• 제목/요약/키워드: Joseon Korea

검색결과 1,060건 처리시간 0.027초

동양 미학적 관점에 의한 한, 일 여성 전통 복식의 미적 특성 고찰 -조선 후기와 에도(강호(江戶))시대 여성복식을 중심으로- (Aesthetic Characteristics of Korean and Japanese Women's Traditional Costumes from the Viewpoint of Oriental Aesthetics -Focusing on the late Joseon Period of Korea and the Edo Period of Japan-)

  • 이진민;김민자
    • 복식
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    • 제56권5호
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    • pp.132-149
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the theoretical view for the analysis of the aesthetic characteristics of dress from the viewpoint of oriental aesthetics. Also, this study examined the universality and particularity of aesthetic characteristics in Korean and Japanese women's traditional costumes. To establish the theoretical view for the aesthetic analysis of dress from the viewpoint of oriental aesthetics, this study examined the relationship between the internal spirit of human, culture and the external form of dress. Based on this consideration, the viewpoints for the analysis of dress formation were the 'Form' as the basic structure of the external formation of dress and 'the Ornamentation' as the emphasis of the artistic characteristics of dress. The common world view shared by Korea and Japan holds the thinking system that everything is created from 'not to bee(無)' to 'being(有)'. This view emphasizes the totality and circulation of energy called 'Ki(氣)'. According to this view, oriental culture has been developed by intuition and pleasure called 'Heung(興)'. Therefore, the form of the oriental culture includes ambiguity and emphasizes the total harmony. These characteristics appeared in dress as the design of ambiguity, asymmetry and concealment. The meaning of the ornamentation in oriental world was the unified harmony of diversity and the colors and patterns of oriental dress were used by the symbolic meaning of Yin-Yang & Wu-Shing (陰陽五行)s principles. On the basis of the world view of the Ki, Korean and Japanese women's traditional costumes commonly shared the aesthetic values of concealment, emptiness, and symbolism. Also, their costumes expressed the difference, especially in the ornamentation. Korean costume expressed the beauty of simplicity and naivety, and Japanese costume expressed the beauty of ornamentation and nonornamentatIon.

영조·정순왕후 가례에 사용된 보자기의 상징성과 생활문화적 의미에 관한 고찰 (Ceremonial Bojagi used in Yeongjo Jeongsun Wanghu's Royal Wedding in Living Culture Perspective)

  • 김효주;주영애
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제18권8호
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    • pp.353-365
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 1759년 6월에 거행된 영조와 정순왕후의 가례에서 사용된 물품 중 보자기에 관련된 내용을 조사하고, 명칭, 옷감, 크기 및 용도, 사용상황, 외형의 특징을 분류하여 정리하였다. 또한 "상방정례"와 "국혼정례"에 기록된 보자기 관련 자료와 "조선왕조실록"의 혼례 관련 기록의 정리를 통해 보자기의 외관 및 사용용도와 당대의 생활상을 비교 분석하여 보자기가 담고 있는 생활 문화적 가치와 상징적 의미를 분석하였다 .18세기는 유교적 의례문화가 확립되고 실행되던 시기였고 왕실의례는 유교이념을 따르고 실천하려는 왕실의 의지를 백성들에게 보이는 실행의 장이었다. 따라서 왕실의 가례절차에 사용되는 모든 물품은 기능적인 용도 외에 백성들이 본받고 따를 수 있는 유교적 예법을 표현하는 도구이기도 했다. 영조는 혼례에 사치를 경계하여 본인의 가례에 사용된 물품에 대하여 사치를 금한 기록이 있다. "영조정순왕후가례도감의 궤"에 기록된 보자기의 재질은 대부분 홍주(紅紬), 홍초(紅?), 대홍광적(大紅廣的) 등의 무늬가 없는 옷감으로 영조의 검소와 절약 의지를 나타내고 있다. 영조 정순왕후 가례에 사용된 보자기는 우리의 전통 의례용품인 동시에 전통의례에 깃들어 있는 성(誠)과 예(禮)의 가치를 표현하는 문화유산이다.

