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Study on the Effect of Deep Fertilization on Paddy Field - Efficiency of Ball Complex Fertilizer Mixed with Zeolite - (수도(水稻)에 대(對)한 심층추비효과(深層追肥効果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - Zeolite 첨가(添加) Ball complex 비료(肥料)의 비효(肥効) -)

  • Kim, Tai-Soon;U., Zang-Kual
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 1977
  • A study was conducted in order to compare the topdressing method of the conventional fertilizers as control and the deep application method of the ball complex fertilizer newly developed. The ball complex fertilizer consisted of 5% of nitrogen, 5% of phosphorus, and 7% of potassium. Basal application of nitrogen for the rice plant was the same for both control plots and ball complex plots. One ball complex fertilizer per four hills was applied at depth of 12~13cm 35days before heading stage while control plot received three times topdressing at different growth stages as usual practice. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The ball complex fertilizer applied in the soil was continuously utilized by the rice plants until harvest time while nitrogen and potassium uptake of control plots was reduced rapidly after heading stage. Daily uptake of nitrogen and potassium per hill at maturing stage were 0.45mg and 0.68mg in control plots, but 4.80mg and 7.0mg respectively in ball complex plots. 2. Dry matter productivity of the rice plant in control plots, well coinciding with nutrients uptake pattern, was maximum just after heading stage decreased at maturing stage. But dry matter productivity in ball complex plots was much higher at maturing stage than at heading stage. 3. Ball complex application increased effective tillering rate, causing higher panicle number per hill. 4. Ball complex application brought about 528kg/10a of hulled grain yield while the conventional practice 423kg/10a. 5. Deep application of ball complex was superior to usual practice in terms of yield components such as panicle number per hill, filled grain number per panicle, maturing rate, and 1,000 grain weight. 6. From the morphological characteristics point of view, the deep application of ball complex made the flag leaf and the 2nd leaf heavier, larger and broader as compared to control treatment. 7. It is considered that by applying the ball complex fertilizer at depth of 12~13cm sufficient amount of nitrogen and potassium could be utilized by rice plants during the maturing stage and assimilated in the leaf blade, consequently making the flag leaf and the 2nd leaf bigger and healthier. The fact can easily explain that the ball complex plots had higher capacity of photosynthesis, less discoloration of lower leaves, bigger leaf area index, and better grain yield as compared to the conventional practice. In conclusion the deep application method of the ball complex fertilizer was superior to the routine topdressing method of the usual fertilizers.

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  • Kwak, Young-Sil;Richmond, Arthur D.;Ahn, Byung-Ho;Won, Young-In
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.147-174
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    • 2005
  • To understand the physical processes that control the high-latitude lower thermospheric dynamics, we quantify the forces that are mainly responsible for maintaining the high-latitude lower thermospheric wind system with the aid of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Thermosphere-Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (NCAR-TIEGCM). Momentum forcing is statistically analyzed in magnetic coordinates, and its behavior with respect to the magnitude and orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is further examined. By subtracting the values with zero IMF from those with non-zero IMF, we obtained the difference winds and forces in the high-latitude 1ower thermosphere(<180 km). They show a simple structure over the polar cap and auroral regions for positive($B_y$ > 0.8|$\overline{B}_z$ |) or negative($B_y$ < -0.8|$\overline{B}_z$|) IMF-$\overline{B}_y$ conditions, with maximum values appearing around -80$^{\circ}$ magnetic latitude. Difference winds and difference forces for negative and positive $\overline{B}_y$ have an opposite sign and similar strength each other. For positive($B_z$ > 0.3125|$\overline{B}_y$|) or negative($B_z$ < -0.3125|$\overline{B}_y$|) IMF-$\overline{B}_z$ conditions the difference winds and difference forces are noted to subauroral latitudes. Difference winds and difference forces for negative $\overline{B}_z$ have an opposite sign to positive $\overline{B}_z$ condition. Those for negative $\overline{B}_z$ are stronger than those for positive indicating that negative $\overline{B}_z$ has a stronger effect on the winds and momentum forces than does positive $\overline{B}_z$ At higher altitudes(>125 km) the primary forces that determine the variations of tile neutral winds are the pressure gradient, Coriolis and rotational Pedersen ion drag forces; however, at various locations and times significant contributions can be made by the horizontal advection force. On the other hand, at lower altitudes(108-125 km) the pressure gradient, Coriolis and non-rotational Hall ion drag forces determine the variations of the neutral winds. At lower altitudes(<108 km) it tends to generate a geostrophic motion with the balance between the pressure gradient and Coriolis forces. The northward component of IMF By-dependent average momentum forces act more significantly on the neutral motion except for the ion drag. At lower altitudes(108-425 km) for negative IMF-$\overline{B}_y$ condition the ion drag force tends to generate a warm clockwise circulation with downward vertical motion associated with the adiabatic compress heating in the polar cap region. For positive IMF-$\overline{B}_y$ condition it tends to generate a cold anticlockwise circulation with upward vertical motion associated with the adiabatic expansion cooling in the polar cap region. For negative IMF-$\overline{B}_z$ the ion drag force tends to generate a cold anticlockwise circulation with upward vertical motion in the dawn sector. For positive IMF-$\overline{B}_z$ it tends to generate a warm clockwise circulation with downward vertical motion in the dawn sector.

