• Title/Summary/Keyword: Joint trace

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The effect of cathodic protection system by means of zinc sacrificial anode on pier in Korea

  • Jeong, Jin-A;Jin, Chung-Kuk
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.1206-1211
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    • 2014
  • This study has been conducted to confirm the effect of sacrificial anode cathodic protection system for 90 days to protect corrosion on pier that is located in Korea. The cathodically protected structure was a slab and a pile cap. Before the construction of cathodic protection system, the macrography was carried out. As a result of the macrography, many corrosion traces were confirmed in this structure. The trace was mainly focused on joint and zones that concrete cover was eliminated. To apply the cathodic protection system, many onsite techniques have been adopted. In addition, to confirm the inner state of steel in concrete properly, a corrosion monitoring sensor (DMS-100, Conclinic Co. Ltd) has been applied. Test factors were corrosion & cathodic protection potential, 4 hour depolarization potential, resistivity and current density. After 90 days from the installation of cathodic protection system, it could confirm that proper corrosion protection effect was obtained by considering the result of tests.

FCST, Its Foundation and Early History (FCST의 초기 역사)

  • Yin, Chang Shik;Lee, Young-Jun
    • Journal of TMJ Balancing Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.9-12
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: Functional Cerebrospinal Therapy (FCST) is a rather new physiologic therapeutics. It has passed about two decades since its basic idea was founded. This study briefly reviewed its early history. Methods: The first FCST patient was a stroke patient in the year 1992. Basic ideas of FCST was devised one by one and later developed into a systematic clinical application. The first official lecture was held in the year 2004. Yinyang balance in the meridian-system-based network over the whole body was a mainstay idea. Results: As other stories on newly-developed therapeutics, there was an effort to make a breakthrough for difficult clinical problems, and followed by a creative initial idea along with incessant refinement in the early history of FCST. Conclusions: Patient-centered approaches was a mainspring in the development and refinement of FCST. History of FCST hereafter may well follow the trace.

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A Study on the Extraction of Flood Inundated Scar of Rural Small Stream Using RADARSAT SAR Images (RADARSAT SAR 영상을 이용한 농촌 소하천주변의 침수피해지역 추정연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Seon;Park, Geun-Ae;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.300-305
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    • 2005
  • To trace the flood inundation area around rural small stream, RADARSAT image was applied because it has the ability of acquiring data during storm period irrespective of rain and cloud. For the storm of 9 August, 1998 in Anseong-cheon watershed, three temporal RADARSAT images before, just after and after the storm were used. After ortho-rectification using 5 m DEM, two methods of RGB composition and ratio were tried and found the inundated area in the tributary stream, Seonghwan-cheon and Hakseong-cheon. The inundated area had occurred at the joint area of two streams, thus the floodwater overflowed bounding discharge capacity of the stream. The progression of damage areas were stopped by the local road and farm road along the paddy.

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Study on Applicability of Stereophotogrammetry to Rock Joint Survey (입체사진측량기법의 암반절리조사에 대한 적용성 연구)

  • Han, Jeong-Hun;Song, Jae-Joon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.17 no.2 s.67
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2007
  • Stereophotogrammetry is a method to extract information of an interested area by constructing a stereo-image from two or more photos. In this study, the stereophotogrammetry was adopted to obtain the joint orientation and trace length from a sampling window and its measurements were compared with the result by a clinocompass and measuring tape to evaluate the applicability of the stereophotogrammetry to rock joint survey. A commercial stereophotogrammetry program, ShapeMetriX 3D, was used for this purpose. Firstly, the accuracy of the measuring method using ShpaeMetrix 3D was evaluated by a model test. Secondly, joint orientations on a rock slope and tunnel were obtained by using ShapeMetriX 3D and compared with the measurement by a clinocompass. Finally. the effect of base-depth ratio in photographing was evaluated by comparing images with various base-depth ratios, and the usefulness of closed-up photographing on a rock exposure to increase the measurement accuracy was tested. The dip and dip direction of each model plane obtained by ShapeMetriX 3D showed an error ranged between $-5^{\circ}\;and\; 5^{\circ}$ on the basis of the results by the measuring tape. Base-depth ratio proved not to influence the analysis result by ShapeMetriX 3D if all the images were taken without any hidden area. The close-up photographing turned out useful to obtain the detailed images and therefore precise result when ShapeMetriX 3D was adopted.

