• Title/Summary/Keyword: K-DRG

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Improved Axonal Regeneration Responses in the Injured Sciatic Nerve of Rats by Danggui Treatment (당귀가 rat의 손상된 좌골신경 재생에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Soon-Sung;Oh, Min-Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.133-150
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    • 2008
  • Objective: This study was performed to examine Danggui (DG, Angelica gigas Nakai)'s potential activity for promoting axonal regeneration in the injured peripheral nerve. Methods: Using the sciatic nerve in the rats, DG extract 5 μl(10 mg/ml in 0.5% saline) was dripped into the injury site of the nerve. Results: DG treatment facilitated axonal elongation responses in the distal portion to the injury site. GAP-43 protein levels were upregulated by DG treatment in the injured nerve and also in the DRG, suggesting the induction of GAP-43 expression at gene expression level after nerve injury. Phospho-Erk1/2 protein levels were upregulated in the injured nerve area and also in the DRG, suggesting retrograde transport of phospho-Erk1/2 protein from the injury area to the cell body. Cdc2 protein levels were slightly upregulated by DG treatment. DG treatment increased the number of non-neuronal cells in the distal portion to the injury site. Conclusions: The present data suggest that DG is effective for enhanced axonal regrowth after sciatic nerve injury.

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A Protocol for High Frequency Plant Conversion from Somatic Embryos of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. DRG-12)

  • Rani A. Raja;Padmaja G.
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.187-193
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    • 2005
  • A protocol was developed for somatic embryogenesis with 100% induction rate from immature zygotic embryo axes of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. DRG-12) cultured on MS medium containing 18.09μM 2,4-D. The frequency of somatic embryogenesis (31.7%) as well as the number of somatic embryos induced per explant (6.6) decreased when the concentration of 2,4-D was increased to 72.4μM. Morphologically abnormal somatic embryos were observed at a frequency of 43.3% on MS medium containing 72.4μM 2,4-D. Somatic embryos isolated from 30-day-old cultures of immature zygotic embryo axes exhibited precocious germination with varied responses when placed on MS basal medium with 3% sucrose. Maximum shoot induction (80.0%) was observed from somatic embryos isolated from 60-day-old cultures of immature zygotic embryo axes when placed as a clump rather than individually on MS medium supplemented with 26.63μM BA and 0.54μM NAA. Shoots developed from somatic embryos rooted with higher frequency (93.3%) on Blaydes' medium containing 5.4μM NAA.