Analysis of Bone Mineral Density and Related Factors after Pelvic Radiotherapy in Patients with Cervical Cancer (골반부 방사선 치료를 받은 자궁경부암 환자의 골밀도 변화와 관련 인자 분석)

  • Yi, Sun-Shin;Jeung, Tae-Sig
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was designed to evaluate the effects on bone mineral density (BMD) and related factors according to the distance from the radiation field at different sites. This study was conducted on patients with uterine cervical cancer who received pelvic radiotherapy. Materials and Methods: We selected 96 patients with cervical cancer who underwent determination of BMD from November 2002 to December 2006 after pelvic radiotherapy at Kosin University Gospel Hospital. The T-score and Z-score for the first lumbar spine (L1), fourth lumbar spine (L4) and femur neck (F) were analyzed to determine the difference in BMD among the sites by the use of ANOVA and the post-hoc test. The study subjects were evaluated for age, body weight, body mass index (BMI), post-radiotherapy follow-up duration, intracavitary radiotherapy (ICR) and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). Association between the characteristics of the study subjects and T-score for each site was evaluated by the use of Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results: The average T-score for all ages was -1.94 for the L1, -0.42 for the L4 and -0.53 for the F. The average Z-score for all ages was -1.11 for the L1, -0.40 for the L4 and -0.48 for the F. The T-score and Z-score for the L4 and F were significantly different from the scores for the L1 (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the L4 and F. Results for patients younger than 60 years were the same as for all ages. Age and ICR were negatively correlated and body weight and HRT were positively correlated with the T-score for all sites (p<0.05). BMI was positively correlated with the T-score for the L4 and F (p<0.05). Based on the use of multiple regression analysis, age was negatively associated with the T-score for the L1 and F and was positively correlated for the L4 (p<0.05). Body weight was positively associated with the T-score for all sites (p<0.05). ICR was negatively associated with the T-score for the L1 (p<0.05). HRT was positively associated with the T-score for the L4 and F (p<0.05). Conclusion: The T-score and Z-score for the L4 and F were significantly higher than the scores for the L1, a finding in contrast to some previous studies on normal women. It was thought that radiation could partly influence BMD because of a higher T-score and Z-score for sites around the radiotherapy field. We suggest that a further long-term study is necessary to determine the clinical significance of these findings, which will influence the diagnosis of osteoporosis based on BMD in patients with cervical cancer who have received radiotherapy.

Ecophysiological Interpretations on the Water Relations Parameters of Trees(VII) - Measurement of Water Flow by the Heat Pulse Method in a Larix leptolepis Stand - (수목(樹木)의 수분특성(水分特性)에 관(關)한 생리(生理)·생태학적(生態學的) 해석(解析)(VII) - Heat pulse법(法)에 의한 낙엽송임분(林分)의 수액류속(樹液流速) 계측(計測) -)