충남지역 역사문화자원을 활용한 지역축제 추진 방안 연구: 토정(土亭) 이지함(李之菡)의 걸인청(乞人廳)을 중심으로 (The Regional Festival Promotion Plan Utilizing Historical and Cultural Resources of the Chungnam Region: With a Focus on Tojeong Lee Ji-Ham's Geolincheong)

  • 오동일
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구의 목적은 토정 이지함과 걸인청이라는 역사문화자원을 토대로 충남 아산지역의 정체성 확립과 지역경제 활성화 등에 기여할 수 있는 지역축제의 추진 방안을 논의하는 것이다. 이를 위해 연구 방법론적으로 이지함과 걸인청 관련 역사적 자료와 설화의 내용을 총체적 관점에서 접근하여 콘텐츠 자원으로서의 가치를 창출하고자 노력했다. 이지함과 관련된 당대 문헌자료와 설화들을 살펴보면, 그는 시대를 초월한 기인이면서 동시에 백성의 구제와 자활, 국가의 균형적 발전을 위해 혁신적인 시대정신과 경제관념을 평생 동안 실천했던 지식인이다. 그러므로 본 연구를 통해 논의된 이지함의 걸인청을 기반으로 하는 지역축제는 그가 추구했던 시대정신과 사상을 현대적인 맥락에서 시공간적으로 구현하고 계승하는 문화콘텐츠 형식이자 장치적인 의미와 가치가 있다는 점을 알 수 있다.

수산 지역의 규회석과 그 용해 거동 (Wollastonite from and Its Dissolution Behaviors)

  • 김수진;현성필;이성근
    • 한국광물학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1996
  • Woolastonite from Susan occurs as intercalations in limestone beds of Lower Paleozoic Joseon Supergroup. It is a thermal metamorphic product of impure limestone. Electron microprobe analysis shows that it is considerably pure wollastonite. It has triclinic cell with a=7.932$\AA$, b=7.328$\AA$, c=7.069$\AA$, $\alpha$=89.995$^{\circ}$, $\beta$=$95.255^{\circ}$, and $ \Upsilon=103.367^{\circ}$.Dissolution behaviors of wollastonite have been studied conducting three different dissolution experiments; two different reactions with HC1 (one batch and one re-initialization experiment) and one traction with distilled water. In the batch type powder wollastonite-HCl reaction, pH of solution rapidly increases in the early stage and then its rate of increase slows down to reach plateau resulting in parabolic relationship with time. It is represented by the early rapid rise and fall in pH giving a sharp pH-edge and succeeding slow rise in the re-initialization experiment. The early rapid rise in pH is due to the rapid sorption of H- in solution to oxygens on the reactive surface of wollastonite and the fall in pH means that all reactive surface sites are occupied by H- ions and no more H- adsorption occurs. The slow rise in pH following the pH- edge is due to the dissolution of wollastonite as evidenced by the correlation of pH variation and cation concentration. Dissolution of powder wollastonite in HCl shows linear trend with time. Si is dissolved predominantly over Ca at a constant rate. Ca is dissolved predominantly in the very early stage. Dissolution rate of coarse-grained wollastonite fragments in distilled water is parabolic with times howing a rapid reaction in the early stage and a slow reaction in the advanced stage. The Ca/Si ratio in solution is high in the case of coarse-grained wollastonite fragment as compared with powder wollastonite. The coarse-grained wollastonite fragment-water (acid) reaction resulted in the solution with an elevated constant pH value (alkaline) giving an important significance on the environmental view point.

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4차 산업혁명 시대의 공연예술아카이브와 창조적 활용 (A Study of the Creative Application of Performing Arts Archives in the Fourth Industrial Revolution)

  • 최해리
    • 트랜스-
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    • 제6권
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2019
  • 공연은 현시되는 순간에 즉시 소멸하며, 오직 공연자의 몸과 관객의 기억 속에서만 남는 무형의 예술이다. 사라진 공연의 동일한 반복, 복원, 재현은 불가능하지만, 동서고금을 막론하고 예술가들은 자신들의 공연을 유형의 형태로 남기고자 당대 첨단의 기술을 동원하여 다양한 기록술(記錄術)을 시도해왔다. 이러한 기록술로 공연예술을 보존 및 활용하는 곳이 공연예술아카이브이다. 4차 산업혁명 시대를 맞이하여 선진국들의 라이브러리 기관들은 예술가들뿐만 아니라 일반인들의 창조적 행위를 후원하는 기관으로 변모하고 있다. 한국의 공연예술아카이브 기관들 또한 4차 산업혁명 시대에 발맞추어 공연자료를 보존하고 서비스한다는 고루한 사료보관소의 역할에서 벗어나서 새로운 문화콘텐츠를 창제하는 플랫폼으로 변환해 가야 할 것이다. 이 논문은 한국 공연예술아카이브의 변화양상을 요약하고, 4차 산업혁명 시대에 대응하는 공연예술 아카이브의 창조성에 대해 제시하고자 한다.