An Analysis of the Behavior of Rock Slope with Excavation-Induced Tension Cracks Located in DongHae Highway Construction Site (개착과정에서 인장균열이 발생된 동해고속도로 건설현장 암반사면의 거동 해석)

  • 조태진;이창영;고기성
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2004
  • Sliding aspects of rock slope, where large-scaled tension cracks are induced during preliminary excavation, have been analyzed. Structure of rock mass is investigated by performing the electrical resistivity survey and the orientations and positions of discontinuities are measured from DOM-drilled core log. Geological evidence far primary failure movement has been detected and clay minerals which possess swelling properties are identified through XRD analysis. Slope stability is examined by considering the orientations of discontinuities and their trace distributions on the cut-face and neighboring natural slope surface. Both orientations and positions of failure-invoking discontinuity planes, traces of which are exposed within the anticipated sliding region, are concerned fur analyzing the preferred sliding directions. Regional sliding vectors are assessed based on the relative positions of potential sliding planes in the boreholes and the general trend of anticipated failure movement of rock slope is also investigated.

Large Deformational Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Space Frames Considering Finite Rotations and Joint Connection Properties (유한회전과 접합부 특성을 고려한 공간프레임의 대변형 탄소성 해석)

  • Lee, Kyung Soo;Han, Sang Eul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.597-608
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, large-deformation elasto-plastic analysis of space frames that considersjoint connection properties is presented. This method is based on the large-deformation formula with finite rotation, which was developed initially for elastic systems, and is extended herein to include the elasto-plastic effect and the member joint connection properties of semi-rigid what?. The analytical method was derived from the Eulerian concept, which takes into consideration the effects of large joint translations and rotations. The localmember force-deformation relationships were obtained from the beam-column approach, and the change caused by the axial strain in the member chord lengths and flexural bowing were taken into account. The effect of the axial force of the member on bending and torsional stiffness, and on the plastic moment capacity, is included in the analysis. The material is assumed to be ideally elasto-plastic, and yielding is considered concentrated at the member ends in the form of plastic hinges. The semi-rigid properties of the member joint connection are considered based on the power or linear model. The arc length method is usedto trace the post-buckling range of the elastic and elasto-plastic problems with the semi-rigid connection. A sample non-linear buckling analysis was carried out with the proposed space frame formulations to demonstrate the potential of the developed method in terms of its accuracy and efficiency.

Numerical Ages and Petrological Characteristics of the Basalts designated as Natural Monument, Korea (국내 천연기념물 현무암체들의 형성시기와 암석학적 특징)

  • Yong-Un Chae;Cheong-Bin Kim;Sujin Ha;Jong-Deock Lim;Hyoun Soo Lim
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.449-471
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    • 2024
  • We investigated the radiometric ages and petrological characteristics of basaltic rocks with columnar joints, basalt gorge, pillow lava, and mantle xenolith, from the geoheritages designated as Natural Monuments of Korea in recognition of their historical, academic, and scenic excellence. A total of 7 Natural Monuments were selected. They are 'Basalt gorge along Daegyocheon Stream of Hantangang River', 'Basalt gorge and Bidulginangpokpo Falls of Hantangang River, Pocheon', 'Pillow lava in Auraji, Pocheon' distributed along the Chugaryeong Fault System, 'Peridotite xenolith-bearing basalt in Jinchon-ri Baengnyeongdo Island, Ongjin', 'Columnar joint in Daljeon-ri, Pohang', 'Columnar joint in Yangnam, Gyeongju', and 'Columnar joint along Jungmun and Daepo Coasts, Jeju'. They ranged in age from the Cenozoic Neogene Miocene to the Quarternary Pleistocene. Based on the composition of major elements, Hantangang Basalt corresponded to trachybasalt, Daljeon Basalt to phonotephrite, Eoil Basalt to sub-alkaline basalt, and Daepodong Basalt to alkaline basalt. And in the composition of trace and rare earth elements, only Eoil Basalt showed the characteristics of arc basalt, while the others showed the characteristics of oceanic island basalt.