  • Han, Sang Sup;Kim, Sun Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.82 no.2
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    • pp.152-165
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    • 1993
  • This is the basic study in order to know the amount of transpirational water loss in a Larix leptorepis stand by a heat pulse method. Especially this study has been measured and discussed the diurnal and seasonal trends of heat pulse velocity by changes of radiation, temperature and humidity, differences of heat pulse velocity by direction and depth in stem, differences of heat pulse velocity by dominant, codominant and suppressed trees, diurnal change of heat pulse velocity by change of leaf water potential, sap flow path way in sapwood by dye penetration and amount of daily and annual transpiration in a tree and stand. The results obtained as follows : 1. Relation between heat pulse velocity(V) and sap flow rate(SFR) was established as a equation of SFR=1.37V($r=0.96^{**}$). 2. The sap flow rate presented in the order of dominant, codominant and suppressed tree, respectively. The daily heat pulse velocity was changed by radiation, temperature and vapor pressure deficit. 3. The heat pulse velocity in individual trees did not differ in early morning and in late night, but had some differed from 12 to 16 hours when radiation was relatively high. 4. The heat pulse velocity and leaf water potential showed similar diurnal variation. 5. The seasonal variation of heat pulse velocity was highest in August, but lowest in October and similar value of heat pulse velocity in the other months. 6. The heat pulse velocity in stem by direction was highest in eastern, but lowest in southern and similar velocity in western and northern. 7. The difference of heat pulse velocity in according to depths was highest in 2.0cm depth, medium in 1.0cm depth, and lowest in 3.0cm depth from surface of stem. 8. The sap flow path way in stem showed spiral ascent turning right pattern in five sample trees, especially showed little spiral ascent turning right in lower part than 3m hight above ground, but very speedy in higher than 3m hight. 9. The amount of sap flow(SF) was presented as a equation of SF=1.37AV and especially SF in dominant tree was larger than in codominant or suppressed tree. 10. The amount of daily transpiration was 30.8ton/ha/day and its composition ratio was 83% at day and 17% at night. 11. The amount of stand transpiration per month was largest in August(1,194ton/ha/month), lowest in May (386ton/ha/month). The amount of stand transpiration per year was 3,983ton/ha/year.

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Performance analysis of Frequent Itemset Mining Technique based on Transaction Weight Constraints (트랜잭션 가중치 기반의 빈발 아이템셋 마이닝 기법의 성능분석)

  • Yun, Unil;Pyun, Gwangbum
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, frequent itemset mining for considering the importance of each item has been intensively studied as one of important issues in the data mining field. According to strategies utilizing the item importance, itemset mining approaches for discovering itemsets based on the item importance are classified as follows: weighted frequent itemset mining, frequent itemset mining using transactional weights, and utility itemset mining. In this paper, we perform empirical analysis with respect to frequent itemset mining algorithms based on transactional weights. The mining algorithms compute transactional weights by utilizing the weight for each item in large databases. In addition, these algorithms discover weighted frequent itemsets on the basis of the item frequency and weight of each transaction. Consequently, we can see the importance of a certain transaction through the database analysis because the weight for the transaction has higher value if it contains many items with high values. We not only analyze the advantages and disadvantages but also compare the performance of the most famous algorithms in the frequent itemset mining field based on the transactional weights. As a representative of the frequent itemset mining using transactional weights, WIS introduces the concept and strategies of transactional weights. In addition, there are various other state-of-the-art algorithms, WIT-FWIs, WIT-FWIs-MODIFY, and WIT-FWIs-DIFF, for extracting itemsets with the weight information. To efficiently conduct processes for mining weighted frequent itemsets, three algorithms use the special Lattice-like data structure, called WIT-tree. The algorithms do not need to an additional database scanning operation after the construction of WIT-tree is finished since each node of WIT-tree has item information such as item and transaction IDs. In particular, the traditional algorithms conduct a number of database scanning operations to mine weighted itemsets, whereas the algorithms based on WIT-tree solve the overhead problem that can occur in the mining processes by reading databases only one time. Additionally, the algorithms use the technique for generating each new itemset of length N+1 on the basis of two different itemsets of length N. To discover new weighted itemsets, WIT-FWIs performs the itemset combination processes by using the information of transactions that contain all the itemsets. WIT-FWIs-MODIFY has a unique feature decreasing operations for calculating the frequency of the new itemset. WIT-FWIs-DIFF utilizes a technique using the difference of two itemsets. To compare and analyze the performance of the algorithms in various environments, we use real datasets of two types (i.e., dense and sparse) in terms of the runtime and maximum memory usage. Moreover, a scalability test is conducted to evaluate the stability for each algorithm when the size of a database is changed. As a result, WIT-FWIs and WIT-FWIs-MODIFY show the best performance in the dense dataset, and in sparse dataset, WIT-FWI-DIFF has mining efficiency better than the other algorithms. Compared to the algorithms using WIT-tree, WIS based on the Apriori technique has the worst efficiency because it requires a large number of computations more than the others on average.

