mode of occurrence: type I (electrum; fineness=568~931), type II (amalgam; fineness=671~927), and type III (native gold; fineness=923~999). Type I gold contains, relatively high and variable silver contents (11 to 58 atomic % Ag), and has been classified into two subtypes based on their silver contents (type IA, 1139 atomic % Ag; type IB, 4058 atomic % Ag). However, type I gold would have been generally original compositions of electrum which originated at the provenance deposits. Mercury reacts with gold and silver to form amalgam (type II gold) which has variable Hg contents (1.2~30.5 atomic % Hg). The mercury contents in gold grains at Hoahai (10.9~30.5 atomic % Hg) are higher than those at Dongdo (5.8~21.1 atomic % Hg). The gold grains from the area generally exhibit a high-purity gold (type III) rim. The individual rims on the various grains range from <1 to 80μm in thickness and have silver contents of <10 atomic percent Ag, even though the core compositions range from 11 to 58 atomic percent Ag. The rim of gold most likely is responsible for the commonly cited cases of gold from placer deposits assaying at higher values of fineness than the gold in the corresponding source lode. The gold-rich rim in the Huongkhe area apparently forms by a combination of self-electrorefining and preferential dissolution of silver under oxidizing nature during the weathering and transport process. All data of gold grains in the Huongkhe area suggest that the transport distances and/or time of placer gold at Hoahai are generally farther than those at Dongdo. The mercurian gold bearing provenance deposits at Dongdo and Hoahai would be suggest nearest epithermal gold-silver vein-type.

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The Construction and Application of Planning Support System for the Sustainable Urban Development (지속가능한 도시개발을 위한 계획지원시스템의 구축과 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.1 s.118
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    • pp.133-155
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    • 2007
  • The sustainable urban development has emerged as a new paradigm of urban studies in recent years. A review of the literature of land use and transport policies in relation to sustainable development reveals a consensus that the main objectives of sustainable strategy should decrease the numbers and length of journeys, and change the land use pattern towards mixed use and high density. However, there is a lack of empirical research as to what types of policies might influence effectively the reduction in the energy consumption and emission of CO2. in order to sustain urban development. This paper tries to construct the conceptual structure of the PSS(planning support system), which is designed to the simulation of the probable effects of policies and planning of different kinds in cities, and evaluate the sustainablilty level according to construct the structure of the PSS(planning support system), which is designed to the simulation of the probable effects of policies and planning of different kinds in cities, and evaluate the sustainablilty level according to the alternative scenarios. The PSS is composed of three components (input-modeling-output). The core of PSS is integrating land use-transport-environment modeling. The advantages of integrating land use-transport-environment modeling are well known, but there are very few such integrated modeling packages in practice. So this paper tries to apply TRANUS software, which is an integrated land use and transport model. The TRANUS system was calibrated to city of Yongin for the base year. The purpose of the application of TRANUS to Yongin is to examine the operability of TRANUS system in Korea. From the outputs and results of operating the system, TRANUS may be effectively used to evaluate the effects of alternative sustainable urban development policies, since sustainablilty indicators can be extracted from several aspects such as land use consumption, total trips, distance and cost, energy consumption, ratio of transport split.

A Critical Approach on Environmental Education Biased to Environmental Possibilism - From Clearing up the Cause to Problem-Solving Mechanism - (환경관리주의 환경교육에 대한 비판적 고찰 - 원인규명에서 해결기제로의 전환을 위하여 -)