Weathering Characteristics of On-Yang Gneiss using Ground Penetrating Radar (지표투과레이다(Ground Penetrating Radar)를 이용한 온양편마암의 풍화특성 고찰)

  • Shin, Sung-Ryul;Park, Boo-Seong;Jang, Won-Il
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1999
  • We investigated the weathering characteristics of On-Yang gneiss by means of geological survey and Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR). The results of geological survey and boring show the two sets of vertical joint and horizontal joint developed by foliation which is composed of salic and melanic layers. GPR section evidently shows foliation direction and differential weathering due to discontinuity and mineral composition of metamorphic rock. The GPR section for instantaneous phase attribute based on complex trace analysis evidently shows continuity and foliation direction of metamorphic rock. The strong reflection amplitude which is derived from the banded structure of weathered rock can be incorrectly interpreted as a reflection of bedrock. The depth of rock basement should be estimated from the overall exploration result such as boring, seismic method, and electrical resistivity method.

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Automatic Detecting of Joint of Human Body and Mapping of Human Body using Humanoid Modeling (인체 모델링을 이용한 인체의 조인트 자동 검출 및 인체 매핑)

  • Kwak, Nae-Joung;Song, Teuk-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.851-859
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose the method that automatically extracts the silhouette and the joints of consecutive input image, and track joints to trace object for interaction between human and computer. Also the proposed method presents the action of human being to map human body using joints. To implement the algorithm, we model human body using 14 joints to refer to body size. The proposed method converts RGB color image acquired through a single camera to hue, saturation, value images and extracts body's silhouette using the difference between the background and input. Then we automatically extracts joints using the corner points of the extracted silhouette and the data of body's model. The motion of object is tracted by applying block-matching method to areas around joints among all image and the human's motion is mapped using positions of joints. The proposed method is applied to the test videos and the result shows that the proposed method automatically extracts joints and effectively maps human body by the detected joints. Also the human's action is aptly expressed to reflect locations of the joints

Status of Membrane Filtration in Japan : Application for Water Supply

  • Minami, Katsuyoshi
    • Proceedings of the Membrane Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 1997
  • In Japan, the membrane filtration is becoming a common technology for municipal water supply system especially for small plant. 6 years before (1991), the national research project of membrane filtration for small plant has started. The project was named as "MAC 21", MEMBRANE AQUA CENTURY 21. In the project the Ministry of Health and Welfare, 8 universities and 18 water treatment plant companies have been involved. This was the first attempt to research a common theme in joint with government, universities and private companies. After three years, the guide line for membrane filtration application for small plant has been established. This has promoted to install some actual plant. And also, another joint research for "RESEARCH OF MEMBRANE FILTRATION FOR ADVANCED WATER TREATMENT" has started in 1994 and completed in March, 1997. The project was named as MAC21. In the former project the main objectives were removal of turbidity and bacteria from water. However, in new project the objective was establishment of the further advanced membrane filtration technology which would be applicable for trace chemical components removal such as tri-halo-methane pre-courser, agricultural chemicals removal, offensive smell and taste removal and virus removal. For the objectives, application of nanofiltration and hybrid-system, a combination of micro-filtration ultra-filtration with biological, ozone and activated carbon treatment process have been studied. In addition, application of membrane filtration for treatment of back-wash waste water originated from membrane filters and conventional sand filters has.been studied. At the end of March of this year, about 30 membrane filtration plants are actually supplying the water, the total treatment capacity is about 6,000 m$^{3}$/day and another 20 will be installed within one year.led within one year.

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