The Content of Minerals in Algae (해조류(海藻類)의 무기성분(無機成分))

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Sung, Nak-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 1980
  • Sixteen species of algae (4 species of green algae, 5 species of brown algae and 7 species of red algae) were collected from the coast of Chungmu, Gyeongnam, from June to October, 1976. The content of minerals in algae were analyzed by Atometic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results were as followed 1) The content of Iron and Nickel in green algae were abundant, and those of Lead, Nickel and Manganese in brown algae were low. 2) The content of Cadmium were in the range of 0.58-1.04ppm (average: 0.85ppm) in green algae, 0.32-2.10ppm (average: 1.08ppm) in brown algae and 0.54-1.70ppm (average: 1.04ppm) in red algae. The content of Cadmium were in the range of 0.3-0.6ppm in laver, Porphyra tenera, sea mustard, Undaria pinnatifida, and tangle, Laminaria japonica, but its content was lower than those expected. 3) The content of Lead were in the range of 0.67-1.40ppm (average: 1.03ppm) in green algae, 0.60-1.00ppm (average: 0.82ppm) in brown algae, 0.56-2.40ppm (average: 1.28ppm) in red algae and its content in algae were lower than in fish and shellfish. 4) The content of Copper were in the range of 10.8-24.2ppm (average: 18.95ppm) in green algae, 7.4-24.6ppm (average: 18.16ppm) in brown algae, 6.4-31.2ppm (average: 19.94ppm) in red algae and those content were considerably abundant except for some algae. 5) The content of Nickel were in the range of 5.4-16.6ppm (average: 9.1ppm) in green algae, 1.0-4.4ppm (average: 2.32ppm) in brown algae and 0.7-4.6ppm (average: 2.59ppm) in red algae. 6) The content of Iron were in the range of 686.4-1159.0ppm (average: 916.5ppm) in green algae, 131.0-499.2ppm (average: 310.16ppm) in brown algae and 156.0-530.4ppm (average: 248.2ppm) in red algae. Especially, that of Iron in green algae showed higher value than in any other. 7) The content of Manganese were in the range of 48-221ppm (average: 157.25ppm) in green algae, 12-65ppm (average: 41ppm) in brown algae and 72-162ppm (average: 121ppm) in red algae. Especially, that of Manganese in brown algae showed lower value than in any other. 8) The content of Zinc were in the range of 191.3-451.1ppm (average: 290.05ppm) in green algae, 89.9-374.2ppm (average: 202.64ppm) in brown algae and 106.4-281.4ppm (average: 188.93ppm) in red algae. 9) The content of Magnesium were in the range of 0.48-1.83% (average: 1.27%) in green algae, 1.04-1.71% (average: 1.21%) in brown algae and 0.42-1.24% (average: 0.097%) in red algae. 10) The content of Fluorine were in the range of 29.2-92.7ppm (average: 53.03ppm) in green algae, 33.3-43.5ppm (average: 39.18ppm) in brown algae and 32.4-59.0ppm (average: 44.84ppm) in red algae.

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The Variation of Natural Population of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. in Korea (VIII) - Genetic Variation of the progeny originated from Injye, Jeongsun, and Samchuk Populations - (소나무 천연집단(天然集團)의 변이(變異)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 인제(麟蹄), 정선(旌善), 삼척집단(三陟集團)의 차대(次代)의 유전변이(遺傳變異) -)

  • Yim, Kyong Bin;Lee, Kyong Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.20-30
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    • 1979
  • The purpose of present study is to analyze the genetic variation of natural stand of Pinus densiflora. In 1976 following after the seletion of 1974 and 1975, twenty trees from each of three natural populations of the species were selected and seeds were collected, and the locations and conditions of populations are presented in table 1, 2 and figure 1. Some morphological traits of the populations were already detailed in our fifth report of this series. The morphological traits of cone, seed and seed-wing, and also the growth performances and needle characters of the seedling were observed in the present study according to the previous methods. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. The meteorological data obtained by averaging the records of 30 year period(1931~1960) measured from the nearest meteorological station to each population are shown in fig. 2, 3, 4. The distributional patterns of investigated climate factors are generally considered to be similar among the locations. However, the precipitation density during growing season and the air temperature during dormant season on Samchuk area (Pop. 9) were quite different from those of the other areas. 2. The measurements of fresh cone weight, length, diameter and cone index (i.e.: length to diameter ratio) are presented in table 7. As shown in table 7, all these traits except for cone diameter seem to be not significant in population and to be highly significant in family differences within population. 3. The morohological traits of seed and seed-wing are detailed in table 8, 9, and highly significant differences are recognized among the populations and the families within population in seed weight, seed length, seed thickness but not among the populations in the other observed traits. The values of correlation between the characteristics of cone and seed are presented in table 12. As shown, the correlation between cone length and seed wing length, between seed wing width and seed width were significantly positive in population 8 and 9 but in population 7. The positive correlations between seed length and seed width were calculated in all populations studied 4. Significant statistical differences among populations and families within population are observed in the growth performances of 1-0 seedling height of these progenies. But the differences in 1-1 seedling height and root collar diameter are shown only among familes within population. As shown in table 13, the most parts of correlations are not significant statistically between the growth performances of seedling and the seed characters. 5. As shown in table 15, statistical differences are considered to be significant among the populations in stomata row on both sides of the needle but not in serration density. The correlations between progenies and parents are not generally observed in the investigated traits of needle as shown in table 16.