  • Kim, Tae-Kyung
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.18 no.3 s.28
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    • pp.59-74
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    • 2005
  • We can't deny Korean EE has basically developed on the basis of Environmental Possibilism (Environmental management or Reformism) in lots of aspects. I would show three representative proofs here, the first, the philosophy of Korean EE has been mainly focused on dichotomy of human-techno centrism and eco-centrism with no considering other alternative environmentalism since 4th Formal Curriculum, 1981. The second, simultaneously, the concept of EE has not distinguished from it of Science education. (Furthermore, unfortunately some says EE has been a part of Science education, although there should be many differences on its contextual aspect.) And the third one is that the limit of possibilism which market economists have worried, has scarcely mentioned in various kinds of EE-related teaching materials. Possibilism is basically likely to be accompanied by science and economics-oriented approach, and in this aspect this dichotomy, human-techno centrism and eco-centrism, has come from perspectives of Economical development process and over-addicted belief to Science. So it is enough to say that Korean EE has basically developed with biased to Environmental possibilism, in other words, biased to preference to it. And I'll critically focus on these two axes of possibilism, Science and Economics and its dichotomy. Of course, we should accept there are so many same parts in its contents between EE and Science, but we should know its contextual differences for triangular position of environmentalism suitable to EE and also overcome science-dependant approach to EE. Although science-dependant approach to EE and dichotomy could provide some tools for clearing up the causes of environmental problem, especially always it has insisted fundamental causes of environmental problem originated in human faults and over-use of eco-source or over-economic development, but now it is old-fashioned discourse, furthermore it come to have unavoidable limits in the debates of problem-solving mechanism to environmental problems. The paramount important thing is to supply the ways or thoughtful mechanism for solving or coordinating the Environmental problems, not just searching for cause of it. But scientific approach and its dichotomy based on possibilism have continuously born cause & effect in EE-related discourse. So there are so much needs to transfer from continuous bearing of cause & effect to constructive alternatives at least in environmentalism of EE. Traditionally, dichotomical division in EE Environmentalism, human-techno centrism and eco-centrism, couldn't have Provided any answers to our real society, it just gives us only cause & effects of Environmental problems. And also we can't find the description on the limits of capitalism market approach to Environmental problems especially in Korean EE text books, other teaching materials and its teaching-learning process, although market approach economist has been proved its fault beyond its functional merits as Environmental management tools. So we should introduce other alternative Environmental philosophy instead of Possibilism such as eco-socialism insisted by Schmacher M. and Boochin etc, or marxist-environmentalism for relative and comparative views to market-thought such as commodification. In this aspect we need to accept Oriental philosophy based on moderation(中庸) as new another alternatives with the reflection that we have recognized monism as representative Oriental philosophical environmentalism. Fundamentally monism has done its role with providing relative concepts to Dichotomy Enlightenment, but we can't say it has been core concept for understanding of oriental environmentalism, and we can't distinguish monism from oriental philosophy itself, just because oriental thought itself was basically monism. So conceptual difference should be recognized between EE and Science education in teaching-learning process on the basis of life-philosophy(Philosophie des Lebens) from epistemology. For this transformation, we should introduce existentialism in Science education, in other words, only existential Science education based on phenomenology or interpretivism can be EE. And simultaneously we need some ways for overcoming of scientific foundationalism which has been tradition making science not stand on existentialism, formulating and featuring of almost all of natural things and its phenomenon from after enlightenment in western world, but it has malfunctioned in fixing conception of science just into essentialism itself. And we also introduce integrated approach to science and society for EE like STS. Those are ways for overcoming of Environmental possibilism in EE.

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The Formation and Significance of Korean Ceramics Collections in Modern Britain (근대 영국의 한국도자 컬렉션의 형성 과정과 그 의미)

  • Kim, Yunjeong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.104-123
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    • 2019
  • Various European countries were active rather early on in the formation and research of Korean ceramics, which are considered a representative genre of Korean art. Of these, England is especially noteworthy due to its relatively large volume of extant archival material related to the procurement of Korean ceramics in modern Britain. The material is important in that it contributes to our understanding of the formation and economic worth of these collections. Especially meaningful are the previously unknown documents dating to the period when institutions such as the British Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum were most actively collecting Korean ceramics. These documents provide insight into the circumstances-process, prices, standards, perceptions, etc.-of procurement for the Korean ceramics now in British collections. The changes in the perception of Korean ceramics and the intention for forming such collections in modern Britain can be divided into three periods. The first, starting from the late 1870s and ending in the late 1880s, is categorized by the collectors' misguided ideal of Korean ceramics in the absence of a true understanding of the subject. During the late 1880s up until 1910, the Korean ceramics entering British collections were mostly ethnographic in nature and examples of implements used in Koreans' daily lives. Lastly, from 1910 to 1940, Korean ceramics were regarded as art objects to be collected, and Goryeo celadons formed the core of many of the British collections being assembled at the time. As for the matter of collecting standards and processes, the matter is examined through the study of three individuals who visited Korea and acquired Korean ceramics in the early 20th century. After 1910, the British started to make trips to the Far East via boat or the Trans-Siberian Express and purchase Korean ceramics during their travels. It has been confirmed that former bureaucrats were able to acquire 'good and old Goryeo ceramics' at reasonable prices from either tomb robbers or through direct visits to regions where such wares were being excavated. In addition, this study also focuses on the previously unfamiliar company Kavanaugh & Co, which made important sales and provided transport of various objects, including Korean ceramics, to its Western clients. The final part of this study examines the standards of appraisal for the Korean ceramics collected in modern Britain. The main criterion the balance between form and price of the piece. In other words, the best pieces were those that were of superior quality but acquired at the cheapest prices. British collectors particularly valued not only the Goryeo celadons favored by the Japanese but also Joseon ceramics for their innovative form, design, and technique. These standards of aesthetic and form were important factors that influenced the formation of diverse Korean ceramic collections in modern Britain.