A Study on Accounting for Nursing Cost by Korean Diagnosis Related Groups (K - DRGs) (종합병원(綜合病院)의 간호행위양상(看護行爲樣相)에 따른 간호원가(看護原價) 산정(算定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Hyo-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 1989
  • The current medical payment Insurance Rates in Korea stipulate charges for medical treatment by the doctor, pharmaceutist, medical technician and maternity nurse. But unfortunately didn't specify those charges for nursing done by the professional nurse. Only basic nursing fee is accounted insufficiently in current medical insurance fee schedule. therefore, Being face with covering entire people by medical insurance by 1991, It seems that the problems pertaining to operating the hospital and medical insurance system would be incessantly expanded in that no mention is made of medical charges rendered by major medical producer service in the current system, For that reason, this study made an attempt to clarify the importance the professional nursing puts of the current medical payment. The purpose of this study was to accounting nursing fee which diveded into the current medical fee schedule. (Method) 1. Data collection; Importance and difficulties in nursing activities was conducted in 'S' National University Hospital. Total nursing activities were selected 72 items which included direct care and indirect care. This study was conducted to evaluating the degree of importance and difficulties according to nursing activities through questionnaire to 204 RN. and so relative difficulties (acuity) were computered because the nursing cost level of each nursing service was differently established by the equivalent coefficient according to degree of relative difficulty and time required. 2. Calculation of cost according to nursing activities; After 47 nursing activities were selected in General surgery nursing units, calculation of nursing cost was as follows Cost of Nursing activity = (relative difficulty X Average hourly wage and benefits of nurse) + material cost of nursing -t- Average nursing administration cost So, Calculated cost by nursing activities was compared to current non-insured and insurance rate. 3. Calculation of nursing cost by K - DRG ; Total of 578 patients who were hospitalized in General Surgery units from January to March 1988 ware classified by K - DRG After estimation of total nursing cost based on the K-DRG, verified the appropriateness of basic nursing fee in medical insurance rate (Results) 1. Analysis of degree of importance and difficulties were 4.16 and 3.67 based on 5 point scale. This score were judged that it is worthy specifying the nursing fee 2. The nursing cost of 47 nursing service items in general surgery patients showed that the average cost of nursing activity was \1374.5 and The lowest cost was \217 of 'oral administration nursing' item, The highest cost was \11,025 of 'saline enematill clear' item 3. The result of comparison between the calculated cost by nursing activities against the current non-insured and insurance rate showed that 13 items(27.7%) involved to payment of insurance rate, 9 items(19.1%) involved to non-insured rate, remainder 25 items (53.2%) were not charged anywhere of total 47 nursing activities 4. When calculated cost by nursing activities was 100. current insurance rate was 62.3, non-insured rate was 176.6. Therefore this showed that most of non-insured rate were higher than calculated nursing cost. The insurance rate, however, were lower than it. Reim-bursement was imputed to non-insured patients. So the current rate system became estrainged from cost system. When Remainder 25 items of nursing activities compared' to \1390 of daily basic nursing fee per patient belonged to payment as a insurance fee schedule, basic nursing fee schedule was 1-2% of calculated cost of nursing activities. Therefore it showed that nursing fee was not counted adequately in it. 5. Nursing cost by K-DRG estimated in chart review based on counting number of nursing activities and length of stay The result showed that average amount of total nursing cost was \183828.1 Comparison of nursing cost calculated by K- DRG and basic nursing fee schedule showed that only 12.3% of nursing cost was charged (Conclusion) From the above research result, It is fact that nursing prime cost should be estimated more accurately and included adequately in current medical payment system. The payment system of nursing activities should be introduced not only nursing activities of drug administration and injection fee belonged to insurance fee schedule but also most nursing activities belonged not to mekical fee schedule. Even if introducing payment system of nursing activities, It should be estimated scientific method of Accounting nursing cost So nurses could offer nursing care of good quality, thereby they could make a great contribution not merely to the convalescence of the patient but to the promotion of the people's health.

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An analysis of using trend and relationship among DRGs, Nursing Diagnoses and Nursing Interventions (DRG, 간호진단, 간호중재의 활용경향 및 관계분석;미국의 일 지역을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Myun-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.207-219
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this research were to: a) define the changing trends of DRGs in comparison to the National Data, b) define the changing trends of Nursing Diagnoses and Nursing Interventions for the 5 most frequently occurring Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs) across 3 years, and c) define the relationships between nursing diagnoses and nursing Interventions for the 5 most frequently occurring DRGs across the 3 years. This study was a secondary data analysis of medical and nursing data based on the United States Nursing Minimum Data Set and the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set retrieved from a Midwestern USA medical center. The results showed interesting comparisons with national statistics as well as practice relevant trends within the nursing data. Additionally, the results showed the possibility that nursing data can be extracted from the medical data, so they can used in the nursing productivity and cost issues etc. In conclusion, this study supports the power of minimum data sets and nursing classifications to begin to describe a more global perspective the inter-relationships and trends of nursing data within the medical diagnosis context.