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Two Anhydrous Zeolite X Crystal Structures, $Ca_{18}Tl_{56}Si_{100}Al_{92}O_{384}\;and\;Ca_{32}Tl_{28}Si_{100}Al_{92}O_{384}$ (제올라이트 X의 두 개의 무수물 $Ca_{18}Tl_{56}Si_{100}Al_{92}O_{384}$$Ca_{32}Tl_{28}Si_{100}Al_{92}O_{384}$의 결정구조)

  • Choi, Eun Young;Kim, Yang
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.384-385
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    • 1999
  • Two anhydrous crystal structures of fully dehydrated, $Ca^{2+}$- and $Tl^+$-exchanged zeolite X, TEX>$Ca_{18}Tl_{56}Si_{100}Al_{92}O_{384}($Ca_{18}Tl_{56}$-X;\alpha=24.883(4)\AA)$ and TEX>$Ca_{32}Tl_{28}Si_{100}Al_{92}O_{384}($Ca_{32}Tl_{28}$-X;\alpha=24.973(4)\AA)$ per unit cell, have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques in the cubic space group Fd3 at $21(1)^{\circ}C.$ $Ca_{18}Tl_{56}-X$ was prepared by ion exchange in a flowing stream of 0.045 M aqueous $Ca(NO_3)_2$ and 0.005 M $TlNO_3$. $Ca_{32}Tl_{28}-X$ was prepared similarly using a mixed solution of 0.0495 M $Ca(NO_3)_2$ and 0.0005M $TlNO_3$. Each crystal was then dehydrated at 360 $^{\circ}C$ and $2{\times}10^{-6}$ Torr for 2 days. Their structures were refined to the final error indices, $R_1=0.039\;and\;R_2=0.036$ with 382 reflections for $Ca_{18}Tl_{56}-X$ , and $R_1=0.046\;and\;R_2=0.045$ with 472 reflections for $Ca_{32}Tl_{28}$-X for which $/>3\sigma(I).$ In the structures of dehydrated $Ca_{18}Tl_{56^-}X\;and\;Ca_{32}Tl_{28}$-X, $Ca^{2+}\;and\;Tl^+$ ions are located at six crystallographic sites. Sixteen $Ca^{2+}$ ions fill the octahedral sites I at the centers of double six rings ($Ca_{18}Tl_{56}$-X:Ca-O=2.42(1) and O-Ca-O=93.06(4)$^{\circ}$; $Ca_{32}Tl_{28}$-X Ca-O=2.40(1) $\AA$ and O-Ca-O=93.08(3)$^{\circ}$). In the structure of $Ca_{18}Tl_{56}$-X, another two $Ca^{2+}$ ions occupy site II (Ca-O=2.35(2) $\AA$ and O-Ca-O=111.69(2)$^{\circ}$) and twenty six $Tl^+$ ions occupy site II opposite single six-rings in the supercage; each is 1.493 $\AA$ from the plane of three oxygens $(Tl-O=2.70(8)\AA$ and O-Tl-O=92.33(4)$^{\circ}$). About four $Tl^+$ ions are found at site II',1.695 $\AA$ into sodalite cavity from their three oxygen plane (Tl-O=2.81 (1) and O-Tl-O=87.48(3)). The remaining twenty six $Tl^+$ ions are distributed over site III'(Tl-O=2.82 (1) $\AA$ and Tl-O=2.88(3)$^{\circ}$). In the structure of $Ca_{32}Tl_{28}$-X, sixteen $Ca^{2+}$ ions and fifteen $Tl^+$ ions occupy site III' (Ca-O=2.26(1) $\AA$ and O-Ca-O=119.14(4)$^{\circ}$; Tl-O=2.70(1) $\AA$ and O-Tl-O=92.38$^{\circ}$) and one $Tl^+$ ion occupies site II'. The remaining twelve $Tl^+$ ions are distributed over site III'. It appears that $Ca^{2+}$ ions prefer sites I and II in that order and $Tl^+$ ions occupy the remaining sites.