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위생(衛生), 매약(賣藥), 그리고 시점(視點)의 전이: 한국사회 생명정치 시선에 대한 고찰 (Viewpoints: Exploring the Biopolitical Gaze in South Korea)

  • 김태우
    • 과학기술학연구
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 2014
  • 본 논문이 주목하는 것은 서구에서 형성된 생명정치가 어떻게 한반도에서 전사회적으로 받아들여졌는가 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 구한말, 일제강점기의 주요 의료담론인 "위생"과 "매약"을 통해 생명정치 시선의 대두를 조망해 보고자 한다. 개항이전의 위생과 개항이후의 위생은 음도 같고 한자도 같지만 의미는 괄목할 만한 차이를 보인다. 그 의미의 간극에서 관찰되는 것은 1인칭에서 3인칭으로 전이된 몸을 바라보는 시점의 변화이다. 이 시점의 변화를 통해서 수동형의 몸과 몸에 개입하는 정치의 고리가 구축된다. 매약은 이러한 시점을 확대강화 시키며 구매 가능한 재화로서의 건강을 일상화시킨다. 위생과 매약은 과거의 담론과 실천이지만 결코 과거에만 남아있지 않다. 지금 한국의 의료체계가 바탕으로 하는 몸과 질병에 대한 관점이 위생, 매약과 깊은 연관을 가진다. 본 논문은 지금 한국사회의 강력한 의료담론인 검진의 예를 통해서 현재진행형인 위생, 매약 담론과 거기에서 관찰되는 한국사회 생명정치의 시선을 드러내보이고자 한다.

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조선시대 자수 규방공예품의 유형과 특성 (Types and Characteristics of Women's Embroidered Handicrafts of the Joseon Dynasty)

  • 권수연;장연주
    • 복식
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    • 제59권4호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the types of and figurative characteristics of in women's embroidered handicrafts of Korea. It also aims to revive Korean traditional beauty, to examine the applicability of Korean traditional design that has both modern beauty and practicality, and to develop Korean women's embroidered handicrafts. The types of women's embroidered of Korea include Jumoni (pouches), Bojagi (wrapping cloths), and other accessories made by sewing. Jumoni consisting of 55.51% of them was the most frequently used handicraft followed by Bojagi (8.66%), and other accessories (35.83%). In terms of the patterns used, animal pattern and plant pattern were used the most frequently. In addition, complex patterns using two or three patterns together(70.49) were more frequent than singular patterns (29.53%). Pictorial type of pattern arrangement (58.24%) was used the most frequently and dense type (39.76%) and sparse type (2.00%) were followed. In terms of the materials on which embroidery was used, Dahn (85.82%) was used the most frequently followed by wool (5.67%), cotton (4.26%), silk (3.55%), and Sa (0.70%). Various techniques of stitches were used such as outline stitch (40.56%), satin and running stitch (29.32%), French nut stitch (28.11%), long and short stitch (21.28%), double leaf stitch (20.88%), and so on. Among them, satin stitch (63.05%) was the most popular type of stitch techniques. Strings (23.56%), maedeup (Korean traditional knots, 8.62%), or tassels (9.77%) were also attached for the purpose of both practicality and of decoration. There were some cases that added cloissone or red-pepper shaped decorations.

기산풍속화를 통하여 본 한국 근대복식 고찰 (A Study of Modern Korean Costumes on Kisan Genre Painting)