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Sengmaek-san-mediated Enhancement of Axonal Regeneration after Sciatic Nerve Injury in the Rat

  • Baek, Kyung-Min;Kim, Yoon-Sik;Ryu, Ho-Ryong;Jo, Hyun-Kyung;An, Jung-Jo;Namgung, Uk;Seol, In-Chan
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.431-437
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    • 2008
  • Sengmaek-san(Shengmai-san; SMS) is used in oriental medicine as one of the key herbal medicine for treating diverse symptoms including cardiovascular and neurological disorders. In the present study, the effects of SMS on axonal regeneration were investigated in the rat model given sciatic nerve injury. SMS treatment enhanced axonal regrowth into and the number of non-neuronal cells in the distal area after crush injury. GAP-43 protein levels were increased in the injured sciatic nerve compared to intact nerve and further upreguated by SMS treatment. GAP-43 protein was increased similarly in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) at lumbar 4 - 6 by nerve injury and SMS treatment, suggesting GAP-43 induction at gene expression level. SMS-mediated increase in phospho-Erk1/2 protein was observed in the DRG as well as in the injured nerve implying its retrograde transport into the cell body as the process of lesion signal transmission. The present findings suggest that SMS may be involved in enhanced axonal regeneration via dynamic regulation of regeneration-associated proteins.

Induction of Demyelination by Infection of Semliki Forest Virus

  • Kim, Hyun Joo;Choi, Chang-Shik;Hong, Seong-Karp
    • Rapid Communication in Photoscience
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-12
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    • 2016
  • Schwann cells and neuronal cells from dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in embryos of rat were cultured in vitro respectively. The purified neuronal cells with anti-mitotic agents and purified Schwann cells were co-cultured and then accomplished myelination processing. Infection of Semliki forest virus into this myelinated co-culture system was performed and then accomplished demyelination. We identified myelination and demyelination processing using antibody of neuropeptide Y.

External pH Effects on Delayed Rectifier K+ Currents of Small Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuron of Rat

  • Kim, Young-Ho;Hahn, Jung-Hyun;Lim, In-Ja;Chung, Sung-Kwon;Bang, Hyo-Weon
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 1998
  • Under certain pathophysiological conditions, such as inflammation and ischemia, the concentration of H^+$ ion in the tissue surrounding neurons is changed. Variations in H^+$ concentration are known to alter the conduction and/of the gating properties of several types of ion channels. Several types of K^+$ channels are modulated by pH. In this study, the whole cell configuration of the patch clamp technique has been applied to the recording of the responses of change of external pH on the delayed rectifier K^+$ current of cultured DRG neurons of rat. Outward K^+$ currents were examined in DRG cells, and the Charybdotoxin and Mn^{2+}$ could eliminate Ca^{2+}-dependent$ K^+$ currents from outward K^+$ currents. This outward K^+$ current was activated around -60 mV by step depolarizing pulses from holding potential -70 mV. Outward K^+$ currents were decreased by low external pH. Activation and steady-state inactivation curve were shifted to the right by acidification, while there was small change by alkalization. These results suggest that H^+$ could be alter the sensory modality by changing and modifying voltage-dependent K^+$ currents, which participated in repolarization.