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Effects of Molecular Weight of Polyethylene Glycol on the Dimensional Stabilization of Wood (Polyethylene Glycol의 분자량(分子量)이 목재(木材)의 치수 안정화(安定化)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Cheon, Cheol;Oh, Joung Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.71 no.1
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 1985
  • This study was carried out in order to prevent the devaluation of wood itself and wood products causing by anisotropy, hygroscopicity, shrinkage and swelling - properties that wood itself only have, in order to improve utility of wood, by emphasizing the natural beautiful figures of wood, to develop the dimensional stabilization techniques of wood with PEG that it is a cheap, non-toxic and the impregnation treatment is not difficult, on the effects of PEG molecular weights (200, 400, 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000, 6000) and species (Pinus densiflora S. et Z., Larix leptolepis Gordon., Cryptomeria japonica D. Don., Cornus controversa Hemsl., Quercus variabilis Blume., Prunus sargentii Rehder.). The results were as follows; 1) PEG loading showed the maximum value (137.22%, Pinus densiflora, in PEG 400), the others showed that relatively slow decrease. The lower specific gravity, the more polymer loading. 2) Bulking coefficient didn't particularly show the correlation with specific gravity, for the most part, indicated the maximum values in PEG 600, except that the bulking coefficient of Quercus variabilis distributed between the range of 12-18% in PEG 400-2000. In general, the bulking coefficient of hardwood was higher than that of softwood. 3) Although there was more or less an exception according to species, volumetric swelling reduction was the greatest in PEG 400. That is, its value of Cryptomeria japonica was the greatest value with 95.0%, the others indicated more than 80% except for Prunus sargentii, while volumetric swelling reduction was decreased less than 70% as the molecular weight increase more than 1000. 4) The relative effectiveness of hardwood with high specific gravity was outstandingly higher than softwood. In general, the relative effectiveness of low molecular weight PEG was superior to those of high molecular weight PEG except that Quercus variabilis showed more than 1.6 to the total molecular weight range, while it was no significant difference as the molecular weight increase more than 4000. 5) According to the analysis of the results mentioned above, the dimensional stabilization of hardwood was more effective than softwood. Although volumetric swelling reduction was the greatest at a molecular weight of 400. In the view of polymer loading, bulking coefficiency reduction of swelling and relative effectiveness, it is desirable to use the mixture of PEG of molecular weight in the range of 200-1500. To practical use, it is recommended to study about the effects on the mixed ratio on the bulking coefficient, reduction of swelling and relative effectiveness.

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Effect of Cellulose Derivatives to Reduce the Oil Uptake of Deep Fat Fried Batter of Pork Cutlet (셀룰로오스 유도체가 돈가스 튀김옷의 흡유량 감소에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Byung-Sook;Lee, Young-Eun
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.488-495
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    • 2009
  • Pork cutlet is a favorite deep fat fried food item among Korean children, and an excellent protein-containing food, and as well as a simple and economical cuisine. However, the frying process adds a significant amount of calories. We added MC (Methylcellulose) and HPMC (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose) to the batter in an effort to reduce oil uptake in prepared pork cutlets. After additions of MC and HPMC at concentrations of 0.5, 1, and 1.5% respectively, we assessed the viscosity of batter, color after frying, the increases in moisture retention and oil uptake, and sensory characteristics, comparing each quality. The viscosity of batter with 0.5% HPMC added (w/w) was similar to that of the controls, but the viscosity of all the batter with added MC was so much higher that it was difficult to use the batter for coating at the same temperature, leading to a failure even to prepare a sample. After frying, the batter with added HPMC provided significantly less oil uptake and more moisture retention than the batter to which MC was added. Additionally, with regard to color and sensory characteristics, the pork cutlet with 0.5% added HPMC was superior to the other samples. According to these results, we concluded that when cellulose derivatives are added in order to reduce oil uptake and to raise the moisture retention of the batter of pork cutlet, HPMC is more useful in this regard than MC. Additionally, the batter with 0.5% HPMC added appears to be the best of the tested choices, for three reasons: first, the viscosity of the batter is similar to that of the controls; second, the taste is not greasy after frying as the result of the reduced oil uptake and higher moisture retention; and third, the sensory characteristics of this sample, such as, color, crispiness, and hardness were the best among samples.