Bachelard's Theory of Imagination and the Philosophical Bases of Creativity (바슐라르의 상상력 이론과 창의력의 철학적 기초)

  • Yoo, Kyoung-Hoon
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.603-646
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    • 2009
  • This paper explores in depth Gaston Bachelard's theory of imagination so as to establish the philosophical bases of creativity. While he had begun his studies on imagination to eliminate unreliable subjectivity hampering objectivity of philosophy of science, he was fascinated to become a philosopher of imagination by its unlimited power. Since his theory of imagination marked a prominent spot in the history of Western idea, this paper will seek its significant implications that will also shed light on the philosophical grounds of creativity. The best way to approach his theory is to differentiate whether imagination is the power of forming images or that of transforming them. If not misguided by surface simplicity of the aforementioned differentiation, it will be revealed that it has accrued strata in the history of Western idea. The power of forming images is related to theory of mimesis or of representation, and to ocularcentric and logo-centric structures. Bachelard strongly opposes to the theory of imagination as power of forming images, since, if it is so, its expansion and development are not possible. He thereby constructs the theory of imagination as power of transforming images. The force of movement lies at the core of his theory. Imagination as an ability to intuit movement is directly related to the problem of change in the history of Western idea. If an entity is incessantly changes itself, it becomes a crucial role of imagination to capture the force perse in the perpetual movement without distortedly and abruptly fixing it at a still point of time and space. Bachelard criticizes such a method that makes movement a controllable entity consisting of partitioned moments of space; instead, he constructs theory of imagination that reveals the true power of indispensable movement. Furthermore, it will be revealed that Bachelard's theory has more affinities with Kantian imagination and reflective judgement of aesthetics than the past researches on Bachelard showed. This paper, by means of the above investigation, will transcend the superficiality of defining what are Bachelard's formal, material, and dynamic imaginations; simultaneously, it will bear philosophical conditions of possibility that makes us experience imagination fully. These conditions also become the philosophical foundations of creativity. It will draw to a provisional close its imaginative journey of everlasting movement by making ontological and ethical dimensions of imagination and creativity.

Revitalization of Local Tradition and Event Tourism - In case of Wang-In Cultural Festival in Kurim-ri, Yongam - (지역전통의 활성화와 이벤트관광 - 영암 구림리 왕인문화축제를 사례로 -)

  • Chu, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2001
  • Recently, local traditions and cultural assets have been rediscovered and developed as resources in local societies of Korea and a great deal of effort has been made to develop event tourism. Based on this renewed interest, this study chose as a case the Wang In Cultural Festival in Kurim-ri, Yongam, and examined the background of the early Wang In Cultural Festival and its evolution up to the present focusing on. the festival program. In Cultural Festival first began as the Wang In Cherry Blossom Festival in 1993 with a budget of 50 million won, and has been developed into a large-scale festival with a budget of 340 million won, attracting 500,000 visitors in 2000. Together with such evolution, there has been a great change in the organization and content of the Festival program. The most important change began in the 1997 which included a religious service for Confucian scholars called 'Chunhyang Grand Festival for Dr. Wang In' as a core program. Since then, festival programs related to Dr. Wang In have greatly increased in number. A decisive change became prominent when the festival promotion system was transferred from the Kunseo Young Men's Association during the early period(1993-1996) to Youngam-gun in 1997. It is true that the Wang In Cultural Festival, which began as a purely regional festival initiated by a non-governmental organization, changed a lot in terms of its scale and program when Youngam-gun emerged as a strong leading group in 1997. However, not enough consideration has been given to institutional devices and procedures that are required for the local culture to take a firm root in the community through the festival. Therefore, in order to solve such fundamental problems, a permanent non-governmental organization is required for festival preparation. In addition, in order to promote overall progress of the community and an increase in the quality of the cultural environment of the local society through the festival, it is necessary to discover and promote recognition of cultural groups in the community.

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