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Studies of the Effects of Acupuncture Stimulation at Huatuo Jiaji(EX B2) Points on Axonal Regeneration of Injured Sciatic Nerve in the Rats (화타협척혈 침자극에 의한 손상 말초신경의 재생효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Feel;Park, Young-Hoi;Keum, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.39-61
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : The present study was performed to investigate whether acupuncture stimulation in the rats affected regeneration properties of the injured sciatic nerve. A differential effect of acupuncture stimulation on the one point near the spinal nerve root controlling sciatic nerve activity and the other point in the peripheral area subordinated by injured nerve was compared. Materials and Methods: Rat sciatic nerves were injured by crush, and the effects on axonal regeneration on injured sciatic nerves were evaluated by acupuncture stimulation at two different regions. In proximal acupuncture stimulation group, acupuncture stimulation was performed on Huatuo Jiaji(EX B2) points located from L5 to S1 vertebral levels to stimulate the nearest spinal nerve root that innervates sciatic nerves. In distal acupuncture stimulation group, acupuncture stimulation was performed on Zusanli(ST 36) and Weizhong(BL 40) points to stimulate at peripheral area dominated by injured sciatic nerves. Acupuncture stimulation was given every other days for 1 or 2 weeks. Sciatic nerve tissues collected from acupuncture stimulation experimental groups, injury control group, and intact animal group were used for protein analysis by Western blotting or Hoechst nuclear staining. To determine axonal regeneration, Dil fluorescence dye was injected into the sciatic nerve 0.5 cm distal to the injury site in individual animal groups and Dil-labeled cells by retrograde tracing were measured in the DRG at lumbar 5 or in the spinal cord. DRG sensory neurons prepared from individual animal groups were used to measure the extent of neurite outgrowth and for immunofluorescence staining with anti-GAP-43 antibody. Results : Animal groups given proximal or distal acupuncture stimulation showed upregulation of GAP-43 and Cdc2 protein levels in the sciatic nerve at 7 days after injury. Cdk2 protein levels were strongly induced by nerve injury, but did not show changes by acupuncture stimulation. Phospho-Erk1/2 protein levels were elevated by acupuncture stimulation above those present in the injury control animals. These increase in regeneration-associated protein levels appeared to be related with increase cell proliferation in the injured sciatic nerves. Hoechst 33258 staining of sciatic nerve tissue to visualize nuclei of individual cells showed increased Schwann cell number in the distal portion of the injured nerve 7 and 14 days after injury and further increases by acupuncture stimulation particularly at the proximal position. Measurement of axonal regeneration by retrograde tracing showed significantly increased Dil-labeled cells in proximal acupuncture stimulation group compared to distal acupuncture stimulation group and injury control group. Finally, an evaluation of axonal regeneration by retrograde tracing showed increased number of Dil labeled cells in the DRG at lumbar 5 or in the ventral horn of the spinal cord at lower thoracic level at 7 days after nerve injury. Conclusions : The present data show that the proximal acupuncture stimulation at Huatuo Jiaji(EX B2) points governing injured sciatic nerves was more effective for axonal regeneration than the distal acupuncture stimulation. Further studies on functional recovery or associated molecular mechanisms should be critical for developing animal models and clinical applications.

Effect of Gyehyuldeung Treatments in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration of Rat (계혈등(鷄血藤)이 Rat의 말초신경 재생에 미치는 효과)

  • Lim, Seung-Min;Ahn, Jung-Jo;Jo, Hyun-Kyung;Yoo, Ho-Ryong;Kim, Yoon-Sik;Seol, In-Chan
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.375-387
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    • 2009
  • Objective : Gyehyuldeung (GHD) has been widely used in oriental medicine for the treatments of cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Thus, its potential facilitatory activity on axonal regeneration was investigated in the rats. Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats were given crush injury at the sciatic nerve and the changes of axon growth after nerve injury on each nerve injury model were investigated with anti-NF-200 antibody, DiI, GAP-43 protein and Cdc2 protein Results : GHD-mediated enhancement of axonal regeneration after crush injury was measured in both qualitative and quantitative ways by immunofluorescence staining with anti-NF-200 antibody and retrograde tracing of fluorescence dye DiI. GAP-43 protein levels were elevated by GHD treatments in the distal injured sciatic nerve and DRG sensory neurons. The neurite outgrowth of DRG sensory neurons was facilitated by GHD treatment when co-cultured with Schwann cells and astrocytes prepared from injured sciatic nerves and injured spinal cord tissues, respectively. It was observed that Cdc2 protein was up-regulated in co-cultured Schwann cells or astrocytes and Cdc2 protein signals were co-localized to a certain extent with those of phospho-vimentin protein. Conclusions : These results suggest that GHD may play a facilitatory role in axonal regeneration by acting on the injured axons and adjacent non-neuronal cells. The current findings may be useful for the development of therapeutic targets through more specific explorations on molecular interactions between herbal components and endogenous factors.

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