  • 이호정;조우현
    • 복식
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    • 제62권4호
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2012
  • This study is intended to understand the styles, colors and color arrangements of costumes expressed on Kisan Kim Jun-geun's genre paintings of Joseon in the late 19th century. The paintings vary according to the status and gender of the person wearing the costume as well as the time period and different situations the person belongs to. Also, this study aims to examine the meaning and value of Kisan's paintings in terms of the history of Korean costumes. The result of this study are as follows: The basic and common attire for people of all status and class is the jeogori(jacket), baji(pants) for men and Banhoijang jeogori, chima(skirt) for women. Men wear Po(coat) that represents their status and age, and they put on various hats according to different weather conditions or work-skill even when in the same status and class. However, women wear the Baeja(vest), Durumagi(coat) and head-dresses when they are cold. Overall, the costume patterns and shapes that appear on Kisan's paintings show the same patterns and structures when compared to different data during the same time period. Thus, they provide useful information to help not only understand the changes of patterns and structures of costumes, but also the situations and emotions of the people of that time period. Moreover, it can be understood that various colors and color arrangements that reflect the situations and emotions of the late 19th century were used. This study that analyses the colors and color arrangements used in Kisan's genre paintings can provide the very basic and systematically arranged data to help understand the unique colors in Korea. These data can also provide important information to understand the use of dyes and pigments during that time. Therefore, Kisan's genre paintings are meaningful and valuable in terms of the history of Korean costumes for these are the data, from which we can review the costumes, colors and color arrangements in the years from 1890 to 1910.

여주박물관 소장 창녕조씨(1721~1742)묘 복식을 통해 본 여자저고리의 조형적 특성 (Characteristics of Woman's Jogori through the costumes excavated from ChangRyung Jo's family(1721~1742) grave and preserved in Yeoju Museum Gyeounggi Province, Korea)

  • 송미경
    • 복식
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    • 제62권6호
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    • pp.218-230
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    • 2012
  • The 25 pieces of women's jogori worn by ChangRyung Jo's family(1721~1742) that are preserved in Yeoju Museum, Gyeounggi Province, Korea were examined in this study. The aim of this study is to analyze women's jogori that were excavated from the grave of Changryung Jo's family, and to characterize women's costumes around the middle $18^{th}$ Century. The size of the jogori was divided into two groups. The garment length of the first group ranged from 31cm to 34cm and the bigger size ranged from 36.5cm to 40cm. The number of jogori in the group with the smaller size was twenty-five pieces and five pieces for the group with the bigger size. Changryung Jo's jogori was composed of two pieces of padded jogori, four pieces of quilted jogori and nineteen pieces of double layer jogori. Even though the direction of the margin located on back seemed point toward the right hand side, the gorum, the string for the tie, and the Sup, the outer gore of the jogori located on the other side of the margin had no pattern of direction. The line of jogori from the armhole gets narrower toward the edge of sleeves which could be recognized as a typical pattern of the middle $18^{th}$ Century jugori. The bigger group of jogori seemed to be worn by people other than ChangRyung Jo's relatives and used to be a gifts to aid in funerals. Major characteristics of jogori is could be categorized into the Dangko Mokpan collar jogori and Samhaejang jogori. The results of this study helps set the relative dating for the women's jogori of middle $18^{th}$ Century where not much excavations have been made.

종이변색균류의 배양적 특성 및 화학적 방법에 의한 변색제거 (Cultural characteristics of fungal species associated with deterioration or foxing of paper and chemical removal)

  • 조성은;김용태;정소영;조병묵;이종규
    • 한국펄프종이공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국펄프종이공학회 2009년도 춘계학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2009
  • The annals of Joseon dynasty, especially the volumes of King SeJong(1418-1450 A.D.), were heavily deteriorated by fungi. Investigations on the deteriorating and foxing fungi were carried out. Fungal structures on the beeswax, which were coated on the both side of Han-Ji, were suspected to be involved in the deterioration, and were observed by SEM. Isolation and culturing of these fungi were tried by scrubing swab samples and placing on the artificial media. Culture-independent approaches were used to identify the fungal strains associated with damages of beeswax and foxing of the paper by the analyses based on DNA sequences data from the specific ITS region of rDNA regions. In addition, well-known paper staining fungi(PSF), i.e., Aspergillus terreus var. terreus, Fusarium oxysporum, Chaetomium globosum, Cladosporium cladosporioides, and Alternaria solani, were compared in the mycelial growth and stain on beeswax and papers under different environmental conditions (temperature, light, moisture, etc). Fungal strains isolated from the air samples in the storage room and shelves were identified as Irpex sp., Arthrinium sacchari, Cladosporium tenuissimum, Aspergillus sclerotiorum, Sistotrema brinkmannii, and Hypoxylon bovei var. microsporum The isolated strains were compared in growth and stain patterns on beeswax and papers(Han-Ji, Hwa-Ji, and Yang-Ji) whether these can cause damage or foxing on the annals or not.

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